Zionist Terror in Gaza

Hitler wanted to send the Yids to Madagascar, set them up in business and everything. If the French and British would have cooperated they would now be as happy as pigs in ****, living in a tropical paradise, with schwartzes waiting on them hand and foot; and the Palestinians would still be happy in their sleepy and peaceful country. Stanley Kubrick: "Hitler was right about almost everything."
South Africa was this paradise on earth for Jews and the ones I met back in the late 70's had this lifestyle or say they said. Yet when they came to Toronto they lived in suburban cookie cutter houses crammed together. Call it Paradise Lost......:tongue::scared:
Why are the Israelis playing so nice? I would have cut all phone, electric, and water by now to all of Gaza.
I just found this BBC article:


Israel: Government pays students to fight
internet battles

Students in Israel are to form government-funded "covert units" to defend the country on Facebook and Twitter, it's reported.

The Prime Minister's office is reportedly spending around £540,000 recruiting more than 500 students to respond to social media posts calling for boycotts and sanctions against the country, the Jerusalem Post says.

Those with foreign language skills who receive these "scholarships" would not identify themselves as being in the pay of the government. Instead, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper says, the plan is to make the programme appear to be based on the activity of politically-neutral students, with the Prime Minister's Office also hoping to recruit from pro-Israel student groups from around the world.

Israel certainly won't be the first country to pay internet users to defend its interests online. China' so-called 50 Cent Party comprises people who are paid by the Beijing government to help sway public opinion by posting pro-China messages on internet forums. They're named after the sum they're reportedly paid: 50 cents per post, the equivalent of 5p.
That's not a bad pay rate considering they had Chinese WOW farmers making 1 dollar an hour. A prolific poster could make 10 dollars a day which isn't terrible money in China. It beats hauling heavy material for less money...
I would have bulldozed the entire Gaza strip by now and simply kept it a people free demilitarized zone.
There's nothing more pathetic than conservative white men, especially racially aware ones, who defend and support Israel. Can they really be that ignorant of the US' so called relationship with Israel ? Do they know about the Israeli attack on the USS liberty, the Lavon affair, the king david hotel bombing, the oil embargo, Israel leading the US into both Iraq wars, the mossad's strong connection to 9/11, Israel lobbying the US to attack Iran, the AIPAC trial, Israel being the 3rd most aggressive country that spies on the US, they've also sold classified information to both the Chinese and Russians, the 6 billion dollars a year in aid they receive from the US for no reason at all, the billions of dollars we have to give the Arab countries so they play nice with Israel, and there's probably a bunch of other things I'm forgetting.

Also do these brain-dead conservatives not realize that Israelis are actually Jews ? Yes that's right, Jews. Those same nice people who control the media and the governments of the west, who literally want White people to go extinct as a race. The same people who use their control of the media to promote things like miscegenation, open borders, feminism, anti-white sentiment ,homosexuality, drug use, gun control, white guilt, anti-Christian sentiment, and all the other tenets of Cultural Marxism .

But but but that's american Jews, Israeli Jews are different. Yeah that's right, in Israel they literally spit on Christians. In Israeli schools they're not even allowed to use the + symbol because it too closely resembles the cross. Polls show that Jews hate Christians even moer than they hate Muslims. There's no such as a left wing Jew. You know the billionaire zionist Sheldon Adelson who donates lots of money to the GOP ? He's also a strong supporter of amnesty for illegal immigrants and open borders. Yet he's the owner of the largest newspaper in Israel which happens to be very right wing. He's a firm supporter of the hard right Likud party and he's very much against non Jewish immigration to Israel.

You know Chuck Schumer, the very liberal Jewish senator from New York ? He's a staunch supporter of abortion rights in America but he's a firm supporter of anti-aboriton groups in Israel. Strange isn't ? Ever hear of George Soros, the radical billionaire cultural marxist ? He's a strong supporter of feminism in the west but when he found out that a feminist group he supports opened up a branch in Israel he stopped funding the group. The list of "liberal" jews who suddenly become right wingers on the subject of Israel can go on forever. Jews only use liberalism as a tool to destroy White nations.

Wake up, conservative fools, you're even worse than the white liberals who support blacks. At least if you asked a black who they hate more, a liberal white or a conservative white they'll tell you they hate the conservative white slightly more. Ask a Jew whether they hate a conservative white or a liberal white more they'll tell you they definitely hate conservative whites more.

One of the finest, most succinct posts concerning the “Jewish Problemâ€￾ I’ve ever read online. Every single word comprising every single sentence is an entirely accurate assessment of this ancient parasite and their loathsome protocols. Thanks for the great read!
I would have bulldozed the entire Gaza strip by now and simply kept it a people free demilitarized zone.

