Recent content by speedster

  1. S

    Toby Gerhart

    Toby has to content with a hamstring injury this week as well,although not serious,but still a hassle.You know I get this feeling Toby just isn't happy doing his thing being in Minny.This past Sunday looking at him on the sideline and have you seen his headshot at guy looks...
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    White RBs and 100-yard games

    Good stuff,Reb and the rest of you guys.From what I can see you pretty much have every White 100 yard RB from the 70's listed although you may want to add Andy Johnson who had four century games for New England.Na Zdrowie.
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    White RBs and 100-yard games

    That list is kind of small,eh.Since Alstott had 3 in the late'90s why not include some other RB from that decade.Merrill Hoge had 4(two in the playoffs)although all but one occured in the late'80s.Close enough.Gil Fenerty had 2 and Brad Muster,Tommy Vardell and Scott Lockwood one a piece.Rick...
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    Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law

    Reading the comment section for many articles such as this is very pleasing to the eyes.Is the worm starting to turn,is there hope?Maybe.
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    Wladimir Klitschko vs Sam Peter II

    It's funny how Teddy Atlas would always go against Wlad no matter who he fought but now that Teddy is directly involved he is basically saying Wlad will win the fight.I think all those past predictions were just wishful thinking.
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    2009 Cincinnati Bengals

    Does anyone know who does the write-ups for the Pro Football Weekly Annual.Is it the teams own beat writers?The reason I ask this is because some joker who did the write-up for the Bengals actually wrote that Matt Jones was a possesion reciever and,get this,said Matt was not fast.#@(*&.I wonder...
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    South Africa World Cup 2010

    Do you see the Dutch mentality.With the game on the line and time running out the coach puts in Elia and shortly thereafter he puts in an afflete who had not played a minute during the tournament.Oh please save us great black superman from failing hands we pass you the torch.By the way did any...
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    South Africa World Cup 2010

    In the Toronto paper the Globe and Mail two days ago there were a couple of stories on the German team accompanyed with a photo.In this photo there were three German players warming up and two of them were Boateng and Aogo.Yesterday on the front page they had a photo of two Dutch players...
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    South Africa World Cup 2010

    I'll secound or third that word pollock used by Thrashen.I have a friend who uses that word and he thinks he's being funny.Lately I've called him out on it but I don't think he gets it.The word is Polish or Pole,thank-you.
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    Hall inductions!

    Inducting women into the Hall is ridiculous.There are only two nations that take women's hockey seriously and only one that really cares.The level of competiveness at the Olympics is a joke and here in Canada it is no more than Midget level of play.There are plenty of males who have done...
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    South Africa World Cup 2010

    What a beautiful day.Now let me see here,since Brazil won 3 out of 4 cups,culminating with their 1970 win,there have been 10 World Cups and Brazil has won 2 of them.Now that's good but hardly dominant.Now if they had won 8 of 10 then you could say the mongrel boys kick ass but they do not.As far...
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    Canada Day

    Well,it's birthday 143 for Canada and I have to tell you this is nothing more than a government and media gagfest as multiculturalism and diversity are rammed down everyone's throat.There will be many stories saying how some 50 years ago are country was white bread and dull and by adding all the...
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    South Africa World Cup 2010

    Losing to Ghana was the worst thing that could've happened.This is the secound time the Americans have lost to the Ghanians and it will be looked at as a black team beating a mostly White team.And how do you combat that?Well you fill your roster with black supermen of course.Same thing with...
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    South Africa World Cup 2010

    Interesting discusion about who is White and the racial make-up of the teams.Watching the CBC broadcast of the Greece-Nigeria game the commentator mentioned how the light-skinned Nigerian was born in Tashkent,which I think is in Uzbekiztan,and would have played for Russia had they...
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    David Lemieux

    Yup,that Atlas sure is an idiot.First he said watch out for Lemieux's left then after the secound knockdown he said watch for the right as it turns out it was the left that ended it so with that type of logic he can't be wrong since he only has two arms unless of course Lemieux starts using his...