Whitey, Wake the **** Up Thread

"White neighborhoods are inherently prejudiced and racist":

The anti-whites have been targeting white communities for destruction since at least the 1950s.

To the Leftist Marxists. White People are "racist" for merely existing .
To the Leftist Marxists. White People are "racist" for merely existing .

Agreed. And there's nothing we can do to suit them but cease existing. After handing over everything we own to non-whites of course.
"White neighborhoods are inherently prejudiced and racist":

Absolutely absurd. So, does this mean that if you go to East LA to hang out with MS13 they will welcome gringos and their offering of Cuervo? What about cruising South Central with your case of '40s, will you be now welcome in the 'hood? Every segregated ethnic group is "racist" by this phony standard.
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Pretty shocking, even for me.

300K Anchor Babies Born Every Year, Exceeding U.S. Births in 48 States

Picture in link above not an accurate depiction of these "anchor babies". If it was, I'd be all for it.
Pretty shocking, even for me.

300K Anchor Babies Born Every Year, Exceeding U.S. Births in 48 States

Picture in link above not an accurate depiction of these "anchor babies". If it was, I'd be all for it.

That’s no surprise as I’ve estimated there’s 15-20 million+ mexcrement invaders on our soil. The 14th Amendment should have modified decades ago & removed the ‘jackpot baby’ loophole. Furthermore, the 15th, 16th, & 19th Amendments should all be repealed. Each goes against the intentions & spirit of the Founders & true Constitution.
Pretty shocking, even for me.

300K Anchor Babies Born Every Year, Exceeding U.S. Births in 48 States

Picture in link above not an accurate depiction of these "anchor babies". If it was, I'd be all for it.

Quite the disingenuous accompanying picture by Breitbart. And Breitbart is routinely called "alt-right," "nationalist" and worse by the left.
Unfortunately our birth rates are nowhere near high enough to compete with the minorities that are pumping out humans and racing to get here as fast as possible. The decline of Amerika 2.0 will coincide with the rise of non whites. Brothers in Christ, I advise you to save your money, invest wisely, take care of your body and health through training and good nutrition. Prepare for the unknown because at some point we may have to get out of Amerika 2.0.
Pat Buchanan greatly influenced my thinking and decision to become involved in nationalist politics after his own evolution in the mid-1980s from hard-core conservative to much more of a populist and nationalist. Happy Birthday, Pat!

Pat Buchanan at 80 — 'Right from the Beginning,' After All

by Wayne Allensworth

Patrick J. Buchanan turns 80 years old on Friday, November 2. The man and his supporters can now look back and reflect on how right he has been—the election of Donald Trump and the continuing transformation of the GOP into a populist-nationalist party are directly connected to Pat Buchanan and his swimming against the Establishment tide decades ago.

Patriotism and a passionate attachment to America—not blind devotion to a party label (recall his leaving the GOP to run as the Reform Party’s candidate in 2000: Buchanan joked that he was “Free at last, free at last!” [Buchanan's Reform Tour Is Snubbed by Ventura, by Francis X. Clines, New York Times, October 29, 1999]) or “true conservatism”—have been Pat’s guiding lights.

Tom Piatak wrote in VDARE.com’s on Pat’s 70th and 75thbirthday (at 70 and 75). The headlines telegraphed the story: “He Told You So, You F****ing Fools!” and “Now, More Than Ever, Entitled to Say ‘I Told You So!” The Republican Establishment, playing its familiar and no doubt, comfortable role of “beautiful losers” was quite content to lose, if not throw, elections to President Hope and Change. Thus the late Senator John McCain noted how honored he was to concede the 2008 election to his esteemed colleague Barack Obama, a candidate the “maverick” McCain studiously avoided criticizing. [Transcript Of John McCain's Concession Speech, November 5, 2008]. So went the “Stupid Party” at the peak—or was it at the twilight?—of its conspicuous stupidity, content with its duplicitous niche in the Kabuki theater of Beltway politics.

After the debacle of Bush II’s Iraq War, which Pat Buchanan correctly foresaw as a disaster in the making, and after two terms of Obama’s acceleration of the radical drive to “transform” America by replacing Americans, the political tide finally, belatedly, turned in the direction of “peasants with pitchforks,” AKA the “deplorables.”

