Duke it could be done if owners can be found. Not billionaires but millionaires willing to own a team. But most likely very few men of means would stand forward, so afraid are they of being "linked" to anything that can be attacked as "racism."
THe Nationalist Times talks often of withdrawing support from a corrupt, virulently anti-white system as our only way to individual and group salvation. If white football players withdrew their support en masse from the NFL there would be devastating consequences, many unpredictable. The great Southern teams of the 50s and 60s were attacked for lacking blacks; while there is no corresponding attacks on all or nearly all black teams of today for lacking whites.
The dictatorhsip would have to face what it is by driving whites to that point. It could be a great way for white players and their support systems to renew the sport in a healthy way.
White football players are now the ******s and they must accept that reality and then counterattack against the "white masters" and their black employees who created and benefit from the entrenched Caste System arrangement. This level of understanding requires the mentality of an enlightened warrior. The question is, do we have enough white warriors left to do battle in their sport in freedom and then to take on the forces which created and ruthlessly maintain the vile caste system, or are most white football players step 'n fetch it types who are always ready to sing the master's praises for the crumbs he is fed.Edited by: robcat