World’s Strongest Nation


Dec 28, 2004
Lithuania won the IFSA World's Strongest Nation Contest by beating the Ukraine. You can see the details on Lithuania a small rather poor nation seem's to produce very good basketball players and very strong men. A case could be made that the best ever NFL offensive and defensive players were Lithuanian-Americans Johnny Unitas and Dick Butkus.
I am not of Lithuanian ancestry-BUT I am proud of all my White Brothers. Lithuania ranks 125th in world population but NO.1 in strenght!!!! Joe Jurevicius is of Lithuanian ancestry so was Jack Sharkey-World Heavyweight Boxing Champion[real name Josef Zukauskas]. Lets tell the youth of America about there heritage!Irish, German, French, English, Scottish, Welsh, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Czech, Swedish, Danish, Etc, Etc. The PC media would brainwash our youth lets tell them THE REST OF THE STORY!!!
I read somewhere that teutonic knights settled in that region after a military campaign hundreds of years ago. Maybe these guys produce so many great athletes for a country of 3 million as a result. And the baltic states of Lithuania ,Latvia, and Estonia were the most affluent territories of the of the former Soviet Union because they were the most skilled at producing technical goods ,but communism set them back compared to the West. They will continue to grow more prosperous ,and then watch for the invasion from the third world.
When talking about the World's Strongest Nation, we can never forget Iceland! With only 296,737 people and only 99,513 being male between the ages of 15 and 64. They have won the World's Strongest Man Contest 8 times!!Jon Pall Sigmarsson 4 times and Magnus Ver Magnusson 4 times!! Also Torfi Olafsson and Hjalit Arnason have done well in the WSM contest. Benedikt Magnusson deadlift's over 900lbs and wants to break the World Record soon. If there were as many Icelandic men as there are Chinese every record of every sport would be held by an Icelander and every player in the NFL would have blonde hair, speak with an accent and have "sson" at the end of his name!!!!
Icelanders are also the "whitest" people in the world due to their genetic isolation since the Norse settled there.Edited by: KG2422
Icelanders are also the "whitest" people in the world due to their genetic isolation sense the Norse settled thereIcelanders are also the "whitest" people in the world due to their genetic isolation sense the Norse settled there

What do you mean by "whitest"? Are meditranneans and Alpine Caucasoidal subraces not white?
Maybe he means that Icelanders are actually PALER, or actually more WHITE, whiteER, than other whites. They do seem to have an abundance of recessive genes in the gene pool, i.e. blonde hair and blue eyes.
I think he means that Icelanders have had less chance than any other group of White people to get non-white genes into the ancestry. While this is true, I must say it's a matter of indifference to any reasonable person if you have, say, a Mongol horseman for one ancestor on your mother's side a thousand years back.
That is what I meant White Savage. Their DNA is most often studied among whites in recent studies to map human migration. Voice, I don't have any problem with modern white populations.
And isn't the #1 ranked ultimate fighter in the world a Polish guy?

An interesting theory about Baltic Slavs is that they are at least partially the descendents of Viking explorers that reached into modern-day central Eastern Europe. The ancient Kievan Rus and Scythians (modern Ukrainians) are also thought to have been influenced by or descended from the Vikings. Blond hair and blue eyes are prevalent - even predominant - in Poland, Ukraine, EStonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. However, there is also a good bit of Mongoloid admixture in Ukraine, as a result of Mongolian invasions by the Khans.

