Women in combat and gays in Inaugural address

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Our Ancient Friend Chuck Schumer has some egg on his face after his female golem lip-synched the national anthem.


I thought I'd seen that picture somewhere before...

You know that's Beyonce and she is some form of a Mulatto? But otherwise it looks spot on....:scared:


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
At any rate the injuries and death they suffer is tragic, even more so because the cause (seems to us) to be so unworthy. But for them it is often for God, country, and family. It is kinda low to make fun of someone who sacrifices themselves for such a noble intent. I know it was just in jest but still. :icon_confused:
Not making fun. The injuries and death not to mention the PTSD and extreme rates of suicide upon return are tragic. In fact, they are more tragic I believe than in past generations of service because of the nefarious powers and interests these men are serving. You are right about America 1.0 and serving to protect that WAS noble. I just wish more of these young White men (and women now) would wake up to these facts. They could be living longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives and starting families, raising White children, etc.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Our Ancient Friend Chuck Schumer has some egg on his face after his female golem lip-synched the national anthem.


I thought I'd seen that picture somewhere before...



That's one of the greatest triumphs of kosher brainwashing in history, turning negroes into desirable sex objects and mates for white shiks - I mean women! Up until the 1950's, any self respecting white girl would rather it was thought she had was having sex with a dog than a negro.

And that cartoonist is the great A. Wyatt Mann. I used to kind of know him a little.

And Schumer is the archetype all right. I remember the footage of him in the original uncut edition of the film "Rules of Engagement", about the mass murder of the innocents at Waco, "to save the children", and the hateful leer and sneering comments he made from behind his judge bench directed at the survivors of the holocaust.

There's a book by an FBI agent who was in the elite FBI Hostage Rescue Unit, called Cold Zero. He was at Waco. he ended his chapter on Waco with these chilling words: "I heard the voice of evil at Waco. It was my own."

I believe that the innocents at Waco were targeted because they flew the "star of david" (devil's foot) flag over their church ("compound" in the media), and the lords & masters didn't like Christians usurping their flag. No one was even docked so much as a day's pay for that mass murder, and FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi was practicing his skill again at Ruby Ridge, shooting down Randy Weaver's wife while she held her baby in her arms.

But I digress..

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Jul 12, 2007
white is right said:
You know that's Beyonce and she is some form of a Mulatto? But otherwise it looks spot on....:scared:

I don't think so.
Her mother is black (albeit light-skinned). Her father is black.
Beyonce used to be black, until the skin-lightener, hair bleach, and colored contact lenses.

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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Freethinker said:
Not making fun. The injuries and death not to mention the PTSD and extreme rates of suicide upon return are tragic. In fact, they are more tragic I believe than in past generations of service because of the nefarious powers and interests these men are serving. You are right about America 1.0 and serving to protect that WAS noble. I just wish more of these young White men (and women now) would wake up to these facts. They could be living longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives and starting families, raising White children, etc.

Although I agree with all of your comments concerning today’s Zio-Centric military agenda, I don’t believe the U.S. Military (past or present) has ever “marched to a different drum.” The now-deified WWI and WWII veterans were little more than white-on-white massacre-machines, pawns programmed by the “Father of American Marxism,” Woodrow Wilson, and later by the incognito-Heeb, Franklin Roosevelt (ancestor of Dutch Jew, “Claes Martenzsen von Rosenvelt”), to slaughter Europeans despite the fact that America had about as much “business” getting involved in European conflicts in 1917 and 1941 than it has getting involved in Middle Eastern conflicts over the past 25 years.

The hyper-dubious motivations driving the “white” “men” directing the U.S. Military of today are quite similar to those of yesteryear. For instance, below is but a few of the confirmed Jews that the obese, arrogant, crippled little Son-O-Satan, FDR, “handpicked” during his time as New York Governor and as the President of the U.S…

1. Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR.

2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal system.

3. David E. Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America.

4. David Niles -- presidential aide.

5. Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father" of New Deal.

6. Samuel I. Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR.

7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII.

8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR.

9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress.

10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed.

11. Sidney Hillman -- presidential adviser.

12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission.

13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR.

14. Herbert Feis -- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs.

15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR.

16. Nathan Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser.

17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR.

