Wariner is a moron for firing his coach!.

Electric Slide, great post. I feel the same. There are alot of self loathers I fear on this site. Thank God we have had boxing where whites have dominated in the last 3 years.
I belive that nevada was also talking about the 100m & 200m. those time really take white sprinting of the map. even if pickering runs a 9.9 he is still more then .2 of the WR. this has been a really depressing.

wariner was the poster child of this site. WHat happened??...lol.. He's not even on the front page no more

All i can say is, DONT criticize those that attempt to pave the way for future white generations. Instead of accusing him of being part black, or a moron, because he got silver (for f**k sakes) at the olympics, you should celebrate the fact that this is his second individual medal in an event that was predominated by blacks for so many years.By celebrating such an achievement, you are not only informing so many white kids out there that they can do it, but that its OK to lose, especially in track and field, as long as they keep doing it and NEVER stop, the hope of there ever being a team of competent white sprinters will also never stop. HOWEVER.......if you keep criticizing their heros for being second, then TRUST ME, more of them will be stop...
remember that by criticizing their role models, you are also, to an extent, critisizing them.
Thank you for the pedagogy, J_McBride. Relish in it now, because things can change. American boxing was a disater at this Olympics.
Alpha Male said:
Thank you for the pedagogy, J_McBride.Relish in it now, because things can change.  American boxing was a disater at this Olympics. 
I must be very naive because I thought McBride's two posts here are very good. Newbie am I.
He's a troll. He'shere to antagonize, tease, and cause dissension. Read some of his posts in other track and field sections. Edited by: Alpha Male
I don't think Wariner is a moron, but you have to question his judgement in firing his coach because he wouldn't take reduced money. Wariner is not doing nearly as well as last year. Interestingly, the former coach had Merritt attaining a personal best time at the Olympics. Wariner needs to do a little begging in my opinion to get his former coach back. If he doesn't, I think he will continue to slide downward.
I have a quick question for you guys:

Other than Jeremy Wariner, Andrew Rock, and Kevin Little(200m a decade ago), has there been even 1 other white American world-class runner in sprints/hurdles 100-400 meters since 1970?

I can`t think of anyone.

Here`s hoping that Jeremy`s successes have opened the minds of enough white kids in recent years to try more running so that after Jeremy is gone we will have at least 1 or 2 world-class white American runners in the sprints.
I think there is too much emphasis on winning. Competing is good enough. Only one person wins (gold) but that doesn't mean finishing second or third is losing. I admire the top guys, a lot of things can happen in a contest and I'm amazed when a guy like Phelps can actually win every time.

When I was a kid and someone would challange you to a race or a fight or something and you knew the kid couldn't beat you a common comment was "you couldn't beat me on your best day". It was an acknowledgement that people have good days and bad days, that the human body functions in rythyms with peaks and valleys.

Sometimes you are a world beater and other times you can't get it done. That's what happened to Jeremy, he just didn't have a good day. Too bad it was on one of the biggest days of his life but that's how it goes.
white lightning said:
Wariner needs to stop talking about the world record and get back to just winning consistantly like he used to. He is just putting too much pressure on himself. Just get out there, run and have fun.

I agree. I read that one reason he switched over to Michael Ford is because he wanted to do more sprint work, whereas Hart's training is very endurance-focused. Wariner wanted to run the 200, but Hart wanted him to focus exclusively on the 400. Could it be a coincidence that he ran out of gas, but Merritt, now trained by Hart, didn't? Hmm.

I think Wariner had this notion to break both of Johnson's records. Well, now that Bolt owns the 200 record, perhaps Wariner will forget about that and just focus on being the best in the 400. His personal best would've beaten Merritt.
what's with him?
he convincingly beats Merrit in his season best 43.82, nearly a whole
second up on last week.

Sally continued her ever say die attitude with a close loss to Lolo Jones
and pipped by the Spaniard by .01
Jones 12.56, Onyla 12.62, McLellan 12.63,
Zürich (SUI) - Friday, Aug 29
1 Jeremy Wariner USA 43.82 20
2 LaShawn Merritt USA 44.43 16
3 Chris Brown BAH 45.05 14
4 Johan Wissman SWE 45.47 12
5 Kamghe Gaba GER 45.70 10
6 Anton Kokorin RUS 46.03 8
7 Cedric van Branteghem BEL 46.21 6
8 David Neville USA 46.41 4
I wonder if he got drugged or was just not feeling good at the olympics. It just doesn't make any sense. Wariner had never lost a race that bad to anyone at least since high school if even then. He is just too good to run that slow. Something is fishy and it reminds me of the fight where Wlad got drugged and just had no energy. He was dominating the fight and then just was almost immediatley exhausted. There might be more to this story than we know.

I noticed that nevada's post and this thread title were edited by white lightning.

What's the reason for that? Were any of his comments in violation of the forum rules?

Just curious.

I'd rather a post be deleted than have someone else edit it and leave the original poster's name untouched. The 'edited by' line is kinda small print.

Just my .02
Yes, my bad but I just couldn't stand to see Wariner is a moron forever on this thread. I apologize but look how much he has accomplished. He is a big of a role model as any other white athlete in the world. I just can only imgaine if he came here and saw that everyone here isagainst him or at least alot of us. I think his decision was dumb and moronic but to call a man a loser,moron, etc. is going to far. You guys can let me know if you think I was wrong. It can always be changed back. Remember guys, alot of famous athletes do google searches and come here. Let's try to make sure they know that they are supported. Just my two cents.

Edited by: white lightning
I don't mind the editing so much white lightning just that it should be more noticeable to the reader that it was edited. I have been posting a long time and don't remember ever noticing that someone edited someone else's post. Maybe adding a note in regular size font that the moderator edited the post for vulgarity, racial slurs, or whatever would help?

nevada's posts do get on my nerves sometimes too, and I can sympathize with your desire to edit them.
Reality: If Wariner found this site and I'd bet he knows of it, he would not like it. Its not his style. To each his own. He is a great sprinter and let's hope he can win the gold next time if not thenext two times.
I don't think Wariner was drugged, although the possibility is not 100% "out there". I think he ran to get the world record instead of win the race and with not enough endurance/ endurance training he ran out of gas.

He would need the perfect race to get the record and I think that it would be much less pressure to do it on a smaller stage than the Olympics. A lot of the 400 meter can be mental. It's too bad for Wariner and I hope he comes back to dominate...but congrats to Merritt for winning with class.
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