White Misery

I don't think I realized if I was hooked or not? When you're going through Cancer treatment with radiation and Chemotherapy to your throat, it affects a lot of things in your body. I was so sick that I literally thought I was going to die. Chemo is poison and it makes you very, very sick. It affects your memory and thoughts and your ability to analyze. It stiffens the joints and muscles in your back and neck. It, the radiation and Chemo fries your saliva glands! I don't have much saliva at all. I have to constantly drink water. I have to drink with almost every bite I take now. You really take for granted your saliva when you have it. Saliva helps with the break down of your food as you swallow. Imagine trying to swallow cardboard with no saliva! There's so many side I affects, but I won't go on.
As I said, I had never taken any kind of drugs before. The first time I took and Oxycodone or Oxycontin, I remember the room started to spin and I told my wife, I didn't like the way it made me feel, but the pain was awful! After I was finished with my treatment, I had to continue taking the drugs until I started to heal. After about 3-4 weeks my doctor took me off the fentanyl patch and I began to feel terrible. Like I'd been hit by a truck. I guess that's when I realized I was hooked, dependent, etc.. So he, my doctor put me back on a patch with less dosage and just gradually had to wean off of the patch. Then, I tried to quit the pills, Oxycodone, etc. cold turkey and the morning after I had quit, I couldn't get out of bed. I mean I did, but again it was like being hit by a truck. I don't know how else to describe it. You just can't function. It was the worse feeling I had ever had in my entire life. It was as bad as the radiation and chemotherapy. So, again I had to gradually wean down from 2 pills every 4 hours to 1 3/4, to 1 1/2, to 1 1/4... all the way down to nothing. It took about 3-4 months and again it wasn't easy. I had to put time in between my dosages also and when you do that, you feel terrible, but you have to suffer through it to get to the next dosage. It would have been easy to go and pop another pill to feel better, but you'll never get off of them unless you do what I did.
In fact, I know a guy in my area who went through the same thing six months before I did and He asked me if I had any left over pills, that he would give me money for them. Obviously, I didn't comply.
So, yes I can see how people can get hooked. Fortunately, I had my faith and strong supportive family to help. Many people may not have the support, but ultimately you just have to make up your mind that it's not going to beat you!
Thanks for the well wishes. There's no doubt that someone here on this site will eventually know or run into someone who gets throat Cancer. It's almost at epidemic proportions now. One of the fastest growing Cancers among men.
If there's ever any way I can help, just let me know.
Hey C S,
I just this post of yours from last month. Very inspirational and thanks for being so open and up front on that ordeal. I just lost my sister to cancer back in November. It was her second bout with it but in her first bout she seemed to suffer more. I am so glad you pulled through with faith, your family, and a great attitude on your part. Blessings to you bro.
Surprise, surprise...North “Amerikans” watch the most TalmudVision of any populace on earth. :rolleyes:


Yep. THE most destructive weapon of (((the ruling elites))) on the face of the Earth. Looking very, very, very, very, very forward to seeing all these satanic studio/tv/Hellywood executives, producers, directors, et al being thrown into a certain Lake mentioned in the book of Revelation and humanity being rid of their defiling influence once and for all.

Big Pharma= Big Murderer. More overdose deaths last year than the entire Vietnam War!

And if we include deaths caused from users being on psychotropic mood/mind altering prescription drugs (which is is likely 99% of these mass shooting incidents) and commiting crimes not reported as such, the numbers would be even higher. An argument can be made that Big Pharma, directly and indirectly has blood all over its' hands for decades.
With the recent high profile suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade there has been a slight uptick in media discussion about the despair of middle aged white people. I am sure women know who Kate Spade is because of handbags and such but I like most men had never heard of her but obviously I know all about Bourdain having seen his show on CNN.

White despair is almost EPIDEMIC in this country and it is REAL unlike the bogus running narrative that "blacks are being treated unfairly" which has little grounding in reality.

The media has not even attempted to ask the question of why so many white people are wallowing in despair. While opioids and other drugs play a role in many deaths often the middle aged suicides are for other reasons.

The media's attempt to saddle white people with eternal guilt (over black people) and being privileged is beyond irresponsible. It is downright disgusting. Add to that the general lack of hope in the future and the modern day outlay of sports where blacks are often the vast majority and get the most limelight it is no wonder whites are miserable.

