Why are blacks over represented in music?

Those who control these things have barraged us with black music in a majority of commercials for many years.
The all-time capper came for me a few weeks ago. The local TV outlet that telivises the NHL Capitals ran a promo for upcoming games. Now, I've been going to NHL games for decades, in a city that is mostly black. In all those years, I can honestly say I can count the number of black fans on two hands.
So, what kind of music was being played in the hockey promo?? All together now......... Gangsta Rap!!
The indoctrination beat goes on.Edited by: Burts
I will say this: black music did more for integration than Martin Luther King or Brown v Board ever did. It was more effective at breaking down the barriers, but it was part of a concerted effort to do so.

The problem is that the culture became "blackified."

Do you realize that in the 1950s and 60s, talkshows actually had poets and writers as guests? The news was actual news. Not car chases in Wennewampoc or pin-up girl funerals or elephant stomps or show promos. The idea of "entertainment news" had not really been developed and was still the haven of fan magazines.

We have regressed as a culture to a primitive stage. Now the media outlets act like "Confidential Magazine" and sell us titilating tales of sex and murder.
Bronk said:
I will say this: black music did more for integration than Martin Luther King or Brown v Board ever did. It was more effective at breaking down the barriers, but it was part of a concerted effort to do so.

The problem is that the culture became "blackified."

Do you realize that in the 1950s and 60s, talkshows actually had poets and writers as guests? The news was actual news.

Excellent post, Bronk.
The "blackification" of our culture began in the '60s, but rap music was the first aspect of our culture to be marketed to white kids, but still considered the sole province of blacks. Rock and pop music had plenty of black artists, but they geared their sound to a white audience, and were assimilated into a white style. Disco was dominated by blacks, but there were plenty of white acts as well, and none were bigger than the very white Bee Gees. Rap, on the other hand, took the ignorant, violent street life of black ghettos and marketed it without refining it one bit. There was no attempt to make it sound "white." The only really successful white rapper has been Eminem, but he had to sound black to make it. In the '60s, you had the Supremes and the Ronettes straightening their hair in a desperate effort to look (and sound) white. Now, you have black musical "super stars" who are barely comprehensible, visibly high all the time and the only thing "white" about them is their women. Instead of blacks trying to assimilate into white society, we now have whites aping the worst behavior of the worst elements of the black "community." It's incredibly stupid, unbelievably destructive and unprecedented in the history of civilization. What other people have willingly dumbed themselves down like this? What other people have been duped into accepting obvious falsehoods as the truth, with loads of propaganda and a never-ending myriad of laws produced by their own racial leaders? Edited by: bigunreal
Don't underestimate the fact that since blacks can't compete in High Finance, Technology and a myriad of other industries a disproportionate % will take risks whites wouldn't take to achieve success in Music as well as athletics.

The path of least resistance is a powerful force. If a white guy has an option of using his body as a battering ram with a chance of crippling himself to make 300k for a few years ,or can walk into a corporate job at 23 making 80-100k for 30 years with the chance to make a lot more than that-which one would you take?

I know I am getting slightly off the topic but I knew guys that took academic route , I was one of them, rather than follow the dream in some sh*thole JC and instead went to study a rigorous discipline at University.

Same goes in music, the low double digit brother will stand on the streetcorner or in the crib with his homies making up stupid rhymes based around doing drugs, getting laid and hating whitey. You could say it comes naturally and if he makes it , great, if not he is still a stoned brother-same personal development as a biomass just better threads.

Another funny fact, the billboards are based on purchases at traditional outlets thereby over estimating number of listeners while white kids who understand computers get their white based genre music for free. Presto, as far as pop stations are concerned black rap is being consummed as genre of choice of American youths.
bigunreal said:
Instead of blacks trying to assimilate into white society, we now have whites aping the worst behavior of the worst elements of the black "community." It's incredibly stupid, unbelievably destructive and unprecedented in the history of civilization. What other people have willingly dumbed themselves down like this? What other people have been duped into accepting obvious falsehoods as the truth, with loads of propaganda and a never-ending myriad of laws produced by their own racial leaders?

