Wariner is a moron for firing his coach!.



I hope he enjoys the few thousand dollars he saved. Edited by: white lightning
It's been a disaster for white runners at this Olympics period. No white runners in the 800 final, this. Barely any in the 1500.......
^^^ Let's not forget though, that despite the relative dearth of white runners in the 1500 meter final, at least a white runner came away with the bronze, which is credible.

Big disappointment in the 800 meter final comes because Borzakovsky, the defending champion, won't be in the final despite finishing high in his heat. That's just the way it goes. He's also 28-29, which, while definitely a very young man, is not so young when one considers that he has been running (basically slamming his body around and punishing it) at an elite level going on a decade now.

Finally, as for Jeremy Wariner, I don't really like a lot of his personal attitude and demeanor, but on the business side of things he has done more to erode negative stereotypes about white athletes over the last four years than most others I can think of.

He has medaled in TWO Olympics, which is an incredible achievement, and one not many people have accomplished. People are disappointed that he didn't win gold (a lot of us feel he was supposed to), of course, but he won a silver which again is very credible. A white man medaled in the 400 meter sprint! That's a good thing.

This Olympics has seen more than its fair share of disappointments and if we take off the "I'm a white man" glasses for a minute we can see that a lot of athletes, (white and non-white) have faltered this year, depending on what you mean by falter, which in this case I take means "didn't get the gold." Tyson Gay comes to mind, as does Lopes Lamong. Craig Mottram, perhaps our best hope in the 5000, didn't final, so our hopes our down to three white guys and one Hispanic in a field of about 14-15. Still, a chance -- it's why they're competing. Let's also rejoice in Phelps' glory.

It takes a real man to maintain top form in the short sprint for four years. Remember also that in 2012 he will still be young enough to give it another go. Also, the world championships are coming up. Jeremy Wariner is coming into his prime years as a 400 runner. I wish he will continue as he is, and keep on winning.

The sad thing about all this 400 meter hoopla is that people will remember chiefly that Wariner didn't get the gold, and will forget all the other people he has defeated to get his silver. Wariner won gold in one Olympics; you'd think that would be enough to satisfy people, but now he's gone and won another medal in a different Olympics.

In the end, when I compare my own achievements to Jeremy's in terms of defeating the caste system, he's done leagues more than I have or ever will, so I would be careful to call him a moron. Maybe we disagree with his coaching decisions, but it's his life and he should do as he sees fit. Can you imagine if Jeremy Wariner started criticizing you about your life decisions, because he thinks what you do isn't in the best interests of the white race?

Yeah, exactly.

Edited by: GiovaniMarcon
yes, Richards who is still coached by hardt was the favorite and lost. plus all the other favorits thats didn't make it. what can you do. the thing that kills me about JW is that eventhough merritt ran a great race, his lost because he didn't run his best. almost a full secound behind, what a let down.
A Olympic silver medal is quite an accomplishment, but JW was a disappointment. I vividly remember him beating Merritt easily with a 43.45--it doesn't seem long ago. And, a 44.70 is not that great of a time. I wonder what went wrong.
That's because it was only 1 year ago! He got over a second slower in just 1 year!

Of course, in his sheer stupidity, Wariner seems to not even realize that saving a few bucks today by firing coach Hart will cost him literally millions in the future.

Maybe he is part black. What a total and utter idiot.

"Der, I ran this same exact race in tha 04 'lympics and even den I went 44.0 I wondur what went wrong dog?"

4 years of training to go slower. F'ing moron.
Some of us sure like to devour our young as evidenced by the harshness of the title of this thread. He lost, it sucks but he is not a moron.
God, leave him alone.

You act like the caste-washed white baffoons watching the olympics are actually going to change their minds about "black affletic superiority" after seeing Wariner win a second 400 gold. If only it were that easy.

For instance, I work with a white "man" who actually wants to see the USA basketball team destroy the international competition. I guess it fills him with all-american pride to root for players who got away with rape (Kobe) and the remaining wanna-be thugs that fill the roster.

The only way to change these turds is to start over. Their infant brains are mush.
Nevada you made an interesting statement. I like Wariner but his speech,mannerisms and skin tone (not necesarily degree of darkness) seem a little suspicious I must admit. Could there be a proverbial negro in the wood pile? I hope not.

