Whitey, Wake the **** Up Thread

The Problem With White Guys These Days

by Jim Goad

Hey, what the heck is wrong with white guys these days?

It’s easy to find people eager to answer that question. I’ll spotlight four recent essays—two from white authors, two from black authors.

This is Jerrod Laber. He is 100% hu-white right down to the bone, from his blue eyes to his thin lips to his straight blond hair. But I suspect that if Jerrod were able, he’d crawl right out of his white skin and replace it with any pigmentation that was urine-colored or darker.

White males in Generation Z aren’t that woke after all,” Laber bemoans in a Washington Examiner piece about how young white males are kinda, like, racist and sexist ******** just like their daddies and their daddies’ daddies were.

(In case you were unaware, “woke” is a term used by urban teens to describe a mental state in which one believes they are cognizant of how the world really works but instead wouldn’t have a clue if it slapped them in the face. Saying that someone is “woke” is a hip way of saying that they suffer from Dunning-Kruger effect.)

Laber says that white men—himself excluded, I’m assuming—are prone to racism and denial and delusions of persecution. He says nothing more of substance than that they’re bad people who should feel bad about this fact, which eventually will be the only way they’ll possibly feel good about themselves, although he can’t guarantee anything.

He says he wants to have an “honest discourse about race,” but I suspect that it’d take only about a minute of real honesty about race to have him melting like a candle.

Another white guy who has a problem with white guys these days is music critic Daniel Johanson. I’ve stared at his picture for an hour and still have no idea what this guy is. He says he’s white—actually, it’s more like he confesses that he’s white—but he must be using a very broad definition of the term. If I had to venture a guess, I’d reckon he’s part-Lebanese, part-Ewok. Still, he says he’s white, so I’ll do the decent thing and hold him accountable for every last sin of his forefathers.

Daniel recently penned a bold and trailblazing essay called “Classical Music’s White Male Supremacy is Overt, Pervasive, and a Problem” in some magazine I’ve never heard of before and hope to never hear of again. In Dan’s extended lamentation, he takes music made by white males in a white-male environment to task for being, you know, too white-maley.

Lest you get any weird ideas, Mr. Johanson wants to inform you that he is a white man but is NOT happy about it one bit:

As a white man, there have been and continue to be countless times in which I have needed to recognize that privilege, white supremacy, homophobia, toxic masculinity, and gender normativity are layered issues. It’s easy to call a Nazi a racist because they are so obviously a racist. Not all racists are willing to take up that mantle.

I gotta tell you: The way he describes it, it sounds positively exhausting to be a white man.

As a white man, Daniel Johanson has a bone to pick with all those dead white men who composed all those dead white symphonies, as if poor black Americans are threatening to burn down cities from coast to coast if they aren’t allowed easier access to opera music.

Have you ever met a black person that didn’t love opera music? I haven’t. And when I say that, I mean that I’ve never asked any black people about it. It’s one of those topics that you instinctually know not to raise with them because they’d probably laugh in your face.

“Recognizing that Classical Music has implied White Supremacy for centuries is hard for those that study the art form,” Johanson ululates. Actually, it’s easy to recognize for anyone who realizes that it’s almost exclusively a white male art form. You may get the occasional 65-pound chick from Asia who can play the hell out of a violin, but she’s merely an exception and a token and classical music is fundamentally a white-guy thing, which is why you wouldn’t understand.

Johanson’s piece referenced a recent Washington Post essay in which some white broad lamented that classical music was “white bread”—she actually used that phrase three times—and looked forward to a day when the classical-music scene became more “colorful” and wasn’t just “just devoted to works by the same white men.”

Again—these people seem to think that if your average urban black male is denied early exposure to the works of Vivaldi, he may lose all hope and turn to a life of crack cocaine and endless gunplay.

White men can’t seem to stop causing problems for others. Not only are they destroying classical music, they’re ruining the moods of black people across the country. Day after day, black bloggers openly scorn white men for harshing their mellow.

Over at the Good Men Project—which is a website that teaches the only good men are those who’ve been completely stripped of their manhood—a black man with the wonderfully Founding Father-y name of Franklin Madison scolds white males en masse for tryin’ to pull some ******** and claim they ain’t racist. “You, White Males, Don’t Get to Define Whether You Are Racist or Not,” Madison lectures us white males in a manner that we would be racist for suggesting might not only be condescending, but also a little controlling.

“What’s it going to take for white men to start talking about race?” Madison asks.

