Whitey, Wake the **** Up Thread

The Satanic cabal, up to their usual evil...

In Just the Last Two Weeks, Dozens of Children in Iowa Have Vanished.

...media blackout (of course), giving the cabal (of which they are a part), cover.
Totally demonic and sick if the worst is true. The pizzagate stories are seeming true and all this too common. When found guilty ALL peds should be EXECUTED within hours of verdict.

And that would be death by the sword, in whatever body part of the convicted decided by the victim's family.
Totally demonic and sick if the worst is true. The pizzagate stories are seeming true and all this too common. When found guilty ALL peds should be EXECUTED within hours of verdict.

And that would be death by the sword, in whatever body part of the convicted decided by the victim's family.

...And immediately liquidated if caught “red handed” (true justice does NOT always warrant a ‘trial’).
Totally demonic and sick if the worst is true. The pizzagate stories are seeming true and all this too common. When found guilty ALL peds should be EXECUTED within hours of verdict.

And that would be death by the sword, in whatever body part of the convicted decided by the victim's family.

Amen to that BFU.
The masks are off shamelessly from the anti-White NY Slimes' newest Editorial Board member and her cabal of uncircumcised in heart satanic cronies:

South Africa is on the Road to Barbarism and so is the Rest of the West

by Paul Craig Roberts

Life in a failed multi-cultural society:



Identity Politics At Work:


Notice that at a Human Rights Day rally in Mpumalanga, “human rights” is associated with “cutting the throat of whiteness.” This legitimizes the murder and dispossession of South African whites, who have been in the country longer than most blacks, as an exercise in human rights. The leader of the new black party that is challenging the one to which the former white government handed over power even has a song about shooting whites.

How many years before it happens in “diversity multi-cultural” Europe and America?

What is wrong with the Russians that they want to be associated with a West that is actively pursuing self-destruction? How long before it is not only white South Africans who are fleeing to Russia to save their lives?

Who destroyed the West? There are different answers to this question. I believe the unleashed greed of Capitalism by deregulation, the burial of Anti-Trust, and the redefinition of corporate responsibility to include only responsibility to shareholders to the detriment of employees, customers, and communities, destroyed the West. Psychology Professor Kevin McDonald thinks it was the paranoia of the Jews who protected themselves by fomenting division within the societies in which they live.

In a review of McDonald’s book, The Culture of Critique, labeled by the Israel Lobby an anti-semitic work, Stanley Hornbeck writes:

“Prof. MacDonald claims that one of the most consistent ways in which Jews have advanced their interests has been to promote pluralism and diversity – but only for others. Ever since the 19th century, they have led movements that tried to discredit the traditional foundations of gentile society: patriotism, racial loyalty, the Christian basis for morality, social homogeneity, and sexual restraint. At the same time, within their own communities, and with regard to the state of Israel, they have often supported the very institutions they attack in gentile society.

“Why is this in the interests of Jews? Because the parochial group loyalty characteristic of Jews attracts far less attention in a society that does not have a cohesive racial and cultural core. The Jewish determination not to assimilate fully, which accounts for their survival as a people for thousands for years – even without a country – has invariably attracted unpleasant and even murderous scrutiny in nations with well-defined national identities. In Prof. MacDonald’s view it is therefore in the interest of Jews to dilute and weaken the identity of any people among whom they live. Jewish identity can flower in safety only when gentile identity is weak.

“Prof. MacDonald quotes a remarkable passage from Charles Silberman: ‘American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief – one firmly rooted in history – that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues.'” http://www.heretical.com/miscellx/culturec.html

I do not know Professor MacDonald and cannot attest as to whether he is or is not an anti-semite. However, I do not see anti-semitism in his explanation, which is a rational explanation of why a paranoid people who have experienced persecution, justified or not, would strive to protect themselves by creating division in the societies in which they are a minority. The Identity Politics of the Democratic Party works perfectly in behalf of the Jewish strategy.

There is no doubt that this strategy works for Jews who feel threatened despite the enormous power that they wield over the US and Europe. The question is: Is the strategy that is successful for Jews good for the majority populations who have been turned against one another: blacks against whites, feminists against men, homosexuals against heterosexuals. Does making the white heterosexual father, son, and brother into the victimizer who victimizes everyone else a healthy formula for a successful society?

I can’t see how this question can be answered in the affirmative.

Excellent article, Don.

Thanks for the post.
South Africa is on the Road to Barbarism and so is the Rest of the West

by Paul Craig Roberts

Life in a failed multi-cultural society:



Identity Politics At Work:


Notice that at a Human Rights Day rally in Mpumalanga, “human rights” is associated with “cutting the throat of whiteness.” This legitimizes the murder and dispossession of South African whites, who have been in the country longer than most blacks, as an exercise in human rights. The leader of the new black party that is challenging the one to which the former white government handed over power even has a song about shooting whites.

