White cornerbacks


Mar 16, 2013
Although it seems to me with a black HC the odds are greater that a team will be or become more caste. If you factor that out I could care less if a HC is black or white. Hell Dusty Baker in his last year with the Nationals baseball team fielded the most white starters in the league including a few speedsters. I am interested in one thing. The product on the field.

The media is up in arms about the "lack" of black head coaches after a recent spate of firings.

So if a team has a black HC and pretty much starts all white players would the media have an issue? My thinking is yes because it seems like this "diversity" goal isn't really about true diversity which everyone here at CF knows. Just look at the NFL and it's 70 % black population. It is actually higher since they hog all the star spots and a lot of whites sit on the bench. To wipe out whites from every conceivable angle except offensive linemen and kickers seems to me the actual goal.

What does all this have to do with white cornerbacks? Well Travis Clay decided to throw white athletes under the bus recently to make a point about the lack of black head coaches. See below his tweet.


Then slime ball Steve Sailer who thinks it is cute to keep bringing up the fact that there are zero white CBs in the NFL gets in on the action. Look at his latest tweet to see the amount of venom directed at white athletes see below.


Sailer and Travis skip over the most important portion of the conversation which is the play of these so called black supermen known as the cornerback. Which in general has been atrocious across the board and getting worse each passing year. Putrid, brainless, awful and a whole other host of negative connotations associated with just plain sucky play. The majority of them can't tackle either. But if Sailer and Travis want to continue to have wet dreams about black cornerbacks that is their prerogative.

I would just prefer that these hypocrites understand the idea of fairness and that contrasting white athletes who they see as useless turtles with black supermen who they deem possess the speed and athleticism of immortals serves no purpose other than to deepen an already toxic talking point.

But I am glad the "lack of white CBs" is a conversation piece. It exposes a wound and the double talk surrounding the need for "diversity."

Which by the way I probably have less of a problem than many here it is just that I want to see the white athletes involved as well. If CM and Cam Newton danced all the way to the Super Bowl I wouldn't have a problem. Of course the reason I wouldn't have a problem is the presence of CM. But hell I rooted for the Celtics in the 80's and they had several black stars but of course the center of my rooting was rooted in one Larry Bird.
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Travis is a douchebag SEC fan boy, doesn't surprise me. Sad part this is a common view amongst the masses.
Travis is a SEC homer, but he is about the best there is in the worst wing of the media the sports media. IMO the conservative outrage shtick doesn't really work anymore, they taunt us for fun these days, they thrive on the tears of conservatives. Travis opened the door if you are going to comment on that kind of tweet from him or anyone else you best maintain the frame, cast doubt on the HOLY NARRATIVE and then make them qualify their beliefs. Leave the conservative outrage for here where you won't be beaten down for fun.
I had no idea Travis was the leader of the Conservative Sports Movement! By gosh I better fall in line so I don't get beat down for fun, Go Vols!

Huh?! So questioning Travis is off limits? He's as Caste as any. If he thinks White Athlete's are simply handicapped when playing skill positions, well that's all I need to know about the guy and his coverage of sports. Same as any other DWF Sports Host with a tint of "Conservative" view to appeal to the normies.

Anyways I find it depressing that the White CB is extinct and the White Safety is an endangered species and people still think its because pale faces are physically incapable of playing the position and that is just accepted, end of story.
The word conservative is a joke IMO Travis only opened the door I could care less what he politically labels himself . " Question him" conservatives never ever ask questions , they sputter in outrage good for the year 1994 not so much now.. I wish someone would join me in specifically questioning the narrative it's lonely out there . Have a good day
Have a good Sunday Wile! I agree the word Conservative has just about lost all meaning it once used to have. I suppose I misunderstood the point you were making. I also agree outrage doesn't do squat anymore. Finding solutions is key.
Oh the sweet irony of all this talk about reviewing interference calls after the refs blew a crucial call in the Saints Rams tilt.