Is he serious? I can’t stop talking about it. I could talk about it for 24 hours straight enabled only by Gatorade and a will to prevail. But unlike Mr. Madison, I believe I understand the difference between a discussion and a lecture:

Because you are embedded in the power structure by birth and the color of your skin, only the oppressed get to make that determination. It doesn’t help your case if you say, “I am not a racist” just that statement alone lends credence to the fact that you probably are, you just have been too insensitive to know otherwise.

Sounds like a lecture to me, Satchmo. Can we all get along? No, not when you’re acting like a dick.

Donyae Coles—who appears to be quite fat—insists that even the “‘GOOD’ WHITE PEOPLE SILENCE PEOPLE OF COLOR EVERY DAY”—that’s right, even the good ones. Day after day across this nation that reeks to high heaven with extraordinarily stinky racism, even the good white people are walking straight up to random black people and telling them they better shut their fat black mouths if they know what’s good for them.

Donyae—no comment on the name there—says that her genocide is bigger than white genocide, and therefore white people need to acknowledge their deep guilt and shame in their completely unconscious role in propping up systemic networks of racism and oppression and I’m really making all of this up because I only took a glance at her article and could tell where all of it was going.

I pass no judgment on Franklin Madison or Donyae Coles for two simple reasons:

1. They’re black;
2. They aren’t white.

I expect them to say negative things about white people. It’s like, you know, they’re members of another football team. A modicum of ****-talking is expected.

As for the two white guys, I rain down thunderous and unforgiving judgment upon their soft heads. For all they want to prattle on about what’s wrong with white guys these days, all they need to do is look in the mirror.

The problem with white guys these days is that they think there’s something wrong with being white guys. Once they solve that problem, the rest will be a breeze.


The Eternal Lure of Nationalism
Monday - February 26, 2018 at 11:26 pm

By Patrick J. Buchanan

In a surprise overtime victory in the finals of the Olympic men’s hockey tournament, the Russians defeated Germany, 4-3.

But the Russians were not permitted to have their national anthem played or flag raised, due to a past doping scandal. So, the team ignored the prohibition and sang out the Russian national anthem over the sounds of the Olympic anthem.

One recalls the scene in “Casablanca,” where French patrons of Rick’s saloon stood and loudly sang the “La Marseillaise” to drown out the “Die Wacht am Rhein” being sung by a table of German officers.

When the combined North-South Korean Olympic team entered the stadium, Vice President Mike Pence remained seated and silent. But tens of thousands of Koreans stood and cheered the unified team.

America may provide a defensive shield for the South, but Koreans on both sides of the DMZ see themselves as one people. And, no fool, Kim Jong Un is exploiting the deep tribal ties he knows are there.

Watching the Russians defiantly belt out their anthem, one recalls also the 1968 summer Olympics in Mexico City where sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos stood on the podium, black gloved fists thrust skyward in a Black Power salute, asserting their separate racial identity

Western elites may deplore the return of nationalism. But they had best not dismiss it, for assertions of national and tribal identity appear to be what the future is going to be all about.

Some attendees at the CPAC conclave this past week were appalled that Britain’s Nigel Farage and France’s Marion Le Pen were present.

But Farage was the man most responsible for Brexit, the historic British decision to leave the EU. Le Pen is perhaps the most popular figure in a National Front party that won 35 percent of the vote in the runoff election won by President Emmanuel Macron.

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And the most unifying stand of the NF appears to be “Let France be France!” The French people do not want their country invaded by unassimilable millions of migrants from Africa and the Islamic world.

They want France to remain what she has been. Is this wrong?

Is preservation of a country, the national family one grew up in, not conservative?

In Hungary and Poland, ethnonationalism, the belief that nation-states are created and best suited to protect and defend a separate and unique people, with its separate and unique history and culture, is already ascendant.

Globalists may see the U.N., EU, NAFTA, TPP as stepping stones to a “universal nation” of all races, tribes, cultures and creeds. But growing numbers in every country, on every continent, reject this vision. And they are seeking to restore what their parents and grand-parents had, a nation-state that is all their own.

Nationalists like Farage, who seek to pull their countries out of socialist superstates like the EU, and peoples seeking to secede and set up new nations like Scotland, Catalonia, Corsica and Veneto today, and Quebec yesterday, are no more anti-conservative than the American patriots of Lexington and Concord who also wanted a country of their own.

Why are European peoples who wish to halt mass migration from across the Med, to preserve who and what they are, decried as racists?

Did not the peoples of African and Middle Eastern countries, half a century ago, expel the European settlers who helped to build those countries?

