Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

below i'll post a couple of short Ron Paul videos from the Arizona debate this past week. the first is a post-debate interview, wherein i think Ron Paul knocks 'em dead. the second is a very short highlight montage of some of Paul's debate responses. finally, i'll just post a link to the complete Ron Paul response collection, as it is quite lengthy.




finally, here is the link to the complete collection of Ron Paul highlights from the Arizona debate.
While Newt can't even attract flies and is relying on $15M of Ko$her cash to stay in the race, Paul is attracting this in Michigan:

While a friend of mine tells me he is listening to several different politically-oriented radio shows in his car while driving around all day and none of them even dare mention his name, in the real world only Ron Paul signs and bumper stickers are seen while nary a single sign or bumper sticker of the other Republican candidates can be found anywhere.

Hmmmm :dodgy:
Here, thinking about America and US, the White Americans who forged and created this great country. I believe Mitt Romney, who gave his wealth to BYU Universtity and created his own due to his business intelliegence and drive. I can think of no White American who we can put our full effort into. Yes, Ron Paul, if he was younger, but his time has passed. Mr. Ronmey is our best hope due to his intelligence and business acumen for the benifit of all. Men, this is a crucial time for America. God, hope BO is gone after 2012, and his party marginalize the same.
Here, thinking about America and US, the White Americans who forged and created this great country. I believe Mitt Romney, who gave his wealth to BYU Universtity and created his own due to his business intelliegence and drive. I can think of no White American who we can put our full effort into. Yes, Ron Paul, if he was younger, but his time has passed. Mr. Ronmey is our best hope due to his intelligence and business acumen for the benifit of all. Men, this is a crucial time for America. God, hope BO is gone after 2012, and his party marginalize the same.

How is Mitt Romney significantly different from Barack Obama? Since I see no difference, I'd rather vote third party (hopefully RP) even if that means Obama wins. At least with Obama winning, we have only 4 years to wait for the Republican party to get a real candidate rather than having to wait 8 years.
How is Mitt Romney significantly different from Barack Obama? Since I see no difference, I'd rather vote third party (hopefully RP) even if that means Obama wins. At least with Obama winning, we have only 4 years to wait for the Republican party to get a real candidate rather than having to wait 8 years.
Kaptain, here are 2 BIG Reasons! Number one he has promised to repeal Obamacare. 2nd, he has a proven record on creating and impleting great businesses for all. I know, alot of people will say his state is the blueprint for Obamacare, it was a state right, not a central/federal government right. Listen, anyone with a proven track record in creating business/jobs as opposed to hanging out with unreppant terrorist(Bill Ayers) and attending a black racist church (Rev Wright) will get my vote 7 out of 7 days. Also, with Ron Paul as his proven attack dog, its a no brainer.
This Tuesday I cast my vote for the "Revolution". Since Paul wasn't going to win I was glad that Romney did. I'm not sure what republicans are looking for if it's not him. I think they just want to lose so that they aren't blamed for the bad times ahead.

Romney is at least a decent white man that has raised a family and accomplished something in the private sector. If he wins I don't think there will be gay rap stars appearing in the White House.

He's clearly different from Obama on many issues and while he is a big govt. NWO puppet like all the rest, he will do a better job in appointing judges and slowing down the slide to the bottom that the US is engaged in.

Of the choices available that will be allowed to win, to me, he is clearly the best, not that it will make much of a difference, but when you are on a train to hell I guess it's better if the train takes it's time getting there.
Kaptain, here are 2 BIG Reasons! Number one he has promised to repeal Obamacare. 2nd, he has a proven record on creating and impleting great businesses for all. I know, alot of people will say his state is the blueprint for Obamacare, it was a state right, not a central/federal government right. Listen, anyone with a proven track record in creating business/jobs as opposed to hanging out with unreppant terrorist(Bill Ayers) and attending a black racist church (Rev Wright) will get my vote 7 out of 7 days. Also, with Ron Paul as his proven attack dog, its a no brainer.

If Obamacare is the biggest issue then there is no real difference. The government already pays 100% healthcare for all of those who refuse or can't pay for there own. Nobody really gets turned away. For heaven's sake illegal immigrants use the emergency rooms when they have a hang-nail.

As far as Romney being a business genius, that task is a lot easier when your father was a governor and a former automobile CEO. Lots of "geniuses" came about from wonderful world of leveraged buyouts in the last 30 years - most were well connected. He's a fairly sharp debater, but he's just a political mouthpiece with good hair. He would be found to be a fool if he had to do a strict economic debate with someone like Ron Paul. But yes, he is really good at talking points and saying the right thing depending on which way the wind is blowing.

