White Misery

It all sounds so apocalyptic but Dixie perhaps you should run for office. At least you can identify the myriad of problems and that is half the battle. Just think the everyday car mechanic will likely be a thing of the past too. Just plug in the sucker and the computer does the rest. Already I see a lot of smaller car repair shops closing down. And it will all be more expensive of course. Ever notice that the cost of car repairs and used cars have gone up way beyond inflation and the cost of living rates? Cripes you can't buy a decent used cars these days without handing over a small fortune. And the price of a college education has gone up so high one can't even discuss it properly. Which is why I get so pissed off when these spoiled ******* free ride black athletes squeal about not getting paid. And even a four year college degree doesn't really cut it these days for the most part does it? So that probably means more schooling and more bricks of gold needed to pay for it.
The emergence of Walmart back when killed off so many mid line stores where back in the day employees could make a decent living, support a family, buy a house while climbing the ladder. Walmart practically has no ladder and is basically some pseudo-Chinese-Corporate cheap house (not really that cheap when you consider the crap you just bought lasted a full week) that has been a detriment to people and the overall economy. And now we are entering phase two of this corporation-alienation kill local retail jobs syndrome with Amazon getting their robot hands on more and more things. Speaking of automation and robots maybe I am being paranoid but this whole new technological wave scares the living daylights out of me. I picture a horror science fiction scenario where the robots take over and kill us all. Like Porky the Pig said "That's All Folks."
The economy continues to ROT for so many people. And like the above Dixie posts so many people have NO money to speak of and their future is riddled with anxiety. Good jobs are scarce. Opioid use has gone through the roof. And it is plain and simple white people are not happy. True happiness for white people is just a distant memory at this point. The difference these days from the past is the prospect of hope and a better society seemed at least plausible back then. Today that idea sounds like something out of a fairy tale.
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I was just watching a Matlock episode from the 80's and the show was based around this biker gang, and most of the bikers were of average weight to slim. Haha even the bikers are skinny a generation ago. I just joked to my wife that the Harley Davidson Co. must plan their motorcycles to carry an average of 600 pounds. Have you ever seen anyone on a Harley, man or woman, less then 250 lbs? I haven't.
One outta eight "Amerikans" are boozers...up nearly 50% in the past decade.


There is no way 1 out of every 8 people that you see is an alcoholic. That number is only valid in the sense that "alcoholic" has been revised down to include anyone that likes a beer now and then, which means they are an irredeemable alcoholic that needs to go cold turkey immediately and get some Oxycontin to help them through it.
There is no way 1 out of every 8 people that you see is an alcoholic. That number is only valid in the sense that "alcoholic" has been revised down to include anyone that likes a beer now and then, which means they are an irredeemable alcoholic that needs to go cold turkey immediately and get some Oxycontin to help them through it.

I'd agree. I would venture to guess that 5 - 8% of 'Amerikans' are drunks. I define an "alcoholic" as someone who drinks every single day (whether 'functional' or not), and "has" to have it daily. This could include brew, wine or liquor.
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Census Bureau: Mens’ Wages Remain Below 1973 Levels

by Neil Munro

Americans’ median pay packets have been flat since 1973, even though the vastly expanded federal government has justified its own salaries and its many massive spending and policy programs as a sure-fire way to boost education, productivity, and wages.

The colossal 44-year failure of the federal government to help grow American men’s wages — or even to reduce poverty rates — is laid bare in the latest report from the Census Bureau, “Income and Poverty in the United States: 2016.”

The dense report includes myriad detailed tables of data around one shocking chart, which reveals no growth in men’s wages for the past 44 years, or since President Richard Nixon was beginning his second term in office.

Median earning of full-time, year-round workers, 15 years and older, 1960 to 2016.

The sudden flatline followed a 31 percent rise in all men’s median wages from 1960 to 1972.

During the 44-year period since 1973, income among women grew by roughly 30 percent as more skilled and trained women entered the market, gained experience, and were promoted to better-paying jobs. Those opportunities and contributions are good news — but they do not change the reality that men’s income has been flat for 44 years.

In fact, the report notes that “the real median earnings of full-time, year-round working men were 1.1 percent lower in 2016 than in 2007.”

There are many explanations for the flat income, such as the massive growth in the labor supply when 30 million additional American women and roughly 30 million immigrants joined in the marketplace competition for good jobs. For example, a pro-immigration panel at the prestigious National Academies of Science estimated in 2016 that the huge government-imposed inflow of immigrants since 1965 has imposed a hidden 5 percent “immigration tax” on Americans’ pay packets.