The Rhodesia of Spitfire pilot Ian Smith was a jewel of a nation of 250,000 whites and several million blacks that produced trade surpluses even when boycotted and sanctioned by a hating world.

When Smith was forced to yield power, “Comrade Bob” Mugabe took over and began the looting of white Rhodesians, and led his Shona tribesmen in a slaughter of the Matabele of rival Joshua Nkomo.

Eighty-five percent of the white folks who lived in Rhodesia, prior to “majority rule,” are gone from Zimbabwe. More than half of the white folks who made South Africa the most advanced and prosperous country on the continent are gone.

Are these countries better places than they were? For whom?

Looking back over this 21st century, the transnational elite that envisions the endless erosion of national sovereignty, and the coming of a new world order of open borders, free trade and global custody of mankind’s destiny, has triggered a counter-revolution.

Does anyone think Angela Merkel looks like the future?

Consider the largest countries on earth. In China, ethnonationalism, not the ruling Communist Party, unites and inspires 1.4 billion people to displace the Americans as the first power on earth.

Nationalism sustains Vladimir Putin. Nationalism and its unique identity as a Hindu nation unites and powers India.

Here, today, it is “America First” nationalism.

Indeed, now that George W. Bush’s crusade for democracy has ended up like Peter the Hermit’s Children’s Crusade, what is the vision, what is the historic goal our elites offer to inspire and enlist our people?


The Eternal Lure of Nationalism
Monday - February 26, 2018 at 11:26 pm

By Patrick J. Buchanan

In a surprise overtime victory in the finals of the Olympic men’s hockey tournament, the Russians defeated Germany, 4-3.

But the Russians were not permitted to have their national anthem played or flag raised, due to a past doping scandal. So, the team ignored the prohibition and sang out the Russian national anthem over the sounds of the Olympic anthem.

One recalls the scene in “Casablanca,” where French patrons of Rick’s saloon stood and loudly sang the “La Marseillaise” to drown out the “Die Wacht am Rhein” being sung by a table of German officers.

When the combined North-South Korean Olympic team entered the stadium, Vice President Mike Pence remained seated and silent. But tens of thousands of Koreans stood and cheered the unified team.

America may provide a defensive shield for the South, but Koreans on both sides of the DMZ see themselves as one people. And, no fool, Kim Jong Un is exploiting the deep tribal ties he knows are there.

Watching the Russians defiantly belt out their anthem, one recalls also the 1968 summer Olympics in Mexico City where sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos stood on the podium, black gloved fists thrust skyward in a Black Power salute, asserting their separate racial identity

Western elites may deplore the return of nationalism. But they had best not dismiss it, for assertions of national and tribal identity appear to be what the future is going to be all about.

Some attendees at the CPAC conclave this past week were appalled that Britain’s Nigel Farage and France’s Marion Le Pen were present.

But Farage was the man most responsible for Brexit, the historic British decision to leave the EU. Le Pen is perhaps the most popular figure in a National Front party that won 35 percent of the vote in the runoff election won by President Emmanuel Macron.

Have something to say about this column?
Visit Pat's FaceBook page and post your comments….

And the most unifying stand of the NF appears to be “Let France be France!” The French people do not want their country invaded by unassimilable millions of migrants from Africa and the Islamic world.

They want France to remain what she has been. Is this wrong?

Is preservation of a country, the national family one grew up in, not conservative?

In Hungary and Poland, ethnonationalism, the belief that nation-states are created and best suited to protect and defend a separate and unique people, with its separate and unique history and culture, is already ascendant.

Globalists may see the U.N., EU, NAFTA, TPP as stepping stones to a “universal nation” of all races, tribes, cultures and creeds. But growing numbers in every country, on every continent, reject this vision. And they are seeking to restore what their parents and grand-parents had, a nation-state that is all their own.

Nationalists like Farage, who seek to pull their countries out of socialist superstates like the EU, and peoples seeking to secede and set up new nations like Scotland, Catalonia, Corsica and Veneto today, and Quebec yesterday, are no more anti-conservative than the American patriots of Lexington and Concord who also wanted a country of their own.

Why are European peoples who wish to halt mass migration from across the Med, to preserve who and what they are, decried as racists?

Did not the peoples of African and Middle Eastern countries, half a century ago, expel the European settlers who helped to build those countries?

The Rhodesia of Spitfire pilot Ian Smith was a jewel of a nation of 250,000 whites and several million blacks that produced trade surpluses even when boycotted and sanctioned by a hating world.