You seem disappointed your increasingly absurd posts about the Gaza strip have not goaded anyone into responding in some tiny defense of the people you preach genocide against. Clearly your goal in this thread, and probably this site is to sow dissension and flaming.
I would have bulldozed the entire Gaza strip by now and simply kept it a people free demilitarized zone.
Schlomo, let me tell you this: You are not alone in this:

Rabbi’s ruling: Israel may totally destroy Gaza if necessary

Right-wing rabbi’s ruling: Israel may totally destroy Gaza if necessary

'Deterrent measures to exterminate the enemy’ are allowed in some cases, Rabbi Dov Lior writes.

Dov Lior, the rabbi of the settlement of Kiryat Arba, has issued a religious ruling permitting the total destruction of Gaza if Israel’s military leaders deem it necessary.

An Israeli right-wing rabbi has legitimised the destruction of Gaza "so that the south [of Israel] should no longer suffer".

An Israeli right-wing rabbi has legitimised the destruction of Gaza "so that the south [of Israel] should no longer suffer".

Dov Lior, a Zionist religious leader and chief rabbi of the West Bank's illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba, wrote in a religious ruling that according to the Torah Jews in the time of warfare may use "deterrent measures to exterminate the enemy".

The attacked nation "is permitted to punish the enemy population with whatever measures it deems proper, like blocking supplies or electricity," Lior wrote, according to Haaretz. "It may bomb the entire area based on the judgment of the war minister and not wantonly put soldiers at risk."

"The defence minister may even order the destruction of Gaza so that the south should no longer suffer, and to prevent harm to members of our people who have long been suffering from the enemies surrounding us," he wrote.

The old rabbi is not new to similar controversy. In June 2011, he was arrested by Israeli police on suspicion of inciting violence for endorsing a religious book, the King's Torah, which justifies Jews' killings of non-Jews including babies.

He stated in September 2011 that Arabs are "evil camel riders" . On one occasion, he stated that Jewish women should not use sperm donated by a non-jewish man as "Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring".

Two years ago, Lior compared US president Barack Obama to Haman, an enemy of the Jewish people in the Book of Esther and labelled him a "kushi" of the West - a derogatory term used to describe people of African descent.

The rabbi branded the Europeans as "Nazi collaborators" and called for a rise in West Bank's illegal settlements "to eradicate the jungle".

Baruch Goldstein, the Israeli who murdered 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, met Lior before his rampage. He was described by Lior as "holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust".

You seem disappointed your increasingly absurd posts about the Gaza strip have not goaded anyone into responding in some tiny defense of the people you preach genocide against. Clearly your goal in this thread, and probably this site is to sow dissension and flaming.

I believe that the poster “Iconoclast” is simply a reincarnation of a previously-banned, much-detested poster from several years ago named “F3dor.” An example of his hate for Palestinians from a post made back in June 2010...

F3dor said:
Any back to the topic, these boats are trying to smuggle bombs etc. If i were israeli primeminister ,all of them would have been dead. Not just ten. Trust me

Link to the thread:

And who could forget this daft, Zionist-doting thread he created...


Also, “Iconoclast” is from the UK and so was “F3dor.”
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South Africa was this paradise on earth for Jews and the ones I met back in the late 70's had this lifestyle or say they said. Yet when they came to Toronto they lived in suburban cookie cutter houses crammed together. Call it Paradise Lost......:tongue::scared:

South Africa was a modern first world country. It was the foreign country in which you would feel most like you were in the USA if you were walking down its main streets or shopping malls. The ziomedia never told you about all that. They would just run daily stories about how horrible Apartheid - which means separate development - was for blacks. It was so horrible that SA's main problem used to be blacks sneaking IN across its borders.

Here's video called "The Death of Johannesburg", the biggest and most modern city in S.A. Reminds you of Detroit and any number of American cities that are now "celebrating diversity" - and European cities too - see the Dublin Ireland video that I posted on one of these threads

The Jewish-owned and operated mass media in the USA and western Europe and SA itself, The extremely wealthy and powerful Jews in SA - Harry Openheimer & his DeBeers diamond conglomerate (the international diamond racket is entirely Jewish...diamonds are really a common mineral), the USSR and its Jewish Bolshevik agents, like KGB agent "Uncle" Joe Slovo, who ran the ANC, and the Christian churches, and indigenous traitors and idiots, all conspired to destroy the first world nation of South Africa, which was the ally of the USA and western Europe in both WW1 and WW2, and turn it over to the tender mercies of Harry Openheimer and the blacks.

The Death of Jo'Burg

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^^ Read that very carefully. ^^

It justifies exterminating every Muslim on Earth.
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Gaza UN shelter shelled, killing 15


At least 15 people have been killed and more than 200 injured when a UN-run school used as a shelter in Gaza was shelled, the Gaza health ministry says.