One thing that really bothers me about Romney, and I have no idea why it hasn't been brought up, is his deferments during the Vietnam war. He got about 5 and 1/2 years of deferment starting with college, then a missionary deferment, followed by college again. All this time of gallivanting around France smashing up sports cars in the name of the Lord, John Smith, or whatever and he still had time to lobby in favor of the Vietnam war and the draft for the rest of America's working class. Screw Mitt Romney.
If Obamacare is the biggest issue then there is no real difference. The government already pays 100% healthcare for all of those who refuse or can't pay for there own. Nobody really gets turned away. For heaven's sake illegal immigrants use the emergency rooms when they have a hang-nail.

As far as Romney being a business genius, that task is a lot easier when your father was a governor and a former automobile CEO. Lots of "geniuses" came about from wonderful world of leveraged buyouts in the last 30 years - most were well connected. He's a fairly sharp debater, but he's just a political mouthpiece with good hair. He would be found to be a fool if he had to do a strict economic debate with someone like Ron Paul. But yes, he is really good at talking points and saying the right thing depending on which way the wind is blowing.

One thing that really bothers me about Romney, and I have no idea why it hasn't been brought up, is his deferments during the Vietnam war. He got about 5 and 1/2 years of deferment starting with college, then a missionary deferment, followed by college again. All this time of gallivanting around France smashing up sports cars in the name of the Lord, John Smith, or whatever and he still had time to lobby in favor of the Vietnam war and the draft for the rest of America's working class. Screw Mitt Romney.
Yeah, screw Romney and wait for another 4 years of BO. Surely your venting. Don't understand the logic. Whatever.
If Obamacare is the biggest issue then there is no real difference. The government already pays 100% healthcare for all of those who refuse or can't pay for there own. Nobody really gets turned away. For heaven's sake illegal immigrants use the emergency rooms when they have a hang-nail.

As far as Romney being a business genius, that task is a lot easier when your father was a governor and a former automobile CEO. Lots of "geniuses" came about from wonderful world of leveraged buyouts in the last 30 years - most were well connected. He's a fairly sharp debater, but he's just a political mouthpiece with good hair. He would be found to be a fool if he had to do a strict economic debate with someone like Ron Paul. But yes, he is really good at talking points and saying the right thing depending on which way the wind is blowing.

One thing that really bothers me about Romney, and I have no idea why it hasn't been brought up, is his deferments during the Vietnam war. He got about 5 and 1/2 years of deferment starting with college, then a missionary deferment, followed by college again. All this time of gallivanting around France smashing up sports cars in the name of the Lord, John Smith, or whatever and he still had time to lobby in favor of the Vietnam war and the draft for the rest of America's working class. Screw Mitt Romney.
Right on!

I'll be voting for Dr. Paul in the primary and then for him in the general via 3rd party or write in. If I had to say who I'd prefer to win out of Obama or Romney, I'd honestly say Obama. His odious agenda is much more out in the open then globalist Romney who would have the conservative, "small government" cover. Obama is so radical he is actually waking up the sleeping masses much faster than say McCain would have. Also, he'll be out in 4 years, barring Marshall Law or some brazen dictatorial coup. Romney would be hard to challenge from the "real right" being the incumbent and plus there'd still be the Democrats criminal of choice in the general.

Let's face it. This country is moving further towards a full or at least partial collapse. The sooner that happens the sooner we can work to restore our former great Republic. When the DWFs and sheeple lose it all they'll finally see the light. Plan A: get Ron Paul in the White House. Plan B: Gold, God and Guns (with access to a food supply).
Some great news guys. Five members of the Romneys are endorsing Ron Paul for President. While Paul has an almost impossible road to win the nomination, this bodes well for him running as an independent or possibly becoming the vice presidential pick of Mitt Romney in the future. Either one would make me happy. We need to continue to get Ron Pauls Views more mainstream. The movement continues to grow.
Voted for Ron Paul today. There was virtually no sign of primary campaigning in Oklahoma. I had my Ron Paul yard sign, hoodie and t-shirt. I'd get a few comments of support, mostly from twenty-somethings. Several people I know had never heard of Ron Paul. Virtually empty polling place where I voted, manned by three geriatrics. The whole scene was creepy, like nobody cares.
I cast my vote for Dr.Paul today. Sadly, Georgia is filled with sheeple duped by the CFR member Gingrich won. :thumbdown:

It appears $h1tt Ramknee won ID, MA, VA & VT, while Sanitorium won OK, ND & TN. :icon_rolleyes: Dr.Paul finished 2nd in Vermont (25%), Virginia (41%), & ND (27%). Whereas states like GA, OH & TN appeared to be full of NeoCON'd lemmings. :frusty:
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I cast my vote for Dr.Paul today. Sadly, Georgia is filled with sheeple duped by the CFR member Gingrich won. :thumbdown:

It appears $h1tt Ramknee won ID, MA, VA & VT, while Sanitorium won OK, ND & TN. :icon_rolleyes: Dr.Paul finished 2nd in Vermont (25%), Virginia (41%), & ND (27%). Whereas states like GA, OH & TN appeared to be full of NeoCON'd lemmings. :frusty:

Here's a pretty good article on the why the Christian Zionist/DWF types don't go for Ron Paul:
In the rural Tennessee county where I live, there is a Baptist church. In front of this church there are two flagpoles. One of them flies the American flag. The other has the Israeli flag.