Pat Buchanan played the most important role in the post-Cold War era in paving the way for Trump, not only by running for the Republican nomination in 1992 and 1996, or by his Reform Party candidacy, but in thoroughly, passionately, convincingly arguing for “America First!” policies in books such as The Great Betrayal, A Republic, Not an Empire, The Death of the West, State of Emergency, and Suicide of a Superpower, in his columns and as a media commentator, to say nothing of his autobiographical volumes Right From The Beginning and Nixon’s White House Wars. Policies on trade, immigration, and foreign entanglements that Trump has at least rhetorically embraced were articulated by Pat Buchanan years before the 2016 campaign. “America First!” is a Buchananite slogan. And a willingness to withstand the inevitable media attacks, and even risk his livelihood, was displayed by Buchanan well before Trump appeared on the political stage.

What’s more, it’s likely that the transformation of Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson from “true conservatives” to MAGA patriots was in no small part influenced by Pat Buchanan.

More than a few of us were taken by surprise by the Orange Man’s sally onto the America First battleground. A reality TV star with a flair for crude showmanship and a less-than-staid lifestyle seemed to be the antithesis of the gentlemanly Buchanan. Yet both men relish a good fight. And whatever The Donald lacks in verbal facility and intellectual depth, he makes up for in instinct and heart.

Trump’s skillful trolling of his enemies, his direct attacks on “fake news” media, and his often circus-like (also often hilarious) stunts—such as the Kanye West Oval Office visit, with Trump, jaw set and comb over firmly in place, nodding gravely in agreement to Kanye’s rambling remarks—trigger hysterical screeching from the MSM and increasingly nutty Trump haters (but I repeat myself). However, it’s not solely Trump’s personality that is driving the globalist hobgoblins into a rage—it’s his “America First!” instincts and policy preferences that most of all inflame their ire.

Pat Buchanan is by universal agreement a gracious, considerate, and kind man. I’ve experienced this first hand. Pat’s a happy warrior, to be sure, but a man even sane liberals, when there were still a number of them, genuinely liked and respected. That did not prevent his most vociferous critics from labelling him a fascist, and his political stancecost him his job with MSNBC.

This writer can well recall a time when the mention of Pat’s name might send self-styled “respectables” into something like a seizure requiring immediate medical attention (yours truly used to do a bit of trolling himself, before the term was coined and gained currency on the Internet, then in its infancy). Both Buchanan and Trump represent what the nattering nabobs of the Beltway bubble truly hate—what some call “heritage America,” and the “legacy Americans” themselves.

Pat Buchanan has supported President Trump, overlooking some unkind remarks the president once made about him [When Trump ran against Trump-ism: The 1990s and the birth of political tribalism in America, by Steve Kornack, NBC, October 2, 2018]. For Buchanan, America trumps, so to speak, politically-motivated personal slights. Maybe Trump should install a hot line to Buchanan’s study. He would probably benefit from Pat’s advice.

If one had to choose a single word to describe Pat Buchanan, perhaps the word “loyal” would do. He stood by his friends Joe Sobran and Sam Francis when a more timid man would have cut and run. He has never backed away from defending the things he cherishes and values—his country, his faith, his friends.

Buchanan once described people like himself, as well as the people he was defending, as “conservatives of the heart.” He stated boldly that he intended to provide a voice for the voiceless (“We will be the lobbyist for people who don’t have a lobbyist”) [The Republican Establishment’s 20-Year War On Conservatives, By Ryan Walters, Mississippi Conservative Daily, August 19, 2014]

Back in 1992, Pat correctly noted that the “Conservative Movement” had failed to address “issues of the heart”, the powerful attachments that make us human, that give us direction and purpose, attachments that should need no explanation [Buchanan Aims To Unify Factions, By Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, February 17, 1992]. To borrow from VDARE.com editor Peter Brimelow, these are attachments “that are not irrational but arational—beyond the reach of reason” . Pat Buchanan has been the champion of such attachments of the heart, the deepest and most important ones human beings have.

A personal note: Pat’s “conservatives of the heart” comment made quite an impression on me at the time. I knew he was talking about people like my parents, working people who lacked the educational credentials and social standing to be taken as anything but for granted by the “conservative movement.” They were people now openly held in disdain by our elite, an elite that also hates Donald Trump, and that earlier vilified Pat Buchanan. Whatever good may come from a Trump administration, we should never forget the man who paved the way for him.