Hundreds of Palestinians were in the school in Beit Hanoun, fleeing heavy fighting in the area. It is the fourth time that a UN facility has been hit in Israel's offensive against Hamas militants.

In the past 16 days of fighting, more than 750 Palestinians and 32 Israelis have been killed, officials say.
There's nothing more pathetic than conservative white men, especially racially aware ones, who defend and support Israel. Can they really be that ignorant of the US' so called relationship with Israel ?............
Lew, this is a fantastic post filled with so much valuable information. It should be required reading for every US citizen, young or old. Hopefully in the future, if honesty is ever restored, what you wrote will be universally understood as a self-evident truth.
There's nothing more pathetic than conservative white men, especially racially aware ones, who defend and support Israel. Can they really be that ignorant of the US' so called relationship with Israel ? Do they know about the Israeli attack on the USS liberty, the Lavon affair, the king david hotel bombing, the oil embargo, Israel leading the US into both Iraq wars, the mossad's strong connection to 9/11, Israel lobbying the US to attack Iran, the AIPAC trial, Israel being the 3rd most aggressive country that spies on the US, they've also sold classified information to both the Chinese and Russians, the 6 billion dollars a year in aid they receive from the US for no reason at all, the billions of dollars we have to give the Arab countries so they play nice with Israel, and there's probably a bunch of other things I'm forgetting.

Also do these brain-dead conservatives not realize that Israelis are actually Jews ? Yes that's right, Jews. Those same nice people who control the media and the governments of the west, who literally want White people to go extinct as a race. The same people who use their control of the media to promote things like miscegenation, open borders, feminism, anti-white sentiment ,homosexuality, drug use, gun control, white guilt, anti-Christian sentiment, and all the other tenets of Cultural Marxism .

But but but that's american Jews, Israeli Jews are different. Yeah that's right, in Israel they literally spit on Christians. In Israeli schools they're not even allowed to use the + symbol because it too closely resembles the cross. Polls show that Jews hate Christians even moer than they hate Muslims. There's no such as a left wing Jew. You know the billionaire zionist Sheldon Adelson who donates lots of money to the GOP ? He's also a strong supporter of amnesty for illegal immigrants and open borders. Yet he's the owner of the largest newspaper in Israel which happens to be very right wing. He's a firm supporter of the hard right Likud party and he's very much against non Jewish immigration to Israel.

You know Chuck Schumer, the very liberal Jewish senator from New York ? He's a staunch supporter of abortion rights in America but he's a firm supporter of anti-aboriton groups in Israel. Strange isn't ? Ever hear of George Soros, the radical billionaire cultural marxist ? He's a strong supporter of feminism in the west but when he found out that a feminist group he supports opened up a branch in Israel he stopped funding the group. The list of "liberal" jews who suddenly become right wingers on the subject of Israel can go on forever. Jews only use liberalism as a tool to destroy White nations.

Wake up, conservative fools, you're even worse than the white liberals who support blacks. At least if you asked a black who they hate more, a liberal white or a conservative white they'll tell you they hate the conservative white slightly more. Ask a Jew whether they hate a conservative white or a liberal white more they'll tell you they definitely hate conservative whites more.

You left off the liberal Jewish parents and the Jew Steven Engel who led the fight to remove the Bible and prayer out of public schools in the early 1960's!

Lew, yes this was a good post in some aspects.

Are you deeming the Jews you speak of in terms a race or religious Jews.

I would like to know where you got your information on Israeli schools not being able to use the + sign because is resembles the cross?

What do you mean no left wing Jews?

Back to my first statement, about Jews leading the way to get Bible and prayer banned from school. These Jews you speak of that control the media, culture, etc. are in many ways a result of what happened in 1962 when a Jew, Steven Engel, along with liberal Jewish parents who got our Christian Bible and prayer banned from school, yet some here will disagree.

Well, how else did the things you mention seep into our culture, like homosexuality, miscegenation, anti-Christian sentiment, etc., etc? Again, many here will deny this.

When Bible and prayer were taken out of schools is when the liberal white school teachers and college professors began telling you younger guys there is no GOD! The Bible is nothing but fairy tales. You "do what's right for yourself. "The FOOL says in his heart there is no God." Psalm 14:1.

The Bible directly opposes you doing what's right for you. "The way of the FOOL seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs: 12;15.

What do you think is the result of all the vile things you speak of?

How is it some of you here say it; Hebrew Mythology?

The Jews you speak of not only have LIBERAL so-called Christians fooled, but they also have people who don't believe in a creator fooled.

Some of you evolutionists here and these Jews you speak of have something in common!

They successfully got the Bible removed from schools, so they could usher in the biggest lie ever told called EVOLUTION!

