Why are blacks over represented in music?

I remember Frank Valli said the reason why he became a singer was in his ethnic ghetto neighborhood, you either became a boxer, gangster or civil servant. Many Black entertainers had similar options from earlier eras.

But as others have stated when nearly every other commercial has either Black actors or narrators, you know there is some agenda at work. I will say this Blacks are rock solid watchers of the idiot box, so pandering to this ethnic group might be the reason too.

By the way this is Frankie Valli in the Sopranos.......
Blacks make up about 12% of the country's population, yet they are more than half of all the so-called "musicians" you hear on the radio and MTV these days. Who is listening to this crap? and its not just rap either. Its like all you have to do to be successful in music these days is to be black. If you're black you'll automatically have your videos played on MTV and radio, and you'll be granted a tremendous amount of success despite having little to no musical talent. Why have we whites allowed this to happen? As a former musician, I find this trend very disturbing, and its almost getting to the point where very little real music is being made anymore. If you look at most black "artists" there is little to no actual instrumentation on any of the tracks they produce. Most rappers and other types of black artists mainly use studio samples and turntables to create what they call "the beat" to their songs. It's nothing but outright laziness (too lazy to compose their own instrumentation) and sometimes outright plagerism as they have been known to steal songs from the 70's and 80's to make them their own. Anyway, I'm rambling here, but like our sports, we really need to take back the music industry as well
Who runs the entertainment industry? Who owns MTV?

Part of their plan to undermine western civilization was always to have our young people listen to Negro musicians.

I for one never liked R&B, soul, rap, or hip-hop. If that's all I can find on the radio when I'm driving I'll just put in a CD of musicians I like.
I read Gloria Steinem's book Revolution From Within, published 1993. In it she states that the plan is to replace white culture with black culture for young whites. Unfortunately this plan has become a reality for many young whites.
I read Gloria Steinem's book Revolution From Within, published 1993. In it she states that the plan is to replace white culture with black culture for young whites. Unfortunately this plan has become a reality for many young whites.
Can you provide a quotation or page number? It's not unfathomable that she would just outright say it, but the chutzpah of going out of her way to say it in writing is off the charts. It is totally believable though. And did she say who was behind it and would implement that plan?
Can you provide a quotation or page number? It's not unfathomable that she would just outright say it, but the chutzpah of going out of her way to say it in writing is off the charts. It is totally believable though. And did she say who was behind it and would implement that plan?

I read it some time ago and no longer have it. It was a comment she made in it, it was not a major theme of the book.
No prob, EP. I believe it. They don't hide their evil anymore. And the old phrase, "They bring this stuff on themselves" is something they hate but the truth is, they reap what they sow. Steinem and her ilk are going to one day reap heavily.
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