When Smith was forced to yield power, “Comrade Bob” Mugabe took over and began the looting of white Rhodesians, and led his Shona tribesmen in a slaughter of the Matabele of rival Joshua Nkomo.

Eighty-five percent of the white folks who lived in Rhodesia, prior to “majority rule,” are gone from Zimbabwe. More than half of the white folks who made South Africa the most advanced and prosperous country on the continent are gone.

Are these countries better places than they were? For whom?

Looking back over this 21st century, the transnational elite that envisions the endless erosion of national sovereignty, and the coming of a new world order of open borders, free trade and global custody of mankind’s destiny, has triggered a counter-revolution.

Does anyone think Angela Merkel looks like the future?

Consider the largest countries on earth. In China, ethnonationalism, not the ruling Communist Party, unites and inspires 1.4 billion people to displace the Americans as the first power on earth.

Nationalism sustains Vladimir Putin. Nationalism and its unique identity as a Hindu nation unites and powers India.

Here, today, it is “America First” nationalism.

Indeed, now that George W. Bush’s crusade for democracy has ended up like Peter the Hermit’s Children’s Crusade, what is the vision, what is the historic goal our elites offer to inspire and enlist our people?

The WSJ had a video article today titled:

We Need to Talk About Italy
2/27/2018 8:33AM

Predictions of populist, eurosceptic victories ahead of major European elections last year didn’t fully materialize—but Italy is different. WSJ’s Niki Blasina explains why the March 4 election in the eurozone’s third-largest economy could have serious repercussions for the European Union.

It wouldn't play in my browser for some reason, so I don't know their take on it. But being the neo-conservative globalists they are, I'm sure they are "concerned" about the fate of the EU if the Nationalists win. Expect the Western (((media))) to blame "Russian 'meddling'" and Putin if they do.
Just found this on The Occidental Observer, Prof. Kevin MacDonald's site. Shows yet again how clueless so many otherwise racially aware Whites are when it comes to sports. Unlike everything else in society, which has been politicized, racialized and weaponized (against Whites), this Ph.D. thinks baseball and sports remain an idyllic, fairyland utopia of racial blindness and equal opportunity. Read this snippet and try not to gag:

Learning from Baseball

by Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D.

There are lessons to be learned from the game of baseball.

A big one is around race. In this area, baseball operates on the principles of equal opportunity and merit. Everybody, no matter their race, gets an equal chance to play, let’s say, shortstop for the Yankees, and the person who can play shortstop the best gets the position. No trying to make up for injustices in the past, no affirmative action, no racial black quarterbacks, no idea of adequate competence being the criterion of measure for getting the job. You have the same shot at playing shortstop as everybody else, and if you can do it better than anyone trying out, you get it.

As a practical matter, minorities (at least minority in the U.S.—non-whites are ninety percent of the world’s population) have flourished under this arrangement. I checked last night’s Yankee’s lineup, and of the ten starters—the eight position players, the pitcher, and the designated hitter—seven, including the shortstop, were minorities. They are truly excellent, they deserve to be there, and no one is complaining about their right to be in those slots. Compare that outcome with those in any area of society which operates under another arrangement than equal opportunity and no-exceptions merit—schooling, the workplace, grants and contracts, or the arts.

People tend to rise to the level of expectation. If they know they have an equal chance at something and that no one is going to cut them any slack, they’ll do their best at it and succeed on their merits. Everyone will get the benefits of their contributions and they’ll feel good about themselves and earn the respect of others. If they don’t make the grade, they’ll get into some other endeavor where they can achieve results without somebody doing them a favor. Whites don’t whine about not being in the National Basketball Association (last night, the Boston Celtics didn’t have a white player on its twelve-man game roster) and insist on preferential treatment for themselves at the expense of black players; they play games, broadly defined, where they can compete successfully.


I guess Caste Football even after all these years has failed to penetrate the skulls of the broader White community. In large part it's because the vast majority of racially aware Whites have no interest in sports and don't examine the media myths they and the masses are fed. Such naivety is unbelievable and detrimental. There are comments after the article if anyone wants to point out the Caste System to the author and readers.
Gag . Almost as bad as the Jack Johnson worshipping by jew media in the Trump Era thread..
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Check out the quote from John Rocker in this great piece.

Revolt Of The Revolting

June 4, 2018 by CH

The entire social justice/aggrotolerance/equalism movement is a revolt by the ugly and freakish against the beautiful and normal. The ideology has no morality nor purpose and exists only to substantiate in political radicalization the aggrieved spitefulness of life’s losers.