18. H. J. Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR.

19. E. W. Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director.

20. Charles E. Wyzanski -- U.S. Labor department legal adviser.

21. Samuel Untermyer -- lawyer, "unofficial public ownership adviser" to FDR.

22. Jacob Viner -- Tax expert at the U.S. Treasury Department, assistant to the Treasury Secretary.

23. Edward Filene -- businessman, philanthropist, unofficial presidential adviser.

24. David Dubinsky -- Labor leader, president of International Ladies Garment Workers Union.

25. William C. Bullitt -- part-Jewish, ambassador to USSR [is claimed to be Jonathan Horwitz's grandson; unconfirmed].

26. Mordecai Ezekiel -- Agriculture Department economist.

27. Abe Fortas -- Assistant director of Securities and Exchange Commission,
Department of the Interior Undersecretary.

28. Isador Lubin -- Commissioner of Labor Statistics, unofficial labor economist to FDR.

29. Harry Dexter White [Weiss] -- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; a key
founder of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank; adviser, close pal of Henry Morgenthau. Co-wrote the Morgenthau Plan.

30. Alexander Holtzoff -- Special assistant, U.S. Attorney General's Office until 1945; [presumed to be Jewish; unconfirmed].

31. David Weintraub -- official in the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; helped create the United Nations; Secretary, Committee on Supplies, 1944-1946.

32. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster -- Agriculture Department official and head of the Near East Division of the Board of Economic Warfare; helped create the United Nations.

33. Harold Glasser -- Treasury Department director of the division of monetary research. Treasury spokesman on the affairs of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

34. Irving Kaplan -- U.S. Treasury Department official, pal of David Weintraub.

35. Solomon Adler -- Treasury Department representative in China during World War II.

36. Benjamin Cardozo -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

37. Leo Wolman -- chairman of the National Recovery Administration's Labor advisery Board; labor economist.

38. Rose Schneiderman -- labor organizer; on the advisery board of the National Recovery Administration.

39. Jerome Frank -- general counsel to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Justice, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1941-57.

40. Gerard Swope -- key player in the creation of the N.R.A. [National Recovery Administration]

41. Herbert Bayard Swope -- brother of Gerard

42. Lucien Koch -- consumer division, N.R.A. [apparently-Jewish]

43. J. David Stern -- Federal Reserve Board, appointed by FDR

44. Nathan Straus -- housing adviser

45. Charles Michaelson -- Democratic [DNC] publicity man

46. Lawrence Steinhardt -- ambassador to Soviet Union

47. Harry Guggenheim -- heir to Guggenheim fortune, adviser on aviation

48. Arthur Garfield Hays -- adviser on civil liberties

49. David Lasser -- head of Worker's Alliance, labor activist

50. Max Zaritsky -- labor adviser

51. James Warburg -- millionaire, early backer of New Deal before backing out

52. Louis Kirstein -- associate of E. Filene

53. Charles Wyzanski, Jr. -- counsel, Dept. of Labor

54. Charles Taussig -- early New Deal adviser

55. Jacob Baker -- assistant to W.P.A. head Harry Hopkins; assistant head of
W.P.A. [Works Progress Admin.]

56. Louis H. Bean -- Dept. of Agriculture official

57. Abraham Fox -- research director, Tariff Commission

58. Benedict Wolf -- National Labor Relations Board [NLRB]

59. William Leiserson -- NLRB

60. David J. Saposs -- NLRB

61. A. H. Meyers -- NLRB [New England division]

62. L. H. Seltzer -- head economist at the Treasury Dept.

63. Edward Berman -- Dept. of Labor official

64. Jacob Perlman -- Dept. of Labor official

65. Morris L. Jacobson -- chief statistician of the Government Research Project

66. Jack Levin -- assistant general manager, Rural Electrification Authority

67. Harold Loeb -- economic consultant, N.R.P.

68. William Seagle -- council, Petroleum Labor Policy Board

69. Herman A. Gray -- policy committee, National Housing Conference

70. Alexander Sachs -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early New Deal consultant

71. Paul Mazur -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early consultant for New Deal

72. Henry Alsberg -- head of the Writer's Project under the W.P.A.

73. Lincoln Rothschild -- New Deal art administrator


CAPTION: Grinning Zionism

Likewise, below is a tiny fraction of the Jewish parasites “handpicked” by the George W. Bush administration…

1) Richard Perle - One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli government agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's office in the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle came from one the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktanks, the AEI. Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war mongering within the administration and now in the media.

2) Paul Wolfowitz - Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives in Israel. Wolfowitz came from the above mentioned Jewish thinktank, JINSA. Wolfowitz is the number two leader within the administration behind this Iraq war mongering.

