MLB 2020 Season

Thanks for getting this thread started. Hard to believe another season is around the corner. I'll probably do a fantasy baseball team this year so I will go through and list our players at each position to look out for.
I just saw The Brewer's signed Christian Yelich forever. They'll be paying him over next 20 years. Modern Baseball contracts are crazy.
looking forward to seeing what Bo Bichette, the only white shortstop in the American league, can do for a full season. I would also love to see Corey Seager get back into perineal MVP candidate form like he was before he got hurt.
Thought I would start a new thread on 2020 MLB season.

Here is an interesting article on Fastest players in MLB.

Also, see Statcast link below. We are well represented with 3 of Top 5 , 6 of Top 10. It would be interesting to have home to first (30 Yd) translated into a 40 time.

Best line in the fastest player on each team article linked above is about Brett Gardner.

"Gardner is going to be 55 years old someday, and he's still going to be faster than you, me and everyone we know."

So true. Just hope they keep that crazy stalker lady away from him.
Pretty sure Bichette is only half white and his mother is some sort of Asian. So no actual white short stops in the AL - pathetic
Oh wow I guess I never got a full look at him, I just assumed he was swarthy mediterranean frenchman! His mother appears to have some white in her(probably why shes very pretty). Oh well between him, Tommy Edman, and Taylor Rapp in the NFL, happas are finally getting some representation in sports haha
Doing a quick search, Bichette's mother (Mariana) is from Brazil. Apparently she was a teenager (19) dating an almost 29 year old Dante Bichette Sr. in 1992, when he was playing in Anaheim. She became pregnant that year and had Dante Bichette Jr. -- currently a career minor league roster filler, who was once considered a top prospect for the Yankees. I saw her last year following the Blue Jays and she looked much younger than Bichette Sr., which she is. On TV she also seemed a bit lighter skinned, kind of reminded me of Neo-con, gun-totting princess Dana Loesch of TV/Tea Party fame?

Until a few minutes ago, I assumed Mrs. Bichette was of Portuguese decent, from Brazil, and tanning quite a bit. Turns out she's the Eurasian daughter of a Chinese-Brazilian man. So unlike Edman and Rapp (half-Chinese), the Bichette boys are probably only a 1/4th Asian. Personally, I consider both white and will root for both as if they are white -- although Dante Jr. is a long-shot to ever be a MLB player? The photo T'Lips posted is the 1st I've ever seen of Dante Jr. and it confirms (to me) what has always been said of him -- he looks exactly like Dante Sr., a white man. Bo, supposedly named after Bo Jackson, has more of a very slight Asian look.

Another notable MLB player that has a "exotic" mother is Michael Conforto of the Mets. Mom is a gold-medal winning swimmer from Hawaii. Kind of looks like an older, shorter version of Tulsi Gabbard. Like Bichette, I have no problem rooting for Conforto. His mom's maiden name was Ruiz, but that is the name of her mother's husband -- not related to her. My guess, like several athletes from Hawaii -- Kurt Gouveia, Shane Victorino and Sid Fernandez, she's of mixed Portuguese decent?

P.S: Shadow, wild story regarding Gardner's stalker. I believe Joe Girardi or Brian Cashman (or both) claimed Gardy was the favorite player of their teen daughters. So, he's more popular than most would expect, among women?
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If he's 3/4 white and 1/4 Asian, he's basically white.

Taylor Rapp is different because he's half and half, and only identifies with his Asian side and doesn't consider himself white at all, so I don't either.
The brief preseason kicked off Saturday. The Yankees played at Citi Field against the Mets and there was no crowd noise. But they did have cardboard cut out pictures of fans plastered on the seats behind home plate. Looked like the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album. In a word stupid.

Last night at Yankee stadium there were no hokey cardboard cut outs. There was some "artificial" crowd noise piped in though. It didn't quite sound real but it was better than no noise.

Toronto is frantically trying to figure out where they will play their home games due to Canada COVID travel rules. To me if they can't resolve playing in Toronto ( which they are working at) Buffalo makes the most sense. They are their Triple A affiliation but I heard they need to put in more lights.

Florida stadiums have also been discussed but that makes less sense to me.