Every day you can see this dynamic playing out between sexual market winners and losers. The feted Samantha Bee, whose resting and active bitch faces are indistinguishable, called Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” for the crime of being a beautiful radiant woman posting a photo on Twatter of herself and her young son sharing a tender hug. (Never mind Bee’s rationalizations — something to do with foreign invaders and their kids being kept in obama-era cages — the real impetus was the hate and envy of an ugly woman for a hot woman.)

Reminder that this is the same shitlibette Samanthe Bee…


…who hypocritically opposed a school relocation plan that would have meant her own kids, rather than the BadKids of BadWhites, were forced to learn their ABCs directly across the street from a housing project of color. tfw your virtue signaling is put to the test:


Samantha Bee is crushingly ugly inside and out. Her incoherent rage against Ivanka is what happens when the unpopular girl in school is given a megaphone and a like-minded loser audience to air her existential butthurt.

Another outtake from the Revolt of the Revolting: a creature by the name of Molly Jong-Fast (externally and internally disfigured sprog of ür-feminist Erica Jong) was brought to a frothing rage by…Melania Trump spending some private time out of the media spotlight.


The portmanteau that comes to mind is snobtuse.

John Rocker slipped the shiv in this bitch with real flair:

Imagine you’re Melania Trump.

Imagine you’ve been a 10 since puberty. You walk into a room and fill it with a celestial glow. You rise through every social strata, winning admirers with your beauty and elegance everywhere you go. You marry a billionaire mogul-entertainer and possibly the savior of Western Civilization. Like a protag in a catlady fantasy e-book, he fills you with his master seed and you bear him a prince. You live in a tower of pure gold.

And then this gremlin ambles up next to you…


…and offers you her pearls of wisdom.

I love America. One reason is because wealthy and influential people, cultural elites like Erica Jong, exhaust themselves. Abominations like Molly Jong-Fast come crawling like swamp creatures out of the primordial cum. This is why we have historically replaced our elites, early and often, with a steady churn of ascendant figures like Trump and Melania.

Our urban elite are fragile. Their offspring are barely holding it together with the aid of SSRIs and wine. On the rare occasion they manage to reproduce, it’s almost always some Habsburg-jawed Quasimodo-looking bundle of neuroses like the goblin above.

UMC and elite shitlibs… it’s only natural that you resent beautiful, fecund, healthy Americans. You can feel your reign coming to an end. And all you can do is impotently snarkpoast about it on Twitter as you recede back into the great unwashed.


Underneath their feigned indignation and anti-Trump (read: anti-White) hysterics is an inbred, incestuous elite living in a rapidly shrinking bubble and sensing deep in their rickets-bent bones that their mutationally overloaded, flabby freak show is about to get run through by the Sword of Shitlord Physiognomy. The Great Replacement may not turn out to be the one they were hoping for.

A reader writes,

Uncle Ted said as much in his manifesto. Leftism is less an ideology and more a psychology that stems from envy and over-socialization.

Over-socialization is an interesting concept, which I take Uncle Ted [Kaczynski] to have meant that the over-socialized are excessively sensitive to status, both signaling it and losing it. Is that in the ballpark of his thinking? Commenters are standing by to clarify.

Of all psychological motivations, I believe raw envy of their Darwinian betters explains best the compulsion of leftoids to destroy Beauty, corrupt Truth, sanctify Lies, and glorify Ugliness. Harrison Bergeron laid it out: when all are in the muck, the muck can imagine themselves the cream.

In time, the increasingly zealous guarding of opinion boundaries by the degenerate freak mafia results in accelerating expulsions of insufficiently pious devotees, until the synagogue of Lies&Ugliness is distilled to the most revolting of human dregs, producing a pungent bouquet of loserdom that will cause even politically disengaged normies to recoil in disgust and vote in a succession of president Trumps.

The Fuggernaut screeches and shrieks with a fury knowing they will fold to a superior, self-confident force. They don’t have it in them to really go toe to toe with an impassioned, ZFG foe that is never tired of winning. Trump is just the beginning of their pain and eventual banishment to the dreary emo wastelands where they belong, sad but smug till the end.

MS-13 'A Ticking Time Bomb' 10 Miles from the White House

by Ann Coulter

Now that Trump has solved Northeast Asia's problems, maybe he can get to a problem in our country—in fact, within 10 miles of the White House. For some reason, The Washington Post recently ran an article on something important—the MS-13 gang presence at a public school on the outskirts of our nation's capital, William Wirt Middle School in Prince George's County, Maryland.