3) Douglas Feith - Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He is a close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel. The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer." Feith basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith also came from the Jewish thinktank JINSA. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq.

4) Edward Luttwak - Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist whose main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging war against Iraq.

5) Henry Kissinger - One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle. For detailed information about Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersch's book (Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger likely had a part in the Watergate crimes, Southeast Asia mass murders (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), Installing Chilean mass murdering dictator Pinochet, Operation Condor's mass killings in South America, and more recently served as Serbia's Ex-Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S. Unfortunately, President Bush nominated Kissinger as chairman of the September 11 investigating commission. It's like picking a bank robber to investigate a fraud scandal.

6) Dov Zakheim - Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense. He is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim attended attended Jew’s College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva University. Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby.

7) Kenneth Adelman - One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle, and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Adelman frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his hatred or stupidity, he actually called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001), when he could have looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs by definition are Semites.

8) I. Lewis Libby - Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. The chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, it helps explains why Cheney is so gun-ho to invade Iraq. Libby is longtime associate of Wolfowitz. Libby was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Marc Rich, whom Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president.

9) Robert Satloff - U.S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff was the executive director of the Israeli lobby's "think tank," Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Many of the Israeli lobby's "experts" come from this front group, like Martin Indyk.

10) Elliott Abrams - National Security Council Advisor. He previously worked at Washington-based "Think Tank" Ethics and Public Policy Center. During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant Secretary of State, handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally selling U.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq, and illegally funding the contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He also actively deceived three congressional committees about his involvement and thereby faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991 to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service. A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted Abrams a full pardon. He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Reagan Administration's State Department.

11) Marc Grossman - Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. Grossman is one of many of the pro-Israel Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that Bush has promoted to higher posts.

12) Richard Haass - Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large. He is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr) Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

13) Robert Zoellick - U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position. He is also one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Bush (Jr) Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying a portion of the country in order to set up setting up a Vichy-style puppet government. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq.

14) Ari Fleischer - Official White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr) Administration. Prominent in the Jewish community, some reports state that he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected to the extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the Qabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews. Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001.

15) James Schlesinger - One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

16) David Frum - White House speechwriter behind the "Axis of Evil" label. He lumps together all the lies and accusations against Iraq for Bush to justify the war.

17) Joshua Bolten - White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Bolten was previously a banker, former legislative aide, and prominent in the Jewish community.

18) John Bolton - Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Bolton is also a Senior Advisor to President Bush. Prior to this position, Bolton was Senior Vice President of the above mentioned pro-Israel thinktank, AEI. He recently (October 2002) accused Syria of having a nuclear program, so that they can attack Syria after Iraq. He must have forgotten that Israel has 400 nuclear warheads, some of which are thermonuclear weapons (according to a recent U.S. Air Force report).

19) David Wurmser - Special Assistant to John Bolton (above), the under-secretary for arms control and international security. Wurmser also worked at the AEI with Perle and Bolton. His wife, Meyrav Wurmser, along with Colonel Yigal Carmon, formerly of Israeli military intelligence, co-founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri),a Washington-based Israeli outfit which distributes articles translated from Arabic newspapers portraying Arabs in a bad light.

20) Eliot Cohen - Member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor. Like Adelman, he often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. More recently, he wrote an opinion article in the Wall Street Journal openly admitting his rascist hatred of Islam claiming that Islam should be the enemy, not terrorism.

21) Mel Sembler - President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. A Prominent Jewish Republican and Former National Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Export-Import Bank facilitates trade relationships between U.S. businesses and foreign countries, specifically those with financial problems.

22) Michael Chertoff - Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the Justice Department.

23) Steve Goldsmith - Senior Advisor to the President, and Bush's Jewish domestic policy advisor. He also serves as liaison in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (White House OFBCI) within the Executive Office of the President. He was the former mayor of Indianapolis. He is also friends with Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert and often visits Israel to coach mayors on privatization initiatives.

24) Adam Goldman - White House's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community.

25) Joseph Gildenhorn - Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. He was the DC finance chairman for the Bush campaign, as well as campaign coordinator, and former ambassador to Switzerland.

26) Christopher Gersten - Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS. Gersten was the former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Husband of Labor Secretary, Linda Chavez, and reportedly very pro-Israel. Their children are being raised Jewish.

27) Mark Weinberger - Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs.

28) Samuel Bodman - Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was the Chairman and CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts.

29) Bonnie Cohen - Under Secretary of State for Management.

