Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

the bedrock of Christianity is to,"Love each other as I have loved you." John: 15;12
Is that not synonymous with the Golden Rule? "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
[SIZE=-1]Matthew 7:1"

Ron is saying that if we bomb, occupy, overthrow elected leaders and meddle in internal affairs of other nations of course we should expect hostility. How would Americans act if these actions were imposed on us?[/SIZE]

Did you volunteer to serve in the armed forces?

No. The United States has not constitutionally declared war since WWII. Why would I want risk my life to fight in conflicts that do not effect this countries national defense? Poor men die in rich men's wars. That being said, I am certainly not a pacifist. If we were ever attacked and occupied I would take up arms and defend my home, just like our "enemies" are doing against us.

Can you tell me why we are occupying some of the countries we are in?
Iraq - oil
Afghanistan - opium
Libya - regime change to install a Western controlled "puppet" for more favorable control of oil
Iran? - because Israel says so

I respect every man's own personal decision to serve but for me I see no logic in it. The military industrial complex is destroying this country financially and robbing us of some of our strongest young men. Let's bring them home, strengthen our defense at home and stop this nonsense in 3rd world countries.
Is that not synonymous with the Golden Rule? "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
[SIZE=-1]Matthew 7:1"

Ron is saying that if we bomb, occupy, overthrow elected leaders and meddle in internal affairs of other nations of course we should expect hostility. How would Americans act if these actions were imposed on us?[/SIZE]

No. The United States has not constitutionally declared war since WWII. Why would I want risk my life to fight in conflicts that do not effect this countries national defense? Poor men die in rich men's wars. That being said, I am certainly not a pacifist. If we were ever attacked and occupied I would take up arms and defend my home, just like our "enemies" are doing against us.

Iraq - oil
Afghanistan - opium
Libya - regime change to install a Western controlled "puppet" for more favorable control of oil
Iran? - because Israel says so

I respect every man's own personal decision to serve but for me I see no logic in it. The military industrial complex is destroying this country financially and robbing us of some of our strongest young men. Let's bring them home, strengthen our defense at home and stop this nonsense in 3rd world countries.

Yes, Freethinker I agee with you on most of your points. Although I agree and like Dr. Paul on many issues, I think the majority of the public is a little confused sometimes on how he would handle our military and comments about the plight of black criminals. He loses us sometimes when he says these things as does the other 4 candidates.

I like Westside would rather as he put it, "have a can of orange juice in the WH than BO," I'm just not convinced Dr. Paul would beat BO should he get the nomination.
The biggest problem with RP is that he still doesn't realize what actually wins him votes. There is not one liberal or negro supremacist who will vote his way because he falsely claims that blacks are mistreated in the death penalty. He continues to lose white votes by repeating the words "rich white people" in the same arguement. It's offensive and he is losing votes. I realize he is playing politics, but he is playing the wrong hand.

As the campaign goes along he is increasing becoming milly-mouthed on many issues. Frankly I like the angry grumpy crumudgin Ron Paul. Most Americans looking outside the establishment are angry. He needs to be far less political and philosophical and more of a angry straight shooter. Right now he is on his heels. After the NH debate the very next day he won me back by talking about ending affirmative action on national TV. He needs to do more of that.

He should also stop any attempt to milly mouth his stance on Israel. When it concerns Israel, he phrases everything as if he is darnest to look out for Israel's best interest. For example, when discussing foreign aid he always mentions how Israel's enemies receive a ton of our money. This wins him exactly 0 votes. No Israeli firster Jewish Supremacist is going to vote for Ron Paul. He instead should handle all questions dealing with Israel as an America first and only stance. None of this pander to blacks, jews, or neocons wins him any votes. And as you can see here on this thread it waters down his base supporters.
I would go even further on Israel and point out all the pathetic groveling that all the other candidates are doing for the purposes of securing campaign money. I would point out that the many or even most of the superpacs are funded by Israeli-first people. I would point out that Newt Gingrich's largest 5 million dollar donor gave 100 million dollars to Birthright Israel. I would wrap myself in the flag while doing all of this and talk about maintain American sovereignty. Heck, if RP is going to lose anyway he might as well open some eyes.

I've recently been posting on the site and know that all of his followers believe every single word he says as if he is the second coming and they believe he says it perfectly even when stumbling and bumbling. He can actually salvage something out of losing if he change some minds in a meaningful way and he actually has a better chance of winning this way.


