
The moon's gravity is 1/6 that of Earth's, not slightly more than 1%.
I remember seeing that number 1/6 many years ago somewhere in the media, but it's incorrect.

Regarding civilization declining, yes we all know what's happened, but a lot of it has accelerated in recent years. The U.S. in the '70s, '80s and even '90s was still recognizably a Western country with lots of innovative White men still working in a lot of different spheres. There's never been another example in mankind's history of exploration of a new frontier being suddenly and permanently abandoned. Of all frontiers, space is the most exciting. It makes zero sense, unless the manned landings never happened.
I agree, but others have different priorities than we do.

For example, giving billions of dollars worth of weaponry to Ukraine to prolong the war so the Slavic goyim will continue to kill each other off is a priority to Biden's puppet masters like Blinken, Soros and Nuland. The second war in Iraq was a priority to Bush Jr's puppet masters like Wolfowitz, Kristol and Pearle.

I've always hoped we would continue to explore space, but we are currently in a severe state of decline in Western countries.

China, which doesn't have the enemy within like Western countries do, has caught up to the USA in Space Technology. They have explored the area of the moon we never see from earth, and they have a rover on Mars.
I remember seeing that number 1/6 many years ago somewhere in the media, but it's incorrect.

I agree, but others have different priorities than we do.

For example, giving billions of dollars worth of weaponry to Ukraine to prolong the war so the Slavic goyim will continue to kill each other off is a priority to Biden's puppet masters like Blinken, Soros and Nuland. The second war in Iraq was a priority to Bush Jr's puppet masters like Wolfowitz, Kristol and Pearle.

I've always hoped we would continue to explore space, but we are currently in a severe state of decline in Western countries.

China, which doesn't have the enemy within like Western countries do, has caught up to the USA in Space Technology. They have explored the area of the moon we never see from earth, and they have a rover on Mars.

If it's incorrect, that makes my point even more pertinent -- in 1/6 or 1/100 earth gravity, why weren't the astronauts able to leap around like kangaroos on steroids rather than just hopping?

Does this look like they were in 1/6 or 1/100 earth gravity?

I agree, but others have different priorities than we do.

For example, giving billions of dollars worth of weaponry to Ukraine to prolong the war so the Slavic goyim will continue to kill each other off is a priority to Biden's puppet masters like Blinken, Soros and Nuland. The second war in Iraq was a priority to Bush Jr's puppet masters like Wolfowitz, Kristol and Pearle.

I've always hoped we would continue to explore space, but we are currently in a severe state of decline in Western countries.

China, which doesn't have the enemy within like Western countries do, has caught up to the USA in Space Technology. They have explored the area of the moon we never see from earth, and they have a rover on Mars.

That doesn't explain why the Russians followed the Americans in aborting their own attempts to land men on the moon.

Having rovers is great, I love the Mars rovers, but one of the arguments used by non-believers in the moon landings is that no one can pass through the Van Allen radiation belt. The fact that no one has for 50 years adds credence to that argument.
That the moon landing was fake is a favorite trope among blacks.

So if Blacks don't think they happened, therefore they must have?

So if Blacks don't think they happened, therefore they must have?

May be some envy of America's achievement in that British 52% total?

Maybe the poll was taken in non-white London, where the Muslims and others hate America. Or, it could simply not be true. Much of what we read in the media is fake news.

If it's incorrect, that makes my point even more pertinent -- in 1/6 or 1/100 earth gravity, why weren't the astronauts able to leap around like kangaroos on steroids rather than just hopping?

Does this look like they were in 1/6 or 1/100 earth gravity?

Thick, heavy suits were necessary considering there is no ozone layer on the moon, and it is extremely cold, far colder than Earth's Arctic. Also the suits need to hold a lot of oxygen, since there is none on the moon. And they were completely weightless during the trip to the moon. I remember one astronaut said he felt like he weighed a ton when they arrived back on earth.
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As my postings over the years indicate, I have little patience for conspiracy theories, fantasies, etc.

If they tried to fake it the plot would have come apart.