30) Ruth Davis - Director of Foreign Service Institute, who reports to the Office of Under Secretary for Management. This Office is responsible for training all Department of State staff (including ambassadors).

31) Daniel Kurtzer - Ambassador to Israel.

32) Cliff Sobel - Ambassador to the Netherlands.

33) Stuart Bernstein - Ambassador to Denmark.

34) Nancy Brinker - Ambassador to Hungary

35) Frank Lavin - Ambassador to Singapore.

36) Ron Weiser - Ambassador to Slovakia.

Mel Sembler - Ambassador to Italy.

38) Martin Silverstein - Ambassador to Uruguay.

39) Lincoln Bloomfield - Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs.

40) Jay Lefkowitz - Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

41) Ken Melman - White House Political Director.

42) Brad Blakeman - White House Director of Scheduling.


CAPTION: Arch-Wretch, "W"

To “serve” America is to serve these loathesome, cancerous, despicable beasts that are only capable of disseminating their ancient tradition of exploitation, enslavement, duplicity, and death. The American flag isn’t fit to line a pig sty, let alone to be sew upon the uniform of some young white soldier as he dies in their Endless Desert Wars.

Melenik said:
And you're a stupid son of a bitch. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

You’re only name-calling because Freethinker was expressing an irrefutable truth.
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Jun 7, 2012
HERE ,HERE , could'nt agree more !!!!

, IF YOU LEAD I WILL FOLLOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is some list and showes where this mess we are in all began .
glad that there are some fully awakened people not just on racial level
but on a more wide spectrum ,and they serve themselves ,familys and brotherhood
first before the whore that u.u.s.gay has become .

dont blame anybody who joins the army as ,we were all young and stupid once and not in anyway aware of the bigger picture .
that is when we need society and older wiser generation to guide us ,but all know this isnt happening ,all know various ways and tools that our youth are guided and corrupted nowadays.

i can personally testify to how stupid was when left the army , this is the infantry ,not any intelligent based job or higher ranks talking about ,survived on drills and had everything done for you .
so in time there think barely used brain and definitely realised that when left and took some time to get brain functioning at full capacity again .
obviously this i realise now is how army works ,alot easier to lead people like so ,especially
if no obvious personal cause that you are fighting for ,simply doing job as they say .

IF YOU LEAD I WILL FOLLOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Although I agree with all of your comments concerning today’s Zio-Centric military agenda, I don’t believe the U.S. Military (past or present) has ever “marched to a different drum.” The now-deified WWI and WWII veterans were little more than white-on-white massacre-machines, pawns programmed by the “Father of American Marxism,” Woodrow Wilson, and later by the incognito-Heeb, Franklin Roosevelt (ancestor of Dutch Jew, “Claes Martenzsen von Rosenvelt”), to slaughter Europeans despite the fact that America had about as much “business” getting involved in European conflicts in 1917 and 1941 than it has getting involved in Middle Eastern conflicts over the past 25 years.

What's changed is the attitude of the media toward particular wars and the soldiers that fight them. The American grunts that fought in Vietnam were despised (not an exaggeration) by the "New Left," the militant sons and daughters of the older Cultural Marxist Jews in the establishment, as they fought to overthrow the institutions of power and take the reins of power for themselves. The Vietnam War didn't benefit Israel or the oil companies, plus there was a draft for most of the war that made it doubly unpopular with leftists of draft age.

Vietnam vets have always been treated as an embarrassment at best, while the soliders fighting in the Middle East for the benefit of Israel and corporate interests are now deified as great selfless warriors, who everyone must now "support" and constantly salute at numerous sporting events, during TV shows and commercials, movies, etc.

The average soldier hasn't changed; the attitude of the media and Jews has changed diametrically toward them however. What used to be the radical left of the late '60s and '70s are now among the most fervent defenders of the status quo. The Permanent Revolution unleashed in the 1960s following the assassination of JFK has been almost totally successful in achieving its goals. Americans used to be told how awful what was being done to the Vietnamese was -- and it was a hideous, unnecessary war, conducted so as never to win, even though Vietnam was thoroughly bombed and U.S. soldiers thoroughly scarred by the experience. And Richard Nixon was hated for his abuses of power.

But now the U.S. conducts undeclared wars against numerous defenseless third world countries and launches drone strikes in still others, and there's not a peep of sympathy from the PTB for the civilians being killed, nor any discussion about whether this might not be a just course. The office of the President is now a hundred times stronger and more unaccountable than it was during Nixon's time, and again, almost no criticism is heard from the corporate media and other branches of government, because the system is as one in supporting Washington's insane attempt to run the world, a Zionist and neo-con inspired madness that has bankrupted the country morally and economically.