How many years before it happens in “diversity multi-cultural” Europe and America?

What is wrong with the Russians that they want to be associated with a West that is actively pursuing self-destruction? How long before it is not only white South Africans who are fleeing to Russia to save their lives?

Who destroyed the West? There are different answers to this question. I believe the unleashed greed of Capitalism by deregulation, the burial of Anti-Trust, and the redefinition of corporate responsibility to include only responsibility to shareholders to the detriment of employees, customers, and communities, destroyed the West. Psychology Professor Kevin McDonald thinks it was the paranoia of the Jews who protected themselves by fomenting division within the societies in which they live.

In a review of McDonald’s book, The Culture of Critique, labeled by the Israel Lobby an anti-semitic work, Stanley Hornbeck writes:

“Prof. MacDonald claims that one of the most consistent ways in which Jews have advanced their interests has been to promote pluralism and diversity – but only for others. Ever since the 19th century, they have led movements that tried to discredit the traditional foundations of gentile society: patriotism, racial loyalty, the Christian basis for morality, social homogeneity, and sexual restraint. At the same time, within their own communities, and with regard to the state of Israel, they have often supported the very institutions they attack in gentile society.

“Why is this in the interests of Jews? Because the parochial group loyalty characteristic of Jews attracts far less attention in a society that does not have a cohesive racial and cultural core. The Jewish determination not to assimilate fully, which accounts for their survival as a people for thousands for years – even without a country – has invariably attracted unpleasant and even murderous scrutiny in nations with well-defined national identities. In Prof. MacDonald’s view it is therefore in the interest of Jews to dilute and weaken the identity of any people among whom they live. Jewish identity can flower in safety only when gentile identity is weak.

“Prof. MacDonald quotes a remarkable passage from Charles Silberman: ‘American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief – one firmly rooted in history – that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues.'” http://www.heretical.com/miscellx/culturec.html

I do not know Professor MacDonald and cannot attest as to whether he is or is not an anti-semite. However, I do not see anti-semitism in his explanation, which is a rational explanation of why a paranoid people who have experienced persecution, justified or not, would strive to protect themselves by creating division in the societies in which they are a minority. The Identity Politics of the Democratic Party works perfectly in behalf of the Jewish strategy.

There is no doubt that this strategy works for Jews who feel threatened despite the enormous power that they wield over the US and Europe. The question is: Is the strategy that is successful for Jews good for the majority populations who have been turned against one another: blacks against whites, feminists against men, homosexuals against heterosexuals. Does making the white heterosexual father, son, and brother into the victimizer who victimizes everyone else a healthy formula for a successful society?

I can’t see how this question can be answered in the affirmative.

Wow, that is a nice article by PCR, who to my knowledge, has never touched on the JQ. That’s a nice redpill for his audience that may not understand the jewi$h menace as well as they should.
An extra podcast this week from Amren with Jared Taylor interviewing special guest Peter Brimelo!
Title of the podcast: "Is Civil War coming?"


The PTB have long tried to foment such to stir dissention. I believe we’re at the point of no return, as “Amerika 2.0” is too divided (...between scum & us few, true Americans). The verminous SJW hoardes & their putrid “allies” are totally outgunned & outmanned by those to the “Right of Center” (regardless of degree). It’ll be a bloodbath alright...albeit mostly for the anti-American (1.0) leftist riffraff.
Washington DC public metro transit system will deny public transportation to "White Nationalist" people to the Unite the Right Rally.

If anybody wanted another example of BLATANT discrimination against Whites in public with no consequences whatsoever, this is the newest addition.

This is worse than telling Rosa to sit in the back of the bus. It's telling Constitutional-minded Whites they cannot use the public transportation system. The War is on and heating up:

GAB has made a collection of anti-white tweets from various celebrities, journalists, actors, actresses, editors, media whores, presstitutes, and other nobodies. To this date, none of these hateful racist tweets have cost them in any way. Rather, their blatant anti-White hatred is celebrated by their peers and ilk.

I am sincerely asking all CF posters to read through all of these tweets and as disturbing as they are make sure you read all the way down the page and click on the additional archived links. Share this with other Whites, and please leave a comment with your personal thoughts.

Thank you.

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GAB has made a collection of anti-white tweets from various celebrities, journalists, actors, actresses, editors, media whores, presstitutes, and other nobodies. To this date, none of these hateful racist tweets have cost them in any way. Rather, their blatant anti-White hatred is celebrated by their peers and ilk.

I am sincerely asking all CF posters to read through all of these tweets and as disturbing as they are make sure you read all the way down the page and click on the additional archived links. Share this with other Whites, and please leave a comment with your personal thoughts.

