Joe Biden's America

One of the last things the writer said is talking about the BEAST SYSTEM. It's being used comonly and it all has to do with Satan
and the Antichrist System. Anti God, Anti Jesus(Christ), Anti Marraige, Anti Family, Anti Freedom, etc. etc.

Utah is so bad they are taxing cars for how many miles they drive on the electric cars. They are gonna take your money from every angle
and make us all world wide slaves. there is no left/ right. It's all the UNIPARTY. May God help us.
They want Chineese Style Communism for the World with a Social Credit System. We will have zero rights if they win and so far they
are in cruise control just like the Bible predicted. Watch this video for an example of what China deals with. Coming to us soon if they
are not stopped!

I’m not so sure that using China as an example of how bad things can get here is valid. I say this because in many ways the US is already worse than China.

Whatever else you may say about China, one thing you cannot say is that they don’t put their people first overall. The US on the other hand is governed by people who have no qualms whatsoever about letting anyone and everyone into the country.
Banning dairy, meat and all cars & trucks by 2030? Anyone here been in some of these burgs lately? New Orleans? Philadelphia? They are as lawless as some town in Liberia. They are not law abiding Wakandas. I can't see the riffraff in those cities forced to abandon all that. The Chinese meekly bow and accept Big Brother with open arms but this'll be a bit different.
They took over some Amish Farms in a raid today. I'm disgusted by everything these days. Welcome to Communism and we haven't
even seen the tip of the iceburg yet. We are in big trouble brothers. They want to take all of our freedoms away forever!
Interesting. Haven't figured out Bongino yet..

And read that tonight's GOP debates are expected to generate over 80 mln viewers. I won't be one of them.
“Debates”. What a complete abuse of the English language to call these staged farces debates.
“Debates”. What a complete abuse of the English language to call these staged farces debates.

When will be realise that it's SELECTION and not Election. Also it's the UNIPARTY anyway. Some people
sadly will never wake up and the hour is late and time is short. Freedom is dieing to the COMMUNISTS!

We must find a way to stop this or many of us will be taken out. Look at HISTORY to know what happens to US.
Yes Tucker Carlson has mentioned in and I salute him for that. Andrew Torba has also talked about it alot. We need more push back
than just these few guys. I could see either of these 2 running for president in 2028. I prefer Torba but would be happy either way. Unless
of course you want to run Don. I will be your campaign manager. :p
Mark Dice is also fantastic but far less a well-known.
14 Cities across the United States are the first major cities to ban dairy, meat and all cars & trucks by 2030.

That is ********. No state, city, country is legally bound to the WEF.

They may feel they are, but no - the WEF actually holds no power, only public perception/influence.
great message as it cements how much political power Israel has over the US. But, Haley isn't an Indian visually to most people.. she's much lighter than most Greeks or Persians I know.

Also, good call out to the poster above mentioning Mark Dice. I'd advise those who haven't watched him to check him out on YT.
great message as it cements how much political power Israel has over the US. But, Haley isn't an Indian visually to most people.. she's much lighter than most Greeks or Persians I know.

Also, good call out to the poster above mentioning Mark Dice. I'd advise those who haven't watched him to check him out on YT.

Haley is another of the WEF's Young Global Leaders.
Okay. When little sweetheart's car need repairs, or her pipes burst, or she needs electrical work done, or any other "guy stuff" how about an app for that?

White heterosexual christian males are the enemy of the n.w.o. All they push is filth. Part of their goals is to destroy family, marraige,
religion, nationalism, etc. etc. It was even said by many high up leaders and it's on record that no one will be part of the new world order
without first taking an oath to serve Satan. Yes this is 100 percent true. Love what you said Hock. many women that hate men will cry, bitch
and moan when they need us and when we are not there as we've been caste aside. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

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