Technology has made many individuals workers more productive but also sidelined many others, such as newspaper printers and steelworkers. Peaceful international trade has allowed men to sell more products overseas but also allowed employers to hire foreign workers instead of Americans. Whatever the combinations of reasons, the mid-point for men’s income has been flat for 43 years, according to the Census Bureau.

The flat-earnings chart needs some explanation:

It shows only inflation-adjusted, pre-tax pay packets, so it excludes the impact of inflation, taxes and government benefits, such as food-stamps and tax-breaks for children, or of Obamacare’s subsidies and spending obligations.

It shows median income, which is the midpoint of the income scale. Half the people earn above the line, half the people earn below the line. Average income would be higher, but less revealing, because a higher share of income is going to the highest earners, compared to back in the 1970s.

The chart shows the income of year-round, full-time workers, excluding part-workers or seasonal workers, or those who work on-and-off under contracts. The chart does not make distinctions by race.

The chart shows individuals’ income, not the income of households, which has fluctuated as the average number of children or adults has declined.

The chart only shows income, but not the quality of goods in the stores, such as Starbucks coffee, cheap products imported from China, high-tech music players, improved autos or better health-care. That rise in product quality from competing companies — not claimed policy improvements from federal agencies — has provided the vast majority of material gains for Americans amid flat incomes.

The details are provided on Table A-4, on page 49 of this PDF.

The median earnings for all men employed year-round was $51,640 in 2016, which is still far below the $54,030 earned by full-time men in 1973. It is also below the $51,938 earned in the 2000 Internet boom, or the $52,222 earned in the 2007 property bubble when large-scale legal and illegal immigration provided employers with millions of alternative imported workers.

The post-1973 reality of flat income is a huge contrast to the rapid growth from 1960 up to the 1973 oil shock and the reopened inflow of immigrant labor after 1965. During the twelves years 1960 to 1972, the median average wages for all males — including minorities, seasonal workers, and contract workers — rose from by 31 percent, from $31,926 to $41,013.

When the income of all men is gauged, the Bureau concluded that all men’s median income in 1973 was $41,935. It dropped after 1973 and rose back up to $43,360 in 1999 as companies competed for the few unemployed workers during the first Internet boom. Income crashed in 2008 to a depression-low of $39,636 in 2012 once the federal government’s real-estate bubble burst. Since then, income has slowly climbed back to $42,220 in 2016 amid the continuous public protest against the federal government’s cheap-labor economic strategy, which is exemplified by the bipartisan 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty legislation.

Other data in the report shows that the nation’s poverty rates have barely budged since the 1960s, although many people in the United States are wealthier than many people n Europe. For example, the percentage of American said to be in poverty was 11.1 percent in 1973 and 12.7 percent in 2016.

That national poverty rate climbed, in part, because of the population of Latinos spiked from 10.8 million in 1973 to 57.6 million in 2016. Poverty among Latinos was 19 percent in 2016, little changed from 1973.

The report also noted that:

The official poverty rate decreased by 0.8 percentage points between 2015 and 2016. At 12.7 percent, the 2016 poverty rate is not statistically different from 2007 (12.5 percent), the year before the most recent recession.

In real terms, median earnings of full-time, year-round working women in 2016 were 2.3 percent higher than their 2007 median, the year before the most recent recession. The real median earnings of full-time, year-round working men were 1.1 percent lower in 2016 than in 2007.

In 2017, the number and percentage of shared households remained higher than in 2007, the year before the most recent recession. In 2007, 17.0 percent of all households were shared households, totaling 19.7 million households. In 2017, 19.4 percent of all households were shared households, totaling 24.6 million households.

I hope I'm wrong, but I can see the day (soon) when "experts" will "find a gene" in people of White European heritage that makes them inherently racist and therefore inherently evil and therefore to cure society's ills we must be eradicated by whatever means is deemed necessary...and a lot of Whites will believe it. So yes, marginalizing us, then ridiculing us, then actually criminalizing us just for who we are seems to be the goal. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I used to laugh and scoff at such surmising from others. However, people are conditioned now to not even believe reality. For instance, (as radio talk show host Dennis Prager pointed out), Leftists would have us all believe that if you have a vagina, you menstruate, you produce eggs in your ovaries, you have milk-producing breasts, you have xx chromosomes, you are a MALE, if you believe you are. And if you disagree you are a hateful bigot. Period.

