
Here is a video showing the truth of the shape of the earth and God's Firmament(Glass Canopy) above the whole earth. This is why we can never go to the moon or any other planet. This video and many others is deleted 1000's of times but people get reuploading it to try to tell the truth.

The moon landings were indeed extremely difficult, but that's what makes it such an amazing and praiseworthy achievement.

We made incredible advances in many ways during the first decades of the 20th century. In many ways, society has been declining since the 1960s. The leadership in Western countries no longer have the will nor the courage to accomplish great things. Any leader who tries is constantly undermined and disparaged by the (((media))). It was Trump a couple of years ago, now they are going after Musk.

We think of civilization as always advancing. But it's not always so. The Roman Empire was more advanced in the last century BC than Italy and other Western European countries were in the 8th and 9th centuries. That's why during the Renaissance the scholars returned to Greek and Roman sources - it was a time for the rebirth of philosophy and science.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) was among the first to recognize the fact of our planet being a round sphere. He observed lunar eclipses and noticed that only a round sphere could imply a circular shadow. This astronomical observation was confirmed by general observations made at sea. Aristotle listed several arguments for a spherical Earth: for example, ships disappear hull first when they sail over the horizon, and different constellations are visible at different latitudes.
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Aristotle listed several arguments for a spherical Earth: for example, ships disappear hull first when they sail over the horizon, and different constellations are visible at different latitudes.

I'm not a flat earther, but I am familiar with some of the arguments, just as I am interested in the arguments of those who believe the moon landings were faked. The older I get and the more I see how people are manipulated from birth to death by propaganda, advertising, Big Lies, censorship and marginalization tactics, and other forms of mass persuasion, the more open-minded I become about just about everything.

The hulls of ships disappearing first is easily explainable by the law of perspective and the limitations of the human eye:

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Here's some push back on your reply which I know you hate, but nevertheless deserve.

I don't know why you brought up the "nuts" that credit blacks for advances they had nothing to do with, I didn't bring up anything of the sort, I brought up the people that demonize or belittle past accomplishments of Whites. Like yourself in this case.

You say if the moon landings were faked it's not white people that are responsible but the "government". Some shadowy collection of unidentified people. But nearly everyone who was in government at that time was White. So it would have to be a White thing as we are talking about the collusion of literally millions of White people in a decades long conspiracy that most would have taken to their grave.

As far as not knowing about moon landing skepticism, that is completely not true. Heck I purchased the VHS "Was it a paper moon?" years ago, and know every argument of those that believe in conspiracy theories about the moon landings. For instance, the radiation of the Van Allen Radiation belts: The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission-to-mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads (1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv)[c]per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.

The science supporting that the landings happened is extensive, including pictures from Japanese and Chinese probes.

It's curious that on a site that questions the intentional demeaning of White athletes that there would be support for a point of view that denies the seminal achievement of our people.

Note that just because someone does not endorse every one of the dozens of conspiracies put forth does not make someone a blind supporter of everything the government does.
The term conspiracy was created by the CIA to discredit anyone trying to reveal the truth. Here is where we are headed with "The Great Reset" It's worldwide communism and to all the secret societies that helped them
to achieve their one world govt goals, the majority of them will also become slaves. They are just used as tools for world domination in a 1 world govt, 1 world religion(fake A.I.) and 1 world currency.

Here's some push back on your reply which I know you hate, but nevertheless deserve.

I don't know why you brought up the "nuts" that credit blacks for advances they had nothing to do with, I didn't bring up anything of the sort, I brought up the people that demonize or belittle past accomplishments of Whites. Like yourself in this case.

You say if the moon landings were faked it's not white people that are responsible but the "government". Some shadowy collection of unidentified people. But nearly everyone who was in government at that time was White. So it would have to be a White thing as we are talking about the collusion of literally millions of White people in a decades long conspiracy that most would have taken to their grave.

As far as not knowing about moon landing skepticism, that is completely not true. Heck I purchased the VHS "Was it a paper moon?" years ago, and know every argument of those that believe in conspiracy theories about the moon landings. For instance, the radiation of the Van Allen Radiation belts: The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission-to-mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads (1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv)[c]per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.

The science supporting that the landings happened is extensive, including pictures from Japanese and Chinese probes.

It's curious that on a site that questions the intentional demeaning of White athletes that there would be support for a point of view that denies the seminal achievement of our people.