Thank you.


Thanks much...I’ll pass that onward.
I've been hearing anti-white propaganda since the sixties. I've never accepted it and rejected it even as a child. Nobody told me to conduct myself that way. Instinctually I knew better. My ancestral memory wouldn't allow the silly concept (white people = bad) to take hold.

Their propaganda is just that-propaganda. They are of their father the devil.

But the Whites who buy into it, hook, line, and sinker baffle me the most. Even hearing this crap when I grew up in the 70's I knew inherently it was all lies. Were there some wretched White people who did some evil things to other races just for strictly racial reasons? Sure, but I knew the generalizations against Whites and broad brushstroking of us as a people were lies. I could see with my own eyes we were the best and most noble people on Earth. I was too young and lacked the ability to articulate it to someone, but I knew the truth from the lies.
The Shape Of Apocalypto Conquest
August 24, 2018 by CH

What does Mass Dirt World Diversity really mean, on the ground? How does it tangibly, palpably, affect the lives of ordinary Heritage Americans?

From Jourdan,

This is how they take over. Political types always yell about how “Latinos don’t vote,” but given their numbers it hardly matters.

First, you notice that a majority of little children at the elementary school level are Latino. Then bilingual signs appear in the grocery stores. Then shitty little stores selling burner phones and money wiring services. Then a few fatal DUIs, often killing elderly White people or, as in the case of the guy who made A Christmas Story, a family. Then the local Police Department has a “Gang Enforcement Unit” and their budgets are now through the roof. Then the civil rights cases start, so your local cops start pulling over you going to work at 68 in a 55 zone, while studiously ignoring the beaner beaters completely out of code and not street legal.

Then there are zero White kids at the primary level. “Social Services” becomes code for “Free stuff for Latinos.” To the extent people are still walking around in your town, they are 4’11” latinas, each pushing three kids in strollers and each so pregnant they are wider than they are tall. Then the state comes in with the “women and infant children” program, congratulations, sucker, you’re paying for those kids.

Then the annual New Year’s Day story about “the first baby born here in X!” mysteriously always feature a blank-eyed latino couple, and the white anchors coo over Baby Rodriguez or Gonzalez. You begin to notice that you haven’t seen a White baby be the first born in the New Year for ages.

A few more years pass, and every service job imaginable is filled by brown people. The town you grew up in, with young White kids hustling to mow lawns, and local high school teenagers working at McDonald’s and Dairy Queen is dead as a doornail. In fact, speaking of fast food, you used to like to grab it on the go every once in a while but now ordering is an ordeal and the food always sucks..who puts that much mayonnaise on everything? (Answer: Latinos)

The new Gang Enforcement Unit isn’t doing too hot, so they need more manpower, bigger budgets, maybe hire a few consultants from the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department to help out. PTA and other school meetings are now held in Spanish, because 85% of the students’ parents speak Spanish in the home.

A few old family restaurants have been bought out. One–it was Jack’s Family Restaurant, you remember it fondly from when you were a kid–is now purple of all things and it’s called “El Pulpo – Mariscos” whatever the hell that is.

A few old bars are now hangouts, and one is Salvadorean and the other Nicaraguan and there are fights. People get stabbed. Fire Chief says he needs more paramedics, budget needs to go up, so property taxes go up again.

Local hospital is in crisis due to ER room write-offs in the tens of millions. They shut down. Now, if something happens, you need to go to the City, about 40 mins away, maybe 25 if the ambulance is going Code 3, but what if something happens? That was part of the community here. Now, it’s all strip mall “Urgent Care” places run by arab-ey looking “doctors” and rumor is that there is a lot of Medicare/Medicaid fraud going on.

Your high school, the one you lettered in and still go to all the football games, now has a metal detector at the entrance and two cops posted there full time. There are fights between the latinos and the 20% of students left who are White. The school counselors are now all bilingual and latino and they have posters up on their wall from strange organizations like MeCHA, that speak openly of “Brown Pride.”

You’re paying through the nose in taxes. No public benefits are going your way. Now, your youngest is getting to high school age and you’re thinking private school, but, Jesus, how will you afford that?

Well, it’s Sunday, so you’re not going to think about it right now. You’re going to watch some football with the guys while your wife takes the kids to the Aquatic Center for some swimming and cute pictures. Just not going to think about it right now.

And then you hear your wife pull up and the car door slam. She walks in all business, herding your three children in to go upstairs and change out of swimming clothes. You notice: no one is wet, or has been wet.

“What happened? Is everything all right?”