Yes, the British 52% poll is anti-American envy.
The mainstream media and the US Government told us they landed on the moon, therefore it is true. Neither source has ever lied, because if they did, it would be exposed and they would be punished. Why would we give billions of dollars to NASA every year to lie to us? Surely they would never accept the money. Only a conspiracy theorist would be so naive to not believe everything they are told. I have no patience for skeptical people who demand extraordinary proof for extraordinary claims. You saw the movie of the astronauts on the moon. You can’t fake a movie of a moon landing, c’mon man. And those three black women that did all the math…don’t disrespect those Hidden Figures.
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The mainstream media and the US Government told us they landed on the moon, therefore it is true. Neither source has ever lied, because if they did, it would be exposed and they would be punished. Why would we give billions of dollars to NASA every year to lie to us? Surely they would never accept the money. Only a conspiracy theorist would be so naive to not believe everything they are told. I have no patience for skeptical people who demand extraordinary proof for extraordinary claims. You saw the movie of the astronauts on the moon. You can’t fake a movie of a moon landing, c’mon man. And those three black women that did all the math…don’t disrespect those Hidden Figures.
Bang the drum and wave Old Glory with July 4th right around the corner. 'Muhrika would never be in the wrong! Next they'll be saying the USS Liberty is something to investigate. What's wrong with these people?!!
How do you explain the fact that the spacecraft was tracked to and from the moon by observatories all over the earth?

How do you explain the mirrors on the moon?

These two things prove they landed on the moon as far as I'm concerned.
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The liberals who run my city have changed all the yellow lights to last less than 2 seconds. They want to catch more people going through red lights on their cameras to make more money. This is going to cause accidents and injuries. These liberals don't care as long as they make money.

Not one word about it in the local news.

That's about as establishment a channel as one could hope to find. The narration sounds just like what NASA would say, or maybe the so-called intelligence community. It comes across as an exercise in cheerleading on behalf of the PTB. One of the tipoffs is the constant use of the word "we" instead of "the government" or "the United States" or "Washington." The constant use of "we" is intended to make it sound as if "we" all accomplished the moon landings together, a basic tactic of propaganda designed to make everyone feel part of a collective or tribe or team.

That doesn't mean the video doesn't have value, just that I'm very dubious as is always my default mode with the fake news media and various echo chambers like this YouTube channel and can easily nitpick the entire thing from start to finish. For example, at one point we're informed that if there's to be a new attempt to go to the moon, "we might need to find a new political disaster." Here the narrator is referring to the Bay of Pigs fiasco early on in JFK's administration. Seriously??? There have been no political disasters akin to that one in the intervening 60 years? I'd say there have been dozens and dozens, maybe hundreds. The Joe Biden administration alone has been one non-stop political disaster after another.

I'll predict that at the current rate of "progress," men will never land on Mars, or at least not for generations. This video talks about making it easier by having future astronauts first land on the Moon to refuel, but that only adds to the overall danger, which is extreme. The more blast-offs and landings required, the greater the danger. What are the most dangerous parts of airplane flights? Takeoffs and landings. With spacecraft you can multiply that a hundred-fold or a thousand-fold. A lot of U.S. and Russian probes to planets and moons did not make successful landings or even successfully enter into orbit around the intended body and it will take gigantic advances in technology to greatly minimize the dangers involved in flying to Mars. Self-driving cars are still quite a ways off because of the hysteria that erupts every time one of the test vehicles malfunctions along with other issues. I really don't see advancements beyond probes for generations to come, and perhaps much longer than that, if ever.
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I am not a rich man but I would bet every penny I have that the earth is not a ball but a circular disc shaped mass with the antartic ice wall surrounding it. I would also bet we never ever went to the moon. I used to dream about being
an astronaut and studied it for far too long. The evidence is overwelming but this is not a knock on whites or our ethinicty or culture. It was done for a reason just like the fake Big Bang Theory and the Fake Theory of Evolution. Once you
understand that all the most powerful rich people around the world serve the other god or the god of this world(Satan, Devil, Lucifer) then you understand why they don't want people believing in the MOST HIGH GOD and the One and
only Creator. The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. It's easy to see from a faith perspective but that's all I'm going to say because people have been too brainwashed with propaganda for a half century to think outside the box.
Trashing the greatest achievement of mankind in history should be left to our critics. The NASA Space project is a towering achievement of almost exclusively the White race.

There is plenty of solid evidence supporting it, including recent photographic evidence. I know there is no way to convince a skeptic but the benefit of the doubt should go to the brave and brilliant men that made this happen.
Trashing the greatest achievement of mankind in history should be left to our critics. The NASA Space project is a towering achievement of almost exclusively the White race.