We are at a point where people are reprobate (a non-functional mind for reason and rationale, especially regarding moral issues).

People are falling for obvious lies now, like no other time in human history. We're not in the Medieval times of superstitious dark ages. We now see people denying facts because they have chosen to.

There is NO CURE for willful ignorance and willful rejection of (God's) truth. What people are going to fall for in the days ahead is very scary...
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God Almighty why don't they just kill us all and do it quickly? Because I can't take it anymore. This is a perfect example of bend over white folk and be prepared to be rammed to death.

There is a total lack of cognitive reasoning with these zombified lemmings. This Republic was built & made great by maintaining the proper societal order......where the White man "rules the roost". As a matter of fact , all the great European, Russian, Canadian, Australian, SA & New Zealand civilizations were grounded by the same premise! Bottom line, a civilized, "multi-racial" society cannot be maintained without that proper order...& that's a proven fact.

The article (below) speaks of how tattoos have become "mainstream" (thanks to the judeo-Bolsheviks). First of all, unless one is a sailor, 1% biker or "rock star", tattoos look goofy & tacky on most folks. I cannot tell you how many 20-30 something, young, White women I've seen who are otherwise attractive...save for some nasty tats. Secondly (& most important for true Christians) it's also a sin against God...

Leviticus 19:28 - Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I [am] the LORD

Hey DD,

I concur. If you're about my age and grew up in the 70s you may remember the Harley biker magazine "Easy Rider". A lot of customized and tricked out Harley's, choppers and trikes, etc. Well, if you haven't blocked it out of your memory you'll recall that they had centerfolds of biker "chicks". When my friends and I would find these mags in some dad's stash (they were only for sale to 18+) we would absolutely laugh and gag at the total skankness of those stupid-looking whores. We would always say something like, "Why in the flying *#@* would this chick do this to themselves?! No chick in her right mind would look like this?!", and other such exclamations. Never would we have ever thought that White females would do this and be "mainstream".

While we are not under the Old Covenant in any way like the verse you quoted from Leviticus we are still given admonitions under grace to not give ourselves to the ways of the world. Tattoos, especially on a female are certainly not a sign of godliness and sobriety to say the least.

And another thing, I challenge anyone to convince me a tattoo of any kind makes anybody more attractive, especially a female. It only makes women look more skanky and stupid. Period.
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Hey DD,

I concur. If you're about my age and grew up in the 70s you may remember the Harley biker magazine "Easy Rider". A lot of customized and tricked out Harley's, choppers and trikes, etc. Well, if you haven't blocked it out of your memory you'll recall that they had centerfolds of biker "chicks". When my friends and I would find these mags in some dad's stash (they were only for sale to 18+) we would absolutely laugh and gag at the total skankness of those stupid-looking whores. We would always say something like, "Why in the flying *#@* would this chick do this to themselves?! No chick in her right mind would look like this?!", and other such exclamations. Never would we have ever thought that White females would do this and be "mainstream".

While we are not under the Old Covenant in any way like the verse you quoted from Leviticus we are still given admonitions under grace to not give ourselves to the ways of the world. Tattoos, especially on a female are certainly not a sign of godliness and sobriety to say the least.

And another thing, I challenge anyone to convince me a tattoo of any kind makes anybody more attractive, especially a female. It only makes women look more skanky and stupid. Period.

I recall that biker magazine, & remember preferring the dames on the hot rod mag covers. ;-)


Amen, bro. No comparison!
The risk of “dying alone” has increased. I think this can be attributed to....1) reduced White birth rates, 2) lack of family loyalty & unity & 3) huge uptick in selfishness.


It's become the norm now for families not to be close, whereas that was a rarity before the last generation. When I talk to people, most are estranged from a sibling or parent, sometimes estranged from their entire family. And extended families where cousins stay in touch are also fast disappearing.

Close and extended families are still the norm in a diminishing number of places in Europe, and throughout the Third World. But that will change as the "American Globo-Homo-Corpo Way" spreads throughout the world like a malignant cancer.
Headshrinkers say more & more snotnoses are becoming “entitled”. I attribute that to their candy@$$ parents not teaching these little brats right from wrong. My Dad told me (a long time ago)....“don’t expect anybody in this wicked world to lift a finger for you...a man has to be able to make it on his own (without charity & handouts).” I’ve reiterated the hard, cold facts of life to my young’erns (as my Dad did for me). These sissy modernist parents wanna continuously wet nurse their kids, and that does them no good whatsoever.
