Refugee Invasion of Europe

Invasion truly is the right word for this. All European nations need to turn all their armed forces and police loose on these invaders, and let native citizens organize themselves into paramilitary groups.
Invasion truly is the right word for this. All European nations need to turn all their armed forces and police loose on these invaders, and let native citizens organize themselves into paramilitary groups.

100% correct!!!
Three vile, wicked muzzy pukes throw acid on a 3 y/o toddler in England. The (real) Englishmen of yesteryear would have long since enacted due retribution against the savage subhuman scourge who’ve invaded their soil.

I will not read the article so as not to get irate. Nevertheless, these excrement walking around on two legs should be found and executed on the spot.
Sweden Teaches Migrants How to Approach and "Have Sex" with Swedish Women via Taxpayer-funded Program
Of course it was a woman. Women have a very tough time battling emotion, even when they are teetering on insanity. Women having the final say when it comes to politics can be a very dangerous thing.
Imbecilic, brainwashed Swedish student halts flight deporting a usurping muzzie invader. They should have tied her sorry @$$ to the underbelly of the plane & deported her worthless hide as well!

Of course it was a woman. Women have a very tough time battling emotion, even when they are teetering on insanity. Women having the final say when it comes to politics can be a very dangerous thing.

Amen to both posts.

This insane Leftist should have been dragged out by her hair screaming in pain. Then she should have been hauled to jail and given the maximum penalty allowed by law PLUS be subject to Civil lawsuits from all the other passengers and given maximum penalties, fines and jail time on all of those.

These demonic Leftists ONLY UNDERSTAND PAIN. They need to FULLY "understand"...
She proves once again that women will turn on their men. Her father and the brothers she may have. She would rather sacrifice their culture and their comfort because she can't defeat her emotions that tell her to feel sorry for a man from Afganistan who she doesn't probably know at all and that is in custody for some particular reason. Women often make decisions based on emotion instead of calculating the cold hard facts. I don't have any statistics to provide, but I'd be willing to bet that most Swedish men don't want muslims in their country. And of the ones that do, a large percentage of those have probably been cucked into believing that way by a woman. Women creating havok like this is an indicator of all the weak men.
And the Left would tell us the overwhelming majority of the refugees are "women and small children needing safety and medical care"...

I didn't see a single one fitting that description.

The serpents are doing "the deeds of their father, the devil".

This is 15 year old Kriss Donald from Scotland. He was abducted by a group of Pakistani Muslims for being white. He was stabbed 13 times, gouged in the eyes and while he lay bleeding on the floor, the gang poured gasoline on him and set him on fire while still alive.

The British media tried to hide the fact that the perpetrators we're Pakastani Muslims, saying they were "Asians". The same Jewish cabal controls ussa media. The Pakistanis involved and the media totally deserve the death penalty. I would gladly pull the 240V switch on every single one of the scum.
The British media tried to hide the fact that the perpetrators we're Pakastani Muslims, saying they were "Asians". The same Jewish cabal controls ussa media. The Pakistanis involved and the media totally deserve the death penalty. I would gladly pull the 240V switch on every single one of the scum.

Ditto! Those untermenschen paki puke invaders should all be publicly drawn & quartered (at minimum).
Guys, walking the streets in my city here in germany, approx 50 % of people are dark migrants. Naturally in my workplace like 1 % are migrants. Europe is slowly going the way of south africa. Coming home from drinking in the early hours i routinely see Cops locked in situations with drunken unruly migrants. Its going to get worse before it gets better. Gonna try get my hands on a piece.
Guys, walking the streets in my city here in germany, approx 50 % of people are dark migrants. Naturally in my workplace like 1 % are migrants. Europe is slowly going the way of south africa. Coming home from drinking in the early hours i routinely see Cops locked in situations with drunken unruly migrants. Its going to get worse before it gets better. Gonna try get my hands on a piece.

Good, you should. Just do it legally so they can't arrest you.
Guys, walking the streets in my city here in germany, approx 50 % of people are dark migrants. Naturally in my workplace like 1 % are migrants. Europe is slowly going the way of south africa. Coming home from drinking in the early hours i routinely see Cops locked in situations with drunken unruly migrants. Its going to get worse before it gets better. Gonna try get my hands on a piece.

It’s a pure D shame that Europeans weren’t verified the GOD given right to self defense via the “law” (as we have thru the 2nd Amendment). Man’s laws are always secondary to God’s, so I’d pull out all stops to defend my family & home.

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Man when this spirals out of control, sign me up. I'll be more than happy to travel to Europe and help fellow whites out. I hope one day I get to see the wrath that is coming to these migrants and their jewish handlers.
Westminster crash suspect named

The man arrested on suspicion of terror offences after a car crashed outside the Houses of Parliament has been named as Salih Khater by government sources.

The 29-year-old British citizen, originally from Sudan, has also been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, Met Police said on Wednesday.

He came to the UK as a refugee and was granted asylum, the BBC understands.

Westminster crash suspect named

The man arrested on suspicion of terror offences after a car crashed outside the Houses of Parliament has been named as Salih Khater by government sources.

The 29-year-old British citizen, originally from Sudan, has also been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, Met Police said on Wednesday.

He came to the UK as a refugee and was granted asylum, the BBC understands.


Wow, what a shock! Look at that true Englishman! Why would he ever do such a thing to his "fellow citizens".
Westminster crash suspect named

The man arrested on suspicion of terror offences after a car crashed outside the Houses of Parliament has been named as Salih Khater by government sources.

The 29-year-old British citizen, originally from Sudan, has also been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, Met Police said on Wednesday.

He came to the UK as a refugee and was granted asylum, the BBC understands.


This is another example of why my sainted momma told me (many moons ago)...”son, don’t you ever trust anybody with lips over two inches thick & skin darker than mine!”. I always try to take that wonderful advise.
American Freedom News