The way I look at it is while Dr. Paul is only a single person, he's the beginning of a massive movement. At some point, win or lose this election, the powers that be have to deal with this movement. I don't think they understand that yet. They don't seem to be able to think in depth. This is already pretty much out of their control. The internet has killed their MSM allies. Many of the comments on the MSM sites are making fun of them for their concealment of the news and it's only going to get worse. Only the dumbest people are fooled anymore by the MSM flimflam.

No matter what happens to Dr. Paul, win or lose, the day of these so called political parties is over. I'd love to see Dr. Paul run independant if he doesn't get the nomination. Can you imagine the howling?

Tom Iron...
"The internet has killed their MSM allies. Many of the comments on the MSM sites are making fun of them for their concealment of the news and it's only going to get worse. Only the dumbest people are fooled anymore by the MSM flimflam. "

Yep, the free internet is screwing up their whole racket. I expect they are very anxious to kill it, either through the back door - see SOPA - or when they stage their next false flag attacks to start their longed for WW3.

@ Kaptain, I agree completely. I can't stand listening to Paul pander to blacks and neocons. I cringe when he starts talking about racial inequalities in the justice system. But I bite my tongue cause I know how great his policies would be for us and how in actuality they would screw over blacks :biggrin:.

I also hate how he frames his Israel policies as being in Israel's best interests and tries to say that we give Israel's neighbors a bunch of money too. When in fact the only reason we give them money is because of Israel. But I again I bite my tongue, cause unlike most of his supporters, I know his Israel policy is gonna screw over Israel:biggrin:

I check out the Ronpaulforums too and it's disturbing how many of his followers buy into the crap about "racism" in the justice system
"The way I look at it is while Dr. Paul is only a single person, he's the beginning of a massive movement."

If that movement blames whites for the problems of blacks and calls for more legal Third World immigration (yes he did - read his 2011 book Liberty Defined) I will be glad to see it fail.

You guys that still support Paul are saying to him, "Hey - go as far left on racial issues as you want. Go ahead and sound like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as you scapegoat my race. You still have my vote no matter what."

Unfortunately, Rand Paul is tooting the same "justice system is racist against blacks" horn. In other words, whatever movement remains after the Paul candidacy will be leftist (and anti-white) on race.

I, for one, am glad to see his support is waning since Paul has started campaigning on anti-white racism.
The biggest problem with RP is that he still doesn't realize what actually wins him votes. There is not one liberal or negro supremacist who will vote his way because he falsely claims that blacks are mistreated in the death penalty. He continues to lose white votes by repeating the words "rich white people" in the same arguement. It's offensive and he is losing votes. I realize he is playing politics, but he is playing the wrong hand.

As the campaign goes along he is increasing becoming milly-mouthed on many issues. Frankly I like the angry grumpy crumudgin Ron Paul. Most Americans looking outside the establishment are angry. He needs to be far less political and philosophical and more of a angry straight shooter. Right now he is on his heels. After the NH debate the very next day he won me back by talking about ending affirmative action on national TV. He needs to do more of that.

He should also stop any attempt to milly mouth his stance on Israel. When it concerns Israel, he phrases everything as if he is darnest to look out for Israel's best interest. For example, when discussing foreign aid he always mentions how Israel's enemies receive a ton of our money. This wins him exactly 0 votes. No Israeli firster Jewish Supremacist is going to vote for Ron Paul. He instead should handle all questions dealing with Israel as an America first and only stance. None of this pander to blacks, jews, or neocons wins him any votes. And as you can see here on this thread it waters down his base supporters.
Kaptain you are absolutely correct. Great analysis. Paul has self inflicted a mortal wound in his candidacy. He will not recover from this "blacks recieve injustice through the criminal system BS." WTF! Does not get the fact that close 23 million people are out of work They could give a dead cat's ass if Tyronne sits in prison for moving a kilo of coke or set up a "purple drank" fountain shop.
"The way I look at it is while Dr. Paul is only a single person, he's the beginning of a massive movement."

If that movement blames whites for the problems of blacks and calls for more legal Third World immigration (yes he did - read his 2011 book Liberty Defined) I will be glad to see it fail.

You guys that still support Paul are saying to him, "Hey - go as far left on racial issues as you want. Go ahead and sound like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as you scapegoat my race. You still have my vote no matter what."

Unfortunately, Rand Paul is tooting the same "justice system is racist against blacks" horn. In other words, whatever movement remains after the Paul candidacy will be leftist (and anti-white) on race.