Apr 6, 2007
Although I agree with all of your comments concerning today’s Zio-Centric military agenda, I don’t believe the U.S. Military (past or present) has ever “marched to a different drum.†The now-deified WWI and WWII veterans were little more than white-on-white massacre-machines, pawns programmed by the “Father of American Marxism,†Woodrow Wilson, and later by the incognito-Heeb, Franklin Roosevelt (ancestor of Dutch Jew, “Claes Martenzsen von Rosenveltâ€), to slaughter Europeans despite the fact that America had about as much “business†getting involved in European conflicts in 1917 and 1941 than it has getting involved in Middle Eastern conflicts over the past 25 years.

The hyper-dubious motivations driving the “white†“men†directing the U.S. Military of today are quite similar to those of yesteryear. For instance, below is but a few of the confirmed Jews that the obese, arrogant, crippled little Son-O-Satan, FDR, “handpicked†during his time as New York Governor and as the President of the U.S…


CAPTION: Grinning Zionism

Likewise, below is a tiny fraction of the Jewish parasites “handpicked†by the George W. Bush administration…


CAPTION: Arch-Wretch, "W"

To “serve†America is to serve these loathesome, cancerous, despicable beasts that are only capable of disseminating their ancient tradition of exploitation, enslavement, duplicity, and death. The American flag isn’t fit to line a pig sty, let alone to be sew upon the uniform of some young white soldier as he dies in their Endless Desert Wars.

You’re only name-calling because Freethinker was expressing an irrefutable truth.

"irrefutable" truth...Go tell or show a vet that bull**** and let me know how it goes. Much easier to talk **** online from the comfort of your mothers basement isn't it?


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I used the military as a source of learning, discipline and a way to payoff my school loans. All 3 were accomplished. I also used it as a stepping stone to advance in ciivilian life as well. Check that to.

A couple here are deriding joining the military forces as a whole. I wonder how those would feel if the USSA was invaded by a strong ground force, say by the Chinese? I suspect "those" would wish "we" had a strong military to fend off the Chinese invaders with aspirations of domination and subjecation rather than cutting our lawns or being picked up from Home Depot to clean out our backyards or do contract work for pennies on the dollar.

I am glad I did 6 years of service. I learned alot about our country and the world. I am against women in the combat arms. But if it becomes so, then treat them all the same. That means the same PFQs and shaving their heads the same as men. No option as to serve on the front lines, if the draft is instituted they count as well. Also, the chaos of women in a front line infantry units will be produce in many forms. Those having sex with some, and men not getting "any" will cause disruptions and take the focus off the objectives of the unit. It will be pandamondum in the field. There is enough distractions in the field without adding the biggest one.......................SEX

Glad I do not have to experience this social experiment in the field with bullets flying.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Have a Patriotic Super Bowl!

by Philip Giraldi

Sports items do not often appear on Antiwar.com but I think that this year we Americans have an opportunity to show the world just how patriotic we are by combining the world’s greatest sporting event with some serious fun at the expense of our enemies. Since 9/11, there has been a melding of professional athletics with the United States military’s drive to rid the world of evil. The National Football League (NFL) has taken the lead by promising to "unfurl patriotic themes" at games but we all have a responsibility to show those Muslims what a wonderful country we have. And hats off also to a level of technology that beats everyone else’s hands down. Where else could you be watching a sporting event when suddenly the network switches you over via videolink to see the fine young men and women of the 413[SUP]th Electric Shock Interrogation Brigade sitting down in Abu Ghraib Iraq to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast?[/SUP]

[SUP]American football’s born again love affair with the military admittedly started out slowly back twelve years ago with an occasional fly-by of jets or helicopters and sometimes a precision parachutist landing on the fifty yard line. And back then we also started to see the now obligatory fireworks display when the national anthem reaches the "rockets red glare" bit. After the singing stops, the forty or fifty thousand drunks in the stadium simultaneously would let out a "hoo-hah" to demonstrate their approval and love of country. But they were clearly hungry for more.

