Ron Paul - POTUS 2012


Thanks much for the info. Now I know.

Interesting how quiet everything is before this Maine caucus tomorrow. Absolutely no coverage in the NY Post. I think the powers that be are afraid Dr. Paul is going to win this one. I guess they're getting their stories straight for that eventuality.

Tom Iron...

Thanks much for the info. Now I know.

Interesting how quiet everything is before this Maine caucus tomorrow. Absolutely no coverage in the NY Post. I think the powers that be are afraid Dr. Paul is going to win this one. I guess they're getting their stories straight for that eventuality.

Tom Iron...
No problem Tom. Glad I could help.

This is an account posted by a delegate chair and a Paul supporter in Maine, giving a good look into what's going on there and how the GOP establishment is trying their best to stop Ron. Now I know the source could be lying but I'll take him at his word.

Needless to say, if it's fair, Ron Paul should win Maine.
Ron Paul narrowly misses winning Maine---darn the bad luck. Man that Romney is one *lucky* guy.
[h=3]Gentlemen, Take a look at this video.
Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show
MSNBC 2/10/12 - YouTube[/h]
â–º 12:08â–º 12:08 hours ago - 12 min - Uploaded by LibertySource
Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12.

Interesting stuff. "Don't give up the ship." "We have not yet begun to fight.

Maine isn't over.

Tom Iron...
That's an interesting story. From what I can gather reading about the "caucuses" it appears they are little more then a formality to select the guy the state party--or national party in some cases--wants as the winner. The media buys into it because they are used to be manipulated like cheap whores and that's how they do business. It helps them if there is a horse race, and that is what the Republican party is trying to do, put on a dog and pony show to distract the sheeple, and create the image that a real election is going on. I would much prefer to just have a convention and let the states and delegates battle it out on the floor==like in the old days. Unfortunately there is little money in that as the dinosaur media depends on the millions dumped into their 'commercials' come campaign time.
I think what surprises me the most is the dogged resistance of the PTB to let Ron Paul win even one little frickin state, like it's going to change anything. I'm sure they have it locked up for whoever they want in the big states so they only thing I can figure is that they want it as easy to manipulate as possible and if Paul starts winning majority amounts in big states then it will be harder to cheat him out of votes.

There must be real fear of Ron Paul out there by MSM manipulators. It's not like he has any possible chance of even winning a completely fair election with the functional retards that cast most of the votes in our elections. I guess it's just that they are scared by a guy that hasn't given in to the agenda when every other single person has. Shows how pathetic they are.

Correct Sir, the powers that be are very scared of Dr. Paul. But every time they pull a trick like Maine, they cause more people to realize what they're doing because they have to be more and more flagrant about it. It seems they're getting their way on the surface, but I think things are unraveling. It's like the old Shakespearian verse goes, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we practice to deceive." They finding themselves in an ever increasing tangle of lies as this goes on. They keep having to cover lies and forget where they are.

This is really something to watch.

Tom Iron...
I hope for you guys Ron Paul wins it espacially Tom Iron becuase you seems to really want it.

To play devels advocate and outsider, is it really only positive to make the goverments role smaller?
would not the % poor even more rise.
Money to the poor could nearly all come back into economy becuase they can't save much money.
But one thing a lot of taxes are wasted too and the resons poor people are often so expensive is becuase of their poor health on average.It is always said that they need to eat a lot of junk food becuase healthy food is expenisve but I dont agree.With 4 peaple you easily spend 20-30 dollars at mac donalds on menu's.For like 2 dollar you have a a pound of vegatables.with 4 persons you can buy 2 pounds for like 4 dollars.then you can buy a chicken of like 5 dollars( better then fried chicken) and rise of couple of dollars with you can use multiple times for couple of bucks.meat like pork and eggs are inexpensive too.of the eated foods like 70% is profit for where they buy it.Heathcare could be much lower if the junk food is cheap myth would be broken and people would less use the car but more the metro etc.European taxed are much higher some spend on bul**** but also big portion comes back in economy.But not everything is spend more on, european healthcare for example is 2 times cheaper relatively and could be much lower espacially for americans and it isnt better genes mostly eating less junk food is a must.
I am myself far from the healthyest person on earth lol, can sport for couple of years of it.But if you see the statistics you see that junk food people have on average a much shorter healthy live on average.
this should be an eye-opening story across these "United" States, but sadly most "citizens" are either unaware (because the jew-tube media refuses to report on the story) or (even worse) are unconcerned.

