Another ESPN jerk

BSPN doesn't seem fazed. They just keep doubling down on Anti White hatred, Black Power, Globohomo propaganda. Good to see them slowly bleed out though. It seems there is an article like this every year, last 10 or so years.
I don’t watch news, because it’s 99% lies and propaganda. And, even if it were true that someone shot up a bunch of children for no reason, why do I need to know about it. There’s nothing I can do about it. The “news” only serves to antagonize, divide, depress, and upset its viewers with wars, murder, tragedy, disasters and garbage. That said, if I want 24 hours of talk about dead school children, there are dozens of “news” channels to watch. However, if I want to watch sports, I turn to ESPN. But they had to become a “news” channel and have their sports reporters yammer on about the shooting hoax all day. I can’t change the channel fast enough to get away from it. Rest assured, whatever agenda is being pushed will always be front and center on the sports networks, regardless of any relation to sports. Sports is a tool of propaganda and social manipulation. Although I am impervious to the BS, I still can’t stand it.
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Good throwback type rant by Clay Travis about black idiot Howard Bryant. Outkick predictably became much less edgy after being bought out by Fox, but Travis's contempt for Bryant and America-hating ESPN shines through here:

Yes, that was a good read. Outkick is way too normie-con for me, but they are still the best “mainstream” sports outlet and occasionally hit one out of the park.
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USAToday running stories on discrimination against blacks in head coaching. If any member here has a twitter account this is a perfect opportunity to join me on the offensive to call out the blatant Anti-White discrimination that permeates in the league.

USAToday running stories on discrimination against blacks in head coaching. If any member here has a twitter account this is a perfect opportunity to join me on the offensive to call out the blatant Anti-White discrimination that permeates in the league.

Hi there Leonardfan,
I am not on Twitter but second your opinion and encourage others to join in and address the hypocrisy and take the opportunity that our enemies often present to counter their own false narratives. Good on ya.
After suffering through tonight’s UF and FSU matchup I’d like to nominate Brock Osweiler as another espn jerk. His commentary is just godawful and his slobbering over a guy like Anthony Richardson the entire game who frankly isn’t even as good as Jordan Travis (who is no world beater) is nauseating.
Bum Mike Tannebaum just questioned Jack Campbell’s 1st rd selection. LOL questions his athleticism, based on what? He doesn’t give any examples. Pure anti White hit Job without even having any facts to back it up. Caste cuck 101.
Bum Mike Tannebaum just questioned Jack Campbell’s 1st rd selection. LOL questions his athleticism, based on what? He doesn’t give any examples. Pure anti White hit Job without even having any facts to back it up. Caste cuck 101.
You see this on social media or just bspn? If social media post the link and I’ll call him out.
Will McDonald IV : 36" vertical, 11 broad, 4.7 40, 6'4", 239 lbs., 15th pick;

Jack Campbell : 37 1/2" vertical, 10'8" broad, 4.65 40, 6'5", 249 lbs., 18th pick.
You see this on social media or just bspn? If social media post the link and I’ll call him out.
BSPN in the 5 minutes I watched this morning lol. To be expected but still good to document the haters.
Re: Campbell, you know that kind of thing probably followed him his entire life, just like a ton of other people.

Just to bore you guys with a personal anecdote, when I was 12 years old I lived in Chapel Hill, NC, where my dad was an assoc. professor at UNC. The Chapel Hill rec. department had what they called the Midget Football League for kids. There were about 10 teams, and they divvied up players by lining them up in 10 guy heats to run about 50 or 60 yards. Each team got so many 1st place runners, second place runners, etc.

I won my heat by a long distance, with the second place runner being a black guy. The guy at the finish line pointed to the black guy and said, "Here's this heat's winner." It took a couple of other guys to convince him that that guy wasn't the winner, and the finish judge who seemed to be blind was white.

At first I entertained the thought I had turned invisible, lol, as I'd started reading a lot of science fiction. My story is just one in infinite number. Probably some of you guys have even much worse stories.
The best part is that now if you and that kid were both applying for the same job you’d be equally invisible!
Lots of layoffs as BSPN today - Suzy Kolber, Jalen Rose, Jeff Van Gundy, Max Kellerman (oy vey!), Keyshawn Johnson so far.
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