I tell people this all of the time. They don't want to hear it. That's the problem.
Another reason is that there are very few white rappers and R&B singers, so black rappers/ R&B singers are offering something that most white musicians aren't offering. (Not that white people couldn't be rappers/ R&B singers if they really wanted to.) I was watching Paula Zahn's show a couple of weeks ago (I love to hate it!
) and according to their report, only about 8-9% of the Screen Actor's Guild is black. And of course black people are constantly complaining about the "lack of black TV shows." So it may be that black actors, filmmakers, and TV producers don't have something drastically different to offer than what their white counterparts can offer. We may not like rap/ R&B (I don't,) but there is a demand for it, and black people are meeting that demand. But they don't seem to be meeting the demand for entertaining movies and TV shows, so we see less of them in those areas.

Not that there aren't other factors for why there are so many black rappers/ singers, but I think this is part of it. Personally, I love white music, and if I were a musician, I would not be making hip hop or R&B music. I would leave that to blacks. Edited by: JD074
If only 8-9% of the Screen Actors Guild is black, that just makes the incredible "blackification" of television (commercials, newscasts and shows) all the more remarkable. It also means that any aspiring black actor has a much, much greater chance of succeeding than do all the countless numbers of starry-eyed white hopefuls.
bigunreal said:
If only 8-9% of the Screen Actors Guild is black, that just makes the incredible "blackification" of television (commercials, newscasts and shows) all the more remarkable.

And we should probably separate commercials from the rest of television. I imagine it's a distinct "field." It would be interesting to see figures on how many black actors are on primetime TV shows.
The "blackification" of our culture began in the '60s, but rap music was the first aspect of our culture to be marketed to white kids, but still considered the sole province of blacks. Rock and pop music had plenty of black artists, but they geared their sound to a white audience, and were assimilated into a white style. Disco was dominated by blacks, but there were plenty of white acts as well, and none were bigger than the very white Bee Gees. Rap, on the other hand, took the ignorant, violent street life of black ghettos and marketed it without refining it one bit. There was no attempt to make it sound "white." The only really successful white rapper has been Eminem, but he had to sound black to make it. In the '60s, you had the Supremes and the Ronettes straightening their hair in a desperate effort to look (and sound) white. Now, you have black musical "super stars" who are barely comprehensible, visibly high all the time and the only thing "white" about them is their women. Instead of blacks trying to assimilate into white society, we now have whites aping the worst behavior of the worst elements of the black "community." It's incredibly stupid, unbelievably destructive and unprecedented in the history of civilization. What other people have willingly dumbed themselves down like this? What other people have been duped into accepting obvious falsehoods as the truth, with loads of propaganda and a never-ending myriad of laws produced by their own racial leaders? Edited by: bigunreal

I read Gloria Steinem's book Revolution From Within. In it she states that among young whites, white culture will be replaced by black culture. This is all planned. They want white culture gone, permanently. It's not an accident. Music is used as a means of persuading white youths to act black instead of white.

Steinem is an anti-white, genocidal, leftist who wants traditional white culture destroyed. The promotion of black musicians instead of white musicians is part of The Great Replacememt, the plan to replace all whites everywhere and eventually eliminate them from the face of the earth.
Depends on the genre but pop is pretty black and rap is almost entirely black, while country, metal, rock etc. are far less black in the context of today. But many movies/the media will insist on using black pop or sometimes rap as music even if it's terrible and obnoxious, though many will like it due to lack of exposure to anything else.
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I was in a car dealership recently. They had music playing over their sound system. 100% of the music was by black artists. I've encountered this in other stores. The Great Replacement continues...
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I happen to watch the movie "The Hangover" yesterday and I noticed that it was almost an exclusively white cast. Mike Tyson and a couple other black people were in it, but the 4 main characters were straight white males. A movie like this wouldn't be made today. There would most likely be either a black man, a gay man, a Hispanic, a woman or some mix of these in the main character group. Keep in mind this movie was made in 2009, so it shows how fast the agenda has moved in just 10 years. There were also a couple funny scenes that included the word gay and ****** which would definitely not be made today, even though they are funny. Specifically, in one of the opening scenes 3 of the main characters pull up to the house of the 4th main character, who happens to be a dentist, and yell "paging doctor ******" from outside. This is the old comedy that I grew up on. It was funny and raw and didn't pull punches. Another part of the movie worth noting is how the dentist is abused, emasculated and controlled by his girlfriend but ends up telling her off and taking his balls back at the end. They don't really portray men standing up for themselves anymore and instead usually show him "changing" to get with the times. I'm probably over analyzing this movie but when you become aware of what is going on, it's hard not to. Anyways, I don't want to derail this thread but I would say that if a movie was made like this today it would be filled with diversity and they would sacrifice funny comedy in the name of political correctness.
I happen to watch the movie "The Hangover" yesterday and I noticed that it was almost an exclusively white cast. Mike Tyson and a couple other black people were in it, but the 4 main characters were straight white males. A movie like this wouldn't be made today. There would most likely be either a black man, a gay man, a Hispanic, a woman or some mix of these in the main character group. Keep in mind this movie was made in 2009, so it shows how fast the agenda has moved in just 10 years. There were also a couple funny scenes that included the word gay and ****** which would definitely not be made today, even though they are funny. Specifically, in one of the opening scenes 3 of the main characters pull up to the house of the 4th main character, who happens to be a dentist, and yell "paging doctor ******" from outside. This is the old comedy that I grew up on. It was funny and raw and didn't pull punches. Another part of the movie worth noting is how the dentist is abused, emasculated and controlled by his girlfriend but ends up telling her off and taking his balls back at the end. They don't really portray men standing up for themselves anymore and instead usually show him "changing" to get with the times. I'm probably over analyzing this movie but when you become aware of what is going on, it's hard not to. Anyways, I don't want to derail this thread but I would say that if a movie was made like this today it would be filled with diversity and they would sacrifice funny comedy in the name of political correctness.

