Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law

The (PTB controlled) MSM demonizes a patriot doing the job (that the co-opt'd fedgov won't) of protecting our borders (& thus sovereignty) from the scourge of invaders...

Man with "Neo-Nazi" ties leading patrols in AZ


By MICHELLE PRICE, Associated Press Writer Michelle Price, Associated Press Writer â€" 2 hrs 54 mins ago

PHOENIX â€" Minutemen groups, a surge in Border Patrol agents, and a tough new immigration law aren't enough for a reputed neo-Nazi who's now leading a militia in the Arizona desert.

Jason "J.T." Ready is taking matters into his own hands, declaring war on "narco-terrorists" and keeping an eye out for illegal immigrants. So far, he says his patrols have only found a few border crossers who were given water and handed over to the Border Patrol. Once, they also found a decaying body in a wash, and alerted authorities.

But local law enforcement are nervous given that Ready's group is heavily armed and identifies with the National Socialist Movement, an organization that believes only non-Jewish, white heterosexuals should be American citizens and that everyone who isn't white should leave the country "peacefully or by force."

"We're not going to sit around and wait for the government anymore," Ready said. "This is what our founding fathers did."

An escalation of civilian border watches have taken root in Arizona in recent years, including the Minutemen movement. Various groups patrol the desert on foot, horseback and in airplanes and report suspicious activity to the Border Patrol, and generally, they have not caused problems for law enforcement.

But Ready, a 37-year-old ex-Marine, is different. He and his friends are outfitted with military fatigues, body armor and gas masks, and carry assault rifles. Ready takes offense at the term "neo-Nazi," but admits he identifies with the National Socialist Movement.

"These are explicit Nazis," said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project. "These are people who wear swastikas on their sleeves."

Ready is a reflection of the anger over illegal immigration in Arizona. Gov. Jan Brewer signed a controversial new immigration law in April, which requires police, while enforcing other laws, to question a person's immigration status if officers have a reasonable suspicion that the person is in the country illegally.

But Brewer hasn't done enough, Ready said, and he's not satisfied with President Barack Obama's decision to beef up security at the border.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said there haven't been any incidents with the group as they patrol his jurisdiction, which includes several busy immigrant smuggling corridors. But Babeu is concerned because an untrained group acting without the authority of the law could cause "extreme problems," and put themselves and others in danger.

"I'm not inviting them. And in fact, I'd rather they not come," Babeu said. "Especially those who espouse hatred or bigotry such as his."

Law enforcement officials said patrols like Ready's could undercut the work of the thousands of officers on duty every day across the border, especially if they try to enforce the law themselves in carrying out vigilante justice.

Ready said his group has been patrolling in the desert about 50 miles south of Phoenix, in an area where a Pinal County Sheriff's deputy reported he was shot by drug smugglers in April.

Bureau of Land Management rangers met Ready's group during one patrol, and they weren't violating any laws or looking for a confrontation, said spokesman Dennis Godfrey.

The patrols have been occurring on public land, and militia members have no real restrictions on their weaponry because of Arizona's loose gun laws.

The militia is an outgrowth of border watch groups that have been part of the immigration debate in Arizona. Patrols in the Arizona desert by Minutemen organizations brought national attention to illegal immigration in 2004 and 2005.

Such groups continue to operate in Arizona, and law enforcement officials generally don't take issue with them as long as they don't take matters into their own hands.

Border Patrol spokesman Omar Candelaria said the agency appreciates the extra eyes and ears but they would prefer actual law enforcement be left to professionals.

Former Minutemen leader Al Garza recently created the Patriot's Coalition, which uses scouts and search-and-rescue teams to alert the Border Patrol and provide first aid to illegal immigrants.

Depending on the availability of volunteers and the scouts' evidence of border crossers, patrols can vary from several times a week to once a month, Garza said. The operation is about 500 people, and includes a neighborhood watch program, legislative advisers and a horseback patrol, he said.

Technology, rather than manpower, is the focus of Glenn Spencer's American Border Patrol. The group is based at his ranch near the border. The five-man operation flies three small airplanes to ensure that the Border Patrol is present and visible along the international line.