I, for one, am glad to see his support is waning since Paul has started campaigning on anti-white racism.

Ron Paul has a lot of different supporters, many of them are race realists, but the majority are race-neutral. They want to live in a color blind society (which liberals still consider racist btw). For all intents and purposes race neutrality is just as good as race realism. Ron Paul will end affirmative action, cut welfare, and eliminate the artificial black middle class by shutting down a lot of needless government bureaucracies. That's all that matters.

When it comes to what he said about racial inequalities in the justice system, that's not even really what he's trying to address. He ties it in to his position on ending the war on drugs and saying that it adversely affects blacks. I'd like to believe he's pandering in order to show people he's not a racist after the newsletters scandal. And it's not exactly like the crap about racial inequalities is a view held by the minority today. If you asked 95% of Americans today why so many blacks are in prison they'd probably repeat the standard line about the "racist" justice system and poverty(myth). They'll never say blacks are in jail because of genetics.

And Ron Paul doesn't want to increase 3rd world immigration. I don't think he's not for building a huge fence but what he wants to do is eliminate all the subsidies that immigrants get like welfare, free healthcare, and free education. Remove the incentives, that's what will stop immigration. People come here in order to use up resources. He wants to end birthright citizenship too to stop anchor babies.
Good morning Gentlemen,

A few things here. Looks like Gingrich's ex is going to say so lousy things about him "Hell has no fury..."

Romney stashed all sorts of money down in the Caymens. What a peach.

I think it was a mistake for Dr. Paul to go to the "Golden Rule." His staff should be looking for such things in our past. Such as quotes or ideas from such Americans like Will Rodgers. Always speak in the vernacular. People love that.

I went to our town meeting last night and the Republicans loused up again. They attacked the one good looking woman on the town council. To say she's not smart is putting it mildly. But as we know, with good looking women, their intellect is seldom the issue.

Tom Iron...
Uh, oh.
The pre-programmed votes machine had a bug. Santorum "won" Iowa, not Romney.

There are too many holes in the certified totals from the Iowa caucuses to know for certain who won, but Rick Santorum wound up with a 34-vote advantage.

Results from eight precincts are missing — any of which could hold an advantage for Mitt Romney — and will never be recovered and certified, Republican Party of Iowa officials told The Des Moines Register on Wednesday.

GOP officials discovered inaccuracies in 131 precincts, although not all the changes affected the two leaders. Changes in one precinct alone shifted the vote by 50 — a margin greater than the certified tally.

How do people manage to maintain any confidence in our electoral process?
I like Dr. Paul, but again as he did the other evening with the supposed plight of black prisoners, he stumbled again on something I believe is an important issue.

The job situation in this country. He didn't seem overly concerned about all the jobs leaving America and going to China. Saying buying a $100.00 computer made in China, leaves $900.00 in our pockets, if a computer cost $1,000.00 to manufacture in this country.

First, he totally misses the point!

Second, where can you find a $100.00 computer. the cheapest I can find is $400.00

Third, how do you have money for much of anything, much less a computer, if you don't have a job or using his logic minimum wage job in the first place.

I know there's alot of support for Dr. Paul, but I also believe most of CF want jobs to stay in the U.S.!

Another issue that may not be as important to some but again to me, is abortion.

If his voting record on banning most abortions is only 50% as Senator Santorum said, this is also troubling to me as I think it would be to others here, by some of the opinions many of you have put out.
Carolina Speed

As evidenced over the past 3 weeks, Dr Paul has been exposed as another politician, with his incoherent pandering against the rightous and fair incarceration for most negros.

No candidate is perfect. I have made my current selection in Mr. Ronmey known, mainly for his record on creating jobs and his vow to repeal BOcare . The mantra here of "staying" home if ANY of this men go up against BO has begun. How logical is that? The end result and alot of bitching and whinning. Then you will hear that Dems and Repubs are 2 different sides of the same coin(note; not one republican voted for BOcare). The election is rigged, the rise diobold machines, etc.

When I read that I submit the "can of orange juice" theory, anything or anybody to reverse BO and dems agenda and restore our freedoms and property rights.
Good morning Westside,

Good post, although I don't agree. I'm not staying home if Dr. Paul doesn't get the nomination. But you're missing the point here. Look in depth at what's going on in front of our eyes. Dr. Paul doesn't represent a person anymore. He's become a movement. This movement is gaining steam every day. His opponents know this and are desparately trying to stem the tide. They know what's going on but don't know what to do about it. They have no background in fightig such a grass roots phenominon as this. During this election, more and more people will run on small govt., non involvement in other countries affairs, platforms. Many of these people are going to be ekected and the business as usual bs is going to become increasingly difficult to enact.

