Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

To be fair, I don't think he says "Blacks run America." He does talk about Black Run America (BRA) as a system that is set up for the benefit of blacks. Most people in BRA are whites who pander and kowtow to blacks (kinda like the NBA and NFL).

Yes, the system is set up in part to pander to blacks and to benefit them (though how much more than a relative handful of blacks actually benefit is subject to debate; as many have observed here and other places, the "black community" and blacks individually are becoming more dysfunctional and are losing ground vis a vis not just Whites but other minority groups all the time).

But to refer to the U.S. as run by blacks, whether Black Run America or Blacks Run America, is inaccurate and disingenuous at best. America Run For Blacks makes more sense on a surface level, but America is not run to uplift blacks. "Black Run America" destroyed the black family decades ago starting with LBJ's "Great Society."

Blacks are pandered to mainly to be used as a weapon in the larger agenda of defeating Whites psychologically as part of the ongoing process of disenfranchising and demographically replacing Whites in "Western" countries.
Yes, Tom, and this morning the CBS "top-of-the-hour" news update on the radio station I was listening to started off by saying that both Gingrich and Romney were now tied in a new Gallup poll at 22% and that "someone else" was at 19%. Yes, they literally said "someone else" instead of "Ron Paul"...absolute Corporate whore MSM.
It is funny, I saw the exact same image (Gingrich/Romney/Someone Else, 22/22/19%) on CNN last night as well. I don't recall the program, but I think it was the homosexual albino Anderson Cooper. In any event, it seems all these networks have censored Dr. Paul in unison. You have to be one brain-dead sheep to not realize what's going on here.
Not all media is trying to bury Paul. On the Drudgereport, one of the biggest and most read web sites has a story of Paul surging in Iowa on its home page.

Believe me, if Paul becomes the nominee I will get behind him 100%. But its looking more and more that the prolific businesss man with a true history of creating of jobs, Romney will weather the onslaught of the other GOP candidates and go head to head with Obummer this fall.
"Ron Paul Suddenly Doesn't Want to Talk to Reporters About His Racist Newsletters"

Ziomedia tries to bait Ron Paul, and then follows up with a hit piece...BUT this is the important part - the comments! Everyone - almost every single comment! - is now seeing right through their corporate zio-lies!

Unfortuntely the sheeple won't, and they're the ones that will vote. He's toast. I predict a 3rd or 4th place finnish in Iowa. Nothing scares an Iowan conservative like the "R" word.
"I predict a 3rd or 4th place finnish in Iowa"

See my post right above. Computerized voting machines. No paper trail. They program them, they hack them, and then they tell us what they say they tallied - and to top it off look who owns them - the Israelis who hate Ron Paul's guts.

The only thing that could help us is if we could show that an overwhelming majority of people voted for him so when they tell us he only got two votes in Iowa we can call them out. I think that an overwhelming majority of people who are internet savvy do support him, aside from the Megaphone Sayanim brigade. Unfortunately, the People of Walmart crowd get all their input from their tv sets and they are going to think and do as they're told.

Another article in the NYPost going after Rep. Paul this morning. They're running scared. They know too late that their tactic of ignoring him failed.

Very interesting that we're seeing the end of the power of the MSM over us. So many people don't believe them anymore. I never thought I'd live to see this day.

Also, after all the years of brainwashing young people, it doesn't seem to have worked. They're in the forefront of this Ron Paul phenominum. They instinctively know Americanism is the right way. They know our Founding Fathers were great men. They are showing they don't want anymore Marxist theory shoved downt heir throats. Whatever happens with Ron Paul is immaterial anymore (I want him to be POTUS). The dye is cast. The MSM is found out and they will never recover from this beating.

Tom Iron...

Despite what many think of young people, when establishment hated candidates like Ron Paul run droves of young people join their campaign. Same thing happen with Buchanan. Though, the propaganda says that young people are becoming more establishment controlled but when give the opportunity Whites young people turn on the establishment.

This it appears that many young people, especially ones who went to public school and saw how real nonwhites act and know first hand the propaganda is a lie, are developing a dual mind one part spouts the propaganda of the establishment the other side knows it is a lie and when give the opportunity fight against the establishment take it. This is likely the mindset of an occupied people.

The young Whites maybe more aware causes of the problems facing the USA (both racial and economic) than the old who let many of them happen rather then face to truth and be called names sent their defenseless children into the jungle that public schools have become. The young people that cause problems were the baby boomers who have been in charge for most of the last 40 years and were the last ones who didn't face integrated schools in large numbers. The young people supporting people like Ron Paul shows that hope remains and our people are not completely lost.
Gingrich, Perry fail to qualify for Virginia Primary

Was this by design? It's inconceivable that these two experienced politicians would either forget or lack the resources to get on a GOP Primary ballot. However, if the party handlers wanted to boot Ron Paul out of the race, this would be a good way to do it. Gingrich and Perry don't participate, and their voters all shift to Romney, giving him a massive victory over Ron Paul, with the belief that such a loss would render his campaign dead in the water. The democrats are well known for engaging in primary manipulations to subvert the desire of their supporters. So it's hard to believe that the GOP wouldn't also play games to achieve their desired result.