Too bad Pickering missed the finals because of the dq.Edited by: Sean Carlisle
Wariner's race was mentioned by the corporate media after he won the gold in '04. Sports Illustrated did a long article on him, mentioning the black girl he had dated, his close relationship with Michael Johnson, his lack of interest in being white, etc. None wrote thatWariner is anything but white, which they would be eager to do if he wasn't.
So he's a wigger?As long as he is genetically white I will support him athletically regardless of his views. Same with the Boz, everyone was so happy when Bo Jackson ran him over because he was a jerk. I liked Bosworth because he was white regardless ofhow he acted so I was not happy but most whites were.
I just watched the race on TV and JW ran out of gas. He was even with Merritt at the start of the home stretch and it was almost like he quit. I'm agreeing with Nevada that it seems his coaching change may have something to do with his performance. Maybe he got lazy, but whatever the reason, he was not ready for the rounds of running in the Olympics.
Thrashen said:
You act like the caste-washed white baffoons watching the olympics are actually going to change their minds about "black affletic superiority" after seeing Wariner win a second 400 gold.

If Wariner had broken the world record, that's exactly what it would have done. What would they do in arguments if that had happened? They would be wrong, every time. They would simply have to shut the F up.

White athletes lost a lot today. All stereotypes were reinforced. A chance for a white runner to break a world record in sprinting was flushed down the toilet for a few thousands dollars.

Most importantly, a chance to encourage white american youths to sprint was lost. Instead of seeing a great example and thinking "I can do this too!", sprinting remains something that they cannot do, should not attempt, and should leave to the blacks.

I swear some people don't understand what was at stake here. Guys like white lightning, he got killed today. He's gonna be spending years getting trolled and not having much ammunition to fight back with.Edited by: nevada
Let`s see...

We have no other white guys getting medals in track and field in any event 100m through 400m. As a matter of fact, white finalists in any of the disciplines are few and far between.

We get ONLY a silver medal from the great white champion, Jeremy Wariner, and we have morons like Nevada here tearing Jeremy apart like he is a complete failure. We even have some questioning Jeremy`s ethnicity simply because he doesn`t act a certain way they want and/or because he didn`t give the ultimate boost to their sagging egos with a gold medal.

Jeremy Wariner is a two-time World Champion, and will very probably pick up his third overall Olympic gold medal in the 4X400 relay soon.

I`m disappointed Jeremy didn`t win the gold medal, but I am also very proud of his career so far, especially in light of the fact that we have no one else to really cheer on.

Congratulations on your Olympic silver medal, Jeremy Wariner!
nevada wrote:

"Most importantly, a chance to encourage white american youths to sprint was lost. Instead of seeing a great example and thinking "I can do this too!", sprinting remains something that they cannot do, should not attempt, and should leave to the blacks."

Absolute nonsense. White kids have been seeing Jeremy Wariner`s awesome performances for years now, and have been motivated by him that they CAN run.

The advantages of the technology we are using now that allows us to communicate has enabled Jeremy`s athletic prowess to get out to kids everywhere-instead of just a few times here and there on TV.

White kids know it is possible for them to succeed in the 400m. To state otherwise flies in the face of the facts for several years now.

We should be proud of Jeremy Wariner. I am.
I agree. It's disappointing he didn't win the gold but for four years now he's been a dominating 400 runner who has shattered the stereotypes about whites and speed. If someone would have predicted the imminent emergence ofa white American runnerlike him in 2003, most here likely wouldn't have believed it. He's done a tremendous amount of good despite what appears to be lapses in judgment regarding his coaching.

BTW, to callWariner a "moron" shows yet another example of an embarrassinglack of common sense and proportion by the OP.
I am shocked though about how bad Wariner ran. He didn't even get close to breaking 44 this race, let alone all his talk about maybe breaking 43.18 this Olympics. Wariner ran a 44.75 or something a full second off the lead. Many years that wouldn't even medal. That is pathetic for a runner, who has ran at his level for so many years.