As far as Dr. Paul is concerned, he is what you see. I don't think his worst detractors will argue that. They know if he ever becomes POTUS, the gig, as we know it is up.

Having said that, I think the stars are aligning for him to become the Rep. party nominee. Some one thing, or a series of
occurances are going to take place to make him the nominee. I think gingriches situation and Romney's sheltering his money in the Caymen Islands is the beginning of it all.

Tom Iron...
Good morning Westside,

Good post, although I don't agree. I'm not staying home if Dr. Paul doesn't get the nomination. But you're missing the point here. Look in depth at what's going on in front of our eyes. Dr. Paul doesn't represent a person anymore. He's become a movement. This movement is gaining steam every day. His opponents know this and are desparately trying to stem the tide. They know what's going on but don't know what to do about it. They have no background in fightig such a grass roots phenominon as this. During this election, more and more people will run on small govt., non involvement in other countries affairs, platforms. Many of these people are going to be ekected and the business as usual bs is going to become increasingly difficult to enact.

Good Morning Mr. Iron

If Paul is the Repub Nominee, I will support 100% and donate to his campaign. But as Carolina Speed and Kaptain alluded to, he needs to be a bit smoother in his delivery. And get away from this pandering crap, stick to small gov't and the end of crusades the world over. As you can see, Repub nominee will have to go up against BO and his propaganda arm the entire MSM. They will attempt to turn Dr Paul into a caraiture.

I hope your correct about the grass roots movement though.

The MSM all hate and ignore Ron Paul. The "liberal" (CNN, MSNBC, etc) media does it, as could be seen last night. The "conservative" media (Fox) does it just as bad or worse and witnessed in Monday's debate as well as countless other times. He's the only guy who will really shake up the system and they know it. As the article shows, the people are quickly waking up to this.

Consider this, Goldman Sachs is the top donor to both B.H. Obama and Willard "Mitt" Romney. How can this be if these guys are on the opposite sides of the political spectrum and "enemies". It's really like watching a WWE wrestling match when the Dems and GOP "battle".

Here's another thing to think about that came up at the debate. Romney, Newt and Frothy Santorum all love to hit on the "I will repeal ObamaCare" applause line but so what. Ron Paul is the only one who sees the real problem, all government involvement in medicine. They might repeal ObamaCare but they'll continue to dump money into bankrupt programs like Medicare, Medicade, Prescription Drug Program, etc which have driven up the costs of health care and brought the quality down.
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I think one reason Paul is mentioning the impact of the War on Drugs and its impact on blacks is that this is at least one instance where big government has a clearly adverse impact on blacks. Its his way of showing that all Americans regardless of color would benefit from less government. Its not as if he is calling for less penalties for rape, homicide, etc etc.
Now, concerning immigration, Santorum actually discussed steps to lower legal immigration, something no other candidate has done. Of course, Santorum is awful when it comes to war/Middle East questions, similar to how Tom Tancredo was America's foremost anti-high legal immigration congressman, but also, a knee jerk pro Zionist.
America's Last Chance

by Paul Craig Roberts

America has one last chance, and it is a very slim one. Americans can elect Ron Paul President, or they can descend into tyranny.

Why is Ron Paul America’s last chance?

Because he is the only candidate who is not owned lock, stock, and barrel by the military-security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby.

All of the others, including President Obama, are owned by exactly the same interest groups. There are no differences between them. Every candidate except Ron Paul stands for war and a police state, and all have demonstrated their complete and total subservience to Israel. The fact that there is no difference between them is made perfectly clear by the absence of substantive issues in the campaigns of the Republican candidates.

Only Ron Paul deals with real issues, so he is excluded from “debates” in which the other Republican candidates throw mud at one another: “Gingrich voted $60 million to a UN program supporting abortion in China.” “Romney loves to fire people.”

The mindlessness repels.

More importantly, only Ron Paul respects the US Constitution and its protection of civil liberty. Only Ron Paul understands that if the Constitution cannot be resurrected from its public murder by Congress and the executive branch, then Americans are lost to tyranny.