White linebackers and white safeties rarely get the benefit of the doubt so chances are if there is any semblance of contact no matter how trivial a flag would be hoisted ten feet into the air for extra emphasis.

Conversely black defensive backs can literally mug a white receiver and chances are pretty good that the refs adopt the nothing to see here approach. A black DB would have to pull a knife or a gun to get the attention of the refs if a white receiver was involved and even then it isn't a slam dunk.

Earlier in the year Jordy caught a TD with a black DB mugging him to the point that actual jail time should have been considered. The announcers though as they often do ignored the mugging and with a lot of effort blurted out "nice catch by the old pro." No mention that Jordy had to do the impossible and catch a pass after being interfered and mugged and held up all at the same time.

But what about black DBs against black receivers? That big play in the Saints game is routinely called by the announcers as one of those "bang bang" plays inferring the defender met the receiver right when the ball arrived. OK once in a while that is the case but more often than not the black defender barrels or rams or arm snags the receiver before the ball yet no flag is dropped.

So what really is going on here? Seems to me the NFL is more interested in protecting the great black defensive back myth than the world is in protecting real endangered (and important) animals like mountain gorillas. The NFL it seems to me wants to preserve the prevalent myth that black DBs, especially black cornerbacks are at the apex of athletic grace and raw athletic ability. Bang bang plays my ass. More than 75% or more of these "bang bang" plays are by the rules interference but the hell with the rule book.

As "sports" scholars wax poetic about the CB position and why inferior white athletes can never come close to measuring up they never stop to contemplate how bad most black cornerbacks play football these days.If you actually enforced the rule book definition of interference these so called "gifted chosen ones" would be flagged up and down the field all day long.

The black CB stands at the pinnacle of the caste world. Only the black race can handle this chore with their high butt, sinewy, long limbed features to go along with their "rare" speed and "otherworldly" athleticism. White men they say with their short legged "beagle" like features are more cut out for" baking bread and mowing lawns."

And to prove it all they have this NFL combine where black CBs who typically fall into a "sprinter's range" height and weight display their supremacy running like the wind and flying through the air like eagles. Of course we might want to ignore that their superhero comic book like builds don't seem "natural" at all. Perhaps it is these new wave power water drinks one might ask? Or maybe something a tad more sinister like steroids? No one seems to know but they look awfully suspicious as the scouts at the combine drool over their muscular biceps.

Then they go out on the playing field and most all of them suck in so many variations you begin to wonder if you have lost the plot. Many of them don't seem as "fast" as they were billed. Most can't turn around to locate a ball. Their agility looks suspect as does their highly publicized hip swivel. They seem sort of stiff for a position that requires flexibility. They are often burnt like bad steaks trailing and or plodding behind a WR who ran slower 40 times. Forget team work. That takes away from their "raw animalistic" athletic traits where they and they alone are on an Island out to preserve the wonderful singularity of the black cornerback. No thinking is seen as a positive. Leave thinking to offensive lineman. Ahh cornerback island, a place where no white man should ever enter because they can't handle it. Or at least that is the running "Twilight Zone" episode called "Don't Pay Attention To The Dead Body In The Room."

What gives?

Hell if they actually start calling real interference could it be that the myth of the master athletic race epitomized by the black CB might get debunked? That to defend an incomplete pass within the realm of the rulebook seems a bit too much to ask for our nation's finest.
Back in the day it was a given that white defensive backs were as good as black defensive backs. Sure there were some athletic blacks playing but it way always important to be able to anticipate and read a play. In the days of two way players the quarterbacks were defensive backs. That continued on into the 70's were there were plenty of white in the defensive backfield. In addition to pass protection those guys were expected to make tackles. Something that seems lost on the d-backs of today.
The cornerback position is pure caste. White men win medals in sprints and jumping events, they play all positions in the NBA, they win belts in boxing and mma and they are some of the top soccer players in the world. Yet, there hasn't been a single white cornerback in years....it's pretty obvious that they just aren't being selected for that position.
What's the latest on Troy Akpe (Redskins)? Is he still on the team?