As "Wretched Excess Fueled by Commercialism" is what actually appears printed on the dollar bill, though in Latin so no one can understand it, the obligatory nod to Uncle Sam’s armed might has now grown to the point where the exaltation of the military is a much anticipated and fully integrated bit of entertainment within the main event of the sporting contest itself. Every true American heart surely beats proud to see unfurled a Stars and Stripes so large that it now completely covers the playing field and as the national anthem is played the flag starts to move just like an amber wave of grain, wiggle-waggled by the platoons of national guard boys and girls holding to illustrate the "still waving over the land of the free and the home of the brave." And the crowd gets it, thundering out its approval. And then there are the military honor guards, the signs on the walls and jumbotrons honoring "wounded warriors" while proclaiming how our troops are keeping us free, and the crowds of men and women in uniform filling every available space, guests of the NFL. And finally there is the super-dooper bigger than ever fly over of whole wings of F-16s, shaking the stadium to its foundation and bringing on another bellow from the boozers. When the crowd noise subsides the announcer solemnly proclaims that it is an honor to be televising the game by way of the Armed Forces Network to American troops in 175 countries and on ships at sea. "I just can’t describe what they do to keep us free," he concludes.

This year’s Super Bowl is in New Orleans, which provides some special opportunities for the military to demonstrate its prowess in keeping America safe. I assume that the pre-game, halftime, and post-game celebrations are already decided and are probably being rehearsed even as I write this, but I would implore Commissioner Roger Goodell and all the other fine patriots in the NFL to do the right thing in support of our troops by inserting something new that would demonstrate the national resolve to finally do whatever it takes to win the Global War on Terror.

Since the Superdome in New Orleans has no open roof there cannot be the usual flyover. I would suggest instead that a flotilla of predator drones be unleashed on the tailgaters in the parking lot before the event. They could be programmed to use advanced facial recognition software to identify anyone in the crowd who appears to be Middle Eastern, followed by a quick strike from a hellfire missile that would eliminate the potential threat and also demonstrate just how accurate the system is if there should be any doubters about the surgical precision of America’s formidable overseas defenses. The drone strikes could be followed by B-52s that could drop bombs on the remaining blighted New Orleans wards, completing the botched job of urban renewal that some of us have been tracking by watching "Treme" on HBO. The areas would be cleared without any taint of political corruption, demonstrating once again that the US military is a global force for good, just like the ads during the game’s commercial breaks will assure us. The carpet bombing would also demonstrate how the NFL and government are working together to build better communities nationwide. To avoid any Katrina type panic, the announcer could explain to those inside the stadium hearing the thunder of the bunker busters that next year’s punt, pass and kick competition will be held on the cleared ground before the water view lots get sold to the highest bidder by that friendly property developer featured in "Treme."

After the singing, the coin toss is generally done by some celebrity or former hall of fame player, but I propose that the honor this year be given to former Vice President Dick Cheney, who has done so much to keep us safe and free. Cheney can delight the crowd in demonstrating his Annie Oakley skills with an assault rifle by shooting a live Taliban straight from the battle front in Afghanistan who will be released into the stadium while the crowd chants along with the "Democracy is messy!" signage popping up on the jumbotron.

Many Americans who have lately seen old Victor Mature movies will recall that the ancient Romans used to throw people to the lions in their stadiums. The problem with lions is that they make one hell of a mess on the astroturf, but using today’s enhanced interrogation techniques and a bit of American ingenuity it will be possible to come up with a half time spectacle that should captivate the two billion strong television audience. In honor of the 183 times that al-Qaeda bad guy Ayman al-Zawahiri was waterboarded, 183 Department of Defense and CIA interrogation experts will simultaneously board 183 suspects picked up over the weekend in Yemen and Somalia. The camera can zoom in as the viewers watch those bearded guys going under and then gasping for breath, a new reality TV experience for most of the audience that might even result in a surprise confession or two.

On the mezzanine level, where the food and drink stands are located, the Department of Homeland Security can offer free Transportation Security Administration screenings. You can opt to be either groped or irradiated, but you can’t have both. You can, however, just for fun have a guaranteed to be nostalgic experience passing through one of the scanners that reveals your genitals that are now being phased out at airports. It seems that those $40 million machines have never caught an actual terrorist and are only good at stripping people naked, but what fun it was standing there with your legs spread while holding your hands over your head, kind of like a semi-trussed chicken. Nearby, the Army’s military police precision drill team can bring back other old memories by creating human pyramids using actual living naked Arabs. What a gas it will be to have your picture taken standing in front of some terrorist dude having his private parts inspected by a hungry German shepherd! And even the Navy’s famous seals can get in on the fun with a shooting gallery where genuine live trussed up Tuaregs captured fresh from the action in Mali will pop up and down, three shots for 10 bucks.