There isn’t much time in which to revive the Constitution. One more presidential term with no habeas corpus and no due process for US citizens and with torture and assassination of US citizens by their own government, and it will be too late. Tyranny will have been firmly institutionalized, and too many Americans from the lowly to the high and mighty will have been implicated in the crimes of the state. Extensive guilt and complicity will make it impossible to restore the accountability of government to law.

If Ron Paul is not elected president in this year’s election, by 2016 American liberty will be in a forgotten grave in a forgotten grave yard.

Having said this, there is no way Ron Paul can be elected, for these reasons:
Not enough Americans understand that the “war on terror” has been used to create a police state. The brainwashed citizenry believe that the police state is making them safe from terrorists.

Liberals, progressives, and the left-wing oppose Ron Paul, claiming that “he would abolish the social safety net, privatize Social Security and Medicare, throw the widows and orphans into the street, abolish the Federal Reserve,” etc.

Apparently, liberals, progressives, and the left-wing do not understand that privatizing Social Security and Medicare and destroying the social safety net are policies that many conservative Republicans favor and are policies that Wall Street is forcing on both political parties. In contrast, a President Ron Paul would be isolated in the White House and would never be able to muster the support of Congress and the powerful interest groups to achieve such radical changes. Moreover, Ron Paul has made it clear that a welfare-free state cannot be achieved by decree but only by creating an economy in which opportunity exists for people to stand on their own feet. Ron Paul has said that he does not support ending welfare before an economy is created that makes a welfare state unnecessary.

Candidate Paul cannot take any steps to reassure Americans that he would not throw them to the mercy of the free market, because his libertarian base would turn on him as another unprincipled politician willing to sacrifice his principles for political expediency. If libertarians were not inflexible, candidate Paul could endorse Ron Unz’s proposal to solve the illegal immigration problem by raising the minimum wage to $12 an hour, so that Americans could afford to work the jobs that are taken by illegals.

Economist James K. Galbraith is probably correct that Unz’s proposal would boost the economy by injecting purchasing power and that the unemployment would be largely confined to illegals who would return to their home country. However, if Ron Paul were to treat Unz’s proposal as one worthy of study and consideration, libertarian ideologues would write him off. Whatever liberal/progressive support he gained would be offset by the loss of his libertarian base.

Why can’t libertarians be as intelligent as Ron Unz and see that if the Constitution is lost all that remains is tyranny?

In short, Americans cannot see beyond their ideologies to the real issue, which is the choice between the Constitution and tyranny.

So we hear absurd accusations that Ron Paul, a libertarian “is a racist.” “Ron Paul is an anti-semite.” “Ron Paul would favor the rich and hurt the poor.”

We don’t hear “Ron Paul would restore and protect the US Constitution.”

What do Americans think life will be like in the absence of the Constitution? I will tell you what it will be like, but first let’s consider the obstacles Ron Paul would face if he were to win the Republican nomination and if he were to be elected president.

In my opinion, if Ron Paul were to win the Republican nomination, the Republican Party would conspire to refuse it to him. The party would simply nominate a different candidate.
If despite everything, Ron Paul were to end up in the White House, he would not be able to form a government that would support his policies. Appointments to cabinet secretaries and assistant secretaries that would support his policies could not be confirmed by the US Senate. President Paul would have to appoint whomever the Senate would confirm in order to form a government. The Senate’s appointees would undermine his policies.

What a President Ron Paul could do, assuming Congress, controlled by powerful private interest groups, did not impeach him on trumped up charges, would be to use whatever forums that might be permitted him to explain to the public, judges, and law schools that the danger from terrorists is miniscule compared to the danger from a government unaccountable to law and the Constitution.

The reason we should vote for Ron Paul is to signal to the powers that be that we understand what they are doing to us. If Paul were to receive a large vote, it could have two good effects. One could be to introduce some caution into the establishment that would slow the march into more war and tyranny. The other is it would signal to Washington’s European and Japanese puppets that not all Americans are stupid sheep. Such an indication could make Washington’s puppet states more cautious and less cooperative with Washington’s drive for world hegemony.

What America Without the Constitution Will Be Like

In the January 4 Huff Post, attorney and author John Whitehead reported on the militarization of local police. Some police forces are now equipped with spy drones. Whitehead reports that a drone manufacturer, AeroVironment Inc., plans to sell 18,000 drones to police departments throughout the country. The company is also advertising a small drone, the “Switchblade,” which can track a person, land on the person and explode.

How long before Americans will be spied upon or murdered as extremists at the discretion of local police?