True as far as you wrote. But what the Hangover type comedies signified when they started coming out was the end of T&A in R-rated comedies, replaced by the foisting of dicks and balls by communist Hollywood. Watch any R-rated comedy from the late 60s to roughly 2008 and if there was naked skin it was boobs and butts. That changed in '08 with Forgetting Sarah Marshall and only got worse from there.

The Hangover takes place in Vegas and is about a bachelor party, yet while there should be female nudity galore given the location and plot, there is virtually none while the Chinese character is the one prancing about naked. This has since become a staple of Hollywood comedies. It was a well known fact that men didn't like seeing male nudity in movies -- especially when they were with a date -- while women not being visually oriented nearly as much as men were neutral -- but directors like Judd Arpatow declared that he would henceforth show dicks in every movie he made, because they were so "taboo" to Americans -- but the real taboo body part in movies is the vagina, but Arpatow is too frightened to even acknowledge that fact much less show one.

A good example is National Lampoon's Vacation, which came out in 1983 and was a big hit. It showed Beverly D'Angelo's lucious breasts, but when a re-make was made several years ago, starring Ed Helms from the Hangover movies, it had no female nudity but had an extended scene in which a dude was showing off his pronounced boner and a dick was shown during the closing credits. It was a box office bomb, but Hollywood is about pushing the agenda as much as making money. Likewise, when a Baywatch movie was made a few years ago -- no boobs but a dick scene.

Hollywood is totally perverted and dedicated to indoctrination, particularly when it comes to pushing the homosexual agenda. As disappointing as Trump has been, just wait until a Democrat wins the presidency; the media will go wild in pushing their perversions.
Just to add to the above post, Hangover director (((Todd Phillips))) directed Road Trip in 2000, which is a funny movie and has some nice female nudity. Compare that to The Hangover, why the difference? What changed, other than the Party Line and what they thought they could get away with. It's always about pushing the envelope and seeing what they can get away with. As the current "pandemic" shows yet again, they can get away with anything.
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I hadn’t thought of that bit about men’s private parts. Come to think of it, I don’t remember seeing any female nudity at all. Perhaps there was a picture of some boobs in the end of the film when they are going through the camera. The times were already changing when the hangover came out, I was just noting that it still had some remnants of older movies that are completely gone now. One things for sure, I could’ve gone without seeing that naked Asian man running around. I remember a few years back seeing the hangover part 2 and they had a scene with transgender strippers in Thailand where they showed full frontal. I also don’t remember seeing any female nudity in that flick either.
(((Phillips))) had “Old School” which had a decent amount of T&A. It was one of my favorites. Take away the Andy Dick character and it was pretty mild for the globalhomo agenda. In reality its all filth from Hollywood, it was better than most.
Just to add to the above post, Hangover director (((Todd Phillips))) directed Road Trip in 2000, which is a funny movie and has some nice female nudity. Compare that to The Hangover, why the difference? What changed, other than the Party Line and what they thought they could get away with. It's always about pushing the envelope and seeing what they can get away with. As the current "pandemic" shows yet again, they can get away with anything.
Yea but Road Trip had the scenes where the guy gets off by getting fingers up the ass. Pretty emasculating. I remember thinking wtf when it came out.
(((Phillips))) had “Old School” which had a decent amount of T&A. It was one of my favorites. Take away the Andy Dick character and it was pretty mild for the globalhomo agenda. In reality its all filth from Hollywood, it was better than most.

