White man and black women in hollywood/media

gatorprideFL said:
So you admit that a few are hot?<div>for the most part i don't see that many hot black women either but if i do and im attracted to them im not gonna lie to myself and tell myself they aren't attractive, for the "sanctity of the white race"</div><div>that's just stupid.</div><div></div>
I see kids thet look like little dolls, But I dont want to have sex with them!
Wrong Gatorpride!! Rihanna is part white, Halle Berry is half White, Naomi Campbell is only part black and I'm pretty sure Tyra Banks has some white in her.
Well those women you mentioned are only part black. Name some black women that you find attractive that are 100% black.
Exactly!! That's what I meant when I said that I don't find black women attractive. Those that you mentioned are hot though.
gatorprideFL said:
Rihanna, Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks

Expand your horizons... Aside from Rihanna, that list is so cliche and so yesterday.

Do you like Gabrielle Union too?
Deadlift said:
gatorprideFL said:
Rihanna, Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks

Expand your horizons... Aside from Rihanna, that list is so cliche and so yesterday.

Do you like Gabrielle Union too?
gatorprideFL Is off to find a good looking 100% black woman! So He'll be back next year!
Edited by: lost
Some mixed ones are hot, sure. But the majority of black ( Proper dark black) women are unattractive to me.

If i see a black woman in a short skirt I wont stare at her legs because i dont find dark legs appealing. I just feel nothing. And I dont feel obliged to feel anything.

Also, thick lips arent appealing to me either.
I just CRINGE when I hear blacks referred to as "chocolate"... fookin' NASTY
Should I repost that black cheerleader that many of you gagged about here for our friend gatorprideFL??
gatorprideFL said:
go ahead man.
I really hope that you wouldn't want to "hit this".

** WARNING ** Some CF posters suffered extreme visual trauma upon viewing the following picture the last time it was posted. Please steer clear if you have a low nausea tolerance....

gatorprideFL said:
Rihanna, Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks

they all loo very differnt for nearly full blooded Haitians who are from the same tribes as the slaves that went to USA

3 out of 4 you mention would have very much white admixture if they did a dna ancestry test.

Rihanna would be maybe like 40% white 40% black 20% east asian
Halle berry who have a white parent like 60% white and 40% black
Naoimi cammpell like 70 black ,30% white east asian, native
and tyra banks like 60 white and 40% black.

the mulattos were very populair in slavery and the more mixed or lightskinned go often with eachother and the darkskinned often with eachtother this is why their are still a lot of admixture variation in african americans.
i'ts not uncommon to be over 50% white without having a real with parent or grandparent, just 4 ligtskinned grandparents who all look a bit west african in the phenotype but if you would go like 10 generations back they would be like 600/1024 white

I think white women can look very good, and the mixed race ones that are mixed with whites.

when media want's to promote that whites are not the best looking the take a not so beautifull white women against a beautifull lightskinned with only a tan, like Beyonce who has a lot of white admixture and she straightened her hair and had a nose job , she just looks like a bit tanned white, hair eyes she makes lighbrown but natural she has brown black, this doesn't make you look more white of course(because we whites have it all) but it makes you look less black of course, the same with the hair.
Even blacks know that they are unattractive. Why do you think all these rappers use light skinned black girls( in other words girls that are part white) in their videos? There was a lot of uproar in the black community over that some years back.
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