Recognizing the privacy danger, if not the murder danger, the American Civil Liberties Union has issued a report, “Protecting Privacy From Aerial Surveillance.”
The ACLU believes, correctly, that liberty is threatened by “a surveillance society in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by authorities.”

The ACLU calls on Congress to legislate privacy protections against the police use of drones. I support the ACLU because it is the most important defender of civil liberty despite other misguided activities, but I wonder what the ACLU is thinking. Congress and the federal courts have already acquiesced in the federal government’s warrantless spying on Americans by the National Security Agency. The Bush regime violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act many times, and all involved, including President Bush, should have been sent to prison for many lifetimes, as each violation carries a 5-year prison term. But the executive branch emerged scot free. No one was held accountable for clear violations of US statutory law.

The ACLU might think that although the federal executive branch has successfully elevated itself above the law, state and local police forces are still accountable. We must hope that they are, but I doubt it.

The militarization of local police has received some attention. What has not received attention is that state and local police are also being federalized. It is not only military armaments and spy technology that local police are receiving from Washington, but also an attitude toward the public along with federal oversight and the collaboration that goes with it. When Homeland Security, a federal police force, comes into states, as I know has occurred in Georgia and Tennessee, and doubtless other states, and together with the state police stop cars and trucks on Interstate highways and subject them to warrantless searches, what is happening is the de facto deputizing of the state police by Homeland Security. This is the way that Goering and Himmler federalized into the Gestapo the independent police forces of German provinces such as Prussia and Bavaria.

Homeland Security has expanded its warrantless searches far beyond “airline security.” The budding gestapo agency now conducts warrantless searches on the nation’s highways, on bus and train passengers, and at Social Security offices. On Tuesday January 3, 2012, the Social Security office in Leesburg, Florida, apparently a terrorist hotspot, became a Homeland Security checkpoint. The DHS Gestapo armed with automatic weapons and sniffer dogs demanded IDs from local residents visiting their local Social Security office.
Thomas Milligan, district manager for the Social Security Administration office, said staff were not informed their offices were about to be stormed by armed federal police officers. DHS officials refused to answer questions asked by local media and left with no explanation at noon, reports

The DHS gestapo justified its takeover of a Leesburg Florida Social Security office as being an integral part of “Operational Shield,” conducted by the Federal Protective Service to detect “the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.”

One wonders if even brainwashed flag-waving “superpatriots” can miss the message. The Social Security office of Leesburg, Florida, population 19,086 in central Florida is not a place where terrorists devoid of proper ID might be visiting. To protect America from the scant possibility that terrorists might be congregating at the Leesburg Social Security office, the tyrants in Washington sent the Federal Protective Service at who knows what cost to demand ID from locals visiting their Social Security office.

What is this all about except to establish the precedent that federal police, a new entity in American life, the Federal Protective Service, has authority over state and local police offices and can appear out of the blue to interrogate local citizens.

Why the ACLU thinks it is going to get any action out of a Congress that has accommodated the executive branch’s destruction of habeas corpus, due process, and the constitutional and legal prohibitions against torture is beyond me. But at least the issue is raised. But don’t expect to hear about it from the “mainstream media.”

Americans in 2012, although only a few are aware, live in a concentration camp that is far better controlled than the one portrayed by George Orwell in 1984. Orwell, writing in the late 1940s could not imagine the technology that makes control of populations so thorough as it is today. Orwell’s protagonist could at least have hope. In 2012 with the erasure of privacy by the US government, protagonists can be eliminated by hummingbird-sized drones before they can initiate a protest, much less a rebellion.

Never in human history has a people been so easily and willingly controlled by a hostile government as Americans, who are the least free people on earth. And a large percentage of Americans still wave the flag and chant USA! USA! USA!

The Bush regime operated as if the Constitution did not exist. Any semblance of constitutional government that remained after the Bush years was terminated when Congress passed and President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act. One wonders how the National Rifle Association, the defender of the Second Amendment, will now fare. If there is no Constitution, how can there be a Second Amendment? If the President, at his discretion, can set aside habeas corpus and due process and murder citizens based on unproven suspicions, why can’t he set aside the Second Amendment?
Indeed, it is folly to expect a police state to tolerate an armed population.

The NRA is very supportive of the police and military. Now that these armed organizations are being turned against the public, how will the NRA adjust its posture?