“No, it’s not all f**king right. You won’t believe what happened. I’m standing there juggling towels and floaties and the Parks and Rec guys are telling me it’s now $10 a kid for a day swim pass, so I roll my eyes and I’m digging in my purse to get my card out, and then all these little mexican kids go flying through the front door and I’m like ‘Hey, why aren’t you telling them they have to pay’ and the guy is like ‘They have red wristbands” and I say “So?” and he says “it’s a program we have here at the Aquatic Center for disadvantaged youths so they get the benefit of swimming and lessons in a safe environment” and they just kept piling in and I’m thinking we’re already paying through the nose in taxes, and now I have to cough up money for OUR KIDS WHO WERE BORN AND RAISED IN THIS TOWN so these people can swarm the pool for free.”

You’re hoping she’s done there, but she’s not. You can feel Sunday slipping away. The “boys” can hear everything going on, but you can bet your ass they’re staying out of this one. She continues:

“And there were so many of them, and they were SCREAMING AND YELLING and it was chaos, and I just, I just, couldn’t do it, so I told the kids we were leaving and I turned around and walked out of there. Then, before we get to the car, James starts crying, says it’s ‘no fair’ and that I promised we’d go swimming today all week, which is true”

And she’s looking at you, because, you know the deal, you are responsible for fixing this. You think. Or maybe she’s just venting. But you do what you can.

That night, you get the Sunday Night Blues and Monday morning comes around, and you’re driving into work and you’re looking around your town and you’re thinking:

This isn’t my town any more. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do.

Am I racist? Jesus, am I becoming one of those guys. I sure sound like one of those guys.

And you’re stopped at a red light a few blocks from the office and here they come, slow walking across the crosswalk, two toddlers in tow, one in a stroller, and both pregnant, and both talking as loud as they can into two cell phones.

And you laugh, because hey, it’s all okay, because these people right here, right in front of me, them? They don’t vote much.

A powerfully effective rhetorical strategy for rousing the apathetic and unnerving the jaded until they apprehend the existential threat of Mass Diversity is the anecdote, an everyday lived experience recounted in detail so vivid you can feel the deterioration through the words.


No need to mince words…this is conquest.

Great article.

I was watching one of Trump's "Business Roundtable" discussions that was held in a small Iowa town on the eastern side of the state about a month or so ago; well done, as always, by Trump. Anyway, some of the business owners from the area were telling their success stories about how Trump's tax cuts, tariffs, regulation cuts, etc. has caused their businesses to boom and for workers to find good and better jobs. However, one of the complaints that a few of the business owners brought up was that now they had a shortage of workers, and they kind of emphasized that to Trump...implying to him that they needed more foreign Visa workers. Last Summer and this Spring, Iowa farmers were complaining about the same thing because Trump had reduced the number of low-skilled foreign Visa workers to work their farms.

Then, the microphone was passed to an attractive White, natural blonde, native Iowan female, probably in her mid 30's, that was some local politician. She mentioned the same thing about the shortage of workers and then said that Iowa "hasn't seen native (read: White) population growth in several decades now". After she said that, I glanced at the ring finger on her left hand...no ring; so I'm guessing she wasn't married and didn't have any kids. Can she put 2 and 2 together? Like the vast majority of women, the concept of "cause and effect" is lost on them. That's why "there are no longer any White kids on the playground, or at the pool, etc..." and the "need" to bring in more foreign "guest" workers.
Great article. One if the best I've ever read. Thanks for posting.
Wow, talk about hitting the nail on the head! Sounds almost exactly my own SoCal experience in the San Gabriel valley. I left 12 years ago because of this and it is so much worse now.
Wow, talk about hitting the nail on the head! Sounds almost exactly my own SoCal experience in the San Gabriel Valley. I left 12 years ago because of this and it is so much worse now.
I still live in Southern CA. I have seen this happen hand over fists for the last 25 years. The blame lies squarely on whites and the white politicians 25 years ago for voting and leading Democrat ideals and programs. Now, it's too late to stem the hordes. My city is 80% white, conservative and Republican, one of the last holdouts from whats happening in CA.
I still live in Southern CA. I have seen this happen hand over fists for the last 25 years. The blame lies squarely on whites and the white politicians 25 years ago for voting and leading Democrat ideals and programs. Now, it's too late to stem the hordes. My city is 80% white, conservative and Republican, one of the last holdouts from whats happening in CA.
Yes if only they had voted for the GOP, then they would be like Texas . Hardly any Mexicans there .
She was just parroting the anti-White narrative pushed through school, pop culture, media, etc. She died as a sacrifice to the alter of egalitarianism. All of society failed her. Sad.

It is up to people like us to change all of this otherwise Mollie Tibbetts’ fate awaits all of us and our children.
I wonder what was going through Mollie's mind as she was being brutally raped by a non-White illegal alien then savagely killed by him? I wonder if she just felt bad for him not having White privilege as he shoved her White body into the trunk of her own car? But then again, it's hip and cool to hate White people.
American Freedom News