Spencer also uses Internet-controlled cameras and works with a group called Border Invasion Pics, which posts photos of people they suspect are crossing illegally.

"Sitting out there with a bunch of volunteers looking for people is generally a tremendous waste of people and time," Spencer said. "And it's also dangerous."

Ready said he's planning patrols throughout the summer.

"If they don't want my people out there, then there's an easy way to send us home: Secure the border," he said. "We'll put our guns back on the shelf, and that'll be the end of that."

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
More MSM besmirchment of Americans willing to defend our borders from the illegal invasion (the job that the PTB has refrained it's fedgov puppets from doing).

CBS : "Armed Neo-Nazis" Patrolling the Border

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
More MSM besmirchment of Americans willing to defend our borders from the illegal invasion (the job that the PTB has refrained it's fedgov puppets from doing).

CBS : "Armed Neo-Nazis" Patrolling the Border

They always have to use the word Nazi. They said the group is a white seperatist group. This was pretty much a white country in 1970 with a small % of blacks that most people didn't really come in contact with.

At least the reporter used illegal alien and not undocumented immigrant.
The whole affair at this point is interesting. It doesn't look to me now as if this judge is going to grant an injunction against implementation of the law. If it goes into affect, there will most certainly be other laws inacted in other states. The fedgov's got a real sticky wicket of their own making on their hands here.

Tom Iron...
Reading the comment section for many articles such as this is very pleasing to the eyes.Is the worm starting to turn,is there hope?Maybe.
I love the great news...God bless Arizona in their stand against the illegal invasion!

Invaders Prepare for Enforcement of AZ Law

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
i am confused ... how is it "legal" for a judge to block enforcement of a law that is already on the federal books? the Arizona law only makes the federal law enforced at the state level, if i recall correctly. besides, what kind of "justice" is it to prevent "law" enforcement officers to not punish criminal acts ... such as being in the country ILLEGALLY?!?!?!

yep, what a great watchdog of "our" rights this judge is ... it is apparent that according to "our" "elected" leaders,this nation's borders and the rights and well being of its citizenry takes a back seat to the vermin who illegally cross said borders and endanger said well being.

what did John F. Kennedysay? "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible willmake violent revolution inevitable."
Very well put my friend. Nothing makes sense anymore. Our founding fathers must be rolling around in their graves seeing what has happened to this once great nation of ours.
If judges are blocking laws that are put in place to protect our borders then what where will this country end up? I'll tell you where. This country will soon become a third world country and the PTB have allowed this. The government is more interested about the "rights" of illegal invaders than the welfare and future of this country. Ohh yeah and our great president wants to make the illegals legal as well.
Looks like this will suffer the same fate as Prop. 187 "The last gasp of Whites in California." Our jew-dicial system simply overrides the will of the people. Are you angry yet, White man?

There's no way we can work within the current system to affect positive changes for Whites. Our enemies are so deeply entrenched at every level. The system has to be replaced. The One Party System has to be replaced. Unless someone is explicitly pro-White they are not our friend. The time for apologizing and weasel-talk is long over. We're in a war here, one we've been losing for 50+ years.
whiteathlete33 said:
The government is more interested about the "rights" of illegal invaders than the welfare and future of this country.

Actually the powers-that-be have no interest in the "rights" of anyone. They are only interested in diluting or liquidating the middle classes in order to create a society of entrenched managerial elites and a permanently dependent underclass. History and culture have made the issue a racial/ethnic one even if it is not explicitly declared. In particular our English tradition of chartered rights that focuses on life, liberty, and property must be erased or radically altered into vulgar banality focused primarily on abortion, perverted sex, and unnatural relationships. To effectively efface such traditions the ruling class employs mass immigration of peoples with no connection or veneration for these traditions. Subversive education, propaganda, and accusations of racism renders the native population hesitant to resist the encroachment. Charges of racism are so quickly made because the respective races of the parties involved are first on the minds of the powers-that-be. They are consciously using non-white immigration to displace whites, or more specifically, to eradicate white traditions they find obstructive to the leviathan state.
Run Stuffing LB said:
Looks like this will suffer the same fate as Prop. 187 "The last gasp of Whites in California." Our jew-dicial system simply overrides the will of the people. Are you angry yet, White man?

