Boston Marathon Bombing

The media said that the house the suspect might be hiding behind was filled with people who could barely speak English, enough with the immigrants.
I don't much care for this picture.


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I think it's important to note that not everything is a false flag or conspiracy. There are people, foreign and domestic, who hate America, and it's not out of the question that there'll be occasional nut jobs who'll resort to violence without the help of any 3 letter government agency. Occam's Razor could very well be the situation here.

In this case, I very much doubt the very feminine and laid back looking younger brother with the girly chin was the brains of the operation. The older brother was clearly the alpha, was radicalized, took his brother under his wing, and the plan was hatched. Maybe they under-estimated how sophisticated surveillance techniques have become, with cameras everywhere, Google Earth, etc, and were surprised their pictures were published so soon. Then they panicked and we had the events of the last 24 hours.

The liberal media didn't get their ideal suspects, homegrown white males of Northern European descent, so it'll be interesting to follow the aftermath. These guys are white alright, though they are Muslims from that Caucuses region, and have far more in common with Persians, Turks, all the 'stans in Central Asia, than Nordics or Anglos.

Watch the coming days and weeks, and see what kind of changes, if any, we may have to put up with going forward. More urban/suburban checkpoints, more restrictions about what you can carry in public, more searches and patrols, etc.
That makes you a mudshark.

Uhh...because thats exactly who/what they are. How many troops do we have in Chechnya???

And you would be supporting an Islamic dictatorship.
They have blonde pale white skinned Iraqis. Obviously this isn't the norm but I have seen a few on tv broadcasts. I have also met one that could pass as a Spaniard or other Southern European people. Not all Iraqis look like Jamie Farr....
[h=1]Justice official: Miranda rights will not be read to bombing suspect[/h]
From The Detroit News:

Oh that pesky constitution, no longer needed when the fedgov wants to get serious!!

Washington — A Justice Department official says the Boston Marathon bombing suspect will not be read his Miranda rights because the government is invoking a public safety exception.
That official and a second person briefed on the investigation says 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be questioned by a special interrogation team for high-value suspects. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to disclose the information publicly.
The public safety exception permits law enforcement officials to engage in a limited and focused unwarned interrogation of a suspect and allows the government to introduce the statement as evidence in court. The public safety exception is triggered when police officers have an objectively reasonable need to protect the police or the public from immediate danger. (end)

Why not torture? If the public is in immediate danger?
Watching some of the coverage in Watertown. Large crowds of people cheering and high-fiving cops, waving American flags, chants of "USA! USA!", looks like a giant celebration of some sorts, crowd is majority white.

We are so f***ed.
Justice official: Miranda rights will not be read to bombing suspect

From The Detroit News:

Oh that pesky constitution, no longer needed when the fedgov wants to get serious!!

Washington — A Justice Department official says the Boston Marathon bombing suspect will not be read his Miranda rights because the government is invoking a public safety exception.
That official and a second person briefed on the investigation says 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be questioned by a special interrogation team for high-value suspects. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to disclose the information publicly.
The public safety exception permits law enforcement officials to engage in a limited and focused unwarned interrogation of a suspect and allows the government to introduce the statement as evidence in court. The public safety exception is triggered when police officers have an objectively reasonable need to protect the police or the public from immediate danger. (end)

Why not torture? If the public is in immediate danger?
I was just thinking about this on my drive home. If he is not Mirandized, then waterboard him as well. Watch not a peep out of the leftist scum, socialist, DWFs, libs, dems and all the rest. Funny the sh*t they continue to get away with and obviously not a batted eye from their enabling media. What a crock. If I was the suspect, I'd just say "f*ck you and the horses you rode in on. Where in the F*CK in F. Lee Baily."
That kid must be either bionic or was wearing body armor. He survived two different shootouts with police, first after they hijacked a car, and then at the boat he was hiding in. I heard the audio from both events, and there must have been dozens if not hundreds of bullets flying in his direction both times, ala the famous last scene of Bonnie and Clyde. Yet somehow he ran away from the first shootout on foot, and surrendered or was taken from the boat alive tonight. Amazing.
I made this comment over at Steve sailer's blog:

An aunt of the dead guy who is now living in Canada says it can't possibly have anything to do with religion as he was married to a Christian. I heard an expert say since they were integrated into American society they might have just felt rage at society similar to those who shoot up schools. So there you are. It had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. Roll on amnesty.