Happy birthday, Pat. And thanks.

Gregory Hood nails it in the article below. If you ever wanted to read someone honestly citing the honesty of our enemy, here it is. This should be required reading along with the article from Jewess, anti-White Goldberg that he is referencing. Their plan is out in the open, and they look at their plan for us "thrillingly" (her words). Read it and (don't) weep, guys. Read it and determine what to do:

Unfortunately our birth rates are nowhere near high enough to compete with the minorities that are pumping out humans and racing to get here as fast as possible. The decline of Amerika 2.0 will coincide with the rise of non whites. Brothers in Christ, I advise you to save your money, invest wisely, take care of your body and health through training and good nutrition. Prepare for the unknown because at some point we may have to get out of Amerika 2.0.

A fine exhortation indeed! We should heed such sound advice.
Gregory Hood nails it in the article below. If you ever wanted to read someone honestly citing the honesty of our enemy, here it is. This should be required reading along with the article from Jewess, anti-White Goldberg that he is referencing. Their plan is out in the open, and they look at their plan for us "thrillingly" (her words). Read it and (don't) weep, guys. Read it and determine what to do:


Excellent article, needs to be read by as many non-brain dead Whites as possible.
Do yourself a big favor and watch the YouTube video in this article of Carlson's commentary.

Tucker Carlson Grabs Ahold Of The Female Hypergamy Question

January 4, 2019 by CH

Carlson must have been reading manosphere blogs recently and swallowed a few Crimson Pills on his journey to becoming the real-est Realtalker on the TelaViv, because in his latest show he drops a truth bomb so big it caused feminists to shriek themselves to death.

No joke, I would vote for a Carlson/Coulter presidential ticket. There are few people who could trigger the shitlib gooniverse harder than does Trump, but Carlson might achieve it, and he does it with smarts and sureness of belief.

His main point — that cratering male wages in traditionally male occupations have reduced men’s marriage market value in the rural areas and small towns which voted heavily for Trump, contributing to a host of current social ills in those areas — is spot on, and something that we here at the Chateau have been banging on about for a long time.

When the State replaces men as the primary provider for women, then women, in effect, will marry the State (and **** around with charming, undependable cads). Compassion creates more cads.

Carlson has broached the subject of female hypergamy — the third rail of sociosexual analysis — and the femcunts and soyboy lickspittles don’t like it.

In short, men date across and down, women date across and up. Men are primarily attracted to women’s looks, women are primarily attracted to men’s social and financial status (especially for long-term commitments). When men lose status, their women lose desire for them.

The beating heart of the Trump vote was a howl from men who have experienced an SMV decline — sexual and social market value declines brought upon them by anti-White pro-Diversity agitprop and nonWhite dispossession, the disappearance of male-oriented occupations that don’t require a facility with sitting still in an office chair all day, and the cheapening of their labor by foreign invaders scabs invited in at the behest of greedy corporate oligarchs.

And, as Carlson said, almost word-for-word recapping posts written at the Chateau, the female hypergamous instinct may be distasteful to contemplate, but it’s not going anywhere soon, because the sexes have innately competing reproductive goals. A smart, sane society understands this, and works to leverage the beneficial effects of that instinct rather than encourage its worst aspects.

Thankfully, Trump has managed to turn it around, a little. The manufacturing industry posted the biggest job gains in twenty years in 2018.


On the downside, there are still too many gains in education, health services, and hospitality, which translates to dead weight gibs for women and migrants, which ultimately has a corrosive effect on the marriage market for White men.

I would have to see the percentage gains for each occupational group over the last few years to determine if this is a blip or a real and lasting course correction. It’s great that manufacturing jobs have increased, but if the increase in Shrike Jobs is larger then the gains in manufacturing, than the benefits from the latter will be swamped by the negative consequences of the former.

A successful realization of MAGA means the top two occupation groups are at the bottom, and at least six of the bottom eleven occupation groups storm the top of the jobs gain chart.


Great comment from bigjohn33,

That was a very powerful piece by Tucker. I dont think it’s overly dramatic to say that speech has the potential to become a landmark historical event. This was an implicit call for white Americans to (presumably peacefully) overthrow the government. Tucker is clearly saying both political parties are working against the interests of normal (meaning white) men, their families, and descendents and their power over the People is illegitimate.

