Search results

  1. Paleocon

    Influential Literature

    The following was written in 1790, yet remains relevant even today: "The literary cabal had some years ago formed something like a regular plan for the destruction of the Christian religion. This object they pursued with a degree of zeal which hitherto had been discovered only in the...
  2. Paleocon

    Influential Literature

    To my shame I have not yet read 1984 although through frequent discussions and references to it I am probably aware of many of the social control aspects of it. Still it is on my list after I get through De Tocqueville and Calhoun. One of my high school English textbooks contained Animal Farm...
  3. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    When you have screen-name like "tobyisgod" and advocate killing non-combatants you will have to expect some confusion about what your religion might be.
  4. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    Israel has never been our ally. We do much for them; they do nothing but hand us their list of enemies. An alliance would imply mutual benefit, but our relationship with Israel is entirely one-sided. Extreme Islam is only our problem because of our biased relationship with Israel. You mention...
  5. Paleocon

    Influential Literature

    With the two most active Happy Hour threads descending into banality I thought it might be nice to have a fresh thread around. I would like to know what literature has influenced everyone the most or at least what everyone enjoys reading. For me some of the most influential literature (other...
  6. Paleocon

    2009 Cincinnati Bengals

    From time spent on the Bengals message boards I can tell you Kelly is revered as the "best blocking TE in the NFL" despite the fact that Benson's good season occurred with Foschi and (T) Roland playing TE for the Bengals. The same sort veneration is granted to the lazy (FB) Jeremi Johnson...
  7. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    The issue isn't whether the Bible is true or literal or not. Symbolism or literalism is determined by examining the context of the passage, but making a broad generalization of that sort isn't relevant to the topic at hand. The issue is what does Christianity have to do with Zionism and what...
  8. Paleocon

    NON-Whites in White Roles

    On the bright side it will get the first black Spiderman and the first gay Spiderman out of the way in the same remake. The Glover character looks like a black model for Abercrombie, Hilfiger, or Ralph Lauren so I'm guessing he has bitten a few pillows to get where he is today. Edited by: Paleocon
  9. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    Christianity has nothing to do with Zionism. If you knew the Bible you would know that, in the times before Christ, God caused those early empires (and others) to rise up and conquer the Israelites for their habitual iniquity (if they were still God's chosen people would He not continue to...
  10. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    Yet the Jews were conquered or the territory of Israel has been ruled by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans (includes the Jewish Diaspora), Crusaders (briefly), Saracens, Turks, and British.
  11. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    I think shooting civilians in international waters would make the Jews "the aggressor."
  12. Paleocon

    Police State Redux

    The Constitution will be easily trumped. Some over-emotional Cultural Marxist will declare that "Hate is not a Right" and the sheeple will all nod in assent (not that it matters if they nod or not as the suppression will occur anyway). Edited by: Paleocon
  13. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    It seems more like Israeli overreach than anything "fishy" especially since I doubt anyone in the mainstream media will condemn the blockade itself. It is just too hard to spin shooting civilians in international waters so they will condemn that, but there will not be any actual...
  14. Paleocon

    Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

    If a Muslim country had done this we would have a carrier group parked off their coast already and the usual suspects would be clamoring for war. Israel does it and it has about the same weight as a Joe Biden gaffe.
  15. Paleocon

    Detroit Police Chief

    Of course the result will be payouts to black groups, mandatory sensitivity training for all officers, and requirements to hire more minority officers. They will not; however, stop "using military-style tactics and weapons to handle ordinary police actions."
  16. Paleocon

    Good Music Videos

    Here are a few folk metal songs I like: Victory Song- Ensiferum Wanderer - Ensiferum Lai Lai Hei - Ensiferum...
  17. Paleocon

    Freedom From White Guilt Certificate

    I only know of Sowell writing books and essays. I cannot recall ever seeing him on television so it is probably safe to say the average black does not even know who he is. You would probably have to explain Sowell's politics to them before they could actually hate him.
  18. Paleocon

    The 2nd Korean War

    I think at some point we will be at war with North Korea because at some point they are going to attempt to unify/invade the South. Until then, the elites want to stampede us into a war with Iran, who most likely doesn't have nuclear weapons, while putting a nation that does have nuclear weapons...
  19. Paleocon

    Interracial marriage

    On the other hand, the word marriage isn't an accurate description of the majority of black relationships.
  20. Paleocon

    More affirmative action stupidity

    I guess the administration's commitment to having the fire department put out fires is only a secondary concern.
  21. Paleocon

    Rand Paul elected.

    That is why I am not a libertarian. Libertarianism taken to its ideological conclusions is humanist and creates social atomization. The idea of culture would be very tenuous if not outright unsustainable in a libertarian society. It is a debatable point, but I kind of feel that Libertarianism...
  22. Paleocon

    Rand Paul elected.

    This is disappointing, but entirely expected. Paleoconservatives, constitutionalists, libertarians, etc. will always have to deal with the accusation of racism. It is the first issue the media will attack them over (other than neo-cons going after an anti-war personality). The Establishment...
  23. Paleocon

    Crist : "I'm a Good Conservative"

    Of course he probably still insists that he is a "good conservative." Too bad he could never explain what makes him a conservative, at least not to anyone with a notion of what a real conservative is. I am sure "good conservatives" like him and Lindsey Graham don't even know who Russell Kirk is...
  24. Paleocon

    Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law

    Then the DHS should be abolished for incompetence and for flagrantly ignoring the law. Really DHS should be abolished anyway, but the fact that they stubbornly refuse to serve any useful purpose makes it that much more obvious. Clearly the only mission DHS cares about is prolonging the "War on...
  25. Paleocon

    Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law

    From my understanding of Commerce Clause jurisprudence one state boycotting another state's products is unconstitutional. If it is just canceling contracts then Arizona should be awarded damages for breach of contract. Of course we cannot expect the Federal government to use the Commerce Clause...