I respect his achievements and talent, but to say he underperformed is a huge understatement. I think Nevada is being a little hard on him, but I am hugely disappointed and understand his frustrations. Wariner dumped his coach when all was going great and he was best in the world. Now this race made him look like barley "a long second" (literally) in the world.
I haven't seen the race yet so maybe I'm being too easy on Wariner, but I'm also looking at his cumulative accomplishments over the past four years. He's been the best white American sprinter since the 1960s.
That's very true. Lots of black American track stars failed at these Olympics too. Maybe Wariner will actually use this to motivate him like he's never been motivated before. He should come back to coach Hart. IDK maybe three and 3/4 years from now Wariner will be getting ready for the London Olympics already with a world record firmly on his shoulders in the 400 meter. Wariner will have to improve his 200 speed first though to break the record I'm afraid. At this point the WR is the last thing people are thinking about when they think of Wariner, but I know Wariner is still thinking about it.

I think getting a WR at the Olympics in an event like the 400 meter is really hard with all the pressure. It's an event where if you run it wrong you can run out of gas trying to go for the WR and run a really bad time. It would be better to get it at another venue. Maybe Wariner felt the pressure at the start from the previous false start of the field and then came out way too hard vying for the record.
I honestly think part of this bad race had to do with Wariner coming out of the blocks like a speed demon looking for the WR. He seemed to completely run out of gas. I have never seen Wariner run that bad a time at a big event like this. And Don like you said he is the best white American sprinter since the 1960s, so I think he will be back.
It's awfully easy for us to sit in our chairs in front of our computers, comfortable, maybe with a cup of coffee or a soda next to us, hearing our wives cook dinner on the stove in the kitchen, to criticize a young man who is representing the nation in Beijing and managed to grab a second individual sprinting medal in as many Olympics.

Moron? Failure? There's that old saying about cleaning up your backyard.
I am at a loss for words. I'm shocked, and probably even more so than Jeremy himself. He ran out of gas plain and simple. Wariner had nothing left in the tank. He almost ended up with a bronze or even 4th place the way the field was gaining on him. No excuses. He got beat. It's partly his fault and also a statement of Merritt continuing to improve. Congrats to Lashawn Merritt. I'm bummed but it is what it is.

I will say this. Wariner needs to lose like a man. Being a white man usually brings with it acting with class. Merritt showed more class than Wariner today. Jeremy showed some immaturity and that is part of the reason he left his coach and also lost today in my opinion. He will learn from this. Wariner will mature and hopefully come back strong. One last thing. Wariner needs to stop talking about the world record and get back to just winning consistantly like he used to. He is just putting too much pressure on himself. Just get out there, run and have fun. Congrats to Wariner still as a silver medal is still one hell of an acomplishment.
Only Nevada could creat a thread with this title. Just saw the race, Man, JW looked like he gave up on the last 10 to 8 meters. He almost lost the Silver by not finishing strong but rather coast home, becuase he felt bad. He surely does have maturity issues. Here is tip get rid of the dual diamond earrings and take some English speaking courses. Focus more on running, and rehire your prior coach. Good Grief!
nevada said:
White athletes lost a lot today. All stereotypes were reinforced. A chance for a white runner to break a world record in sprinting was flushed down the toilet for a few thousands dollars.

Most importantly, a chance to encourage white american youths to sprint was lost. Instead of seeing a great example and thinking "I can do this too!", sprinting remains something that they cannot do, should not attempt, and should leave to the blacks.

White athletes did not lose anything today, just that nothing positive was gained. It seems like a gamble whenever a white athlete takes on a black athlete. When it's white vs. black in boxing, MMA, track and field, mostly white team vs. mostly black team, etc. The questions run through the mind, what happens if they lose? People feel sorry for the white guy, it reaffirms what they think about athletes, etc.

In reality, nothing is lost. I would have the white athletes out there competing, and possibly lose, than not be on the field at all. You know the disappointment when you an college football game with a nearly all black offense vs all black defense, the 100 m finals on almost any level, or many NBA games. There's nothing to cheer for or look forward to.

At least with the white athlete out there, it shows that someone has the balls to go out there and try there best in a black dominated environment, despite the risk of losing. That's what I look forward to, that possible shining moment where the white guys succeeds against daunting odds, and millions of people got to see it with their own eyes. Like Hester running in the winning TD against Florida, Wariner winning in 2004, the Russian runner winning the 800 in 04, etc.

The whole world can change in a minute. There could be something tomorrow that blows away everyone's mind, and this silver medal performance will be a distant memory. I look forward to this time, because I feel it's bound to happen.
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