There are so many good quotes in there. I am greatly encouraged. There is hope yet. The metapolitical landscape is changing. I have never seen anything like this in the mainstream before. This is something new. This is what a revolution looks like.

Our ruling class is illegitimate. This is our battle cry.


Another great comment, from Screwtape,

There is another element of the invader labor problem: the erosion of the culture of work.

The ‘jobs Americans wont do’ lie is not just about depressed wages. It is about creating an environment that does not encourage and facilitate the matriculation of labor in the young heritage population.

The browing of physical and low-skill labor has accelerated the cultural decline of the value of hard work, of doing a job that is tough and often sucks, and of honing social and other skills in dealing with a work environment.

This has fed into the pussified, entitled, and soft generation who never had to work at mcdonalds or dig irrigation ditches. Like “good schools” all these prog white parents won’t subject their precious spawn to the brown hoards who dominate jobs that teenagers used to regulalry perform.

While I hardly blame them for that, there is more to a labor market than wages and the invaders have played a major role in the rite of passage of labor and incentives and ultimately, community and culture.

Mass nonWhite immigration destroys White culture. We may as well stop beating around the bush on this matter.

Good commentary by Tucker. At last count last week I heard he had 21 sponsors pull ads from his program to "protest" his non-PC statements. Screw them.

He certainly is making no friends among the anti-White Leftist elites with the absolute logic and facts communicated in this monologue. This was stuff even normies could grasp if they weren't high.

I think he should keep it coming. As long as he's allowed on the air he might ad well go broke. To hell with our enemies whether they wear an "R" or a "D" or neither...
Identity Politics = White Genocide

by Paul Craig Roberts

The subversion of fact-based science and scholarship by the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics is laying the groundwork for the genocide of white people. This sounds like an outlandish statement. However, it follows logically from the identification of white people with violence, oppression, and every evil in the world.

In a number of columns I have reported examples of attacks on scientists for concluding on the basis of their research that race, gender, and intelligence have a genetic basis. As I am not educated in genetics, I cannot attest to the truth, falsity, or extent of genetic differences. My interest is limited to the suppression of scientific findings by ideology. We are reliving the Catholic Church’s suppression of the evidence, and punishment of those who presented it, that the earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa. We are reliving the belief in witches that resulted in the execution of innocent people in Salem, Massachusetts, during 1692-93. We are reliving the destruction of Soviet genetics by Trofim Lysenko and Stalin.

And scientists and scholars are too intimidated to speak out.

Consider, for example, the case of James D. Watson who was rightly awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery with Francis Crick of the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule containing human genes. This was no mean feat. One would think that such a scientist would be entitled to his conviction that there is a genetic basis for intelligence. In the world of yesteryear, that was the case, but not in today’s Identity Politics world. Watson was stripped of his positions as Chancellor Emeritus, Oliver R Grace Professor Emeritus, and honorary trustee of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory that he long led and brought to prominence, because he expressed his conclusion that genes explain differences in average IQ scores among races.

We do know that there are IQ differences between Asians, Europeans, Blacks, and Jews. A large number of studies have come to this conclusion. But the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics maintains that the difference is caused by environment, and the lower average IQ for blacks is caused by an environment of “white oppression.” It is not clear how this Identity Politics explanation of average IQ differences explains why Asian and Jewish average IQs are higher than the average for blacks. Asians and Jews are not races that Identity Politics identifies with oppression of blacks.

The environmental explanation of IQ differences is being established by assertion as the “scientific explanation.” There are some science-based findings, or findings said to be science-based, that environment explains in whole or part IQ differences. Normally, the scientific procedure would be for the two different findings to compete based on the evidence and convincing power of the rival explanations. However, instead of being declared wrong, Watson was declared to be a racial bigot whose views are unacceptable. The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory declared Watson’s conclusion to be “reprehensible,” “reckless” and “unsupported by science.” Somehow, a scientist who discovered the structure of DNA is not entitled to express his opinion. https://news.sky.com/story/dna-pion...-honours-after-reckless-race-remarks-11606108

This is an extremely serious interference into scientific inquiry by an ideology. What has happened to Watson is what happened to Soviet geneticists. Today, as I reported in a previous column, scientists who investigate genetic differences have to do so underground in the way that Samizdat operated during the Soviet era.

