Recent content by son_of_Radovan

  1. S

    NBA Draft

    Yes. Americans own the media and power. Edited by: son_of_Radovan
  2. S

    Demographer: "It's Over For Anglos"

    Because it's full of Mexicans. Regardless of who rules the sh*tpile, if it's full of non-Whites, it's always the same. (bold type added)
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    Wow. I didn't think you had it in you, johnnyboy. Sweet. Today Tel Aviv, tomorrow Hollywood (two prongs of the axis of evil )
  4. S

    CUT US aid to Israel???

    ...And Egypt's massive number of Arabic supporters (enabled by those Egypto-Christians) and their powerful lobbies, pressure groups (such as the Egyptian SPLC and the Egyptian ADL) can continue to make White skin a crime while propagandizing White women into hating White men and our youth into...
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    Gays and the Military

    Here's a reason to NOT join.Edited by: son_of_Radovan
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    2010 week 2

    This is an excellent observation and an equal question. While I would wish that such a book exists (for two reasons - first, it would be a powerful bit of evidence, and second, it would mean that fewer Whites are conditioned to respond in an anti-white manner than I feared) I do not believe...
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    Office of Minority and Women Inclusion

    Utterly unsurprising considering this is a full-scale genocide (if White women would awaken to this fact - they are included when "Whitey" is targeted...well, we can dream). It will continue, escalate, accelerate as long as there is no response.
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    Helen Thomas quits

    Their ability to stay in there is predicated on suicidal White self-sacrifice in the form of blood (Iraq, et al - and likely soon to be Iran) and treasure (billions per year in aid, high-tech weaponry, etc). Keep in mind, the entire time we sacrifice, they are attempting to exterminate us in...
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    Helen Thomas quits

    I agree in entirety with you, KP, et al, Bart, though I might use the analogy of wealthy abused whore constantly returning to the abusive little *rick.
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    Former NY Giant rapes 16 year old girl

    I cannot say how much I appreciate your fire, Thrashen. Some days, upon coming home from work (factory with >90% White male workers on midnight) I am convinced that only the weak remain; then I pass by here and read posts by select members and the experience is reinvigorating. My...
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    Eugene Terre Blanche RIP

    I do not ask for, nor do I care for media exposure and support; especially considering who the media are. I want us to stand up for us; rather than hope for international support (which for Whites in SA will never come from the United States or Europe, busy annihilating their own Whites) I...
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    Winter Olympics

    Slovenija gives the US women stiff competition... Tina Maze, 2x Silver Medalist 2010 - Super G and Giant Slalom
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    SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

    One day they will beg for forgiveness and there will...nay, must be none. Mt. St. Helens, 1977 Slumber need not lead to death.
  14. S

    SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

    (bold type added)