Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

lets hope with all those guy on the track JW sets a PR.
I see Rock is running the 400m. Lets hope he gets back into form this year.
20.30 - a good time.
He looked pretty good up until the last 10 meters. He was pretty much dead even with Xavier Carter. I'm happy with his performance. Most of the guys in the race were 200m specialists. I wasn't going to be surprised if he came in last; but instead he was 4th and very close to 3rd.
Wariner finished 4th in a seasons best of 20.30! I'm impressed. He was only 3/100th of a second behind X.Carter for 3rd place.

Tyson Gay ran a 19.58 like it was a jog in the park. The times these days are unbeliveable. I'm sorry but that is his opening 200 of the year in May. I love the sport but the times are so robotic and chemically induced. If Gay is clean, then the grass is not green & the sky is not blue.

This is Wariners fastest race in a while in the deuce. It bodes well as Coach Hart will continue to help him to get his speed back and still increase his endurance. It will be tough to beat him at the World Champs. Good job Jeremy.
Is Hart trying to coach Wariner and Merritt? If he is are they training partners? They seemed to have a rivalry where neither guy was friendly towards each other. Of course the situation wasn't Lewis vs Johnson or Gohr vs Ashford.Edited by: white is right
This may be a dumb question, but is Wariner still young enough to make big progress in his races? I mean, young enough and with him being clean and all. I know for filthy runners like Johnson, running a PB at 33 is nothing at all.
Yes, sorry to be frank but it is a dumb question. Wariner is only 25, only a year older than Merritt. Martyn Rooney is young too.

I see Wariner potentially running under 20 seconds at the US trials in Eugene. I feel Merritt has hit a wall in the 400 and won't break 44 too often. Jeremy is looking better than ever.

19.58 in your first race. Come on.
Yes in theory. The 400 meters has a history of eating up and spitting out young stars. Both Quincy Watts and Steve Lewis were shot by their mid twenties. Yet other guys won medals supposedly past their peak like Roger Black.
Hey he said he had to get faster to compete....
So he magically did it...
All of sudden I believe in Santa Claus the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy...
StarWars said:
Yes, sorry to be frank but it is a dumb question. Wariner is only 25, only a year older than Merritt. Martyn Rooney is young too.

I see Wariner potentially running under 20 seconds at the US trials in Eugene. I feel Merritt has hit a wall in the 400 and won't break 44 too often. Jeremy is looking better than ever.

Merritt's only 22. Why wouldWariner continue getting faster at 25, while Merritttops out at 22? I'd think winning the gold would only make him hungrier. Wariner ran his PB 3 years after winning his gold.
Pierce, the answer to that question is quite simple. Wariner is much faster than Merritt in the 400. And he would be just as fast in the 200 if he put more meat on him. Wariner only weighs 160 lbs. He ran 20.30 this early in the season and will get in the low 20s, possibly sub 20 in one month in Eugene. Merritt is quicker but Wariner's 43.45 and 43.5 are far faster than anything Merritt has run or will ever run. I had my doubts but now that Wariner has Clyde Hart as a coach you will see just how good he is, again, again, and over again. The best 400m runner in history in the making. He has never even lost a World Championship in his career, and never lost an Olympics with Hart has his coach. The record is only a matter of time. 'Til then, a bunch of gold medals and another younger 15 minutes of fame star in Merritt will wane. Most 400 meter runners are done after a year or two. Wariner has proven that is not him, Lawshawn has not. Edited by: StarWars
You didn't really answer the question.Wariner's speed has no bearing on Merritt's potential. There's absolutely no reason whatsoever to assume he's done at 22, and/or that he won't get any faster.These arestarting to sound like thatsame presumptive declarations the board was making last summer about Wariner's winning his second 400m gold being a forgone conclusion. Remember, Merritt has Hart too, and the SB's for both '08 and '09 year-to-date.

Also, Wariner ran a 20.19 in May of 2006, and a 20.37 in March of 2008. Those were his SB's those years. He didn't match them the rest of the year.There's really no reason to believe he's gonna reverse the trend byoutrunning his early times, and obliterating his PB by going sub-20this year other than us simply wanting him to.
I think Meritt can improve but his best is 43.7, Wariner has a 43.47 pb that's a quarter second faster. Wariner has proven he can get down to that Meritt still hasn't.
I'm not sure if you saw the race today but he ran 20.30 in a race he doesn't train for and almost beat Xavier Carter losing by .02 seconds. Merritt is much faster than him in the 100/200 but Wariner could be if he put on the muscle too.

I agree the sub 20 is unlikely but possible, whereas with Merritt is is very probable. But I still think he has the potential to get it. It depends whetheer Hart works on his first 200 enough by Eugene.

Merritt is only a high 43 with Hart, while Wariner is a mid to low 43 with him. It is a fact that most 400 runners like Neville, Rock, and others usually do well for two years or so before fading away. Wariner has proven over the last five years that he is the 400m runner to beat. He has never even lost a world championship, has a better 400m PB than Merritt, and is much better with Hart. In short, Hart taps the potential that Wariner has while he has probably maxed out Merritt. Did you see Merritt run the 400 today? Despite the fast 200, he is digressing. Maybe he should trim down like Jeremy.
The USA Track Champs are this weekend. Any thoughts on how Jeremy will do in the 200 meters? Can he set a new p.b. possibly? I sure hope so. He has an automtic bid to Berlin in the 400 so he will only be running in the 200 this weekend. How close to 20 seconds can he get? I would be happy if he ran a 20.10! Good luck to Jeremy.
I think he will run in the low 20.1s. Any other sprinter did that and i'd be ecstatic but this is the best, most talented sprinter in history.
I'll say 20.11 in the final.
Yipes! - Wariner did not look good at all in the semis.
He came in last in 20.83. That's worrisome.
I noticed another white guy in his semi that I had never heard of before - Brandon Byram. He came in 6th in 20.66.
well, it looks to me like he just gave up and jogged in the last 15-20m. I really hope he has got his sh*t back together this year.
He is obviously being trained by Hart to have a better internal clock an for his last 100 of his 400. He almost always jogs the end of his 200 because he is not comfortable going full speed instead of 95 percent.
He had a lousy race and he gave up at the end because he knew he ran a lousy race.
Wariner is a top athlete - we don't need to patronize him with these kind of lame excuses.
Great point jacknyc. Wariner is a champion and not even a decade of bad races can take anything from that let alone just a few. He no doubt has the mind of a warrior and will certainly be back.
Personally, I expect more from him. It is rare to see him just show up and not bring it. He lives to compete. He will bounce back but it was hard to watch that yesterday. I'm sure no one is as hard on himself as Wariner is. He has to look in the mirrow. I would not want to be in his next 400 race. He is going to take out his frustation on the opposing sprinters.
Wariner ran a 45.74 in Italy today.
That's the slowest time I can ever remember him running. I hope it's due to illness or a minor injury. I hate to think that JW's career might be fading. I really really hope he can get it together in a month's time.
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