Now we have all the things you mentioned which is what we deserve.

Conservatives aren't the only ones who need to "Wake Up." People who say that God is a myth need to "Wake Up."
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the jews must be really laughing at the fact that while they live in the biggest and richest cities of europe and america, the white nationalists pay attention to what is happening in a tiny country in the middle-east :crazy:
Paris activists clash with police following ban on pro-Palestinian rallies

Pro-Palestinian protesters face police during a demonstration against violence in the Gaza s
A demonstration in Paris in support of Palestinians has resulted in several injuries and at least 38 arrests as activists clashed with riot police who used tear gas to disperse an unsanctioned rally that gathered despite a government ban on such rallies.

Demonstration in Paris against the Israeli military operation in Gaza strip, which recently escalated into a ground invasion, took place despite Friday's municipal government ban.

Operation Edge in the twelfth day of the Israeli offensive on Gaza has so far claimed the lives of 342 Palestinians, with at least 46 people killed on Saturday alone.


the biggest problems in france currently:

slums, poverty, illiteracy, terrorism, djihad, israel/palestine conflict, female genital mutilation
these are litterally our everyday concerns
france is de facto no longer a european country
all the people in these protests are, as you can see, arabs and blacks

GAZA CITY: Fifteen Palestinians were killed Thursday when an Israeli shell slammed into a UN shelter where hundreds of civilians had taken refuge.

And fresh Israeli fire early Friday pushed the overall Palestinian death toll in Gaza to at least 800 despite world efforts to broker a ceasefire.

The Thursday strike hit a UN school sheltering some of the 100,000 Palestinians driven from their homes in search of a safe haven after weeks of deadly fighting between Israeli troops and Hamas.

The shell crashed down in the middle of the courtyard where people had set up camp, leaving the ground covered in bloodstains.

Gaza´s emergency services said at least 15 people had been killed and more than 200 wounded.

UN chief Ban Ki-Moon said: "Many have been killed -- including women and children, as well as UN staff."

He said he was "appalled" by the news and "strongly condemned" the attack which he said "underscores the imperative for the killing to stop -- and to stop now".
Thank you Thrashen, Freethinker, and werewolf

Judaism is is a race based religion. So I guess you could say I'm talking about the so called secular Jews, the ones who believe they're racially superior to all other races and have a mandate to rule over all others.

Here's some information about the plus symbol


What I mean when I say there are no left wings Jews is that the so called left wing Jews in the USA aren't sincere in their beliefs. They don't really believe in homosexuality, miscegenation, open borders, abortion, etc because although they're strong advocates of those things in White countries they are firmly against them in Israel. They're only left wing in the USA and Europe because they hate White people and seek their demise. Cultural Marxism is how you destroy white western civilization.

You're right the Jews were definitely behind taking prayer and Christianity out of public schools. But it really wasn't the most important thing to them. Anti-Christianity is just another pillar of cultural marxism, it's not the main one.

The Jews who control the media today are in no way a result of taking prayer out of school. It's the other way around. The Jews have controlled the mass media in the US for the better part of the 20th century. There are some things which you attribute to Christianity that I must disagree with. You think us Whites are are honest, kind, noble, good people because of God. I think the reason why we're that way is because it's part of our genetic makeup. It's just our primal instincts to be decent people, of course there are many exceptions to the rule.

The reason all those vile things I mentioned such as abortion, homosexuality, miscegenation, sexual promiscuity , etc all seeped into our culture isn't because Christianity was removed from society , it's because all of those things were heavily pushed onto society by the mass media. I don't want to sound harsh but if both organized religion and Jews were banned from the West 200 years ago then our present day society would probably resemble the 1950s.

I'm not saying Christianity is in any way to blame. I'm just saying it's not the reason for our moral decline. The mainstream media which pushes all those sick things is the reason for our moral decline. Take me and you for example; I think we see eye to eye on almost all cultural issues but you believe in God and I don't. And btw the Jews aren't the reason why I personally don't believe in God. Becoming racially aware is what led to me changing my religious views. I don't really notice atheism being pushed very hard by the mass media. They just want Christianity to be extremely watered down. Having a society where no one believes in God could definitely backfire on the Jews in my opinion. Luckily for them the majority of people in our society who don't believe in God believe in another religion instead, which serves to pacify them. There are very few anti-cultural marxist atheists

Thanks Lew. I don't want this thread to move into a totally different direction, so i'll move my response to the Christianity, Jews, etc, thread.
the biggest problems in france currently:

slums, poverty, illiteracy, terrorism, djihad, israel/palestine conflict, female genital mutilation
these are litterally our everyday concerns
france is de facto no longer a european country
all the people in these protests are, as you can see, arabs and blacks

Didn't you get the official Castefootball memo yet?
Arabs are white!:whistle: