2020 Election

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NV press conference going on now, officials saying ballots going out to dead people. Who knew?
Proud Boys Cuban-American leader stabbed in DC on night of election


Proud Boys Cuban-American leader stabbed in DC on night of election. Antifa are ONLY going to get more violent ONCE Kamala Harris is President
by JdN contributing writer
Things are going to get bad, real bad.
Although Biden was on his way to victory – via the conspicuously fraudulent activities of his Party – the Left wing mob were STILL out in full effect on election night.
A good friend of mine who has family in Washington DC told me that “downtown shops were all boarded up, hotels were on lockdown and cops almost nowhere to be seen.”
Antifa set fire to cars, smashed windows and torched shops while “protesting” the election.
Not sure what they were protesting – it was their side that had the upper hand on the night – but that’s beside the point. Bolshevik criminals don’t need a reason to riot though, do they?
Blacks Loot & Murder (BLM) supporters were also out and about, although they were not nearly as aggressive as anarchist Antifa while on their own. Once they teamed up with the Left wing anarchists wielding bats, knives and clubs, they too turned violent.
Members of the Proud Boys were also downtown, although they were in small numbers and mainly kept to themselves, until they were set upon by Antifa who recognised several of the organizations members.
That the Proud Boys were there just to monitor the situation did not deter Antifa from targeting Enrique Terrio, the organization’s Cuban American leader who was stabbed during an altercation not too far from the White House.
Insider.com reported that,
‘Three right-wing activists were reportedly stabbed early Wednesday morning in an altercation near the White House in Washington, DC.
Among those reportedly injured in the incident were Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the Proud Boys, and the right-wing activist, Bevelyn Beatty, known for defacing Black Lives Matter murals.
In a video posted to Instagram from the hospital Beatty claimed members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter were responsible, although there’s no such evidence to so far support her claims, according to WJLA’.
Right, no such evidence to support her claims..
A Washington DC Policeman on the scene told Insider magazine that officers received a report about the stabbing and that the incident took place on the 1400 block of New York Avenue at 2:26 a.m.
According to local news affiliate, WJLA, District of Columbia police said the stabbing victims were two men and one woman, and all three were taken to a local hospital.
DC Police told “Insider” that it could not “verify any specific affiliation of the suspects” and said its investigation was ongoing.
A Fox affiliate, reporter Steven Chenevey, though later Tweeted that among those injured included Enrique Tarrio, the leader and “chairman” of “the far-right group the Proud Boys”, and “far-right activist Bevelyn Beatty.”
Although their injuries were non-life threatening, that they were stabbed for no more than simply being affiliated with a self-described civic nationalist organization demonstrates the peril we all face.
I guarantee the Antifa thugs were lighter-skinned than Terrio and justified the attack on him because he was a “Nazi”.
Instead of condemning the actions of the Antifa thugs who attacked the unarmed Terrio, the media cited the Southern Poverty Law Centre’s (SPLC is an organization we have designated a hate group and terrorist organization) designation of the Proud Boys as a hate group in an attempt to blame them for the altercation.
The fact that Terrio was minding his own business, is in fact an Afro-Cuban, was unarmed and the actual victim of attempted murder was not even mentioned in any of the three reports I saw.
And make no mistake, the SPLC’s designation of non-violent patriots as “far right” and as “hate groups” is being done intentionally so that anyone who dares speak out against Bolshevism is fair game.
Here’s how “Insider.com” covered the politically motivated hate crime perpetrated by the Antifa/BLM thugs.
“The Proud Boys which recently received a shoutout from President Trump was founded in 2016. It is an extremist “fraternity” and is classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group has been associated with recent incidents of violence in the US, as Insider’s Rachel E. Greenspan previously reported.
In a seven-minute video posted to Instagram from a hospital bed, Beatty, while criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement, said she and two other people were stabbed after they had left Harry’s Pub, a bar in DC not far from the White House.
She said as they were watching the president’s speech, a group of “three young Black kids” approached a nearby man and lobbed verbal insults. She and her group intervened because she believed the group was attempting to rob the man. When they did, they were attacked, she said.
“This is the one time I was being careful and just hanging with my friends, trying to figure out what was happening with the election,” Beatty, who is known for defacing Black Lives Matter murals, said from her hospital bed. “These kids came out to attack and fight. I think they were planning to rob the man. These were kids from the hood. These are the kids that BLM protects.”
Beatty said she was stabbed three times in the back, causing one of her lungs to partially collapse and damage to her liver. Video of the incident shared on social media shows a chaotic scene, ending with Beatty walking away while grabbing her back, yelling that she was stabbed.”
End article….
If you like this article, please write to John on john_denugent@yahoo.com
to learn how you can help us. We need you to continue our efforts during this most dangerous period.