Many NRA members, pointing to the “Oath Keepers,” former members of the military who pledge to defend the Constitution, and to police chiefs who support the Second Amendment, believe that the police and military will disobey orders to attack citizens. But we already witness constantly the gratuitous brutality of “our” police against peaceful protesters. We witness military troops all over the world murder citizens who protest government abuses. Why can’t it happen here?

If you don’t want it to happen here, you had better figure out some way to get Ron Paul into the Presidency and to get him a cabinet and subcabinet that will support him.
Meanwhile, the police state grows. On January 4, 2012, the Obama regime announced by decree, not by legislation, the creation of the Bureau of Counterterrorism which will among other tasks “seek to strengthen homeland security, countering violent extremism.”
Take a moment to think. Do you know of any “violent extremism” happening in the US? The regime is telling you that it needs a new police bureau with unaccountable powers to “strengthen homeland security” against a nonexistent bogyman.

So who will be the violent extremists who require countering by the Bureau of Counterterrorism? It will be peace activists, the Occupy Wall Street protesters, the unemployed and foreclosed homeless. It will be whoever the police state says. And there is no due process or recourse to law.

Given the facts before you, you are out of your mind if you think Ron Paul’s rhetoric against the welfare state is more important than his defense of liberty.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.
I like Dr. Paul, but again as he did the other evening with the supposed plight of black prisoners, he stumbled again on something I believe is an important issue.

The job situation in this country. He didn't seem overly concerned about all the jobs leaving America and going to China. Saying buying a $100.00 computer made in China, leaves $900.00 in our pockets, if a computer cost $1,000.00 to manufacture in this country.

First, he totally misses the point!

Second, where can you find a $100.00 computer. the cheapest I can find is $400.00

Third, how do you have money for much of anything, much less a computer, if you don't have a job or using his logic minimum wage job in the first place.

I know there's alot of support for Dr. Paul, but I also believe most of CF want jobs to stay in the U.S.!

Another issue that may not be as important to some but again to me, is abortion.

If his voting record on banning most abortions is only 50% as Senator Santorum said, this is also troubling to me as I think it would be to others here, by some of the opinions many of you have put out.

I doubt many of the bills Paul voted against to get his poor rating had much if anything to do with actually banning abortion.

This was Dr. Paul's exchange with Santorum on the issue.

Edit: The lowest National Right to Life rating Dr. Paul ever recieved was 56%. This occurred in 2005-2006. In 2009 and 2010 Dr. Paul received a 100% rating. Santorum cherry-picked his data and passed it off as normative. He is a dishonest warmongering troll.

I do agree with you on the issue of jobs. That is one of the reasons I identify with Old Right paleoconservatism instead of libertarianism. And the social justice nonsense regarding the death penalty and such is rather annoying.
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I doubt many of the bills Paul voted against to get his poor rating had much if anything to do with actually banning abortion.

This was Dr. Paul's exchange with Santorum on the issue.

Edit: The lowest National Right to Life rating Dr. Paul ever recieved was 56%. This occurred in 2005-2006. In 2009 and 2010 Dr. Paul received a 100% rating. Santorum cherry-picked his data and passed it off as normative. He is a dishonest warmongering troll.

I do agree with you on the issue of jobs. That is one of the reasons I identify with Old Right paleoconservatism instead of libertarianism. And the social justice nonsense regarding the death penalty and such is rather annoying.

Thank you Paleocon for the correction. I did use the word (if), because I was unsure.
Another one from Dr. PCR. I'm glad he finally has his own website now. It's about time as he's one of the most knowledgeable and insightful political pundits out there.

It's a pretty bleak piece, though. I posted it here because it's a very likely scenario if Ron Paul is not elected and thus ties in with the one Don posted earlier today:

... If Washington did not want war with Iran it would not have provided the necessary weapons to Israel. It would not have deployed thousands of US troops to Israel, with a view toward the American soldiers being killed in an Iranian response to Israel’s attack, thus “forcing†the US to enter the war. Washington would not have built a missile defense system for Israel and would not be conducting joint exercises with the Israeli military to make sure it works.


But, of course, Washington won’t prevent the war that it so fervently desires.
Neither will Washington’s NATO puppets. “Great†Britain does as it is told, subservient and occupied Germany, bankrupt France, Italy occupied with US air bases with a government infiltrated by the CIA, bankrupt Spain and Greece will all, in hopes of an outpouring of US dollars and devoid of any dignity or honor, support the new war that could end life on earth.

Only Russia and China can prevent the war.

