Tiger Woods

Was talking to someone at the store today and he breathlessly told me how Tiger was making a run in the final round. "If he keeps going and posts something, who knows, he may win!" So I just now turned on the Golf Channel to see how it turned out though I am mainly watching the Aussie men's final, and it was 14 non-stop, commercial free minutes analyzing Woods' final round, his swing, his state of mind, everything but the color and firmness of his feces this morning. And I turned it on the middle of it; who knows how long the actual worshiping segment lasted. Tiger finished tied for 23rd.

Washington, D.C. is forever stuck in 1945 as far as how it views the world. The Golf Channel is permanently stuck in 2000, Tiger's best year when he won the U.S. Open by 15 strokes and three of the four majors. Forever hopeful, forever adoring. . .
Woods was never close to winning The Farmers Insurance Open. He barely made the cut by birding the final hole of the second round! He finished 7 strokes behind the leaders. The winner is yet TBD. Jason Day and Alex Noren are continuing their playoff tomorrow.
Yes, even as he was anywhere from 7-10 strokes behind, they covered his every shot as if he were winning by 7! The crowd roared on every shot attempt even it was out of bounds or a missed green. They didn't care. It was continuous Tiger worship. Woods had his worst tournament in greens in regulation, 17, since 2007. I wouldn't call it a stellar performance.
For the second straight week the field was average at best. Most of the top tier golfers were absent, opting for next weeks Waste Management Open in Phoenix. I'm not sure Woods is in the field.
My local sports station couldn't be bothered to provide much information on the tournament, all they had to say was that Tiger was at one under. What else did anyone need to know?
Before there was Trump Derangement Syndrome, there was Tiger Derangement Syndrome from our favorite corporate media propagandists. Here’s a piece of insanity hot of the presses from arch-cuck Ian O’Connor.


Ian "Irish Pug Nose" O'Conner is rapidly entering the realm of Rick Reilly or Rich Lerner in terms of his innate ability to cuck and shill for Tiger, no matter the subject matter. Why does he do this, anyway? If Tiger Woods were white and had the exactl same "credentials," he'd have been mocking him mercilessly for the last 10 years and calling him a "has-been," "injury prone," and an "adulterer" with every breath he could muster. The truth is that his Leftism-infused mind is so intensely racist against white golfers that it permits his pro-black agenda to shine through in every word he writes. I must admit that there is great entertainment value in watching these "journalists" trying their darnedest to motivate Tiger to victory, only to cry themselves to sleep following every major tournament...


Here's a great example of an Ian O'Connor prediction gone terribly wrong, haha...


During the 2018 Masters a few months ago, I wrote this about O'Connor after an inane article that suggested that Patrick Reed was "inspired" by Tiger's greatness and that was the primary reason for his golfing success...

Even when a white golfer (Patrick Reed) dominates the field at the Masters, it’s only because he was inspired to do so by the infinite magic of Tiger’s long-gone era of greatness. What a sickening, nauseating, pathetic way to infuse Woods into every single conversation related to pro golf...


“But in the end, golfers are judged on their individual successes and failures. Sunday afternoon at Augusta National, fair or unfair, we will find out if Patrick Reed is a true Tiger. Or if he just plays one on TV.”

In real life, the “true Tiger” hasn’t won a major championship in 10 years, cheated on his wife with dozens of whores, lost his kids, lost half his fortune, lost his corporate sponsors, lost his “edge,” got arrested for DUI, has suffered an endless array of crippling injures, and is currently eighteen (18) shots back of Reed in a tournament that he was favored to win.

ESPN’s Ian O’ Connor is yet another far left Irishman. The Irish continue to prove that they are, sadly, the most liberal white ethnic group (not counting Jews as white) in the U.S.
The good thing is, the average sports fan seems to have woken up. When you read the comments below any of these ESPN articles, they could've easily come from right here at CF. This was not happening a few years ago, I'm encouraged by it.
Watching the Masters, it seems like other than the (((media))), it’s White Boomers (likely cuckservatives) who are irrationally in love with Eldrick. Anyone agree or have a theory as to why that maybe the case?
Watching the Masters, it seems like other than the (((media))), it’s White Boomers (likely cuckservatives) who are irrationally in love with Eldrick. Anyone agree or have a theory as to why that maybe the case?