How does this relate to the opening sentence of this column? What does the suppression of scientific inquiry have to do with genocide of white people?

The answer is that the same Identity Politics that interferes in scientific inquiry in order to be able to blame lower average black IQ scores on “white oppression” creates a range of other “facts” that demonize white peoples. People who are demonized, as blacks are doing to South African whites, and as Israelis have successfully done to Palestinians by convincing Americans that every Palestinian is a terrorist intent on murdering Jews, are set up for very bad things happening to them. (See, for example, http://www.radiofreesouthafrica.com/warning-graphic-shocking-torture-of-white-african-farmers/ , and http://markcrispinmiller.com/2019/01/with-gaza-blacked-out-by-the-new-york-times-et-al-heres-word-on-what-the-people-there-are-going-through/ )

It is now commonplace for white people to be pilloried, even by other white people, for innocently using words or terms or allusions long used but given by Identity Politics and political correctness new racist or sexist meanings. Classics are being removed from bookshelves because of “inappropriate language.” People are fired, such as the senior engineer at Google, for stating such obvious truths as “men and women have different traits and are good at different tasks.” Everyone has to be the same, regardless of any facts. Indeed, if a man wants to self-identify as a woman or a woman as a man, that is their right. When a tennis champion said that it is unfair for a person with a penis to self-identify as a woman and be permitted to enter women’s sport contests, she had to apologize. People who have to apologize and who are punished for stating obvious facts are in an extremely weak position.

This is what has happened to white people. They have been forced into the position that they cannot defend themselves without being branded “white supremacists,” which elicits more demonization of them. Many white people themselves have been brainwashed into apologizing for being white.

Whereas it is increasingly dangerous for a white person to open his mouth, anything can be said about white people. For example, a student publication at Texas State University declared that white DNA is an abomination and that white people are oppressors who should not be allowed to exist. The Hispanic author went on to write that “white death means liberation for all.”https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-st...-anti-white-your-dna-is-an-abomination-column So we have a Texas college newspaper that sounds exactly like the radical black leadership in South Africa that demands “death to whites” and sings songs at political rallies about killing whites.

Imagine the fate of a white person who declared black DNA to be an abomination and that blacks should not be allowed to exist.

I have reported many examples of the double-standard that exists. The problem with such double-standards is that they create a sub-class of people who are guilty by definition and thereby cannot defend themselves without proving their guilt.

As the demonization of white people goes unchallenged, it becomes more extreme. In 2018 a black woman, Lisa Anderson-Levy, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Anthropology at Beloit College gave an invited lecture at the University of Minnesota in which she explained that “whiteness” is an existential threat to the United States and needs to be dismantled. The need to “decenter whiteness” is “one of the most urgent social dilemmas of our time.” She went on to declare objective truth impossible as teaching is “a political act,” except, of course, the teachings of Identity Politics. Only “whiteness” teachings are a political act. https://www.rt.com/usa/421447-professor-dismantling-whiteness-lecture/

Her defenders will make the point that when she denounces “the violence of whiteness” she is not referring, or at least not exclusively, to the physical violence of the KKK, slavers, imperialist and colonialist exploiters. She means the entire range of Western civilization. It is all “whiteness”—science, mathematics, history, language and its use, ways of thinking and acting, everything. We are all, including whites, threatened by this “whiteness.”

Here is a person, being honored by the University of Minnesota in a program used to “highlight sucessful alumni” of the university who wants to get rid of whiteness but emphasizes her commitment to “diversity, inclusivity, and equity.” Notice the new meaning that Identity Politics has given to “inclusivity.” It now means the dismantling of “whiteness.” So how are whites included? What she is really talking about is getting rid of whites, and to the applause of many whites.

What would be her fate if she was talking about dismantling “blackness”? She would be demonized and instantly fired.

It is clear that although white people are still a majority in their countries, they are victims of Identity Politics, which has white people so demonized that they are able to defend themselves only at the cost of being labeled “white supremacists.”