There is plenty of solid evidence supporting it, including recent photographic evidence. I know there is no way to convince a skeptic but the benefit of the doubt should go to the brave and brilliant men that made this happen.
Excellent post.
Well it's good to see people riled up and some damn activity on this board, regardless of your opinion.

The faux Patriotism involving moon landing is funny though. Half of NASA was muh evil Nazis were they not? So not necessarily just an "American thing". It was propagandized as that though, and successfully to boot.

Now it's gotten to the point you can't question anything about it. Kind of like muh holocaust, or you'll be ostracized.

My point being, you're not going to hell for questioning an official government narrative lol.
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Excellent post.

Except that Flint doesn't define what he means by "our critics." Who is "our"? Does Flint work for NASA, or is he talking about America, or the U.S. government, or White people in general? Questioning the accuracy of historical events isn't "trashing" White people, nor the country. The government maybe, as we have a small contingent of hard-core believers here who still unquestioningly spout the government and corporate media line on events that most thinking people no longer buy. Should we also not question the party line on the Russiagate hoax, 9/11, the Kennedy assassinations? After all, to do so makes the government (or maybe some White people) look bad.
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A lot of criticism of the project to put a man on the moon was race based. "Whitey" on the moon nonsense. It's persists because every thing Whitey did back in the day was evil or in this case phoney. Many modern critics, not all, but many, instinctively try to discredit in any way possible any achievement of the White race because they hate White people and their history. This doesn't include those who rightly exercise a mistrust in government. That's a healthy quality also found almost exclusively in White people.

I just don't think the latter should join in with former on this issue which has so much science (another White thing) supporting it.
A lot of criticism of the project to put a man on the moon was race based. "Whitey" on the moon nonsense. It's persists because every thing Whitey did back in the day was evil or in this case phoney. Many modern critics, not all, but many, instinctively try to discredit in any way possible any achievement of the White race because they hate White people and their history. This doesn't include those who rightly exercise a mistrust in government. That's a healthy quality also found almost exclusively in White people.

I just don't think the latter should join in with former on this issue which has so much science (another White thing) supporting it.

I'm not talking about the same nuts who claim every advance in history was the creation of Blacks. You've obviously never looked into the subject. I have, and have yet to come across a moon landing skeptic who isn't White. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with having an open and inquiring mind. So your post is irrelevant to the actual controversy.

If the moon landings were faked, it was the result of actions by high-up government officials and other actors, not Whites or Whites in general. To blame Whites for it would be to mimic the leftists who hold that all Whites have "White privilege" or that Whites have collective guilt. The role of Whites in advancing technology is well established and can never be "whitewashed."

It's curious that on a site that exists to question the official narrative on race and sports and which holds that much of what we see and are taught in that regard is illusory, we have advocates who seemingly always parrot the establishment line on everything else. If the truth is that the landings weren't real, it's making the future for Whites and everyone else better for the truth to be known (on everything).

Hypothetical question since none of us are likely to be around: If another half-century goes by without a return to the moon, will you then begin to question the legitimacy of the Apollo program? A century? Or will you still echo the government line, or still maintain that it shouldn't be questioned because it's part of an attack on Whites in general (which it isn't in this case)?
A lot of criticism of the project to put a man on the moon was race based. "Whitey" on the moon nonsense. It's persists because every thing Whitey did back in the day was evil or in this case phoney. Many modern critics, not all, but many, instinctively try to discredit in any way possible any achievement of the White race because they hate White people and their history. This doesn't include those who rightly exercise a mistrust in government. That's a healthy quality also found almost exclusively in White people.

I just don't think the latter should join in with former on this issue which has so much science (another White thing) supporting it.

The Moon Landing was attacked on racial grounds by black supremacists and radical liberals early on, specifically because it was accomplished by white people. Here's a song released by Gil Scott-Heron in 1970.

I capitalized Moon Landing because it was a great Event in history.

A note on the lyrics of the song. Scott-Heron talks about not having money. If he hadn't spent all his money on drugs the conditions he talks about in the song could have been alleviated.

Maybe his sister wouldn't have been bitten by rats, as she could have lived in a better place. If she ever was bitten. If he even had a sister. A lot of what people like this say is fabricated.
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