Note that just because someone does not endorse every one of the dozens of conspiracies put forth does not make someone a blind supporter of everything the government does.

Glad it only took you 12 hours to come up with this weak response. Yes, there are evil White people, and evil (((White))) people at the top of the power structure. No one has said that "millions of people" knowingly colluded, I wrote above that even Richard Nixon might not have been aware. If the truth is that the moon landings didn't occur, then it wasn't the "seminal achievement of our people." If I'm "demonizing" White people by questioning the veracity of the official story (the government's conspiracy theory), so are other posters, curious that that's happening on Caste Football. Or maybe that assertion by you is plain idiotic. It's not a racial issue, as even you've switched up and are now making a few arguments in favor of the "science" involved in the Apollo program.

I will stop here because I'm not going to go back and forth forever with you. I've seen your m.o. in action too many times. I've posted several things that can lead readers to learn more if interested. I will note that as far as I can recall you have supported the establishment position on every controversial issue that has been debated on CF, and/or a contrarian one to mine almost like clockwork. Maybe you're even a big booster of Dr. Fauci, certainly the weaponized and politicized form of "science" we have been subjected to the past two and a half years casts significant doubt on the reliability and credibility of the entire medical and scientific fields, as they too have become "woke." Using the excuse of "science" to shut down legitimate inquiry no longer works with many Americans, including the "science" of the 1960s.

Long live that fantastic 1960s NASA technology, we haven't come close to it since! And we can't go back to it because it was "lost" along with almost all the other records pertaining to the moon landings, a gigantic amount. How convenient. Darn.
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You are going to go back and forth with me on this issue because I'm not going to let you use personal insults and false accusations bully me into not replying. Your MO by the way.

Millions of people would have had to be in on the "conspiracy" for it to be successful. There were 8 missions that went to the moon with 5 landing men. The program lasted 10 years. To fake something like this you would have had to have the people in mission control around the world, contractors, researchers, observers, including hostile governments keep the secret. There would have been people involved in producing the fakes. There would be family members, close friends, many people with no stake in keeping such a secret not saying a word until their death. The idea of such a long term, complicated, conspiracy working is ridiculous.

Why you would insinuate that I support Faucci in some way is plain wrong. I have posted that his manipulation of the covid crisis for his personal gain ensures that some day he will be seen as a monster on the level of Dr. Mengele.

Yes I have not bought into every single conspiracy brought up on this site. But has there ever been a conspiracy you didn't believe? It seems like nothing significant ever happens that isn't staged or entirely made up according to you. Please name 1 conspiracy of the last 80 years you don't believe?
The hulls of ships disappearing first is easily explainable by the law of perspective and the limitations of the human eye
And during lunar eclipses, what about the round shadow on the moon?

What about the different constellations seen at different latitudes?

Magellan discovered the Magellanic Clouds - the two nearby galaxies we cannot see from north of the 35th parallel. In Mexico, the constellation of Scorpio is much higher in summer than in Canada, and part of Centaurus is visible. The North Star is never seen by people in Australia and Argentina, but they see the Southern Cross which we do not. The Big Dipper is not visible from Tasmania or Antarctica.
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Aristotle (384-322 BC) was among the first to recognize the fact of our planet being a round sphere. He observed lunar eclipses and noticed that only a round sphere could imply a circular shadow. This astronomical observation was confirmed by general observations made at sea. Aristotle listed several arguments for a spherical Earth: for example, ships disappear hull first when they sail over the horizon, and different constellations are visible at different latitudes.

Actually, recognition of the earth being a sphere could go back farther than Aristotle. The Bible prophet Isaiah spoke about it in Isaiah 40:21. He, meaning God, sits enthroned above the "Circle" of the earth. Now there is speculation as to what Isaiah meant, a flat surface or a sphere or globe. Depending on all the translations you could go into, it's quite possible the ancient Hebrews had an understanding of the universe as Isaiah was written around 700-600 BC.
...and even earlier in the book of Job written several centuries before Isaiah. Job 26:7, states that God hangs the earth on nothing."
And during lunar eclipses, what about the round shadow on the moon?

What about the different constellations seen at different latitudes?

Magellan discovered the Magellanic Clouds - the two nearby galaxies we cannot see from north of the 35th parallel. In Mexico, the constellation of Scorpio is much higher in summer than in Canada, and part of Centaurus is visible. The North Star is never seen by people in Australia and Argentina, but they see the Southern Cross which we do not. The Big Dipper is not visible from Tasmania or Antarctica.

