Tiger Woods

Eldricks epic fall from grace continues.
Just got charged with a DUI

On a day when families are remembering lost loved ones this guy could have easily taken another life

A pic of a man hating life. Will suicide be next?
Eldricks epic fall from grace continues.
Just got charged with a DUI

On a day when families are remembering lost loved ones this guy could have easily taken another life


Thats a bad visual for the medias favorite golfer. It's gonna leave a mark on his legacy.
Already Baldrick is spinning that he took medication and he had a bad reaction to it. There was no alcohol involved. LOL Man, I guess he is worried about his endorsements. You would think at this point he would have saved and invested his wealth to close to a billion. But I guess he is really worried about his legacy and this picture being seared in the minds of the millions of adoring DWFs.
It's a sign of the media's desperation to have a Black golfing savior that they continue to try to make Tiger Woods relevant.

The fact of the matter is that he was a very good golfer for a few years—MANY YEARS AGO—and won some major tournaments. The media creamed their panties over the thought that he could be better than Jack Nicklaus or Arnold Palmer. Fortunately the great White bogeyman called REALITY took a gigantic turd on that dream.

The entire time, the media emphasized that Tiger Woods is Black and downplayed the fact that he is half Asian. They did their best to portray him as solely Black in order to spin the narrative that Blacks should take over the sport of golf. Once again, Massah REALITY took a Cleveland Steamer on that wet dream.

Tiger Woods has since been overtaken by various, other young guns, to the point that he's not even in the mix to win some kind of pathetic, tenth place participation award medal… And while he can always point at his past achievements, because admittedly no one can take those away from him, the fact that the media continues to talk about him as if he's relevant is indicative that they're desperate to avoid the cold, heartless reality that Whites are simply superior golfers, and no amount of propaganda can change that, just as nothing can reverse or change the fact that Tiger Woods has "shot his bolt" in terms of sporting history, and it's OVER.

Plus, Tiger Woods is such a pathetic little cuck bitch. Nobody needs to be looking at that doofus anymore.
Wow. BSPN has jumped the shark! BSPN has photoshopped Baldrick's mug shot. That vile network made/reworked Woods hair, to make him more presentable. Unreal.
Baldrick has boiled the pot completely dry. He can't handle losing his golfing ability because it's all he ever knew and had. He never had the brains god gave geese to know that a transition and second life had to be planned and created or he would end up a cacksacker with sore knees.
Woods was used by the globalists and communists -- hyped as the model "tan everyman" of the near future racially as writer H. Millard likes to call it, and given carte blanche to use whatever steroids and other illegal substances he wanted with zero scrutiny, even now when it's so glaringly obvious what led to his downfall as a golfer.

But there's no reason to feel sorry for Woods even though he never asked for the media worship he's received: he's made well over a billion dollars, most of it from corporate endorsements, and he was for the most part an ungrateful, ultra-entitled ******* on and off the course. Maybe this is rock bottom for him, but that supposedly happened back in 2009. Remember his press conference to announce he was going into "sex addiction" rehab? It was treated almost identically to an important announcement by the President of the United States, with regularly scheduled programming halted to carry it, etc. We truly do live in a cartoon society.
After Tiger turned pro in 1996, we heard for many years that he would be just the first of many blacks on the PGA Tour now that they were getting a chance.

The First Tee was set up in '97 largely to get more young blacks into golf. Well, where are they?

Of course there had been many blacks on the tour from the '60s thru the '80s: Sifford, Brown, Elder, Dent, Thorpe and Peete come to mind. But the truth doesn't fit the MSM narrative.
I've always maintained that his Asian side was the reason why he had success as a golfer. I also find it interesting how in the past there were some good black golfers but haven't been for about thirty years which coincides with the ultimate side-effects of feminism from the 60's and 70's which resulted in having no father in the house as well as other cultural degradation like gangs and gangsta-rap mentality as they try to find male/masculine replacements where the father used to be.
I've always maintained that his Asian side was the reason why he had success as a golfer. I also find it interesting how in the past there were some good black golfers but haven't been for about thirty years which coincides with the ultimate side-effects of feminism from the 60's and 70's which resulted in having no father in the house as well as other cultural degradation like gangs and gangsta-rap mentality as they try to find male/masculine replacements where the father used to be.

The lack of professional black golfers is the best rebuttal to the nonsense claim that "blacks are good at any sports they're interested in." That was behind the claim in the mid-199os that blacks were going to quickly dominate the PGA Tour by following in Woods' footsteps. A helluva lot of blacks like golf and play it but they're not very good at it. The truth is that they're not very good at almost all the sports contested at the Summer and Winter Olympics.
If you look at the pro athletes who play close to scratch golf, from what I have seen they are athletes that aren't too muscular or too tall and they play sports or positions in a sport with high eye hand coordination. I can't tell you how many hockey players are close to scratch golfers or field goal kickers or quarterbacks.

Basketball players and muscular broad shouldered football players are among the worst golfers. Top analysts have theorized that tall men have too large a radius for their swing, so a hitch becomes amplified. Muscular men have muscles that interfere with a smooth swing. Watching Charles Barkley play like a once or twice a season duffer illustrates this theory.
This article has police dashcam video of Woods' sobriety tests. He was really out of it.


In the video, Woods couldn't walk, talk, or answer basic questions. He indeed seemed far more "out of it" than a typical drunk driver. At one point, he even claimed that he was driving from Florida to LA. There's a very good chance he's addicted to opioids after countless surgeries as a result of a myriad of injuries (likely caused by PED abuse)...

ESPN's last ditch effort to save their brown God came in form of a laughably-edited mugshot...