Season starts Thursday. A measly 60 game schedule. Not very inspiring. But still a sort of season. On the other hand the NBA and NHL have a kooky round robin quasi playoff thing in place that annoys the hell out of me. Why couldn't they try and salvage some regular season games and have all the teams involved?
Crickets on the opening day of the 2020 MLB season? It’s great! They have BLM painted on the mound. No fans in the stands. Dr. Fauci threw out the first pitch. Everybody’s wearing the fear and ignorance masks...America’s Game!
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I know this is a sports site but this is what has to happen. Sports can't just take a hit, they have to literally go out of business. People have to stop watching or buying anything related to sports. Sports are overwhelmingly left. Every league is the same and until white people stop supporting it completely things will never change.
Crickets on the opening day of the 2020 MLB season? It’s great! They have BLM painted on the mound. No fans in the stands. Dr. Fauci threw out the first pitch. Everybody’s wearing the fear and ignorance masks...America’s Game!
That sounds like the start of a horror film. I cant wait to see video of this travesty. 79 years old withstanding that was one of the worst throws ever. If the arm is dead thats one thing, but the form was something you might expect from a foreigner with no experience watching baseball. Makes me question how terrible a team this little midget captained in high school basketball was?
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I know this is a sports site but this is what has to happen. Sports can't just take a hit, they have to literally go out of business. People have to stop watching or buying anything related to sports. Sports are overwhelmingly left. Every league is the same and until white people stop supporting it completely things will never change.
I agree and as a big baseball fan it pains me to say it.

All the BLM stuff is literally sickening. Grown men being forced to kneel for a literal Marxist movement that is built on a pack of lies. I was excited for the season but now I’m considering boycotting it.

PS - I’m seeing that the Cleveland Indians are considering a name change now. I was presented this news on the bottom ticker of BSPN (which I never watch and don’t pay for). No kidding, the scrolling ticker is over half “social justice” crap. Did people under the Soviets have to endure this much BS on a daily basis?
Well looks like I will add MLB to the f*ck leagues of the NFL and NBA from ever watching or buying their respective sh*t products. All can I say is to go to hell! So glad I will have ample time to be constructive in other pursuits.
Sam Coonrod, of the San Francisco Giants refused to kneel before last night game. He said he had a few problems with the ideas BLM was pushing and as a Christian he only kneels before God. Finally a white player not afraid to stand up and tell how he honestly feels.
Sam Coonrod, of the San Francisco Giants refused to kneel before last night game. He said he had a few problems with the ideas BLM was pushing and as a Christian he only kneels before God. Finally a white player not afraid to stand up and tell how he honestly feels.
Also, just as importantly he said:

"I just can't get on board with a couple things I've read about Black Lives Matter, how they lean towards Marxism," he continued. "And … they said some negative things about the nuclear family. I just can't get on board with that."

Cheers to him as he clearly knows the score!
The Dodgers started 9 whites out of 10 positions today. That's pretty good. The DH being used in the NL makes the Dodgers' starting lineup slightly whiter. I guess they had to get Mookie Betts to replace Puig, so they don't have Vox writing articles about their all-white lineup.
Not that I'm watching any MLB, but just had to check on Mike Trout. He just hit his first HR of the year. 3 RBI.
Crickets on the opening day of the 2020 MLB season? It’s great! They have BLM painted on the mound. No fans in the stands. Dr. Fauci threw out the first pitch. Everybody’s wearing the fear and ignorance masks...America’s Game!
Oh, I forgot about everybody kneeling to the Flag while Morgan pedophile Freeman delivers a social justice speech.
So 14 day quarantine? How are you going to play a schedule?
I think it's ridiculous for them to say they have extra players and special places for guys that test positive. In this environment a positive test let alone getting sick, is a complete game stopper.
I believe MLB has hit rock bottom. The 3 games shown on ESPN July 31 average less than a million viewers each. I think the protests and painting BLM on the field and those PSA they run about BLM is driving the final nail in the coffin. It's not the game I grew on. Now I got to get my moped running and head west because a Mexican hurricane is coming our way.
I've heard that all the sports expect low attendance for a while. It happens after strikes too. If people don't get in the habit of watching games and planning their schedule around it then when the games start it takes a while for the fans to come back. Most people have found other things to do.

In a way it's a blessing for the sports. They can get all of that BLM nonsense out of their system and by the time people come back around to watching that will all have died down.
I'm sure they all see this as a bump in the road, nothing permanent.
I've heard that all the sports expect low attendance for a while. It happens after strikes too. If people don't get in the habit of watching games and planning their schedule around it then when the games start it takes a while for the fans to come back. Most people have found other things to do.

In a way it's a blessing for the sports. They can get all of that BLM nonsense out of their system and by the time people come back around to watching that will all have died down.
I'm sure they all see this as a bump in the road, nothing permanent.
I think baseball has seen it's best days and is now on it's way out. Few people care about outdoor sports anymore, especially younger adults. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out in the next few years (if I live that long).
I agree with you TomIron361, I never see kids playing catch or having a neighborhood game of baseball. They are all walking with their heads down looking at a cell phone. Man, I hoped you are blessed with an extremely long life.
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