They're casual golf fans that rarely follow the sport and won't watch unless he is in contention. They have said as much on other discussion forums. "Golf is boring. I hate it and won't watch if Tiger isn't playing."
Whites idolizing and worshiping blacks has been the norm for a long time, especially in sports. And it goes back a long way in American history, to the crazed Northerners who did everything possible to bring about the Civil War and who forced Reconstruction on the South afterwards.

The abolitionist loons weren't the norm then, but a half-century of relentless cultural communist indoctrination has made most Whites pro-black and full of self-hatred. Even most of the football fans who cheer for the occasional Wayne Chrebet or Mike Alstott see them as nothing but an exception to the rule that blacks are the superior race in sports (and according to TV in everything else as well). Those same fans who cheered Chrebet and Alstott despised the Jets for starting two White safeties a decade or so ago (Jim Leonhard and Eric Smith), and Tampa fans hate Chris Conte. John Lynch was a star and thus widely liked, which is what Whites have to be every single time they play a "black" position.

I've posted before about the Pittsburgh Pirates fans who mercilessly booed Richie Hebner in the early '70s when he was the only White starter on the team even though he was a .300 hitter and was a good-looking guy with a likable personality. None of the black starters were ever booed. That's the way it is in the USSA; blacks are only openly disliked when they really screw up big time, and not always even then. The ultra-idiot Antonio Brown still has legions of fans in Pittsburgh even after all his antics the past few years (as does LeVeon Bell), while a significant segment of Steelers fans are always ready to criticize Big Ben, who is the best QB in team history and a saint on and off the field compared to Brown and Bell.

It's been this way since blacks were force-fed into sports and the media beginning in the late 1960s, accompanied by (((media))) propaganda which has only gotten more openly anti-White and pro-black since.
Tiger got cucked by a white man! Tiger's ex-wife, Elin, has apparently been dating former NFL tight end, Jordan Cameron (white). She is allegedly pregnant with his child. For the first time ever, the "once you go black" adage didn't hold true. At least she didn't entirely waste her DNA...


I know several white women who were married to or involved with black men who are now married to, or dating white men. However, I also know a white woman who's been married to a black man for over 40 years and regrets it. Saying, "if she had a do over, would not marry a black man." However, she will not divorce him just because he's black. I guess he's been pretty decent to her and because of her beliefs will not divorce him.
Tiger Woods in a serious one-car accident. If the media hadn't refused to call out Woods on what was pretty obvious -- PED use eventually leading to other drug abuse as his body began breaking down -- he might have been able to clean up his act in time to continue his golf career at a high level. But that wasn't the narrative of course, just as his big-time whoring and mistreatment of people was also ignored until his then-wife gave him a comeuppance that became a major story in 2009.
Tiger Woods in a serious one-car accident. If the media hadn't refused to call out Woods on what was pretty obvious -- PED use eventually leading to other drug abuse as his body began breaking down -- he might have been able to clean up his act in time to continue his golf career at a high level. But that wasn't the narrative of course, just as his big-time whoring and mistreatment of people was also ignored until his then-wife gave him a comeuppance that became a major story in 2009.
Yes, Woods is a mess without his precious golf, supposedly he wasn't obviously on pain pills or smelling of booze, but he should have field sobriety test result come out in a few days. Woods was flying out of the parking lot according to reports and should at least be charged with reckless driving.

As for his quest for 3 more majors his odds are US Fed deficit range now...
Whites idolizing and worshiping blacks has been the norm for a long time, especially in sports. And it goes back a long way in American history, to the crazed Northerners who did everything possible to bring about the Civil War and who forced Reconstruction on the South afterwards.