Lithuania's contributions to basketball culture is remarkable, given the size of the nation. And the Polish influence in American football (especially at the QB poistion) is no less astounding. I have heard a theory that these phenomena are the result of large builds, above-average intelligence, and exceptional spatial perception (all vital to shooting hoops or completing passes). All of these traits are likewise found in abundance among the Scandinavians, which leads one to believe that people of Scandinavian descent would have a similar influence, if only they were given the chance.
Yes,there is some strong scientific evidence that Vikings had a lot to do with colonizing northern Poland, effectively mixing with natives in that area. Some historians even argued that they in fact started what became a Polish nation, although that's disputable. There is little doubt, however that they settled along Baltic Coast and eastward from there, getting as far as Kiev.
lithuanians are not slavs, they are a baltic people, I used to know a lithuanian and they told me they are not slavic
I found the discussion about Icelanders in this thread very interesting. Let me tell you that the historical genetic isolation has come to an end. About 20% of the Male workforce of Iceland was born abroad. Most of them may be gueat workers but my guess is that many will not be going home
Most guest workers will not go home. Why go back to a crappie nation when you can live with White folks and eat like a king.
Actually, I think it is the Icelandics. Like mentioned above, several genetic studies have been conducted on them. The highlander Scots may also qualify, but are not as well known for this. Devans, what you say is sad but inevitable.
Interesting fact about the weather in Iceland: the average high/low temp is never greater than 55F and never lower than 27F at any time during the year.
Yeah Moose, you're right. I'm Lithuanian, and they're a Teutonic, not Slavic people.
there is no way that Lithuanians are Teutonic. Teutonic people are of a Mongolian kind of decent. Turks are part Teutonic. I have been to Lithuania and the people there are as blond and blue eyed as anyone in Europe, with the exception maybe of the Nordic nations and possible Germany. They are definatly not Teutonic; the Romanians, however, are partly Teutonic. Socio-economic status in Romania tends to follow along racial lines predicated on the lack-there-of Teutonic features.
Yes, my dad is Lithuanian and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Lithuanians are not a Slavic people. Neither are the original Estonians or Latvians. However, there has been a significant amount of mixture with the neighboring Russians in those nations, so many are now partially Slavic, especially in Latvia. I used the term Teutonic to contrast the Lithuanians from the Slavic people. I suppose I could've used the term "Nordic." Nordic is often used to describe Germans and Scandinavians. Below is an explanation of why the term Teuton is associated with Germanic like peoples:

The Teutons or Teutones (from Proto-Germanic *Þeudanōs) were mentioned as a Germanic tribe in early historical writings by Greek and Roman authors such as Strabo and Velleius. According to Ptolemy's map, they lived on Jutland, whereas Pomponius Mela placed them in Scandinavia (Codanonia)[1]. German historians did not associate the name Teutons with their Proto-Germanic ancestors until the 13th century.

More than 100 years Before Christ many of the Teutones, as well as the Cimbri, migrated south and west to the Danube valley, where they encountered the expanding Roman Empire.

During the late 2nd century BC, the Teutons are recorded as marching south through Gaul along with their neighbors, the Cimbri, and attacking Roman Italy. After several victories for the invading armies, the Cimbri and Teutones were then defeated by Marius in 102 BC at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae (near present-day Aix-en-Provence). Their King, Teutobod, was taken in irons.

The captured women committed mass suicide, which passed into Roman legends of Germanic heroism (cf Jerome, letter cxxiii.8, 409 AD [2]):

By the conditions of the surrender three hundred of their married women were to be handed over to the Romans. When the Teuton matrons heard of this stipulation they first begged the consul that they might be set apart to minister in the temples of Ceres and Venus; and then when they failed to obtain their request and were removed by the lictors, they slew their little children and next morning were all found dead in each other's arms having strangled themselves in the night.
The terms "Teuton" and "Teutonic" have sometimes been used in reference to all of the Germanic peoples. The Latin name Teutōnī was borrowed via a Celtic language from Proto-Germanic *Þeudanōs (meaning "they of the tribe"), the word *þeudā being a Proto-Germanic name for "tribe". The words can be further reconstructed as an earlier name *Teut-onōs and the root *Teutā, which is a western Proto-Indo-European word root meaning "people".

The word *þeudā is found not only in German deutsch (=German, from *þeudiskaz), Old English þēod, Gothic þiuda and Old Norse þjóð "people", but also in the Old Irish word for "people," tuath.
freedom1 said:
then when they failed to obtain their request and were removed by the lictors, they slew their little children and next morning were all found dead in each other's arms having strangled themselves in the night.

Kinda reminds me of Goebbels and his family.
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