Everywhere we see among white people a loss of confidence. In England’s Cambridge University a small number of protesting students has succeeded in convincing the university that it is guilty of “institutional racism” for teaching English literature and English history rather than black and minority literature and history. The idea that the function of education is to inculcate people into their culture is now damned as the elevation of whiteness. https://www.rt.com/uk/407710-cambridge-university-black-literature/

In Jean Raspail’s novel, The Camp of the Saints, white Europeans are forbidden to marry and are bred out of existence. The novel could just as well have ended with blue-eyed blonds being bred as sex slaves to perpetuate the memory of the triumph of “sun people” over whiteness.https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1991-09-17-1991260039-story.html (Dr. Ulmar Johnson explains the difference between sun people or blacks and ice people or whites: . Here is another telling of the story:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Loca1je5rSk . Clearly, this ideology leads to exclusion, not inclusion.)

Those Catholic Kids and the American Indian

by Michael Hoffman

The latest media tempest-in-a-teapot concerns Catholic teenagers from Kentucky set upon by the media and made to star in the perpetual Hate-Whitey videodrome, wherein, whether it’s a Gillette shaving commercial, or kids waiting for a bus after a pro-life, anti-abortion march in our nation’s capitol, they are cast as KKK/Nazi bigots. Of all the crimes and travesties in our land today, this minor incident between Indians and Catholic school kids is the event that propels the liberal outrage machine. Forget the mass extermination of disabled Down syndrome children with abortion, forget the forced conversion of children in our public schools to disease-inducing anal “gay” sex, forget female impersonators dictating an Orwellian regime on college campuses wherein “he” must be referred to as “she,” otherwise the truth-telling offender who terms the ersatz gal a guy, is demoted or fired from the faculty or administration.

It’s a truism that the inmates are in charge of the asylum. They are well on their way to transforming all of us into insane persons in their corporate world of relentless revolutionary change. Thankfully, the scapegoated, stigmatized Catholic youths are fighting back and showing some backbone, as noted below. That such a pitch of media hysteria could be invoked over a white kid merely staring at a Native American is more than ridiculous. This hyper-sensitivity to the least perceived slight to the new aristocracy of color is a revelation of the degree to which our media masters yearn for, indeed ache for a KKK or neo-Nazi group to attack minorities while the news cameras record it. Shaming white people is Job #1. Instilling self-hate is a psychological warfare device, a type of mental genocide that is underway 24/7 in America.

In the final analysis, let us not imagine that the Zionist ruling class actually cares about the welfare of non-whites. They are merely cannon-fodder on the road to a neo-Bolshevik America. The Israelis have butchered tens of thousands of native people of color in Palestine without any sustained exposure or protest from the U.S. media. The Orthodox Judaic religion teaches that black people are a divinely designated slave race (cf. the Midrash on Genesis in the Soncino edition), and sub-human (cf. Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed, vol. 2, in the Shlomo Pines edition). These rabbinic dogmas have caused the black race untold suffering and misery throughout history.


Meanwhile, the Cryptocracy has used the white race as its golem in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.

The Cryptocracy manipulates people of color to serve as golem in the United States, disseminating a view of American history that portrays the majority of whites as whip-wielding tormentors of colored people in bondage, when the truth is that the vast majority of whites in early America were, as Congressman David Wilmot termed them, “the sons of toil.” Many arrived in this country in chattel bondage, not dainty “indentured servitude.”

The clandestine objective of crowding whites into ever more narrow psychological categories of self-abnegation and erasure, is to inflame them into lashing out desperately with inchoate violence that can be exploited to further justify ever greater encroachment by the government on our immemoral rights, and the escalation of increasingly intense negative caricatures of conservative white people issuing from the salons of Hollywood and New York.

The only ones who will emerge mostly unscathed from this contrived race war will be the same ones who emerged largely unscathed to rule in Vladimir Lenin’s Bolshevik Russia, a century ago.

Whites, Blacks and Native Americans cannot be allowed to join together in opposition to the empire of usury which is choking life on this planet. Divide-and-conquer has always been the watchword of the Sanhedrin. Whites with their affinity for Neocon war-Zionism, and Blacks with their partiality for the Democratic party of sodomite supremacy, non-educating public schools and unlimited cheap labor from south of the border, remain unconscious, easily manipulated golem of the six-pointed System.