BTW this reminds me of the Sopranos episode where Christopher is told that the tough Russian he is chasing is especially dangerous because he killed 16 Chechens. In a panic Christopher then says they better watch out for this Russian as "he killed 16 Czechoslovakians". Given Americans' famous lack of knowledge (iSteve readers excepted) of other countries I fear the image of Czechs is about to get a black eye.:icon_tongue:
Don't forget when Tony explained that the Russian worked for the Interior Ministry, dumb ass Paulie told Christopher that the Russian was a "interior decorator". Equally ignorant Christopher replied,"Wow, interior decorator, his apartment looked like sh*t!" LOL:icon_lol:
Don't forget when Tony explained that the Russian worked for the Interior Ministry, dumb ass Paulie told Christopher that the Russian was a "interior decorator". Equally ignorant Christopher replied,"Wow, interior decorator, his apartment looked like sh*t!" LOL:icon_lol:

The Sopranos had a lot of humor like that during its run. HBO recently showed the last season again. I miss that show, probably my favorite series ever.
The Sopranos had a lot of humor like that during its run. HBO recently showed the last season again. I miss that show, probably my favorite series ever.
Without a doubt, the Sopranos, one of the greatest series ever, in terms of acting, humor and drama. Man, I looked forward to every episode during its run. This particular episode was called Pine Barrens I believe.

Another famous exchange between Paulie and Chrissy.

Paulie,"F*cking Russians, you know those pricks had nuclear warheads aimed at us from Cuba!"

Chrissy,"Really, I saw that movie, I thought it was bullsh*t."LOL:lol:
The Pine Barrens episode was definitely one of the most memorable ones.

There's a newbie CF poster named jerseypinebarrens. Maybe he can let us know if the Russian lived or died. :biggrin1:
Pretty interesting posts in this thread. Just a few comments:

The media must be loving all this free footage - it's like a hollywood movie - the whole country is watching and cheering on further blurring the line between reality and fiction. I will never understand the "USA" chants. The two culprits were both US Citizens and products of the multicultural cesspool this country is becoming due to the leftists destroying the country's demographics over the past 50 years.

The bimbos and mimbos "covering" this story have all come across as shallow and not the sharpest tools in the shed. It's no mistake they are the mouthpiece of the cult-marxists agenda being fed to the masses through TV.

The way these police units are armed is particularly troubling. They are armed to the teeth with Humvees, Tanks, APCs, Helicopters and an arsenal of weapons. They are regional paramilitary organizations in my opinion.
The Pine Barrens episode was definitely one of the most memorable ones.

There's a newbie CF poster named jerseypinebarrens. Maybe he can let us know if the Russian lived or died. :biggrin1:
Don, of course he lived. He disappeared in the snow after being shot. Me and my buddies always thought "Drago" would return in the last season to exact revenge on Walnuts and punk ass Chrissy. Remember when Paulie said, "next time don't wear your pajamas in the snow, prick." Drago,"F you, I bathe my balls in ice water, F you and F your mother!" LOL

Back to subject. I feel bad for the "innocent" people who had their legs blown off, but for some twisted reason, I believe ANYONE who voted for BO and his party are NOT so innocent. Man, I have become jaded.
So the cops had thousands of men patrolling these neighborhoods on lockdown all day but never bothered to notice the bloodstain on a boat in someone's backyard? Hell even without the blood stain that'd be one of the first things I searched because it's such an obvious hiding place.