Old School came out in 2003. It wasn't until '08 that the reversal really kicked in, starting with Sarah Marshall.
Makes sense, I went from being a movie geek to avoiding it like the plague the last 10 or so years. Really only watch sports, the news or crime documentaries. Occasionally something like Breaking Bad will come out that normal people get excited about and I’ll binge.

Your right though, they definitely have a thing for showing naked dudes. Same as gay characters, black heroes, drug and extreme alcohol use, abortions, racism etc. As a pre-cursor to the change in the last 10 years or so in the late 90’s they had the 2 guys kissing is funny thing in movies and tv. It was somehow supposed to be funny and shocking ( not gay). This would spill over into your degenerate low IQ types. Probably helped spread the queer hazing type stuff of high school locker rooms around the same time.
When I first heard Australian beauty Margot Robbie was cast as Jane in a new Tarzan movie I hit the roof. My mind went racing thinking about her wearing a fig leaf loincloth the entire movie swinging around from tree to tree. Perfect. Tarzan movie.

The sequel to the original Tarzan was called "Tarzan and His Mate." It came out in 1934 right into the teeth of the stricter new movie codes. But hell this is a Tarzan movie and they filmed a scene with Jane swimming underwater in the nude. It was quickly censored but some areas in the country kept that scene in. See below the original Jane.


Now lets fast forward to 2016 and the " The Legend Of Tarzan" starring the gorgeous Margot Robbie. What does she look like in a loincloth the whole world wants to know? We never got the answer because Margot is dressed up in layers of Victorian era garb the entire movie. It was directed by a "man" in case you are wondering. If I was the director Margot is in the tiniest washcloth covering known to man. See below her "sexy" outfit. Blows my mind that a male director blows it.

Whites have been accused for a long time of using blacks for cheap entertainment. The current Caste system is just Bojangles gone corporate.

The truth is, white government officials are scared to death of black violence and will do most anything to avoid it. The entertainment business is the most logical way to appease blacks so they don't take to the streets.

this is an interesting take and one that is never mentioned in 2020. What would happened if the appeasement of blacks came to an abrupt halt and were now fully antagonized? Wouldn't this be a way of solving issues about the real truth of the negro and their behavior. For all to see and now the rest of the world would be clearly justified in their hostility toward the negro race. How much damage would the blacks cause? since they have never been known to have any leadership and are very cut throat of one another
Blacks are overrepresented in what is considered music (and in the past they were involved in real music) for the same reason anyone is, and that is because jews control the music industry and promote whoever they want at any given time. And sadly, even Whites buy and listen to the most abominable crap put out by this jewish monopoly. I will also add that cRap is used and undoubtedly weaponized against Whites like no other "music" in history. Totally weaponized intentionally.
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Blacks are overrepresented in what is considered music (and in the past they were involved in real music) for the same reason anyone is, and that is because jews control the music industry and promote whoever they want at any given time. And sadly, even Whites buy and listen to the most abominable crap put out by this jewish monopoly. I will also add that cRap is used and undoubtedly weaponized against Whites like no other "music" in history. Totally weaponized intentionally.
The rapper Oshea Jackson, better known as ice cube, is a perfect example of this. His music, if you can call it that, has been crammed down peoples throats for years by the media. This guy has made countless songs talking about killing police officers, other black men, white men, orientals and his music is filled with racial slurs. Yet, he's been cast in tons of movies including comedies and even movies for children. His hate and racism is not just overlooked, it's completely ignored.
Because, as used to be commonly said, they have natural rhythm. Does the following film clip of darkest Africa prove it or what? You can't see actual films made in Africa by African explorers on tv anymore, nor read their journals and books. Nope, you have to see the Hollywood version of reality...Super Wakawanda or whatever they called it!

Martin and Osa Johnson land their plane in Africa, 1932 (reality not Hollywood):

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