Still on the team for a few more years as he was drafted. Had an iniury plagued Rookie season. Let's hope he uses the offseason to bulk up to endure long season since he'll be playing Safety. Even though we all know he'd be a natural to try at CB.
Texas Tech CB/NB Justus Parker was picking up interest as a late-rd pick this year if he'd declared, but he made the smart move to return for his Sr. season and build his draft stock. It would be nice to see Parker endsl his college career with a stat stuffed season, but as long as he's shutting down anything coming his way he should be good! His numbers took a dive his Jr. season playing in 12 gms but only ending with 22 tckls, 2 tfl's, 1 sack, no Ints, but 7 PD's!
Most of Tech's own fans probably assumed Parker's stats dropped-off because either hes a white CB and can't be too good, or he was struggling with injuries all season. However, its actually because opposing teams usually avoid throwing in Parker's direction, because Big-12 coaches know better after Parker's break-out (So) season where he tallied 48 tot tckles, 4 tfls, 4 Ints, 4 PD's, and 1 FF! If Justus Parker can keep preventing WR's form catching anything then he doesn't need big numbers, if he can test good in the 40, Vert, and broad jump then he could be the first white CB drafted since Jason Sehorn!
I have been observing the nfl and ncaa football intently over the past 2/3 years ( so I'am no expert , but an educated fan whose background is at top end athletics ( so I do understand athletic ability and speed and power ) You guys speak the Absolute truth ,, it's amazing observing from across the " pond " that white cornerbacks don't get the chance because of their colour , doesn't happen in rugby league or rugby union , where Jonny may is considered one of the fastest field athletes on the planet . This in a league where guys like Doug donley ( 9.4 100 yards highschool) and Vance muller and John riggins were lauded for there speed and athleticism . Thankfully I have seen chinks in the media over the past couple of years and the fact that websites like caste football, open and keep open debates that are important . Ignorance is no excuse for dumb commentary . And yes mccaffrey was the best rushing back ( Shannon sharp ) in the nfl last season and Edelman mvp ....it's great dumb white liberal media types everywhere must be pissed ,
Travis is a douchebag SEC fan boy, doesn't surprise me. Sad part this is a common view amongst the masses.

Don’t make this an anti SEC anti South thread because you will lose that hate filled **** argument every time! Travis is a scumbag and his regional location or favorite conference is irrelevant!
Yeah the SEC football gig needs to be made more "diverse" meaning more white kids need to be recruited, there I said it.
Yeah the SEC football gig needs to be made more "diverse" meaning more white kids need to be recruited, there I said it.

I agree with you 100%!

However, the issue is like this, anti southern types have always wanted the south to fail regardless of the scenario. They want the south to relinquish any kind of power and always have. They want southern whites in particular to be painted as inferior at every turn. Now they want the south to lose at the very game they (liberals) created relevant to sports and social racial empowerment. So again the south turned the tables and rose above.

Now they want to change the rules of engagement again. So to those folks I say, stop calling the south racist and bigoted. Stop portraying the south as it is not. And stop forcing your liberal godless ideals and true racism upon us. Then we can bring a normalcy back to the arenas you’re crying about now.
What?! Calling the SEC a Black Power Conference is Anti South of me? Okay so be it.
I've long been a supporter of the Southern Nation, knowing full well the garbage some of us Northerners first inflicted upon the South now us Yanks. Much to like about SEC football, but its obviously a cats paw by the (((Left))) to brow beat us whites. The day that blacks are no longer useful to the (((Left))) you will have to go to a cable access channel to watch Vandy versus Miss. St..

As for me using the term "diversity" that is just me screwing with Cultural Marxist phrases, since I cannot do the conservative straight man act anymore, got tired of being the stooge.
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