Nope instead they just used this as an opportunity to prance around like stormtroopers for the entire day and do ********. The suspect probably could have escaped if he simply told the cops "these aren't the droids your looking for."
They showed some additional footage of people in Boston celebrating, amid chants of "USA!!USA!!" and "Boston!Boston!", waving flags, with wild and mindless cheering, the sort of DWF behavior you would see at a football game.

The great majority of American people have officially become the dumbest f**king morons on the entire planet, perhaps in the history of civilization.
BoxingSpecialist completely ignored my post about Muslim hypocrisy. I don't blame him as there is no defence he can offer to the allegation that Muslims are pro-USA sycophants when the the US is slaughtering Christians and then they cry like babies when their fellow Muslims are the targets. BoxingSpecialist is an anti-white anti-Christian Islamic Supremacist.
BoxingSpecialist completely ignored my post about Muslim hypocrisy. I don't blame him as there is no defence he can offer to the allegation that Muslims are pro-USA sycophants when the the US is slaughtering Christians and then they cry like babies when their fellow Muslims are the targets. BoxingSpecialist is an anti-white anti-Christian Islamic Supremacist.

I didn't respond to your comment because I found it somewhat off-topic and ignorant and quite frankly its a discussion I didn't want to get caught up in. But now that you're insisting I guess I'll tell you how I really feel.

You won't find many defenders of the USA's Judeocentric foreign policy round here. But just as Muslims in the Middle East are victims of it so we in the West are victims of largely Jewish-driven immigration and multiculturalism policies that bring ethnically and religiously alien people to live amongst us, such as these Chechen slimeballs.

To say that American foreign policy is Judeocentric is an understatement and actually the government itself is a Zionist regime. The definition of "terrorist" in the USA is rapidly becoming simply anyone who doesn't agree with the government, for whatever reason (including a lot of non Muslims who have other reasons for disagreeing with the government). This Chechen bomber, was denied his rights. That tells you what you need to know about USA. Don't **** with the government, because if you do, you don't have any rights.

I hope that no one on this site would defend American foreign policy. American foreign policy in the Middle East consists of lying about the existence of WMD in Iraq, illegally and unlawfully invading the country and contributing to the deaths of more than 650,000 Iraqis, and contributing to the deaths of more than 500,000 Afghans. Americans have slaughtered thousands of Caucasians in the Middle East and that really speaks for itself. Afghans and Iraqis are borderline white. American people should accept responsibility for these deaths, and on some level they are responsible for their government.

To top it all off, there has also been a tremendous cost to Americans themselves. Thousands of dead soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan and many more losing limbs. There's got to be roughly 6,000 dead American soldiers in Iraq, not to mention injured so the death toll for Americans is also quite severe.

Clearly, this situation is neither benfitting Caucasian Muslim Middle Easterners nor Caucasian Christian Americans. The only group that is benefitting from American foreign policy is Zionists and Jewish supremacists. White Americans themselves are not even benefitting from their own government's foreign policy. How many white American soldiers have died in Iraq? They are massacring and slaughtering Caucasians and their own white, American soldiers in the Middle East, and they're doing it for oil money and Israeli causes.

USA also militarily, financially, and ideologically supports Israel. Understand that Zionists forcibly evicted Christian and Muslim Arabs from their houses, stole their land, didn't compensate them, killed them many times, and didn't allow them to come back. USA is currently supporting a criminal, Zionist apartheid in Israel. How can White Christians justify Jews evicting fellow Christians from their place of living?

Here's a recent Israeli attack a few days ago which killed 10 Arab civilians, and the Jews admitted wrongdoing, but said there will be no criminal investigation:

Maybe if the US doesn't want Muslim radicals they should take a look in the mirror because they are creating the problem and admit wrongdoing for their war-mongering in the Middle East, slaughtering of Caucasians in the Middle East, and their arrogant support of a Zionist apartheid in Israel. American foreign policy is the root of Islamic extremism. Period. It wouldn't be an issue if Americans weren't slaughtering people in the Middle East or sponsoring Jewish criminals in Israel.