Sex scandals, bitter divorce, public break-ups (Lindsey Vonn), serious back injuries, drug abuse, a DUI, and no major championships in 9 years. At 41 years old, it'll be a miracle if he ever plays again, let alone dominates as he once did 10-15 years ago.
In the video, Woods couldn't walk, talk, or answer basic questions. He indeed seemed far more "out of it" than a typical drunk driver. At one point, he even claimed that he was driving from Florida to LA. There's a very good chance he's addicted to opioids after countless surgeries as a result of a myriad of injuries (likely caused by PED abuse)...

ESPN's last ditch effort to save their brown God came in form of a laughably-edited mugshot...

Sex scandals, bitter divorce, public break-ups (Lindsey Vonn), serious back injuries, drug abuse, a DUI, and no major championships in 9 years. At 41 years old, it'll be a miracle if he ever plays again, let alone dominates as he once did 10-15 years ago.
At this point, I'd say an early grave is more probable than another major win. Eldrick has gone down a dark and dangerous path. As much as I dislike the prick, I don't wish death upon him. Hope he gets his drug problem under control. The lionizing of him by the schlomo media would be unbearable if he did bite the dust.
Woods was abusing prescription drugs back when he was the dominant player on the tour. I recall a former prostitute saying Woods downed Ambien like the way fatso would eat various forms of candy when he had to go to sleep after engaging in carnal behaviour through the night.
At this point, I'd say an early grave is more probable than another major win. Eldrick has gone down a dark and dangerous path. As much as I dislike the prick, I don't wish death upon him. Hope he gets his drug problem under control. The lionizing of him by the schlomo media would be unbearable if he did bite the dust.

Interesting too how quiet the media has become after the initial reporting of Woods' DUI. Usually he dominates golf coverage even when he's not in tournaments. But something like this is serious in that it indicates his life may be careening dangerously out of control, going back to when he took tons of ambien as mentioned above by white is right. Ambien is a powerful and addictive drug and should definitely not be gobbled like they're Skittles.

How many different substances did Tiger ingest over the years to improve his physique and his golf? How many prescription drugs has he been taking and for how long? What was he taking that turned him into a zombie as shown by the police cam video? Why the lack of concern by the media? Is it continued protection of Woods, or perhaps guilt over the screwed-up pseudo-idol they in great part created and who ended up washed up at an early age?
Interesting too how quiet the media has become after the initial reporting of Woods' DUI. Usually he dominates golf coverage even when he's not in tournaments. But something like this is serious in that it indicates his life may be careening dangerously out of control, going back to when he took tons of ambien as mentioned above by white is right. Ambien is a powerful and addictive drug and should definitely not be gobbled like they're Skittles.

How many different substances did Tiger ingest over the years to improve his physique and his golf? How many prescription drugs has he been taking and for how long? What was he taking that turned him into a zombie as shown by the police cam video? Why the lack of concern by the media? Is it continued protection of Woods, or perhaps guilt over the screwed-up pseudo-idol they in great part created and who ended up washed up at an early age?
All great questions and the ones that would be asked if we had a free and independent media. You would think that the (((msm))) would be asking out of concern if they truly love Woods as much as we think they do. But I guess their idol is disposable to them just like everything else in their nihilistic, hollow lives. Pushing their religion (Marxism) seems to be the only thing these wicked creatures honestly care about so this Woods development doesn't fit the propaganda program.
His toxicology report was obtained by BSPN. Lots of rx drugs mixed with pot. Woods spinning like he was attempting to self medicate. A guy who has had multiple surgeries, millions of dollars and access to whatever doctors he wanted was attempting to self medicate - I find that hard to believe. He was using drugs to numb the pain of his very public decade long downfall.

I remember a discussion here several years ago when so many in the media were declaring the PGA pretty much dead without Tiger. Well, the tour seems to be doing just fine without him.
Yes, I would agree for the most part. However, I wish someone would approach Tiger in the Majors. Sometimes and I mean sometimes it seems Jack is forgotten as the greatest golfer of all time because of what they say Tiger did. Tiger would have never won 14 Majors if he were in Jack's era, but Jack would have won at least 14 Majors if he were competing in Tiger's era. No one seems to discuss that.
The PGA is alive and well without Tiger, but no one other than Jordan Spieth seems to want to challenge Tiger in the Major department. McIlroy was there, and can still do it, but his game is just not what it was at this point. Spieth, just turned 24 and 3 Majors seems to be the only one to talk about winning as many Majors as he can. I would like to see him get at least 10 or 11 more before he's done.
I remember a discussion here several years ago when so many in the media were declaring the PGA pretty much dead without Tiger. Well, the tour seems to be doing just fine without him.

It is but you wouldn't know it by reading casual fans comments when he plays. Or any sports sites. 39th place right now and 8 strokes out of the lead but no one reports on any of the leaders. They act like he won a major or will because he made the cut with a birdie on the final hole on Friday. :gey:
Was talking to someone at the store today and he breathlessly told me how Tiger was making a run in the final round. "If he keeps going and posts something, who knows, he may win!" So I just now turned on the Golf Channel to see how it turned out though I am mainly watching the Aussie men's final, and it was 14 non-stop, commercial free minutes analyzing Woods' final round, his swing, his state of mind, everything but the color and firmness of his feces this morning. And I turned it on the middle of it; who knows how long the actual worshiping segment lasted. Tiger finished tied for 23rd.

Washington, D.C. is forever stuck in 1945 as far as how it views the world. The Golf Channel is permanently stuck in 2000, Tiger's best year when he won the U.S. Open by 15 strokes and three of the four majors. Forever hopeful, forever adoring. . .
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