Maine Caucus Results Looking Even Fishier.

Written by Thomas R. Eddlem
Thursday, 16 February 2012 09:18

Will Mitt Romney's "victory" in the February 11 Maine presidential caucuses be taken away like his phony victory in Iowa? That now seems quite possible. The Maine GOP declared the former Massachusetts Governor the narrow winner of the state's presidential caucus February 11, but Romney's 194-vote margin of victory over Texas Congressman Ron Paul is being whittled away as more results have been reported.

Moreover, the state's rural Washington County — along with a few other communities that postponed their caucuses February 11 — will hold the final caucuses Saturday, February 18 and may decide the victor of the non-binding straw poll.

But GOP Party Chairman Charlie Webster insists that he will not release updated results from the additional caucuses, even as he comes under increasing fire from his fellow Maine Republicans and national Ron Paul campaign officials. In results in the three counties that have been released to the public, Ron Paul won more votes than were reported in the official results. Webster claims that the missing votes — when all of them are counted -- will favor Romney, and that he is not going to give the press access to updated results. “No one has access,†he told the Daily Caller February 15. “There will be no access. We will give it to the committee on March 10. We are not going to release them [the missing votes]. People can whine and complain and plead, but I’m not going to make them public.â€

Webster admits there were clerical errors in the tally on February 11. “What I tell people is that I’m not going to fire my staff because they make clerical errors,†he told the Daily Caller. “My poor staffer is in tears, because people are harassing her.â€

Washington County, which will caucus February 18, has some powerful party officials who are already complaining about Webster's claim he will not announce updated results. “I think it’s not surprising that there would be very strong objections to the notion that our votes wouldn’t count in Washington County,†Maine Senate President Kevin Raye (R-Perry) told the Bangor Daily News February 14. “I’ve made known my position that those votes should count and the [GOP] chair said he would take that request to the state committee.†Raye's district is in Washington County.

While Paul campaign officials immediately balked about the Maine GOP Chairman's premature decision to award Romney the victory in advance of the Washington County caucuses, errors in the official vote totals have metastasized as more results have become known. "It’s no longer just about Washington County," the Christian Science Monitor reported February 15. "There are towns whose votes went uncounted, and other towns whose caucus dates are yet to come. Plus — and here’s the big finish — the Paul forces are now fully alerted, and if you’ve ever been on their wrong side, you know what that means. Their social media organizations are going to be focused on turning out more caucus attendees than the Washington County GOP has ever seen."

Local Maine newspapers have uncovered a number of errors in the official results that appeared to favor Romney over Paul. "While the state GOP says Paul got 37 votes to Romney's 30, Waldo County's spreadsheet shows Paul winning, 71-50," the Portland Press Herald reported February 15. The newspaper continued:

Waldo County Republican Party Chairman Raymond St. Onge explained that several towns held a "super caucus" in Belfast on Feb. 4 and he faxed those results to state party headquarters a few days later. The problem, St. Onge said, is that those early returns were never added to those from the other Waldo County towns that caucused and reported in on Saturday — leaving his county's overall results incomplete.

Then there's the city of Waterville, where 21 people voted for Paul, five went with Romney and three lined up behind Newt Gingrich. Those results don't appear in the state GOP's tally, which shows nothing but goose eggs for the Elm City.