There's no way we can work within the current system to affect positive changes for Whites. Our enemies are so deeply entrenched at every level. The system has to be replaced. The One Party System has to be replaced. Unless someone is explicitly pro-White they are not our friend. The time for apologizing and weasel-talk is long over. We're in a war here, one we've been losing for 50+ years.

Agreed! The system has been thoroughly corrupted. By stealth our own government has been turned against us. Human nature is often controlled by rewards and punishment. Those opposing us have always been handsomely rewarded for their treachery.No downside at all.It is only racially aware White men who feel the boot on the neck. We need to turn this around by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. The ruling class has had no reason to fear our COLLECTIVE wrath!! Until they do all things will remain as they are.
has anyone read The Camp of the Saints? i've not, but i probably should ... it is a scarily accurate visionof what has been developingin the West.
Paleocon said:
whiteathlete33 said:
The government is more interested about the "rights" of illegal invaders than the welfare and future of this country.
Actually the powers-that-be have no interest in the "rights" of anyone.  They are only interested in diluting or liquidating the middle classes in order to create a society of entrenched managerial elites and a permanently dependent underclass.  History and culture have made the issue a racial/ethnic one even if it is not explicitly declared.  In particular our English tradition of chartered rights that focuses on life, liberty, and property must be erased or radically altered into vulgar banality focused primarily on abortion, perverted sex, and unnatural relationships.  To effectively efface such traditions the ruling class employs mass immigration of peoples with no connection or veneration for these traditions.  Subversive education, propaganda, and accusations of racism renders the native population hesitant to resist the encroachment. Charges of racism are so quickly made because the respective races of the parties involved are first on the minds of the powers-that-be.  They are consciously using non-white immigration to displace whites, or more specifically, to eradicate white traditions they find obstructive to the leviathan state. 

Outstanding summarization!

The puppets on "Crapitol sHill" (save for a few patriots like Ron Paul, Duncan D. Hunter, Jimmy Duncan & Walter B. Jones) have been totally co-opt'd by the Globalist Elite/PTB. They've sold us down the river. In my estimation it IS about eliminating the middle class to more quickly implement their Orwellian dystopia (whilst tearing down our sovereignty). The allowance of the mass invasion is to water down our society via tearing down our infrastructure, burdening the taxpayers & stamping out White influence.
Today's decision was extremely upsetting and frustrating. I don't even know what kind of a country we're living in anymore. It gets worse and worse everyday. Here we have a leftist, liberal, appointed judge who has the power to completely ignore and overturn the will of the people of a soverign state, and apparently, there's nothing that can be done about it. So, now, we have to go thru a lengthy legal process with a trial and appeals, all at the tax-payers expense, while the illegal invasion continues full-speed.

The left wants to balkanize and tribalize this nation to ultimately achieve their multi-cultural agenda. It's a typical divide and conquer strategy which is proceeding at full-speed thanks to deep pocketed radical organizations and sold-out politicans who are destroying this country. Once the turd-world invasion is complete and the middle class is destroyed, the PTB will have finally accomplished their goal of eliminating the one and only threat to their dominance, a powerful, majority white United States of America.

I'm trying to get some positive out of this, hoping that white people finally wake-up and realize what's going on. There are a lot of angry people out there today over what happened, and I hope the Tea Party movement can feed off this and gain some additional momentum.
The state of AZ is appealing the decision tommorow morning. It will go to San Francisco to be heard there. They are also asking if they can enforce that law immediatley until it is ruled unconstitutional. I doubt they will get their wish but at least they are trying. It could take years to get to the supreme court. Even if it does, Obama has them in his back pocket. The Supreme Court is not going to go against Washington D.C. It's just not going to happen. Sad times to be an american. Edited by: white lightning
Does anyone know what sort of time frame are we looking at here before this makes it to the supreme court?
American Freedom News