I'm not disagreeing, just pointing out that the phenomenon of how ships seem to disappear from view may have a different explanation than as proof of curvature.
You are going to go back and forth with me on this issue because I'm not going to let you use personal insults and false accusations bully me into not replying. Your MO by the way.

Millions of people would have had to be in on the "conspiracy" for it to be successful. There were 8 missions that went to the moon with 5 landing men. The program lasted 10 years. To fake something like this you would have had to have the people in mission control around the world, contractors, researchers, observers, including hostile governments keep the secret. There would have been people involved in producing the fakes. There would be family members, close friends, many people with no stake in keeping such a secret not saying a word until their death. The idea of such a long term, complicated, conspiracy working is ridiculous.

Why you would insinuate that I support Faucci in some way is plain wrong. I have posted that his manipulation of the covid crisis for his personal gain ensures that some day he will be seen as a monster on the level of Dr. Mengele.

Yes I have not bought into every single conspiracy brought up on this site. But has there ever been a conspiracy you didn't believe? It seems like nothing significant ever happens that isn't staged or entirely made up according to you. Please name 1 conspiracy of the last 80 years you don't believe?

Wrong! No one (at least not me) is saying the space program was a hoax from the beginning. There were many people, I don't know about millions but a lot, involved from the beginning, working on the technology and all the other logistics involved. To start from near nothing in 1961 to landing men on the moon by the end of that decade was a very daunting task to put it mildly. That doesn't mean NASA and everyone else involved at all levels weren't trying their best; what it does (possibly) mean is that as the end of the decade neared, it's possible the desired result was "accelerated" to make it look like it had met its target date when it wasn't going to.

If that's what happened, it would be somewhat similar to one of the many school shooting drills going "live." I know you fervently believe the official conspiracy theories on everything from Sandy Hook to the Boston bombing and others, but a helluva lot of people don't, because there are a lot of discrepancies between the official conspiracy theories presented by the corporate media (which never change in the slightest detail after their initial presentation) and what people who have done their own sleuthing have come up with. The internet certainly has made it easier for individuals to do their own digging, at least before the massive censorship began.

If -- again if -- the moon landings ended up being made for TV events, it would have taken a relatively small number of people knowing about it and executing it. Everything else would have been compartmentalized on a need to know basis, and very few people needed to know. Maybe even the President didn't know. And everyone involved would have had to sign confidentiality agreements, such as has become routine. Think of the employees of Area 51, the intel community, and a lot of other government and private sector jobs. By now there's likely millions of people who have signed confidentiality agreements as part of their employment. And there are very serious penalties for those who sign confidentiality agreements and then subsequently violate them.

All I did was bring up the fact that space technology doesn't seem to have advanced in more than half a century, as there are regular reports of rockets misfiring, exploding, etc., in both the public and private sectors. In fact, that technology seems to have regressed while moving forward by leaps and bounds in every other area. Add in the lack of moon visits in half a century, and it's a legitimate inquiry to wonder why and maybe take a look back at the late 1960s and early 1970s with "new eyes" even though true believers will be making the same excuses even if man doesn't return to the moon for 500 years. But many others aren't that easily convinced.

I certainly wasn't motivated by wanting to "attack" or "demonize" Whites and the discussion was and still mostly is civil among posters. There was nothing racial at all involved from my perspective. But first Extra Point piped in that those who don't buy the official story are motivated by the desire to tear down Whites. Not surprising given that the ironically named Extra Point has no "extra points" -- he has only one point, a single, simplistic, one-size-fits-all situations talking point that he believes satisfactorily explains everything. And then you piped in about "our critics." I figured that meant you must be a high-ranking NASA official, but it turns out you were the aggrieved would-be spokesman for the entire White race, letting it be known that anyone deviating from the official story can only be motivated by animus toward Whites.

Well, when anyone comes on my site essentially saying I'm anti-White, there's going to be pushback, every time. I was interested, and still am, about discussing topics that are off the mainstream beaten path. If you can't respond without making false accusations about people's motivations, then don't be surprised when yours are questioned.
I certainly wasn't motivated by wanting to "attack" or "demonize" Whites and the discussion was and still mostly is civil among posters. There was nothing racial at all involved from my perspective.