What the US has done in the Middle East is god damn criminal and you can be sure if there is a God, he is not on the side of USA. What they have done is simply wrong and immoral on many levels. They bear responsibility for the deaths of more than 1 million and their support of an apartheid regime is sickening.

Forget about Muslims for a second, Whites in the USA are screwing themselves by following this type of government and foreign policy. Everyone on this website should be aware of cultural marxism, leftism, and Jewish supremacism in American politics, popular culture, and media. And quite frankly its one in the same. It upsets me a great deal to see White Americans agreeing with American foreign policy. Understand that white Americans who agree with the government and foreign policy are in effect agreeing with the slaughtering of more than 1 million Caucasians (borderline white) in the Middle East, and you're also agreeing to supporting Jewish criminals in Israel who are persecuting Muslims and Christians. These same Jewish criminals are also working diligently against whites at home, in the USA.

American foreign policy doesn't at all represent the interest of white Americans, sending thousands of soldiers to die in Iraq over WMD that didn't exist is insulting. It represents the interests of Zionists and corporations and white Americans would do better to distance themselves from these institutions. American foreign policy is responsible for nurturing Islamic extremism.

With the way that demographic trends are going, in another 20 or 30 years, USA won't even be a majority white country anymore. At that time, it would make more sense for anyone on this website to support countries in Europe or the Middle East such as Iran, Iraq, and so on, because at least these countries would continue to remain Caucasian and white friendly.

On CNN the other day, I was watching a black-Hispanic guy talk badly about one of the bombers. Well, this Negro-Hispanic doesn't understand that the bomber is protesting the massacres of 1 million+ Caucasians in the Middle East. Thats what the USA is becoming, a nation of Negroes, Hispanics, and Zionists and I guess if you wanna follow that you can go right ahead... Personally I'd rather support Caucasians in Europe or the Middle East.
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BoxingSpecialist is an anti-white anti-Christian Islamic Supremacist.
No, he's white himself, he's a pro-white Muslim. He mainly objects to Jewish Supremacism.

That being said, there is no excuse for the bombing and for the murder of that poor security guard. Attacks like these accomplish NOTHING for Muslims - in fact, the murder of innocent people actually make it easier for the Jewish Supremacists to propagandize against them.

But I don't think the actions of those two bombers had anything to do with Chechen nationalism or with Islam. They were just two demented individuals.
No, he's white himself, he's a pro-white Muslim. He mainly objects to Jewish Supremacism.

That being said, there is no excuse for the bombing and for the murder of that poor security guard. Attacks like these accomplish NOTHING for Muslims - in fact, the murder of innocent people actually make it easier for the Jewish Supremacists to propagandize against them.

But I don't think the actions of those two bombers had anything to do with Chechen nationalism or with Islam. They were just two demented individuals.

I object to the way that American foreign policy has killed many people in the Middle east who I consider white. I also find it offensive that thousands of white Americans have died in Iraq for a war that was based on Zionist and corporate interests (and apparently the white "racially aware" posters on this site can't see that). Maybe some others here don't consider Afghans and Iraqis as white, but at the very least they are Caucasian and close to being white, and they have been massacred and butchered. I find it very upsetting what USA has done in the Middle East to these people and quite frankly I sympathize with the bombers. There does need to be some justice, accountability, and punishment for the government in the USA.

I also object to the way American government is marginalizing whites in their own country. These two objections are really one and the same. Zionists and Jewish supremacists have too much power in the US. And the white people in USA who are Christian need to start making better choices, not just for the sake of Caucasians in the Middle East, but for their own sake as well. USA as a country is heading down the drains and I think we can all see that posting on this site. Another 20 years and we won't be having this discussion as whites will be a minority in the US. USA currently doesn't represent any interests at all that are white-friendly, and American posters on this site would do well to realize that.