There is no mechanism to stop double voting and the Democrats knew this and took advantage. They openly organized to get Democratic voters to request a mail in ballot. They encouraged everyone to do late mail-in ballots and then go to the polls and vote. That is why they panicked when Trump suggested his supporters do a mail in and then go to the polls in one speech he gave at a rally. They know it works. I know some Democrats that did exactly that - they admitted to me that was there plan. Polling places don't keep track of who requested mail in ballots and much less don't know if you already cast a ballot. Once the ballot is seperated from the envelope there is no way to know even whos ballot it is. Right now they are opening the mail in ballots and they immediately separate them from the envelope. Very simple. This is why we have areas in the country where we have more than 100% voter participation. It was set up for fraud and the Dems organized immediately to do just that.

If Trump and his allies did not run a sting operation with the mail-in ballots they deserve to lose. It's very obvious that the only reason Demoncrats wanted so many mail-in ballots was to cheat massively with them.
Look at Pedo Joe and KamAllah and Obongo's "rallies", literally no one cared about them. Only by massive fraud could the demonrats win this election.
They wanted to cheat, have trump challenge the results and then claim the election was stolen in order to start the violence.
If Trump and his allies did not run a sting operation with the mail-in ballots they deserve to lose. It's very obvious that the only reason Demoncrats wanted so many mail-in ballots was to cheat massively with them.
Look at Pedo Joe and KamAllah and Obongo's "rallies", literally no one cared about them. Only by massive fraud could the demonrats win this election.

Those rallies prove the lie. About four elderly people showed up for Biden's rallies and they didn't even seem to know where they were. They probably promised them a free lunch. One video shows Biden getting off a plane and smiling and waving to the welcoming crowd, and then the camera pans left and shows that he was waving at a totally empty field!

"... in order to start the violence."

No one is stopping them. There isn't even a two bit banana republic that would let insurrectionist terrorists trash its cities and attack its citizens at will for months on end without using its police or military to stop them. Then this blatantly crooked election that would be an embarrassment to the the worst dump on earth. At this point the USA is a failed state.
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No one has mentioned that John James has now 'lost' in Michigan. Insufferable pandering to Israel, but did he lose? Could a 'recount' - and looking at matters - reveal blatant irregularities? Help Trump's efforts?
No one has mentioned that John James has now 'lost' in Michigan. Insufferable pandering to Israel, but did he lose? Could a 'recount' - and looking at matters - reveal blatant irregularities? Help Trump's efforts?

Pres. Trump himself mentioned that.


We call on the DOJ to seize Twitter and HALT the CENSORSHIP:
They stole our SPEECH, now they're trying to steal our VOTE.
Trump now EXPOSING massive Dem vote rigging fraud operation

I've been watching Bannon's War Room the past few days - they cut off his latest episode on youtube while they were broadcasting tonight.
It is clear that evil forces against Trump, Whites, and America have united in bringing Trump down. Trump was the wrong White Man to f*ck with. I believe Trump will fight this overt corruption in MI, WIS, PA, AZ, NV, and GA to not stand. Trump will unleash his attorneys to expose this corruption to steal the election from him. All Trump has to rely on is the US Constitution. God Help Trump and America!!!
How can a state count 95 or 96% of the votes in one night and it takes 4 days to count the other 4 or 5%of the votes?
I hope Trump continues to fight. He should. I don’t know if anyone as ever watched Turley Talks but the below is pretty good:

Something Biden and Trump have in common:

All three of Biden's children are married to Jews. All three of Trump's adult children are married to Jews.

Trump was somewhat more independent-minded than Biden will be, but both presidents serve their Jewish masters.
Ronald Reagan never defeated Communism. The Cold War was almost entirely contrived by the usual suspects. They got to use the US military afterall, destroying Iraq several times. Back to the Eastern Communists, after they raped and pillaged the USSR, they freely moved to the States, to Canada, Australia, South America in large numbers. Interesting how that works.

Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech was very good, we got about as much as could be expected, but he didn't follow it up well in my view. He arguably regressed. He could have framed the narrative much better months ago, more than saying/tweeting Fake News and a few other things; many in the country were ready to 'graduate' if you will.
Awfully difficult to do more - long term , distractingly rioting taking place around the country for months. As a conservative, was he supposed to send in the military at the federal level? That would have squashed quickly but is a slippery slope.

The evil and complicit media ran cover-up while Demoncrats actively undermined our election process.
Even now, widespread fraud is happening and nothing retaliatory is occurring.

How gutless and emasculated are conservatives? What a shameful time to be one - we are just rolling over.
We need to declare war - it is our Constitutional duty.

If we do not, the country is forever lost.
Awfully difficult to do more - long term , distractingly rioting taking place around the country for months. As a conservative, was he supposed to send in the military at the federal level? That would have squashed quickly but is a slippery slope.

The evil and complicit media ran cover-up while Demoncrats actively undermined our election process.
Even now, widespread fraud is happening and nothing retaliatory is occurring.

How gutless and emasculated are conservatives? What a shameful time to be one - we are just rolling over.
We need to declare war - it is our Constitutional duty.

If we do not, the country is forever lost.
As long as the Jews control the media, America will never be a free country.

