Joe Biden's America

White American men are very lonely and isolated:

Agreed going to get worse before it gets better. No politician will even dare mention Whites as a group, unless in a negative way.

It's gonna be very hard over the coming years but we must let the system die and then work on rebuilding. In the rebuilding
we must make sure these things in society are controlled or we will quickly end up right back in the same place. It's sad times
for those of us that remember how America at one time was the best country on earth. We must rebuild someday. The Soviet
Union fell and the people went through really bad times for decades but now Russia is back. It can and must be done!
I am proud to say when I was physically able to do so, I march in over 150 marches in 17 different states and I did it thinking I was helping bring attention to unaware Whites who couldn't see what our country was becoming. I marched with as few as a dozen people and as many as 2,000 down Capital BVLD. in Raleigh, N.C. I lost wives, children, and most of my friends who couldn't understand why I was doing what I was doing. I was doing it for the future of the White race. I guess we failed.
I am proud to say when I was physically able to do so, I march in over 150 marches in 17 different states and I did it thinking I was helping bring attention to unaware Whites who couldn't see what our country was becoming. I marched with as few as a dozen people and as many as 2,000 down Capital BVLD. in Raleigh, N.C. I lost wives, children, and most of my friends who couldn't understand why I was doing what I was doing. I was doing it for the future of the White race. I guess we failed.
Thank you brother for what you’ve done for our people in decades past. Don’t throw in the towel just yet, as I think there is more racial awareness amongst Whites than I’ve seen in my nearly 40 years. People I never expected are starting to say and think the things we were maybe 10 years ago. Reality and insane leftists are redpilling them better than we ever could.
I am proud to say when I was physically able to do so, I march in over 150 marches in 17 different states and I did it thinking I was helping bring attention to unaware Whites who couldn't see what our country was becoming. I marched with as few as a dozen people and as many as 2,000 down Capital BVLD. in Raleigh, N.C. I lost wives, children, and most of my friends who couldn't understand why I was doing what I was doing. I was doing it for the future of the White race. I guess we failed.
Chin up, bud. White race hasn't failed!
How Biden never gets called out on this I don't understand. A blatant lie that he should be removed from office for.


Sad read. Now "Slipsliding Away" is playing in my mind.
These Biden “pratfalls” appear to be political theater. Probably one of his body doubles. Not sure what is the end game, but it certainly gets the MAGA Republicans lathered up. Part of the humiliation ritual for the fall of the American empire.
That's a frightening thought. Many of these blue haired, reparations demanding, multiple pronoun people cannot even be slightly reasoned with. They are fanatical in their beliefs. You talk about alienation: just try listening in to some of their conversations. Your IQ hemorrhages points just by the micro second of exposure to them.

A lot of information there that I was not aware of. So far as I know of there is no concrete evidence that Favre was aware that funds for the project were from the TANF program. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
That's a frightening thought. Many of these blue haired, reparations demanding, multiple pronoun people cannot even be slightly reasoned with. They are fanatical in their beliefs. You talk about alienation: just try listening in to some of their conversations. Your IQ hemorrhages points just by the micro second of exposure to them.
Agreed. That's how communists have always been as it's not a political identity. It's a religion. They're religious zealots..
I learned many years ago that you cannot debate with a liberal. They will never lose in their minds. They lie, cheat, steal and do
anything necessary to win the debate in their minds. They refuse to admit defeat. There is no waking them up. Maybe a few but
the majority are in a brainwashed Woke Commie Cult. I do see alot of pushback though. The Woke Movement will eventually die
out once the two huge companies that finance these companies to push the Woke Agenda. These companies still make money but
only because they are propped up. Once the financing stops the Wokeness stops. Even Xbox only had the Pride Logo for a few days
and then removed it. It's like a pendulum and it will eventually swing the other way. The communism system of totalitarian control is
another problem that won't be so easy to defeat.
I could be wrong but I believe BlackRock has investments in many of these companies pushing globohomo.

Yes along with Grayscale. They run the world. Trust me. They own everything and whatever they want gets pushed or they put the
companies out of business. Way too powerful. We live in a a real life game of monopoly and they own boardwalk and park place
along with everything on the board.
This is a 2 hour documentary about the hidden history of America. It's worth the watch for those who have the time.

American Freedom News