Hall of Famer
In an awesome boxing display Briggs stops Mireles in only 27 seconds! Clearly Briggs deserves a championship fight after that awesome display!
What he actually does deserve is a thorough drug test and test for brain damage - and also some arrests for trespassing and assault when he goes barging into Wladimir's venues doped up to his gills and high as a kite.
Video of the awesome fight:
I’ve never seen a heavyweight fighter go down, and stay down, from such a lame punch. Briggs’ gay little “celebratory dance routine†following such an epic “victory†served as the proverbial rotten cherry atop the mold-ensconced cake. This roid-addict fights a slovenly Mexican in a tiny casino in front of several hundred people in Minnesota and he thinks he deserves a title shot?
Briggs is 42 years old, has asthma, grey facial hair, and looks terrible for his age…aside from his juiced-to-the-gills upper body. He’s always had putrid conditioning and was never very quick or creative in the ring due to his bulk and lack of athleticism. After a 4 year layoff, this guy could really injure himself against Wlad or any other ranked heavyweight.
As for his recent behavior, I tend to believe that his bizarre stunts over the past weeks are planned/scripted to create hype, which is why he’s never arrested and/or disciplined afterwards. He’s always had a sound mind and was normally very gracious and polite when speaking in public, particularly after the infamous “beating of a lifetime†he absorbed against Vitali...

As far as I know, he’s never committed a single crime (despite hailing from a Negro-infested, crime-ridden trash heap like Brooklyn) and he’s always dated black women…

But yeah, he may have also lost his mind.