It's absurd that an ethnic group which comprises only 2% of the population and despises white gentiles has so much influence.
Something Biden and Trump have in common:

All three of Biden's children are married to Jews. All three of Trump's adult children are married to Jews.

Trump was somewhat more independent-minded than Biden will be, but both presidents serve their Jewish masters.

Trump would definitely be the lesser evil in this case... The media, even FOX, does not seem to like Trump and are rooting for Biden - prematurely calling states for Biden. But yeah it's true, many jews actually love Trump due to his pro-Israel stance.
The mission however is a Biden presidency.

It's not a guarantee this website would stay online if the left starts operating with a free hand, but hey, if Biden wins at least we will be able to see his funny dementia-induced gaffes?
Trump's efforts in exposing monkey business have to lead to something, suddenly blue Georgia and Pennsylvania? More votes than registered voters?:roflmao:

The left seems to like their candidates frail like Bernie.

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Something Biden and Trump have in common:

All three of Biden's children are married to Jews. All three of Trump's adult children are married to Jews.

Trump was somewhat more independent-minded than Biden will be, but both presidents serve their Jewish masters.
What a cohensidence. It’s also worth noting the Clinton’s only child married a tribesman too. It’s almost as if the American aristocracy knows who the true power lies with and want to align their families with them....
The most telling thing about the subversive (((communists))) is how they were able to dumb down the population into becoming pinkos. Rather than use mass murderous purges like the communist regimes of the 20th century they went to subversion first through academia, media, sports, entertainment, all levels of government, the bureaucracy and slowly over the past 50 years it has metastasized into almost every corner of American society.

Millions of whites dumbed down, self-hating, indoctrinated, Godless, lacking cognitive development, conditioned to think based solely on emotion, triggered by anything they have not been conditioned to handle, abusing pharmaceutical and recreational drugs etc. Blacks conditioned to blame whitey, think that they have to live a certain lifestyle, believe that repression is there birth right, not lacking the ability or desire to become a better person and fit into civilization and think that living off the government is what they are entitled to for being part of this country. Non-white latinos who believe that this land was taken from their ancestors and wanting to take it back, refusing to assimilate, doing their part in killing job opportunity for actual US citizens because "they do the jobs no Americans want to do" and also getting free government benefits off the back of the taxing of the white middle class. Let's not forget to mention businesses - whether it's a landscaping business that hires illegals under the table to the tech corporations that send their manufacturing to China to make smart phones while the Chinese allow their people to work for slave wages while both they and the corporations get more and more money while pushing SJ initiatives. This is what constitute the "Democratic" party today.

Forgive me if I come off as an optimist, naive or just sound plain stupid but this may be the "jump the shark" moment for the left. The cheating is on video, well documented and blatantly obvious. Trump has spearheaded a true distrust of the main stream media and millions more are now awake to what is going on then were 4 years ago. Big Tech and the media are both obviously complicit in this cover up as well. I do think that Trump is the right man to fight this thing tooth and nail. It is refreshing to see his sons attack the Republican party who have bent over for decades and allowed the country to reach this point while putting up no resistance.
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The most telling thing about the subversive (((communists))) is how they were able to dumb down the population into becoming pinkos. Rather than use mass murderous purges like the communist regimes of the 20th century they went to subversion first through academia, media, sports, entertainment, all levels of government, the bureaucracy and slowly over the past 50 years it has metastasized into almost every corner of American society.

Millions of whites dumbed down, self-hating, indoctrinated, Godless, lacking cognitive development, conditioned to think based solely on emotion, triggered by anything they have not been conditioned to handle, abusing pharmaceutical and recreational drugs etc. Blacks conditioned to blame whitey, think that they have to live a certain lifestyle, believe that repression is there birth right, not lacking the ability or desire to become a better person and fit into civilization and think that living off the government is what they are entitled to for being part of this country. Non-white latinos who believe that this land was taken from their ancestors and wanting to take it back, refusing to assimilate, doing their part in killing job opportunity for actual US citizens because "they do the jobs no Americans want to do" and also getting free government benefits off the back of the taxing of the white middle class. Let's not forget to mention businesses - whether it's a landscaping business that hires illegals under the table to the tech corporations that send their manufacturing to China to make smart phones while the Chinese allow their people to work for slave wages while both they and the corporations get more and more money while pushing SJ initiatives. This is what constitute the "Democratic" party today.

Forgive me if I come off as an optimist, naive or just sound plain stupid but this may be the "jump the shark" moment for the left. The cheating is on video, well documented and blatantly obvious. Trump has spearheaded a true distrust of the main stream media and millions more are now awake to what is going on then were 4 years ago. Big Tech and the media are both obviously complicit in this cover up as well. I do think that Trump is the right man to fight this thing tooth and nail. It is refreshing to see his sons attack the Republican party who have bent over for decades and allowed the country to reach this point while putting up no resistance.
Leonardfan, Congrats, I nominate this as the CF post of the year!!!
UPDATE: I don't know who Timcast is but apparently Trump votes are straight-up being counted for Biden. By a "glitch", and this has made the news.

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