The media's usual approach to the diversity being inflicted on us is: Don't report this! It's better if no one knows. Maybe the left has decided it's too late to do anything about the transformation of our country into a Third World hellhole, and Trump couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

The Post reported that, like many schools up and down the East Coast, MS-13 has turned Wirt into a battleground. There have been near-daily gang fights, rampant drug dealing, one reported rape, gang signs on the walls, one shooting—more in nearby schools—and teachers afraid to be alone with their students. At least two students are required to have security officers assigned to them, walking them from class to class and watching them during lunch hour, on account of MS-13 threatening to kill them.

How many different categories of immigrants require special law enforcement officers devoted to them? Thanks to mass Muslim immigration, the FBI has terrorist watch lists in ALL 50 STATES. That's why whenever there's a terrorist attack,the FBI says, Oh yeah, we were watching that guy. And now we have police bodyguards for kids at schools wherever"unaccompanied minors" have been dumped by our government.

In addition to the free school lunches, transportation, housing and health care to pay for all this wonderful diversity, immigrants are also massively ratcheting up law enforcement costs.

It would be enraging enough if bad things were happening to our country and the immigrants were paying for it. But we're paying for it. Wait—you are offering to bring gang warfare,drug cartels and terrorism? We'll go top dollar for that! Put your wallet away! Your money's no good here!

Having made the odd decision to report factual information about immigration, The Washington Post was careful to include the gigantically irrelevant, painfully idiotic cliche: The "vast majority" of poor Latin Americans pouring into our country "enroll in school and stay out of trouble."

Yes, and the vast majority of boa constrictors stay out of trouble too. Let's put them in our schools! In fact, far fewer boa constrictors kill Americans each year than Latin American immigrants do. Less than one a year. And boa constrictors don't undercut you at the construction site.

We never hear that "vast majority" argument about the policies that liberals like. The "vast majority" of gun owners never shoot up a school. The "vast majority" of smokers will never get lung cancer. The "vast majority" of Americans do not benefit from Wall Street profits.

Why are we subjecting ourselves to mass immigration at all? Hey, everyone, let's all get an HIV injection! Don't worry, the vast majority of us won't get AIDS!

We're certainly not doing it to be nice to Hispanics. They've been polled and polled and polled, and it turns out they DON'T want more people being brought in to take their jobs and drive down wages. Recent immigrants probably don't want their useless brother-in-law from Chiapas sleeping on the couch either.

In the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama's Spanish language ads didn't make a peep about immigration. Instead, he bragged about giving everyone free health care. (Sidebar: Unmentioned were the millions of people who lost their health care, thanks to all that free health care for immigrants.)

Less than two years ago, Republicans watched the most anti-immigrant politician in a century be elected president, with every major institution in America against him. Trump wonmore of the Hispanic vote than any Republican in a generation.

The Chamber of Commerce knows that Hispanics didn't come here to have their wages driven down by an unending stream of unskilled workers just like themselves. Republicans and Democrats know it. The only people who don't know it are Americans who don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by opposing the constant importation of unskilled, poverty-stricken immigrants.

The reason for this transformation of our country, our culture and our politics is to flood the market with low-wage workers and Democratic voters. Obviously, those are losing arguments, so the beneficiaries of mass Third World immigration lie. They claim that anyone who doesn't want to supply the rich with cheap labor must hate Hispanics.

Trump thought North Korea was hard? With immigration, we have all of the most influential forces in our culture on the same page. Immigration is a great unifier of the rich and powerful.

The rich are like sharks—all appetite, no brain. With their cheap labor voting 7-3 for the Democrats, it won't be long until Democrats have a lock on government. What do you think they'll do then, Business Roundtable? Answer: Make it impossible to do business. Google "California."

With the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the Koch brothers' incessant lobbying for more and more cheap labor, we see exactly what Lenin said about the capitalists: They will sell us the rope with which to hang them.

The rich don't care. They can't think beyond next quarter's earnings.
Trump just needs to declare martial law and start deporting. And arresting some of the most extreme media scum for their crimes against America.

A Constitutional Republic can only work if the “proper order” is in place (as it was at the inception of America 1.0). Once that proper order (real White man on top & calling the shots) dissolves, that Republic falls into utter chaos (as we’ve seen over the past 40-50 years). Liberty & freedom are ONLY for those truly worthy of it...not for cretinous troglytes. POTUS Trump needs to apply hardnose tactics to the enemies of the Republic (including mexinvaders & their verminous “supporters”). A Republic cannot be maintained by misapplying (contrived) “equality” to (natural) inferiors.
Fewer Births Than Deaths Among Whites in Majority of U.S. States

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population. The Census Bureau has projected that whites could drop below 50 percent of the population around 2045, a relatively slow-moving change that has been years in the making. But a new report this week found that whites are dying faster than they are being born now in 26 states, up from 17 just two years earlier, and demographers say that shift might come even sooner.