The Bangor Daily News reported February 15 that failure to count all of the county's caucus votes has led to a resolution to censure Chairman Webster. "Members of the Waldo County GOP Committee voted Tuesday evening to recommend a censure of Maine Republican Party Chairman Charlie Webster for his handling of the party’s presidential caucuses. Raymond St. Onge, who leads the Waldo County GOP, said the initial motion was to call for a vote of no confidence in Webster and a recommendation that he step down from his post."

The state GOP somehow reversed the caucus results in Waldo County's City of Belfast, according to the Belfast Caucus Chairman Matt McDonald, and then reported no results in the official tally. McDonald spoke via Skype with the Fox network's Cincinnati affiliate: "We caucused and the vote was eight for Ron Paul, seven for Rick Santorum, and five for Mitt Romney and there were two undecideds." McDonald told reporter Ben Swann that he had spoken to the GOP leadership in Augusta, Maine about their early February 4 caucus after no votes had been recorded online in the official results. McDonald told Swann that he was told by party leaders the results the GOP had from Belfast was that Romney — not Paul — had won the city caucus with nine votes, Santorum came in second with five votes and Paul came in third with two votes — close to the opposite of the actual county caucus results.

The above voting irregularities do not account for the entire 194-vote margin of victory GOP leaders claimed on behalf of Mitt Romney February 11. Indeed, Webster may be right that when all the results are updated Romney will remain the victor in the state caucuses. It's possible the publicly reported errors and incomplete results may simply be cherry-picked data on behalf of the Ron Paul campaign and that there were equal or greater errors made against the Romney campaign. But McDonald's report on the Belfast results in particular indicates that perhaps Webster's impression of the nature and scope of the errors appears mistaken at best. And the controversy will only heighten without a public update of the results from the GOP leadership after the remaining February 18 caucuses.

How right he is. Whether's it technically fascist or not is debatable, but Washington and its corporate media arm are unquestionably moving in a totalitarian direction, and fast.

First Pat Buchanan was cleansed from MSNBC, and then Andrew Napolitano from Fox News. Here's a great summation of the U.S.'s closed, phony political system by the judge, followed by an article by Kevin MacDonald on Buchanan's firing, followed by an article by Paul Craig Roberts on the shutting down of dissent in the "land of the free."
Don, Facism/Communism is in creeping everywhere. I have no idea where people got these ideas.

I'm at war with my Board of Ed. Last month, they just disenfranchised the taxpayers here from voting on most of the school budgets and don't think anything of it. Well, they crossed a line with me. They aren't going to like their board meetings from here on in. I can't believe what they've got up their sleeves as far as brainwashing these poor kids. They're constantly working on them. But, for some reason, it doesn't seem to work on alot of kids. Maybe that's a good sign.

Tom Iron...
On Presidents day, a bunch of veterans marched on the white house - opposing the wars and supporting Ron Paul. This event was not aired on one news channel (of course). A couple of interesting things in this video. The intimidation technique at :22 seconds. Additionally, anybody recognize the guy in black, third from the left at 4:20. You get a closer look at him at the 4:45 mark.
Don, Facism/Communism is in creeping everywhere. I have no idea where people got these ideas.

I'm at war with my Board of Ed. Last month, they just disenfranchised the taxpayers here from voting on most of the school budgets and don't think anything of it. Well, they crossed a line with me. They aren't going to like their board meetings from here on in. I can't believe what they've got up their sleeves as far as brainwashing these poor kids. They're constantly working on them. But, for some reason, it doesn't seem to work on alot of kids. Maybe that's a good sign.