And when the game is finished the fun won’t be over. As the fans file out stadium security will hand everyone a card with the pledge of allegiance plus an added footnote confirming that the government and the NFL must be supported no matter what they do lest one be guilty of treason. Hold up your right hand and read what’s on the card and you’re okay, but you’d better not hesitate or else. Those drones will still be circling and they’ll be watching every move you make and even if they don’t zap you your name will wind up on a list somewhere. It is reported that President Obama is checking those lists twice to find out who’s been naughty or nice. For true patriotic Americans it will be reassuring to know that we have all been partners with the government and the National Football League working together to keep us safe, no matter who wins the game. In fact, who cares who wins the game since it’s usually pretty boring on the field. God bless the USA!




Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Melenik said:
"irrefutable" truth...Go tell or show a vet that bull**** and let me know how it goes. Much easier to talk **** online from the comfort of your mothers basement isn't it?

Go tell what to a “vet?†What exactly did I write (from my mother’s basement) that was in any way demeaning towards present or former American soldiers? I’m sure most of them would be stunned and/or mortified by the fact that their job has become absurdly dangerous as a direct result of a small minority of filthy-rich, elite Jews and whites who are psychotic, blood-thirsty, white-abhorring Isra-hell Firsters.

I work with a guy who served in Afghanistan (for college tuition) and we discuss this subject all the time. He’s well aware of the pungent Zionist influence upon American military affairs, and I think it took plenty of courage for him to join the Marines and became a grunt for a vehemently anti-white nation that views him as a “useful enemy.â€

And what’s with all the cursing and insults? You called Freethinker a “stupid S.O.B.,†then you refer to my as opinions “bullsh-t†and suggest that I live in my mother’s basement. I hope you were just having a bad day.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Have a Patriotic Super Bowl!

by Philip Giraldi

Sports items do not often appear on Antiwar.com but I think that this year we Americans have an opportunity to show the world just how patriotic we are by combining the world’s greatest sporting event with some serious fun at the expense of our enemies. Since 9/11, there has been a melding of professional athletics with the United States military’s drive to rid the world of evil. The National Football League (NFL) has taken the lead by promising to "unfurl patriotic themes" at games but we all have a responsibility to show those Muslims what a wonderful country we have. And hats off also to a level of technology that beats everyone else’s hands down. Where else could you be watching a sporting event when suddenly the network switches you over via videolink to see the fine young men and women of the 413[SUP]th Electric Shock Interrogation Brigade sitting down in Abu Ghraib Iraq to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast?[/SUP][SUP]

Sometimes the forced sports/military combination borders on the ridiculous. This summer I went to a small county fair and wandered over to the grandstand where they were having one of the lamest demolition derbies in the history of that cheesy event. As the junkers wheezed out onto the deeply rutted mud pit that was the track the announcer of this humble event solemnly directed the audience (of me and 3 others) to stand in a tribute to "our men and women in uniform" take our hats off and give a moment of silence for their sacrifices. He added that we should salute any "soldiers" in the audience (there were none).

I got nothing against supporting the troops generally but this was so out of place and phoney that it made a mockery of the concept. I just got up and left.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Sometimes the forced sports/military combination borders on the ridiculous. This summer I went to a small county fair and wandered over to the grandstand where they were having one of the lamest demolition derbies in the history of that cheesy event. As the junkers wheezed out onto the deeply rutted mud pit that was the track the announcer of this humble event solemnly directed the audience (of me and 3 others) to stand in a tribute to "our men and women in uniform" take our hats off and give a moment of silence for their sacrifices. He added that we should salute any "soldiers" in the audience (there were none).

I got nothing against supporting the troops generally but this was so out of place and phoney that it made a mockery of the concept. I just got up and left.

Man, that's a funny story. I've read it several times and laugh every time. Fits perfectly with Don's link. It all looks to be going off the rails, might as well have a laugh. Thanks for the story. And by the way, I've been to a couple "demolition derbys" expecting some demolition and saw anything but. Lots of sound and fury with engines revving and mud flying, but the destruction was more like a lame ass "fender bender festival."
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"irrefutable" truth...Go tell or show a vet that bull**** and let me know how it goes....

OK, I'm a vet - and their wars without end are bull**** and all fought for zion and wall street and have absolutely nothing to do with the happy face reasons they lay on the canon fodder, and all of them are started by the pretext of false flag, set up, or fake attacks and the controlled media piling on stories about how (fill in the enemy du jour) commits atrocities, wants to take over the world, destroy our way of life, build weapons of mass destruction, kill all the jews, hates freedom....