The abolitionist loons weren't the norm then, but a half-century of relentless cultural communist indoctrination has made most Whites pro-black and full of self-hatred. Even most of the football fans who cheer for the occasional Wayne Chrebet or Mike Alstott see them as nothing but an exception to the rule that blacks are the superior race in sports (and according to TV in everything else as well). Those same fans who cheered Chrebet and Alstott despised the Jets for starting two White safeties a decade or so ago (Jim Leonhard and Eric Smith), and Tampa fans hate Chris Conte. John Lynch was a star and thus widely liked, which is what Whites have to be every single time they play a "black" position.

I've posted before about the Pittsburgh Pirates fans who mercilessly booed Richie Hebner in the early '70s when he was the only White starter on the team even though he was a .300 hitter and was a good-looking guy with a likable personality. None of the black starters were ever booed. That's the way it is in the USSA; blacks are only openly disliked when they really screw up big time, and not always even then. The ultra-idiot Antonio Brown still has legions of fans in Pittsburgh even after all his antics the past few years (as does LeVeon Bell), while a significant segment of Steelers fans are always ready to criticize Big Ben, who is the best QB in team history and a saint on and off the field compared to Brown and Bell.

It's been this way since blacks were force-fed into sports and the media beginning in the late 1960s, accompanied by (((media))) propaganda which has only gotten more openly anti-White and pro-black since.
Don, I believe the Pirates were the first MLB team to start 9 black starters. It had to be around 1969 or 1970, I know Danny Murtaugh was manager.
Don, I believe the Pirates were the first MLB team to start 9 black starters. It had to be around 1969 or 1970, I know Danny Murtaugh was manager.

Yes, I've posted about it several times. It was September 1, 1971. It was a gimmick as 2B Dave Cash was moved to third for the occasion. Don't know if it happened again, possibly on other occasions when Dock Ellis was pitching. Not sure what this has to do with Tiger Woods' accident earlier today. . .
Yes, Woods is a mess without his precious golf, supposedly he wasn't obviously on pain pills or smelling of booze, but he should have field sobriety test result come out in a few days. Woods was flying out of the parking lot according to reports and should at least be charged with reckless driving.

As for his quest for 3 more majors his odds are US Fed deficit range now...

I will be curious to hear about the details and eyewitness reports. Woods did go through his one rough spot when his nerdy blasian family man golfer scthick was exposed and the real person came out back in 2008/2009. The public forgave him pretty quickly and the media certainly did there best to build him back up.
The latest report is two leg fractures, one of them of the compound variety, and a shattered ankle. That's a shame and most likely the end of his competitive PGA career for a long time if not permanently.

Law enforcement is already claiming he showed no signs of impairment. How the hell can they say that already?? Obviously they couldn't force him to perform a sobriety test after a crash and no empty vodka bottles or vials of pills rolled out of his vehicle, but shouldn't they wait until the result of blood tests before making such a proclamation? His DUI several years ago was caused by Ambien, which does indeed make driving hazardous.
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It happened at just after 7 in the morning:

LASD officials confirmed that Woods was "calm and responsive" in the immediate aftermath of the crash and shared that there was "no evidence of impairment at this point in time." But they added that Woods appeared to be driving at a high rate of speed in the downhill, 45-mph zone and exhibited no skid marks or signs of braking.

It sounds like he was either impaired or on a suicide mission. Who knows how much of the true story will make it through the corporate media's filters?
The whole story sounds like BS, and the photos don’t match. Much like the whole Thanksgiving car wreck 9 iron attack. The Tiger Woods’ story is nothing but Kardashian ********, IMO.
I watched that interview live during the tournament and mentioned it in the PGA Tour thread, but not how "off" he looked. I remember thinking he looked very tired or perhaps depressed, but something wasn't right.
That was my post you got rid of. It is only a normal overthetop reaction I think to what has been said over and over in the past, our being accused of so many things we're not responsible for. However, I will in the future rein myself in.
Tiger Woods is a scumbag. His negligence on the road cost the taxpayers money.
Nick Wright is downright frightening with his Baldrick worship. We poked fun at DWF behaviour but Wright might be worse than any of them as he should know better...
PS, maybe he is auditioning for Gimp Bayless' job...
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