“It’s happening a lot faster than we thought,” said Rogelio Sáenz, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio and a co-author of the report. It examines the period from 1999 to 2016 using data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the federal agency that tracks births and deaths. He said he was so surprised at the finding that at first he thought it was a mistake.

The pattern first started nearly two decades ago in a handful of states with aging white populations like Pennsylvania and West Virginia. But fertility rates dropped drastically after the Great Recession and mortality rates for whites who are not of Hispanic origin have been rising, driven partly by drug overdoses. That has put demographic change on a faster track. The list of states where white deaths outnumber births now includes North Carolina and Ohio.

The change has broad implications for identity and for the country’s political and economic life, transforming a mostly white baby boomer society into a multiethnic and racial patchwork. A majority of the youngest Americans are already nonwhite and look less like older generations than at any point in modern American history. In California, 52 percent of all children are living in homes with at least one immigrant parent, Professor Sáenz said.

Fewer Births Than Deaths Among Whites in Majority of U.S. States

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population. The Census Bureau has projected that whites could drop below 50 percent of the population around 2045, a relatively slow-moving change that has been years in the making. But a new report this week found that whites are dying faster than they are being born now in 26 states, up from 17 just two years earlier, and demographers say that shift might come even sooner.

“It’s happening a lot faster than we thought,” said Rogelio Sáenz, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio and a co-author of the report. It examines the period from 1999 to 2016 using data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the federal agency that tracks births and deaths. He said he was so surprised at the finding that at first he thought it was a mistake.

The pattern first started nearly two decades ago in a handful of states with aging white populations like Pennsylvania and West Virginia. But fertility rates dropped drastically after the Great Recession and mortality rates for whites who are not of Hispanic origin have been rising, driven partly by drug overdoses. That has put demographic change on a faster track. The list of states where white deaths outnumber births now includes North Carolina and Ohio.

The change has broad implications for identity and for the country’s political and economic life, transforming a mostly white baby boomer society into a multiethnic and racial patchwork. A majority of the youngest Americans are already nonwhite and look less like older generations than at any point in modern American history. In California, 52 percent of all children are living in homes with at least one immigrant parent, Professor Sáenz said.


I also posted that in the “White Misery” thread. This data is sobering and a pure D shame.
In a bit of positive news...

Demand For White American Sperm Surges In Brazil

The demand for sperm from blue-eyed, blonde, white American males is skyrocketing in Brazil.

Women are importing the sperm of American men at unprecedented rates, says a report from The Wall Street Journal, and blue-eyed Caucasian males are the most sought after donors.

"The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors," Fredrik Andreasson told the Journal. Andreasson is the CFO of Seattle Sperm Bank, a bank that procures about a fourth of the country's sperm imports.

With increasing gender equality, more and more Brazilian women are putting off marriage and children to establish themselves in the workforce. Additionally, the purchasing of sperm within the country is illegal. Thus, the demand for foreign sperm is unsurprising.

Who'd a thunk that feminism in Brazil might be a good thing?

Then there's this related article...

Women Are Now Pillaging Sperm Banks for "Viking Babies"

The global sperm donation industry is booming. Cryos International, a for-profit organization that runs the world's largest sperm bank, now delivers to more than 80 countries globally, employs 61 people, and estimates that it has been responsible for the births of up to 70,000 children. In the US, reports estimate that around 30,000 to 60,000 children are born yearly through sperm donation. The true figure may well be much higher, as the US fertility industry isn't required to report on how many children are being born each year.


So who's buying Viking sperm? Everyone, basically. Schou told me that Cryos exports about 96 percent of its sperm internationally, while the European Sperm Bank told me that its customers are "essentially all over Europe, then outside of Europe we're talking South Africa, Australia. We would like to get into the Asian market, but the regulation isn't really there. Europe has been much better in terms of deregulating enough to let the industry grow."

Too bad they are having difficulty getting into the Asian market. The women there would probably buy it up in droves.
I also posted that in the “White Misery” thread. This data is sobering and a pure D shame.

Like we said a few months ago, the weak, self-loathing, Marxist whites will die out, and the strong, spiritually and emotionally healthy, proud, Christian American whites will continue to have children and thrive. The healthy will propagate themselves while the dead weight will be gone. In the end, our people and civilization will be the stronger for it.
In a bit of positive news...