The outlay of modern day sports is a good example of the "decline of whites" idea that hovers over the landscape where non white athletes are often seen as the "new and improved" automobile and white athletes, heading for extinction, are the horse and buggy.
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With the recent high profile suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade there has been a slight uptick in media discussion about the despair of middle aged white people. I am sure women know who Kate Spade is because of handbags and such but I like most men had never heard of her but obviously I know all about Bourdain having seen his show on CNN.

White despair is almost EPIDEMIC in this country and it is REAL unlike the bogus running narrative that "blacks are being treated unfairly" which has little grounding in reality.

The media has not even attempted to ask the question of why so many white people are wallowing in despair. While opioids and other drugs play a role in many deaths often the middle aged suicides are for other reasons.

The media's attempt to saddle white people with eternal guilt (over black people) and being privileged is beyond irresponsible. It is downright disgusting. Add to that the general lack of hope in the future and the modern day outlay of sports where blacks are often the vast majority and get the most limelight it is no wonder whites are miserable.

The outlay of modern day sports is a good example of the "decline of whites" idea that hovers over the landscape where non white athletes are often seen as the "new and improved" automobile and white athletes, heading for extinction, are the horse and buggy.
Is it really any surprise? If there's not one word from the (((media))) on South Africa's genocide of Whites, black-on-White crime rates in the USA and Europe, the silent (before Trump brought it to the forefront and forced it to be covered via the "bully pulpit") opioid epidemic (a Deep State black op to decimate the voting block that opposed 0bama...that the establishment Republicans were perfectly OK with), then not covering skyrocketing White (mostly male) suicide rates is just par-for-the-course.

Tucker Carlson is the only one on cable tv that will (sometimes) broach the subject, albeit not strongly.

The media are complicit in the recent (5-10 years) skyrocketing rates of White male suicide, so they are highly unlikely to be reporting on it. In fact, if you even dare bring it up yourself you will be labeled a racist. You are just supposed to accept your genocide like a good little goy and smile while doing so.
Whites are in despair because our society has devolved into nothing more than a materialistic "cosmopolitan" marketplace. God and morals and common belief and purpose have been completely removed from our society.

Of course whites now believe life is meaningless and even libtards instinctively recognize that diversity is destroying everything sacred but they'll still continue to blame conservatives. Non-whites too will suffer because of the diversity religion make no mistake about it. This multiculturalism is an absolute nightmare for everyone involved. Satan is fast at work on his one world, borderless government.
Harvard's racist admission policies. Asian American males only have 25% chance of being admitted to The Ivy League School while White male students have 35% chance. If you're a magical negro or a Latino dreamer you have a 95% and 75% chance .

Meanwhile God's chosen ones make up 25% of Student Body.


Also Harvard is taking down any portraits of White Male Doctors in their University Hospital.

Harvard's racist admission policies. Asian American males only have 25% chance of being admitted to The Ivy League School while White male students have 35% chance. If you're a magical negro or a Latino dreamer you have a 95% and 75% chance .

Meanwhile God's chosen ones make up 25% of Student Body.


Also Harvard is taking down any portraits of White Male Doctors in their University Hospital.


Yes, take down the portraits of all those evil white men who operated on thousands of people and saved their lives and introduced ground-breaking medical techniques. They made the world a better place for everyone and used their uncommon abilities for the betterment of humanity, but they were white men, so fu*% them.

All these SJWs and virtue signallers are pure Marxist scum. Their is a special place in hell waiting for their putrid souls. This is the equivalent of what happened in the USSR. It is pure communism. I know I am preaching to the choir here but those of us on the right need to continue pushing back on these vermin with extreme prejudice.
Yes, take down the portraits of all those evil white men who operated on thousands of people and saved their lives and introduced ground-breaking medical techniques. They made the world a better place for everyone and used their uncommon abilities for the betterment of humanity, but they were white men, so fu*% them.

All these SJWs and virtue signallers are pure Marxist scum. Their is a special place in hell waiting for their putrid souls. This is the equivalent of what happened in the USSR. It is pure communism. I know I am preaching to the choir here but those of us on the right need to continue pushing back on these vermin with extreme prejudice.
Amen to the max. I am at a point now of being about as politically correct as Joseph Goebbels.
I am not one to say a lot about how parents raise their kids, but in this case I got to say this. When I see parents sitting around their house drinking beer with their kids under 18 I want to ring their damn necks. Trying to be a cool parent and renting hotel rooms for them so they won't be tempted to drive home from a party. Right, that will stop them from driving. Then, if they graduate bragging about sending them to a party school. I don't want to sound like something I'm not for I have played the devil most of my life, drank , drugged, thug and did time. I just know I am right on this subject.