Russia took the first step when the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister for military affairs, Demitry Rogozin told a press conference in Brussels that Russia would regard an attack on Iran as “a direct threat to our security.â€

Washington is counting on subverting Russia’s opposition to Washington’s next war. Washington can time the attack on Iran right after the March elections in Russia. When Putin wins again, the treasonous Russian opposition parties, financed by the CIA, will unleash protests in the streets. The subservient and utterly corrupt Western media will denounce Putin for stealing the election. The orchestrated protests in Russia will turn violent and discredit, if not prevent, any Russian response to the naked aggression against Iran.


It is possible that the crazed neocon Washington government will have one more “victory†before Russia and China comprehend that they are next on the extermination list. As this date cannot be far off, life on earth might expire before the unpayable debts of US and EU countries come due.
The South Carolina Primary is A National Disgrace & Law Breaking Event * * * * *
The South Carolina Primary is A National Disgrace
& Law Breaking Event
Usually I have sent out no more than one email a
day, -- and often very long emails. And in some
months I’ve put out only one email.
Today begins a different trend – because of the
MAMMOTH developments that have happened since
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2011.
Short emails, and, of necessity, more than one
email on the days I can get emails sent out – will
be the modus operandi for some time to come.
We’ll start “in the moment†– because the South
Carolina Presidential Primary takes place today.
The South Carolina Election system for today’s
Primary is the worst possible.
No ballots. No paper trail.
The SC voter faces a touch screen computer – the
kind the cashiers at McDonald’s use. The cashier
pushes “Big Mac†or “quarter pounderâ€. – The South
Carolina voter pushes Gingrich, Paul, Romney or
At least McDonald’s they give you are paper
receipt so you can see what the computer cash
register “did.â€
NOT TODAY in South Carolina! – Today voters in SC
and everyone else in America is supposed to trust
that when the voter hits the touch screen – a
bleep of energy goes through ether or the phone
wires and is “counted†(?) accurately somewhere.
What if there is a computer breakdown? Touch
luck. There is no paper trail to even hope to
reconstruct what happened. (Chapters 2 and
Appendix 2 in the book, “Black Box Voting†by Bev
Harris, details numerous election computer
breakdowns of all varieties; the entire book is
available online at
The South Carolina Primary IS the Computer
VoteFraud Crime Syndicate in action.
The “election†computers (selection computers?)
are provided by ES &S (Election System & Software)
based in Omaha, Nebraska. ES &S processes a
whopping 61% of the US vote on each November
election day, as reported in “The Nation†magazine
in August, 2004, in Ronnie Dugger’s article, “How
They Could Steal the Election This Timeâ€, linked
on the home page of –
By using computers of any kind as the sole “vote
counting†method, South Carolina is breaking its
own state law, violating two standing US Supreme
Court decisions, as well as trashing the “consent
of the governed†phrase in the Declaration of
Independence. (For this documentation and more,
see the 10 minute YouTube Video, “South Carolina,
Super Tuesday, and Ron Paulâ€, made in 2008 but
still relevant today. Thanks to Florida Election
litigator Mark Adams for the documentation on the
South Carolina Primary which leads off this
While Ron Paul did well in Iowa and New Hampshire
where all (Iowa) and some (NH) of the vote count
was able to be observed in public, -- now that we
are into states that use computers for their
primary “elections†– the Big TV Networks can put
out any “public opinion†polls they want leading
up to election day, confident in the knowledge
that their partners in the Computer Votefraud
Crime Syndicate at ES &S will make the
pre-election polls come “true.â€
Look for the Big Media to announce that Ron Paul
has come in “last†or “close to last†--now that
we’re into an easily rigged, unverifiable,
non-transparent, “no checks and balancesâ€,
computerized, paper-ballot-less vote-“countingâ€
system like the SC Secretary of State is ILLEGALLY
imposing today on the people of South Carolina in
South Carolina Primary 2012.
See the upcoming Network America emails. And get
in on the fun and roller coaster ride we’ve been
on since Christmas Eve 2012 – by joining the
WatchTheVote2012 (no spaces) page at
– we’ve had over 1600 members join the
WatchTheVote2012 effort in the last few weeks, and
over 43,000 views of our videos on the Iowa Caucus
And see our new website about all the going on –
at --
Teaser: Our “Watch The Vote 2012†effort was
instrumental in forcing the Iowa GOP to change the
winner of the Iowa Caucus 2012 from Romney to
Santorum a few days ago. Stay tuned.
Jim Condit Jr.
American Freedom News