Demand For White American Sperm Surges In Brazil

The demand for sperm from blue-eyed, blonde, white American males is skyrocketing in Brazil.

Women are importing the sperm of American men at unprecedented rates, says a report from The Wall Street Journal, and blue-eyed Caucasian males are the most sought after donors.

"The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors," Fredrik Andreasson told the Journal. Andreasson is the CFO of Seattle Sperm Bank, a bank that procures about a fourth of the country's sperm imports.

With increasing gender equality, more and more Brazilian women are putting off marriage and children to establish themselves in the workforce. Additionally, the purchasing of sperm within the country is illegal. Thus, the demand for foreign sperm is unsurprising.

Who'd a thunk that feminism in Brazil might be a good thing?

Then there's this related article...

Women Are Now Pillaging Sperm Banks for "Viking Babies"

The global sperm donation industry is booming. Cryos International, a for-profit organization that runs the world's largest sperm bank, now delivers to more than 80 countries globally, employs 61 people, and estimates that it has been responsible for the births of up to 70,000 children. In the US, reports estimate that around 30,000 to 60,000 children are born yearly through sperm donation. The true figure may well be much higher, as the US fertility industry isn't required to report on how many children are being born each year.


So who's buying Viking sperm? Everyone, basically. Schou told me that Cryos exports about 96 percent of its sperm internationally, while the European Sperm Bank told me that its customers are "essentially all over Europe, then outside of Europe we're talking South Africa, Australia. We would like to get into the Asian market, but the regulation isn't really there. Europe has been much better in terms of deregulating enough to let the industry grow."

Too bad they are having difficulty getting into the Asian market. The women there would probably buy it up in droves.
Excellent news indeed. Make the world Whiter one baby at a time!
Domestic and global dating sites confirm over and over that White men are the most desired by women, including White women. However, White men are fourth class citizens in their own countries, or what used to be their own countries. Smash feminism and the top-down alien system that has implemented it and the natural order will quickly reassert itself.
"White Extinction Anxiety" trending on Twitter right now.
Hungarian Fertility Rate Rises, Turns Back Demographic Decline


Gotta love the traditional garb that some women in Hungary (and Poland) are wearing these days. Happy, smiling, pretty, feminine women. No wonder there's an uptick in birth rates. Lucky fellas over there.
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Domestic and global dating sites confirm over and over that White men are the most desired by women, including White women. However, White men are fourth class citizens in their own countries, or what used to be their own countries. Smash feminism and the top-down alien system that has implemented it and the natural order will quickly reassert itself.

I hate to add to this but this is totally true according to DW. I live in DC and for a good 7 years I did match.com. DC gets a ton of incredible women due to the Federal and tech jobs including many foreign ones. I can say with the utmost sincerity that Asian american women and every foreign profile I ran across including many white american women preferred only dating white men or Asians. Blacks and Hispnics were virtually " verboten " and I have read or responded to thousands of profiles over those 7 years. It is just a fact despite how Hollyweird pushes that black guy with a white women in so many commercial scenarios ad nauseum.
On one aside. Has anyone ever watched a commercial where in joking or serious fashion a crime is being committed and with 100% assurance the perpetrators are always white American males? I have never scene anything else but that when it comes to ADT commercials or whatever.
Hungarian Fertility Rate Rises, Turns Back Demographic Decline


Gotta love the traditional garb that some women in Hungary (and Poland) are wearing these days. Happy, smiling, pretty, feminine women. No wonder there's an uptick in birth rates. Lucky fellas over there.

I’m liking the Hungarians more & more!
Unfortunately we have aborted generations of white babies. We will never know what America could have become.
NYT: “New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks: How Do You Diversify a Whole State?”

The New York Times chronicles the supposed hardships of immigrants who allegedly do not have the “comfort and support of a built-in community” in states like New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine because their populations are too white.
NYT: “New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks: How Do You Diversify a Whole State?”

The New York Times chronicles the supposed hardships of immigrants who allegedly do not have the “comfort and support of a built-in community” in states like New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine because their populations are too white.

The NYT is owned by, run by, staffed top to bottom with who I refer to simply as (((the nation wreckers))) and those duped by them. Thus articles like this are norm for these maniacal workers of iniquity. No one thinks like these wretches do without evil influence.

***And Heretic, I might have mentioned to you before, I totally agree with your sig. We need a million more Joe McCarthys to continue and finish what he started.
American Freedom News