General Smedley Butler, the most decorated US Marine in history: "WAR IS A RACKET!"

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I don't think so.
Her mother is black (albeit light-skinned). Her father is black.
Beyonce used to be black, until the skin-lightener, hair bleach, and colored contact lenses.

It looks like Beyonce has had more work done on her than a restored 67' Mustang. What I meant by sort of Mulatto is that she is the French term a Griffe which means 3/4rs Black 1/4 White. Anyway enough on Ms Plastic Surgeon...:scared:


Apr 6, 2007
OK, I'm a vet - and their wars without end are bull**** and all fought for zion and wall street and have absolutely nothing to do with the happy face reasons they lay on the canon fodder, and all of them are started by the pretext of false flag, set up, or fake attacks and the controlled media piling on stories about how (fill in the enemy du jour) commits atrocities, wants to take over the world, destroy our way of life, build weapons of mass destruction, kill all the jews, hates freedom....

General Smedley Butler, the most decorated US Marine in history: "WAR IS A RACKET!"

A vet in what; conspiracy theories? If you were in the service you probably had a REMF job.


Apr 6, 2007


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I know we've had some infighting over some stupid sh!t here over the years but c'mon, I think everyone appreciates that a guy that was in the service and did his time honorably is A-OK and worthy of some big time props AND we also agree that there are a lot of sh*tbags running this country and sending those guys into a bunch of crap for the wrong people and the wrong reasons. Let's not get all upset about someone taking the low road on one side of the issue or another. We know it wasn't meant as personal and was just the direction the discussion went.

There was a real good conversation about this at another site and when I find a link I'll post it but we are all going to have to decide real soon who are the good guys and who are the bad guys and it is not going to be easy. For example if they start snatching guns are you siding with the guy that shoots the poor cop who has to do the snatching? A cop that has a wife & kids and a good record? When they start making White, male, and conservative, a crime, are you going to stand with the criminals? It won't be as easy as it sounds.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
You must be new here. White Shogun won the prize for the correct guess.


No, not at all, I saw that link first. They falsely claim now that Menelik was a negro, and he is being portrayed as one of the great (imaginary) negro super-heroes of history, and in addition some Jews claim him as their ancestor, particularly the nutbag Felasha jews from Ethiopia that Ethiopia was glad to get rid of and now Israhel wants to send back.

I was trying to see where you are coming from and that is why I looked into your odd sign on name. Care to elaborate on why you chose it?


Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
jaxvid, Good point on your second paragraph. When they come for the guns, the concept of "just doing my job" is done. Everyone has to pick a side. Woe be onto the person who tries to ride it out claiming they're somehow not involved. There're be no "neutrality." That includes the police.

A bit off topic, Ed Koch died yesteray. The best mayor NYC ever had in my time - saved the city. There'll never be another like him. 104th Infantry Regiment. Two battle stars - participated in the Battle of the Bulge. Had Sharpton cuffed and arrested.. Going to be buried in Trinity Church Yard in Manhattan (he could never leave Manhattan - I got a Mass card for him, but I don't know where to send it yet.). A good, standup Jew. He made his mistakes, but who hasn't?

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
A bit off topic, Ed Koch died yesteray. The best mayor NYC ever had in my time - saved the city. There'll never be another like him. 104th Infantry Regiment. Two battle stars - participated in the Battle of the Bulge. Had Sharpton cuffed and arrested.. Going to be buried in Trinity Church Yard in Manhattan (he could never leave Manhattan - I got a Mass card for him, but I don't know where to send it yet.). A good, standup Jew. He made his mistakes, but who hasn't?

Tom Iron...

Saved the city my foot. Check out the crime rates in NYC when Israel-firster Koch was zio-mayor from 1978-1989. The only thing worse - much worse - was the negro mayor, Dinkins, that came after him. The mayor that turned the city around - as much as I hate him for other reasons - was Giuliani, NYC mayor 1994-2001.

NYC crime rates:

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Sep 19, 2012
World of ****
Sorry Tom Iron, but we are going to have to agree to disagree on the admission to the Shtetl of Mettle for Mayor Ed. I just finished tap-dancing the Haba Nagila jig on his filthy burial plot, and I will gladly pay two cents an hour to a cadre of illegal beaners to do the same, 24 hours a day, forever, so long as his legacy allows them immunity here.