I didn't see any post in which anyone said you ""attack" or "demonize" Whites." I certainly never said that and I didn't see where anyone else did either.

I did say that anti-white racism was a factor for many anti-whites in their criticism of the NASA space program and the moon landings.

At no time did I say that criticism applied to anyone on the board. Such a thing never entered my head.

To say I did misrepresents what I said.
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Sometimes technology in certain areas does not advance for a long time.

In 1519 to 1522 the first circumnavigation took place with one of Magellan's ships, with Andrés de Urdaneta being one of the few survivors. Andres did it again in 1525 to 1536.

But it was not until 1577 to 1580 that the next ship, captained by Sir Francis Drake, sailed around the world.

Then, not a single ship sailed all the around the world in the 17th century!

It wasn't until the latter 18th century - some 180 years later - that the next ship sailed all the way around the world. By the 19th century, it was being accomplished comparatively often.
I didn't see any post in which anyone said you ""attack" or "demonize" Whites." I certainly never said that and I didn't see where anyone else did either.

I did say that anti-white racism was a factor for many anti-whites in their criticism of the NASA space program and the moon landings.

At no time did I say that criticism applied to anyone on the board. Such a thing never entered my head.

To say I did misrepresents what I said.

It's helpful to read before you post. How about this line: "I brought up the people that demonize or belittle past accomplishments of Whites. Like yourself in this case." (post 854) Most of the rest was indirect, like your responses, immediately making it a race thing when it wasn't, but as I posted above you're incapable of nuanced discussion of anything, just the same old talking point repeated over and over ad nauseum.

I thought you were bowing out of this discussion. Got anything else?
Not surprising given that the ironically named Extra Point has no "extra points" -- he has only one point, a single, simplistic, one-size-fits-all situations talking point that he believes satisfactorily explains everything."

If he means that I think there is a major, massive, conspiracy against white people in the world, then I do.

The idea that I think this explains "satisfactorily explains everything" is nonsense.
It's helpful to read before you post. How about this line: "I brought up the people that demonize or belittle past accomplishments of Whites. Like yourself in this case." (post 854)

How about post 854 wasn't my post.
Again, try reading before you post, it's not that difficult. This is what you wrote: "I didn't see any post in which anyone said you ""attack" or "demonize" Whites." I certainly never said that and I didn't see where anyone else did either."

Got anything else?
Well, when anyone comes on my site essentially saying I'm anti-White, there's going to be pushback, every time.

If you are referring to me. I never said that and I never even thought of such a thing.

I do believe that there is an element of anti-white racism in the criticisms of the space program for many , but it's not the motivation for many people and certainly not for anyone on this board.
It's time to lock this thread. It's gotten personal, and again I'm not going to put up with being attacked directly or indirectly as anti-White on my own site, so I don't see it improving from here.
People need to look up Stanley Kurbrick. He made the movie "2001 Space Odysee" and many other movies. He was a director who could make outerspace and things to do with it look real on camera.

There are tons of photos of him with NASA People including the Astronauts. He is the one that helped direct the Moon Landings Fraud that was bought and sold to the world. You have to give them credit
as it fooled millions of people everywhere for decades and decades. Even me for a long time until technology caught up and people were able to analyze things properly. There is 0 chance we ever went to the Moon.
People need to look up Stanley Kurbrick. He made the movie "2001 Space Odysee" and many other movies. He was a director who could make outerspace and things to do with it look real on camera.

There are tons of photos of him with NASA People including the Astronauts. He is the one that helped direct the Moon Landings Fraud that was bought and sold to the world. You have to give them credit
as it fooled millions of people everywhere for decades and decades. Even me for a long time until technology caught up and people were able to analyze things properly. There is 0 chance we ever went to the Moon.

Miscellaneous: I am still having the same log-in issues that other posters have described where the log-in prompt does not complete, leaving you unable to sign in. I've encountered this on both Chrome and Brave browsers. My smartphone doesn't have this issue, which uses Safari (gay, I know).

The good news is that an easy workaround is just to open Caste Football in an Incognito window, which does not incorporate your cookies. You can find an Incognito option from the 'File' tab on your browser. Hopefully, this encourages more posting!
Thanks Phall! I had to go in to my browser settings and modify the cookie settings for this site. Your option seems much easier!

FYI - I would recommend everyone uses browsers like Brave and Opera over Firefox/Chrome etc.
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