CNN, followed by the rest of the media lynch mob, has reported that a bunch of MAGA-hat wearing kids from Covington Catholic School in Kentucky had swarmed an elderly Native American man at the Lincoln Memorial following the March for Life in Washington D.C., chanting slogans like “build the wall.”

Social media promptly exploded, with commentators of every stripe condemning the kids for being jackasses (which, if the short video clip released by the media was the entire story, would be the case). A number of pro-lifers followed suit, ostensibly in order to shield the movement from criticism and ensure that the entire March for Life was not tarred by the incident.

Things got ugly quickly. Journalists and pundits began to release photos of the high school boys next to images of white racists mobbing black civil rights activists at lunch counters in the 1960s. Some even compared the boys to the fresh-faced thugs of the Hitler Youth. One writer at Slate.com noted somberly that the facial expression of Nick Sandmann, the now unfortunately famous young man facing off with indigenous activist Nathan Phillips, was familiar because we’d seen his type before: Young, cocksure, powerful – and evil.

Nobody, apparently, considered the fact that the image was simply one freeze-frame shot of an uneasy and awkward teenage boy thrust into a situation he didn’t know how to deal with. The media and the rest of the progressive mob badly wanted this story to be true: A pack of racist young white Catholic school boys sporting Trump hats following an anti-abortion march mobbing a Native American man? It was just perfect.

Too perfect, as it predictably turned out. Reason was the first publication to release a detailed rebuttal of the narrative, noting that when the nearly two hours of video footage of the incident was viewed – something the media presumably should have done before setting out to destroy the lives of some high school boys – a notably different story emerged.

Soon thereafter, Nick Sandmann released a statement begging people to hear he and his classmates out. Here it is in part:

I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright lies being spread about my family and me.

I am the student in the video who was confronted by the Native American protestor. I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 4:30 p.m. I was told to be there by 5:30 p.m., when our busses were due to leave Washington for the trip back to Kentucky. We had been attending the March for Life rally, and then had split up into small groups to do sightseeing.

When we arrived, we noticed four African-American protestors who were also on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I am not sure what they were protesting, and I did not interact with them. I did hear them hurl direct derogatory insults at our school group.

The protestors said hateful things. They called us “racists,” “bigots,” “white crackers,” “*******,” and “incest kids.” They also taunted an African-American student from my school by telling him that we would “harvest his organs.” I have no idea what that insult means, but it was startling to hear.

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher-chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group.

At no time did I hear any student chant anything other than the school spirit chants. I did not witness or hear any students chant “build that wall” or anything hateful or racist at any time. Assertions to the contrary are simply false. Our chants were loud because we wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us by the protestors.

After a few minutes of chanting, the Native American protestors, who I hadn’t previously noticed, approached our group. The Native American protestors had drums and were accompanied by at least one person with a camera.

The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.

I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors, and when the second group approached I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers.

I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.

During the period of the drumming, a member of the protestor’s entourage began yelling at a fellow student that we “stole his land” and that we should “go back to Europe.” I heard one of my fellow students begin to respond. I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.

I never felt like I was blocking the Native American protestor. He did not make any attempt to go around me. It was clear to me that he had singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why.

The engagement ended when one of our teachers told me the busses had arrived and it was time to go. I obeyed my teacher and simply walked to the busses. At that moment, I thought I had diffused the situation by remaining calm, and I was thankful nothing physical had occurred.

I never understood why either of the two groups of protestors were engaging with us, or exactly what they were protesting at the Lincoln Memorial. We were simply there to meet a bus, not become central players in a media spectacle. This is the first time in my life I’ve ever encountered any sort of public protest, let alone this kind of confrontation or demonstration.

I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation. I am a faithful Christian and practicing Catholic, and I always try to live up to the ideals my faith teaches me – to remain respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence.

I harbor no ill will for this person. I respect this person’s right to protest and engage in free speech activities, and I support his chanting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial any day of the week. I believe he should re-think his tactics of invading the personal space of others, but that is his choice to make.

I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.

I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.