Tom Iron...
Mr. Iron, If I had kids during these times, no way would I allow them to attend any type of public school, any place any where. I would send them to a private or Catholic school. The children would benefit more than any public school.
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Anyone watching tonight's debate has to see clearly that Paul and Romney are in collusion to take out Newt and Santorm. Tonight Paul laid into Santorum by calling him a fake and supporting Planed Parenthood in the past. At one point Paul and Romney had Santorum's head spinning. Yes like I stated almost 2 months ago Paul and Romney are a team. Romney if President, Paul in charge of reforming the FED. Count on. It!
i was unable to watch the debate tonight, but i did see a video earlier today that had Ron Paul hinting that his vice presidential nominee would be Judge Andrew Napolitano. not a bad choice, methinks.
It is my job in the future to just stick to sports but a Yahoo article just came out covering the debates and there was not one mention of Mister Paul in the article.
If you scroll down to the comments section there were scores of responses where posters who though even did not like Ron Paul they thought it was very biased and unfair not to at least mention him in the article where they totally ignored him.
Maybe there is some real truth to the media trying to tune him out because he speaks truths that threaten the status-quo?
Has Rick Santorum still a change of winning, and did anyone hear the statistics about euthanasie in the netherlands.His statistics were crazy lol. the euthanacy is juced very little and used for people with no chance of recovery and are in a hell of pain.
Ron Paul must have done well in the debate because he was the subject of both talk radio faux conservative blowhards Rush Limbo and Laura Ingrahm.

I heard a bit of their programs at lunch and they both used the MSM talking point that Paul is Romney's "hit man" and is trying to take Santorum out.

A sound bite was played where Paul called Santorum a "fake" in response to a question about a Paul ad with the same message. The crowd roared and cheered Paul.

Santorum, or course, is now the favorite RINO candidate amongst a certain breed of "R". Limbo was foaming at the mouth when he was discussing Paul, expressing a level of hate for him that he has never worked up for a Democrat.

Ingrahm is asserting that a Romney-Rand Paul ticket is in the offing if Ron does his part to help Romney succeed.

Phoney baloney conservatives are fun to listen to, if you can stomach them.
Ron Paul must have done well in the debate because he was the subject of both talk radio faux conservative blowhards Rush Limbo and Laura Ingrahm.

I heard a bit of their programs at lunch and they both used the MSM talking point that Paul is Romney's "hit man" and is trying to take Santorum out.

A sound bite was played where Paul called Santorum a "fake" in response to a question about a Paul ad with the same message. The crowd roared and cheered Paul.

Santorum, or course, is now the favorite RINO candidate amongst a certain breed of "R". Limbo was foaming at the mouth when he was discussing Paul, expressing a level of hate for him that he has never worked up for a Democrat.

Ingrahm is asserting that a Romney-Rand Paul ticket is in the offing if Ron does his part to help Romney succeed.

Phoney baloney conservatives are fun to listen to, if you can stomach them.

Laura Ingraham, the utterly-miserable NeoCon Queen-O-Harpies, truly disgusts me. Here is a picture of her former lover and fiancé, Rubynoggin RINO, Dinesh D'Souza..


CAPTION: Dorky Dinesh Dittohead

Ingraham is so “conservative” that she, at nearly 50 years of age, has never been married, she’s broken off her wedding engagement multiple times, and she’s never had children. Oh, but she adopt a little brown daughter (bottom left in photo) from South America…

laura ingraham with her kids.jpg

CAPTION: Fake Conservative, Fake Mother

To her credit, though, Ingraham did later adopt two white babies from Russia.

And Limbaugh, the bloated, mansion-dwelling, cigar-puffing, product-peddling, negro-loving, Zio-approved corporate hack has been married four times and has produced zero children…


CAPTION: Wife #1


CAPTION: Wife #2


CAPTION: Wife #3


CAPTION: Wife #4
It's interesting that these candidates keep talking about war and the bottom is falling out of the economy ( Specifically, the announcement of the Post Office getting rid of 25-35 thousand people. Also, Peninsular hospital up in the NYC just got shut down by the health dept. They got told to get all the patients out and cease admittance and cease all surgery. That's another 3-4 hundred jobs. things are starting to unravel fast now. Yet these bums keep up their stupid talk of war.

All except Ron Paul of course. He just maintains his course. I don't know what's going to happen to make him the presidential candidate, but I feel he will somehow get the nomination. It will come about suddenly. No one will see it coming. Keep the faith

Tom Iron...
American Freedom News