Which Countries Have You Visited/ Do You Want to Visit?

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Which countries have you visited in your lifetime and what did you do there? Which countries do you want to visit? Did you travel much in your life and any plans to travel more? How do you view traveling? Did you ever want to save up and just travel a continent over the span of a year?

Personally, I live in Canada, and I've traveled all over this country. Canada has the largest area in the world and it really is a *huge* country. Ive been all over Quebec (used to live here, my family owns land and property in rural Quebec), Ontario (currently live here), and Ive passed through Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Ive spent some time during Holidays in Alberta.

I was born in former Yugoslavia, and Ive spent a great deal of time in Sarajevo and Novi Sad. I don't go there much now, and my family is all living abroad.

Ive also traveled extensively along the Eastern Coast of USA, mainly the states of New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, N & S Carolina, and Georgia. Florida is gorgeous. I have family who've traveled the Pacific Coast of the US and apparently it's even more beautiful.

My wishlist:

I'd love to go to Turkey (had school friends who went to Istanbul, it's beautiful), Iran (friends who went there to get married, it's beautiful and extremely safe contrary to what media says), India (my brother lived in Varanasi, India for a few months, said it was breathtaking), Netherlands (Amsterdam is a must see), Spain, France, and Lebanon. Some parts of Morocco also looking amazing, in particular Tangier.

Also wouldn't mind traveling to Israel one day, politics aside, it's a beautiful place from pictures Ive seen, some photos of the Dead Sea are literally breathtaking.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Canada has the largest area in the world"

Second largest. Russia is the largest.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Well, I am from/in the US(S)A and have been to Canada, the Caribbean & the Bahamas (...all long ago).

IF I had the $$$, I'd (eventually) go to the land of my heritage (British Isles and NW Europe). I'd also like to visit the Holy Land. However, with a growing family and the (forthcoming) collapse of Amerika (2.0), those "travel plans" are certainly a pipe dream. I very seriously doubt that I'll ever get to see all of the U.S. (like Alaska), much less going overseas. It would be nice, but (likely) will never happen. :frown:
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Poland is the most beautiful country in the world. If anyone has the chance I highly recommend a visit. Those blue eyed women are incredible!


Apr 6, 2007
Been all over Europe, Asia, and the Americas thanks to Uncle Sam. Plan on visiting Australia...one of these days.


Apr 6, 2007
I'd like to go there as well. Just about the only place I will not visit is Africa.

Been to several countries on that godforsaken continent also. Other then looking at the pyramids and snapping pics of animals, not much fun.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I've only been to two countries, USA and Canada.

However, I've been to nearly every state in the USA, and to every province in Canada except Newfoundland.

I'd like to visit the UK, Ireland, France, Italy, and Greece.

My ancestors are from the British Isles and France. It would be interesting to see the areas where they lived.

And I've always been facinated by Greek and Roman history, I'd enjoy seeing the ancient sites.

amoeba man

Jun 11, 2012
I would like to visit Russia,ive always been intrigued with Eastern Europe.Belfast in N.Ireland is another place i would like to visit as its my ancestral city i would like to visit the Republic of Ireland too.Every Irish girl ive seen has been attractive and feminine with nice accents so that would be an obvious bonus in visiting.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Spent a few years in Germany, in Bavaria. Saw a lot of it from a jeep or an APC. Got to Switzerland, France, Spain, Denmark, Ireland, and England on leave. Made a foray into Mexico, and two trips to Canada.

I've done some geneology work and I've been able to visit some ancestral places in England, Denmark and Germany. Just drop in and walk around a bit. Google Earth is really cool.

Nowadays if I want a taste of the foreign I just go to Walmart for some stuff. I can be sure to rub elbows with Cambodians, Saudis, Guatemalans, Chinese, Jordanians, Nigerians, Ghanans, Thailanders, Vietnamese, Bhurmans, Egyptians, and so on. Oh, and lots of Mexicans. Lots of them. It's really diversiwonderful, and I can see how my nation has been so strenghened when I'm done getting my stuff.

I don't know that I'll ever make it to another country any time soon. When I get the time and the money, though, I would like to take a trip down to San Fransisco and have a look around. And maybe take a side trip to SF's sister republic Berkely.
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Dec 19, 2010
Why hasnt anyone mentioned our "only ally in the middle east" israel? ;) Every judeo-christian patriotard raves about how it was a life changing experience

But I have only visited Mexico and Jamaica

Where I would like to visit: where my ancestors are from, Germany, Italy, Corisca (fun fact Napoleon is a distant relative according to family lore) as well as any the Scandanavian countried for the sights (both the landscape and the women haha)


Jul 6, 2011
Why hasnt anyone mentioned our "only ally in the middle east" israel? ;) Every judeo-christian patriotard raves about how it was a life changing experience

Yes, being spat on by the locals might wake up some of those "Judeo-Christian patriotards":


Belfast in N.Ireland is another place i would like to visit as its my ancestral city i would like to visit the Republic of Ireland too.Every Irish girl ive seen has been attractive and feminine with nice [COLOR=#009900 !important]accents[/COLOR] so that would be an obvious bonus in visiting.

Belfast is OK in a rough around the edges kind of way but unless you're a native there's not a lot to see. The city is trying to build a tourist industry with an emphasis on all things related to the Titanic. (An English relative of mine joked "only in Belfast would they think the Titanic is something to be celebrated").

The girls aren't particularly good looking in Ireland though I know from my own experience that Americans do find Irish accents attractive. In my travel experience the best looking girls are in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Serbia.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
i would like to go to the USA, california
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Just about the only place I will not visit is Africa.

+1, fully agreed me too! I'm open to visiting anywhere in the world aside from Sub-Saharan African countries.