Many of the commentators who joined the initial pile-on have begun to retract their statements in view of the evidence. Jake Tapper of CNN tweeted out the rebuttal column by Reason, Scott Adams of Dilbert issued an unqualified apology to the boys and those who were misled by his initial condemnations, and conservatives and pro-lifers who had initially rushed to join those expressing outrage indicated their regret for doing so. A few media outlets such as NBC even released follow-up articles noting their initial mistake. Progressive indignation, however, continues to rage across social media. A few media figures, like Reza Aslan (who last made news for eating a piece of human brain in India), have been doubling down, insisting that it is crazy to believe that nuance might be necessary in a story where MAGA hats are present.

The boys and their families are already facing threats, vile name-calling, and doxing, which is apparently how some vile people show their disapproval of actions they consider unloving. Andrew Hodge, the brother of one of the boys, noted on Twitter that his family and relatives are facing nonstop threats of physical violence, and that nobody contacted his brother for the other side of the story before running with it—and some people are even attempting to contact the college Michael plans to attend in order to destroy his career plans of being a chef. There are many, many people out there right now who are trying to completely ruin the lives of a few high school students, and it is disgusting to watch.

It would be disgusting even if the original story had been true. Utterly wrecking the lives of high school kids because of a moment of indiscretion (and the MAGA hats on a school field trip were a questionable decision) is malicious, counter-productive, and shameful. Those joining social media mobs to supposedly combat evils such as racism are in fact acting in the service of hatred, which is revealed clearly by the fact that they seek only to destroy. The media, of course, gets their clicks and the viral videos and their virtue-signalling and then moves on. Even if the story turns out not to be true, it will have been very profitable for them nonetheless.

I hope we can all learn a lesson from this incident. The media, as usual, is willing to jump at the chance to smear those they have contempt for: Pro-lifers, conservatives, and Trump supporters. We should consider their biases and their track record before we instinctively believe their stories about people they despise, and before we join the social media pile-on. And the media, I hope, can take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize that real people paid real consequences for their irresponsible reporting this weekend. Kids got death threats. Families had their addresses posted online. High school students saw strangers try to destroy their future plans. And it isn’t over yet. That is what happens when the media gets a story wrong. There should be consequences….

We got to stop teaching our white children to be doormats and turn the other cheek. All that does is your child gets walk on and both cheeks slap. Respect is the only way we are going to get back our rightful place in todays America. How do you get respect? Through strength and courage. I believe viloence is the only way. No you don't have to kill anyone to get respect but just fighting back, will let them know we are not taking it any more. Ask any bully what it takes to get his respect and he will tell you it is someone who stands up to them and is willing to take a ass whipping instead of peeing in his pants and begging not to hit them. Let s do something else besides turning the other cheek because it ain't working.
We got to stop teaching our white children to be doormats and turn the other cheek. All that does is your child gets walk on and both cheeks slap. Respect is the only way we are going to get back our rightful place in todays America. How do you get respect? Through strength and courage. I believe viloence is the only way. No you don't have to kill anyone to get respect but just fighting back, will let them know we are not taking it any more. Ask any bully what it takes to get his respect and he will tell you it is someone who stands up to them and is willing to take a ass whipping instead of peeing in his pants and begging not to hit them. Let s do something else besides turning the other cheek because it ain't working.

Amen and amen to the max, and then some. I would qualify though, that I believe violence is always a last resort and never the first choice.

Most of my fellow Christians don't even interpret the Sermon on the Mount correctly in regards to that single verse about turning the other cheek. The entire Sermon on the Mount was given to show everyone's inability to keep the Law, not only in letter but in spirit as well. Jesus Christ was burying self righteous pharisaical Jews and those duped by their legalistic teaching. The intent of the entire sermon, which takes up three whole chapters, was to show people their total inability to keep the Mosaic law in letter and in heart and to show them their need to come to Christ for salvation by grace through faith alone and no works at all. The intent was never to tell people to be doormats and get their head beat in to demonstrate they were good little children of God!

These people that run the media (and we all know who they are) are never going to back down ever, ever, ever from their attacks on us as Whites and especially White heterosexual normal-thinking Christians! They are only going to intensify and ramp up their outright insane attacks on us no matter how ludicrous and ridiculous the charges are. These same godless and anti-God pukes and snakes are the ones that crucified Christ. They are far worse than merely my wayward cousins. They are children of their father the devil.

We are never, ever, ever to give an inch to them and the entire narrative they put forth on any racial or religious issue should be exposed for what it is far and wide; a disingenuous lie.
American Freedom News