Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

You should go dwid. The main point is that we have to continue to fight for the future of this country. Sports is only part of it. We need to get some politicians in there that are for the constitution and for the freedom of the people. We are losing more and more of our rights everyday. Where will it end? I don't even want to think about it. I'm hoping that Rand Paul will run in 2016 but I haven't given up yet for this fall. If only people would wake up and smell the coffee. It's not too late. If Paul doesn't win the nomination, Romney or Santorum would be stupid to not pick him as their vice president. It would virtually guarantee a victory over Obama in November.
white lightning,

That's quite a video. The chairman didn't give a rat's behind about going against the rules. Right now they're smug, but every time they do something like that right out in the open, it erodes their base just a bit more. It was interesting to watch. More and more, we've got these slobs on the run.

Tom Iron...
That was an eye opening video! Totalitarian regimes start out by silencing the opposition. Just one more reason not to buy into the sham 2 party system. The Republicans are no more to be trusted than anyone. Screw the major parties. Party loyalty is akin to being a DWF. Drunk Party Hacks sicken me!
Bull**** election bull**** democracy. They just simply don't count Ron Paul's votes. Romney vs. Soetoro not a dime's worth of difference.
John McCain says that Romney should pick Sarah Palin as his VP choice.

Tell us how much weight you GAINED when you were a POW, McCain, while the real POW's lost about 70 pounds during their captivity. McCain gained about 40. The SOB was a commy collaborator from day one! Google "McCain collaborator" and see what real POW's have to say about him. Then let's talk about your association with the Keating 5 and the Mafia, esp. Joe Bananas Bonanno, and the AZ beer baron mobsters. This is the s--- that infest USSA politics.
WW, tell us what'cha really think of ol' Juan McAmnesty. :grin:
WW, tell us what'cha really think of ol' Juan McAmnesty. :grin:

John "Israel doesn't torture people" McCain - here with Barry Soetoro alias Barry Dunham, Barak Hussein Obama, etc etc. This is the **** they trot out for us to pretend to choose between in their bull**** elections.

I heard about the Santorum campaign memo that mentions he and Dr. Paul's campaign working together in Washington. According to the memo, the actual delegate count is much closer. Does anyone here think there is any significance to this info, or is it just wishful thinking on the part of Santorum's campaign?
I never saw this Santorum standing down coming. This all gets more and more interesting every day. What next?

Tom Iron...
I've heard overtures of Dr.Paul picking up Evangelical Christian support w/Sanitorium bowing out. Although Dr.Paul isn't a AIPAC shill, these folks know he's better than sleaze-bag New'ton & cultist Romney. Although they're missing the Constitutional big picture, I'm glad to see Dr.Paul pick up there support.
Just cast my vote for Dr. Paul here in Brooklyn, NY. Only 13 people voted so far in my entire district. Not surprising as it's all libs. I only shared this because it's the first time in my life that I am proud of who I got to vote for (RP was not on the ballot in NY last go round).
Looks like Ron Paul just took the majority of delegates in Louisiana and Massachusetts this weekend, after recent victories in Minnesota and Iowa. I don't know what all this means, but there could be some fireworks in Tampa at the convention. More than likely, Maine and Nevada will have similar results.
As we go along, the stars just keep aligning more and more. Seems Dr. Paul has a date with destiny. We'll see how this all plays out.

I think at the worst, the old Republican party is done. This election is going to bring in a lot more people who are in line with Dr. Paul's ideas, no matter what happens with Dr. Paul himself. Remember, Dr. Paul is a movement, not just a single person.

Real happy Gingrich is dropping out this week.

Tom Iron...
It is nice to see Ron Paul as the only man standing, other than the probable nominee. I'd sure like to see his delegates cause some good problems at the convention, but I won't hold my breath. There are still way too many sheeple-ized party hacks who will sacrifice almost anything to keep "their" people in power.
This is getting very interesting indeed. I'll be making and setting my Ron Paul signs out here in NJ very soon at all intersections where traffic slows or comes to a stop. That's one good thing about being a walker. I go where other people don't. So I'll be out soon.

The stars are aligning for this man (and Americans as well - he's only our front man and he's very aware of that). I don't know what's going to happen, but I feel he's a man of destiny and will somehow come out on top.

Tom Iron...

Shyster politician Romney and Soetoro-Obama - not a dime's worth of difference! GO RON PAUL!!!
It's getting really interesting. Gentlemen, buckle up your seat belts as it's going to be a very bumpy ride.

Stay behind Ron Paul. Do not give up hope. He can still win. This election fraud is insane. This country was once great and can be again. We need to fight for what's right. Dr. Paul deserves better. He serves the people and not the corporations. Our military also supports him over Obama and Romney.
He can win if they can prove that there is mass voter fraud going on and that is what caused him to have such a low delegate count. It's a long shot but it's all we have at the moment. The other hope is that when they hold the rebublican convention, that Romney will fall short of the needed delegates to be the automatic qualifier. Then they would have to have a second vote and many of the people who were forced to vote for Romney could now switch and vote for Dr. Paul. Stranger things have happened but I do know that it's a long shot.

Interesting but at the very beginning it says that the head of the RNC has stated that Romney is the "presumptive" candidate. I still don't see how Dr. Paul is going to overcome this and win his party's nomination.
I fear if Paul runs as a third party candidate, he will steal votes away from Romney and let Obama get reelected.
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