Any part of "black Africa", or sub-Saharan Africa is an absolute no go for me. First of all I consider it very unsafe, and second of all, I don't feel any connection or relatedness with the land or people. I'm not interested. Maybe the land and geography itself might be beautiful in some parts on the continent. But all things considered I'm not interested in those parts of the world.

I have some school friends, one guy a white guy, who volunteered in Tanzania (100% black country) like helping the local population. He puts up pics of himself in Tanzania on his facebook, and I just find it a bit awkward. I don't dislike the guy or anything, but it's a little weird, and had it been me, I would have volunteered in Europe, Middle East, even South America before Africa. I certainly would not volunteer in Africa, and I'd prefer to volunteer in Middle East or even poorer parts of Europe.

I have another friend, an Arab guy who traveled in Kenya, Tanzania, and other parts of black Africa and on his facebook he puts up pics of himself like hugging and holding little black children. It's kind of weird. I don't get it. Like maybe he is trying to show people how he is "liberal" or "cool" for helping black kids? I dont understand this Liberal type of logic. Or maybe Im reading too much into it and he's just doing it to travel. Anyways, Africa is certainly the absolute *last* place I would volunteer or want to go.
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I've only been to two countries, USA and Canada.

However, I've been to nearly every state in the USA, and to every province in Canada except Newfoundland.

Canada really is a beautiful country in terms of its scenery and forests. Some parts of Northern Quebec are absolutely stunning and picturesque in the winter, though very cold! Montreal itself is such a beautiful city. Ive lived in both Toronto and Montreal for periods of time, and they're both great, but I think I prefer Montreal a bit.

This summer coming up in 2013, I'm thinking I might take 2 or 3 weeks off work and head down in my car to the East Coast (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland). Never been to those places and Id like to see the Ocean coast.

In the future, I'd also like to check out the West Coast of Canada, as well as the Northern provinces. Wouldn't mind taking a trip up to Yukon or the Northwest Territories. Ive never seen those places and it would be cool to go there and check it out. It will be quite a drive though, lol! I also expect there is like zero people there. I live in Toronto, so Im used to seeing crowds of people and businesses. Those places are almost desolate.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Yes, being spat on by the locals might wake up some of those "Judeo-Christian patriotards":


I have a complete dislike for Zionists and Jewish supremacists but I would be willing to put that aside and visit Israel just to take in the sights and natural beauty. Ive seen pics and its gorgeous. Also, Israel is not a Jewish land in a historical sense, it applies to all religions. Surely, we can put our political beliefs temporarily on hold to enjoy nice sightseeing! :)

Jerusalem and the Dead Sea both look magnificent and I'd love to see them both!
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Part of the reason I made this thread is because I have an older brother who just returned from living in India for several months. He was living in Varanasi, but also spent some time in Goa, Delhi and Nepal. There is surprisingly large amounts of white people in India, places like Delhi and Varanasi.

It was a life changing experience for him and he definitely suggested for me to travel somewhere and live there for a few months. I'm at an age (24) where I can foreseeably do that in the near future. As a Canadian, of course your money goes a lot further in parts of Asia than it does in Europe, and it's also to see something different than Western countries.

I'm thinking I'd love to go to Turkey for a few months and live there! I'd love to go to Iran as well, but I'm not sure if that's smart given war escalations and such. I'll probably avoid Iran for now. Traveling to Israel is also something I will consider just for the experience (as I said I'm very much anti-Zionist but I would put that aside just for the time I am there).
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
+1, fully agreed me too! I'm open to visiting anywhere in the world aside from Sub-Saharan African countries.

Any part of "black Africa", or sub-Saharan Africa is an absolute no go for me. First of all I consider it very unsafe, and second of all, I don't feel any connection or relatedness with the land or people. I'm not interested. Maybe the land and geography itself might be beautiful in some parts on the continent. But all things considered I'm not interested in those parts of the world.

I have some school friends, one guy a white guy, who volunteered in Tanzania (100% black country) like helping the local population. He puts up pics of himself in Tanzania on his facebook, and I just find it a bit awkward. I don't dislike the guy or anything, but it's a little weird, and had it been me, I would have volunteered in Europe, Middle East, even South America before Africa. I certainly would not volunteer in Africa, and I'd prefer to volunteer in Middle East or even poorer parts of Europe.

I have another friend, an Arab guy who traveled in Kenya, Tanzania, and other parts of black Africa and on his facebook he puts up pics of himself like hugging and holding little black children. It's kind of weird. I don't get it. Like maybe he is trying to show people how he is "liberal" or "cool" for helping black kids? I dont understand this Liberal type of logic. Or maybe Im reading too much into it and he's just doing it to travel. Anyways, Africa is certainly the absolute *last* place I would volunteer or want to go.

You should ask your friend why he couldn't find any white people to help out. These negro worshippers really grind my gears.
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
Florida is overloaded with blacks / haitians and Latinos and other assorted turd nuggets.

Nothing compares to the Western U.S. with it's open vistas, beautiful landscapes and mountains. Unfortunatley the mexiscum have taken over most of it. But they're still better than blacks, and there aren't many blacks out West.

San Diego is very nice. High property values keep blacks away. LA is a crime ridden dump from what i hear but i've never been there.

You will be a minority in California in any decent size city. Tons of asians, latinos, and some ******. Whites have been fleeing the state and the brown hoardes for decades.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Besides The UK and USA I have visited Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, Portugal, Greece, Sardinia, Corsica, Ireland, Czech republic, Switzerland.
Sounds a lot - but its easier to reach a lot of places whern you live in Europe. Plus I've been around for quite a while now.

I would like to go to South Africa, Austia (Vienna), Egypt (when its safe), Iceland and Norway.