At the same time, American news media is just nonstop propaganda, failing to bring up the justified reasons many Muslims have for hating the US, and also failing to bring up massacres that happen in the Middle East on a daily basis. 10 Arab civilians were also masscared by Jews and a few days ago it was announced no charges will be laid and that was hardly mentioned on the news (Source: . There won't be an investigation or Obama speech into that one. Why doesn't the media present this as a case of terrorism and why does Obama continue to support ideologically and financially Israeli terrorists? Obama has said in many speeches how strongly he supports Israel, so how are Americans OK with their government and leader supporting Israeli terrorists who bomb houses and kill Arab kids?

That being said, I do feel sorry for the victims, as they were innocent. The women, police officer, and young boy who died. It's sad and I don't agree with killing innocent people. I do give full respect and thoughts to the victims.
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I guess I'll tell you how I really feel.

I feel the same way. I think a lot of others here do too. I'm not a big supporter of your dating choices but your political views are spot on. The US is a zionist run government that seems to have as it's goal the extermination of White people and their culture. The imperial army in the middle east is a crime against humanity. A Christian God could not possibly look upon this nation and come to the conclusion "God bless America". There will be more national pain and it is deserved as payback for what has been done. You reap what you sow.
Just checked out SI's site and was greeted with this picture:


Nothing quite like seeing a black man who isn't even an American with the clenched communist fist finishing his speech by saying to the crowd at Fenway Park, "This is our f***ing city. And nobody [sic] going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong," with a giant U.S. flag in the background.

The symbolism says volumes to non-DWFs, of which there are few as the masses are swept up in media-whipped "patriotism" celebrating 4,000 cops-turned-military being able to hunt down two suspects while martial law was imposed on a major metropolitan area. And despite all their high-tech gadgets, it was an unarmed homeowner who spotted the rip in his boat and the surrounding blood and thus located the suspect, not someone from law enforcement.

And yes, there are a lot of legitimate questions being asked about the FBI knowing and guiding the brothers, private contractors on the scene along with plenty of undercover feds and bomb-tracking equipment on site, as with so many other of these events starting with 9/11, there just happened to be a "drill" taking place at the site or nearby, in this case at the site of the marathon itself.
The only group that is benefitting from American foreign policy is Zionists and Jewish supremacists. apartheid in Israel.

So you don't think the European traitors known as Bosnian Muslims and Kosovo Albanians benefitted from American foreign policy? LOL
"I presume the Loved One was Caucasian?"

"No, why did you think that? He was purely English."

"English are purely Caucasian, Mr. Barlow. This is a restricted park. The Dreamer has made that rule for the sake of the Waiting Ones. In their time of trial they prefer to be with their own people."

from 'The Loved One' (1948) Evelyn Waugh

What I don't understand is how the older bomber owned a Mercedes (not the one he carjacked, but rather a Merc he reportedly owned himself). He was a part time college student, he was without work, his family lived off welfare, he devoted most of his time to amateur athletics. Yet he owned a nice car, wore nice clothes and trained for boxing at a high level.

Was he a criminal? Chechens have their own Mafiya so maybe he was involved in that. (The late and unlamented Boris Berezovsky, though Jewish, was connected to the Chechen Mafiya. It's believed he used them to murder a critic of his, the Russian-American who was editor of the Russian version of Forbes magazine.) Was his family running some kind of shoplifting ring? Drugs, such as E, collecting for the Russians or Israelis who deal to the college E-tards?

Was there another source for his money? Boston metro is expensive to live in.

Wouldn't it be easier to consider Muslims as non-white? Why do I have to solve some sort of complex ethnic math problem when it comes to figuring what the exotic creature before me is? Why is some peculiar tribal conflict thousands of miles away any concern of mine? Muslims have been killing and enslaving whites for over a thousand years. Gosh, maybe they're trying to tell us something.

"They told me, Francis Hinsley, they told me you were hung
With red protruding eye-balls and black protruding tongue..."

American Freedom News