There's a fair chance you're right. Here in NJ, before the last race for Governor, a guy I know on the Ocean Cty. Republican Executive board told me if Steve Lonegan won the primary for the Republicans, the Party plan was to quietly subvert his campaign. In our case, we got a good man, Chris Christie. I don't think the Party bosses are very happy with him in the Governors chair, but if Lonegan had won, they probably would have had him killed. So, yes, there's a very good chance you're right.

Also, there's a chance of good old fashioned stupidity at work here as well.

Tom Iron...
Gingrich, Perry fail to qualify for Virginia Primary

Was this by design? It's inconceivable that these two experienced politicians would either forget or lack the resources to get on a GOP Primary ballot. However, if the party handlers wanted to boot Ron Paul out of the race, this would be a good way to do it. Gingrich and Perry don't participate, and their voters all shift to Romney, giving him a massive victory over Ron Paul, with the belief that such a loss would render his campaign dead in the water. The democrats are well known for engaging in primary manipulations to subvert the desire of their supporters. So it's hard to believe that the GOP wouldn't also play games to achieve their desired result.

It's a Super Tuesday primary and Virginia is not really a big state so I dont think any plan to sabatoge Paul would be centered on ensuring a Romney victory there. The way the primary system works is to have the race over after the first couple. It lessens the work the MSM has to do to ensure results they are paid to get.
An article entitled "Ron Paul and The Political Cesspool Radio Program"

I woke up this morning, the day after Christmas, to a flurry of e-mails from various national media outlets all asking me whether or not Ron Paul had appeared on my radio program for an interview in 2006.

The establishment media, you see, is scared to death of Ron Paul and are trying desperately to cast him as a “racist,â€￾ just as they’ve tried desperately for years to cast me as a “racist,â€￾ despite my very mainstream credentials (syndicated talk radio host, Honorary Memphis City Councilman, frequent guest on CNN, etc.).

In recent days, an increasing number of reports have been issued in an attempt to falsely accuse Congressman Paul of all sorts of things, with the typical baseless accusations and name calling being employed. The higher Paul climbs in the polls, the more desperate his detractors become.

They’re currently up in arms over a few newsletters that Paul sent out a couple decades ago. The newsletters made very sensible claims and wouldn’t be deemed as controversial in a healthy society.

Now, they’re scrounging around trying to find out if Ron Paul talked to me in 2006.
The desperation on the part of the GOP and the rest of the media is reaching incredible levels now. The recent series of baseless attacks by the media haven't worked, so now all the Israel-first members of the GOP field are going after Dr. Paul, no doubt having received their marching orders from their masters.

Be sure to read the comments. As with comments following every anti-Ron Paul article I've seen so far, they are almost 100% pro-Ron Paul. The people have woken up, and this gives me hope.

The most recent New York Times poll had Ron Paul at 52% and Romney at 28%. Now the Iowa GOP says that due to "security concerns" the actual tabulation of the Iowa caucus is to be held at a secret undisclosed location away from all witnesses, with the "honesty" of the results assured only by unnamed cyber security advisers. In other words, the Iowa GOP intends to steal this Caucus and kick Ron Paul out of the campaign so that once again the voters are only allowed to choose an Israel-approved, , Wall Street blessed, puppet.
I'm not surprised it was a neocon who first brought the newsletters to the surface in 2008.

Double Standards And The Reverend Wright
Here's a quote from Obama's Reverend Wright from the linked article:

“The state of Israel is an illegal, genocidal place… to equate Judaism with the state of Israel is to equate Christianity with [rapper] Flavor Flav,” Wright told a Baltimore audience in June of this year.

I agree pretty much completely with the part about Judaism and Israel, as the present Jews are irreligious and largely athiest.
Bloated, egomaniacal, philandering, z10n1st NeoCON Newt says Dr.Paul is worse than BHO. :icon_rolleyes:

That Newt Gingrich cannot find enough common ground to choose a libertarian over a Marxist says more about his politics than Ron Paul's.

It also doesn't seem to be a very prudent thing to say when, if Newt wins the nomination, he is going to have to go back to those conservative voters and try to convince them that anything would be better than Obama in order to get them to support his internationalist liberalism.
Fox News finally says Ron Paul is a frontrunner 12/28/11

Keep this in mind when they announce on tv that their computers have determined that Ron Paul only got 8% of the vote.
Here is the latest Ron Paul ad that is running in Iowa:

If Ron Paul can get some dirt on Romney I think a lot of Evangelicals will flock to him. Newt is going to run out of steam. I think Paul is clearly a tremendous man with some great ideas but he needs to shake this Jewish 911 conspiracy crap he was linked to.
American Freedom News