There's a church near where I live in NW GA that has a sign out front saying "Pray for Israel"...and it's been there for a long while. Colonel Reb's seen it too, and we it's obvious to both of us that they're a zio-"Christian" outfit. :dodgy:


jew-love, like negro-love and butt-sex love are three things that have changed 180 degrees from when I was young. It is really amazing when you think about it. A complete and total paradigm shift in only a couple of generations.

My grandfather used to brag about being alive for the Wright Bros. and the moon landing and said no other generation will ever be able to say they have seen such great changes in their lifetime. Sorry Gramps, I got you beat now.--and I am sure he would agree.
jew-love, like negro-love and butt-sex love are three things that have changed 180 degrees from when I was young. It is really amazing when you think about it. A complete and total paradigm shift in only a couple of generations.

My grandfather used to brag about being alive for the Wright Bros. and the moon landing and said no other generation will ever be able to say they have seen such great changes in their lifetime. Sorry Gramps, I got you beat now.--and I am sure he would agree.

Your posts are fantastic.

When I was a young kid (mid 1990’s), I remember asking my Sunday school teacher if Jewish people from Biblical tales were “white like us?” She pointed to some paintings of Jesus, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and other well-known ancient Jews (all of whom had no genetic, religious, or cultural connection to ancient white European tribes) displayed around the room and said something like: “Well of course they were! Just look!” The paintings (which were produced by European artists some 1,400-1,800 years after the death of these particular Jews) depicted pale, handsome, heroic, tall, muscular men with light hair and eyes. Given my geographic location (terrifically rural), and the fact that I’d never seen an actual full-blooded Jew in my life, I believed her at the time.

Once the veil of youth’s naivety faded, I began to feel guilty for “worshipping” another race’s God, venerating a foreign religion, and practicing a culture that was forced upon my white ancestors in Germany/Switzerland under penalty of violence and death. My ancestors, likely members of the Suebi” tribe (living in modern day “Swabia”) probably practiced “Wodenism” and would be highly ashamed of my Christianized existence.

Today, the malevolent “leaders” of Catholic and Protestant churches openly worship ancient Jews (who physically resembled modern-day Sand Negroes) and their alleged dealings with God, Satan, angels, demons, and supernatural phenomena in their rat-infested, sand-choked “(Un)Holy Land.” As Jaxvid mentioned, these churches have made the idolization of modern Jews into an art.


CAPTION: One of “Our” Corn-Toothed, Shylock-Nosed “Brethren”
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There may be a vicarious component to the Evangelical Israel-first crowd. As the United States increasingly becomes a post-Christian country the Evangelicals express their cultural ambitions vicariously through the hyper-aggressive Jewish state. Basically Israel is doing what the Evangelicals cannot: create a society based on their values (at least in the mind of the Evangelicals as actual Israel is more of an ethno-state than a religious state). Of course, to an aware mind, this vicariousness actually means they are rooting for their oppressors as the Jews have played no small part in transforming America into the post-Christian, morally paralyzed, crass, boorish cesspool that it has become. Following this hypothesis, the War on Terror represents America displaying the same sort of "moral" certainty that Israel does. This is what the Evangelicals crave. They crave it to the extent that they don't seem to mind that Democracy and Capitalism totally replace God in this morally certain ideology and that the prime beneficiaries are not Christians.

I cannot say for sure if this is what is going on in their heads, but it is just an impression I got from observing the level of enthusiasm whenever Israel "cracks down" on the Palestinians (the one oppressed brown people that the Left cannot quite bring themselves to unconditionally love and that the mainstream Right is not afraid to hate).
No results of the Missouri caucuses yet. I guess they're getting their stories straight for cheating Dr. Paul again.

Tom Iron...
I early-voted for Ron Paul this week (in Louisiana), with zero enthusiasm.

In the 80's and 90's, Ron Paul and Rothbard/Rockwell were undeniably right-libertarians. In recent years, Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell turned leftward.

Whereas once I had great respect for him, Ron Paul is now a major disappointment to me. I only consider him now the best of a weak crop.
American Freedom News