War on Christmas


Dec 15, 2005
The ongoing attack on Christmas has heatened.
Christmas trees, Christmas cookies, Christmas dinner... you gotta say
holiday. Christmas delenda est.

Families coming together, soldiers making truces,
kids getting good gifts that didn't break. Some of these things
are gone, others disappearing.

Christmas shall not be destroyed by Hanukah,
Ramadan, or Kwanza. The Jews have assimilated
predominantly, many even put up trees. The Muslims don't have
anything against Christmas
really. They just do not understand secularism(they come here and
are curious about biblical basis for all the traditions.) The
radical blacks flat out scare whites, and whites
won't submit to them.

It shall be displaced by X-mas. People are all
buying gifts that won't work by the billions. The gifts
strengthen an ever weakening retail economy for a little while(you'll
see, it won't be strong for long). It'll strengthen China's
anti-American, slave based economy for some time.

Edited by: Freedom
You can't say Merry Christmas anymore in public
schools. That's racist, anti-semetic, and evidently

Who is Christmas offending? The remaining
religious Jews, Hindus, and Muslims that dislike Christianity go to
their own schools. A strange category of people is the
root!!! Not atheists in a certain sense of the word, but people
that believe only in materialism. People without a belief in a
higher moral code.

Fatalists cause problems!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Edited by: Freedom


</font></font>Edited by: GWTJ
It might be a good thing they attack something 80%(or more) of the population loves.

By the way, Merry "belated" Christmas!!
Has anyone else noticed that the word "Christmas" is more prominent this year that in years past? This appears most noticably in Wal-Mart advertisements, with the tagline "Christmas costs less at Wal-Mart."

Best Buy as had an ad that mentioned Christmas, but their latest ad even more pominently promotes Hannakuh.

It seems like bars and restaurants are willing to put up legitmate Christmas decorations, play music that mentions Christmas, etc.

This doesn't mean that there aren't tons of things that mention "Holiday(s)," with Christmas being the implied holiday.

What does everyone else think of this? Its reassuring to me when Christmas is publicly mentioned and not just "holidays," but I know that others don't care much for Christmas being a widely celebrated thing in society.
Electric Slide said:
Has anyone else noticed that the word "Christmas" is more prominent this year that in years past? This appears most noticably in Wal-Mart advertisements, with the tagline "Christmas costs less at Wal-Mart."

Best Buy as had an ad that mentioned Christmas, but their latest ad even more pominently promotes Hannakuh.

It seems like bars and restaurants are willing to put up legitmate Christmas decorations, play music that mentions Christmas, etc.

This doesn't mean that there aren't tons of things that mention "Holiday(s)," with Christmas being the implied holiday.

What does everyone else think of this? Its reassuring to me when Christmas is publicly mentioned and not just "holidays," but I know that others don't care much for Christmas being a widely celebrated thing in society.

ES, I have indeed noticed that. On the surface, I'm happily surprised. However, I never fully trust things trotted out by Globalist Elite controlled Madison Avenue. This may be a subtle appeasement tactic before YObuma unleashes his full-scale cultural Marxism agenda. I'm always wary of anything controlled by the "power$ that be".
Christmas upsets old Jewess.

[url]http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2008/12/14/opinion/l etters/20-golden.txt[/url]

Golden Pen Award: Jewish holiday deserves recognition

I am sick and tired of being shunned by the corporate media and the corporate giants of today's world.

I am a Jewish 70-year-young mother and grandmother. I live in Montana and have had the worst cultural shock of my life. Here in the largest city of Montana, the holidays, especially Christmas, are primarily for the Christians.

Even though this year the holiday, my holiday of Hanukkah, falls during Christmas, I am sad to say, there are no stores that display Jewish decorations and carry the necessary wrapping paper, candles and cards.

I have wandered around from store to store looking for Hanukkah wrapping paper, finding a limited supply at Target. What happened to the other major giants?

Half the people here, in this the largest city in Montana, don't even know what a Jewish person is or what is the meaning behind Hanukkah. But they sure do know about Jesus and Christmas. In a city where once upon a time the people came together to prevent "Not in Our Town," everyone has forgotten the meaning and message of these holidays.

Writing this to you, at least for me, makes me make you aware of what is going on. This insanity of not respecting others must stop. This is what causes wars and hate crimes. Remember "Not in Our Town" and give the respect to all religions.

Barbara Grossman
Bart said:
Christmas upsets old Jewess.  

[url]http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2008/12/14/opinion/l etters/20-golden.txt[/url]

Golden Pen Award: Jewish holiday deserves recognition

I am sick and tired of being shunned by the corporate media and the corporate giants of today's world.I am a Jewish 70-year-young mother and grandmother. I live in Montana and have had the worst cultural shock of my life. Here in the largest city of Montana, the holidays, especially Christmas, are primarily for the Christians.Even though this year the holiday, my holiday of Hanukkah, falls during Christmas, I am sad to say, there are no stores that display Jewish decorations and carry the necessary wrapping paper, candles and cards.I have wandered around from store to store looking for Hanukkah wrapping paper, finding a limited supply at Target. What happened to the other major giants?Half the people here, in this the largest city in Montana, don't even know what a Jewish person is or what is the meaning behind Hanukkah. But they sure do know about Jesus and Christmas. In a city where once upon a time the people came together to prevent "Not in Our Town," everyone has forgotten the meaning and message of these holidays.Writing this to you, at least for me, makes me make you aware of what is going on. This insanity of not respecting others must stop. This is what causes wars and hate crimes. Remember "Not in Our Town" and give the respect to all religions.Barbara Grossman

Ah yes, cue the violins. Show the clips of the poor Schlomos in their gold stars in the '30s and '40s. Force all Montana residents to attend "religious tolerance" seminars and warn them about that great evil known as "anti-Semitism". Pay them plane fare to attend a Holocaust (TM) museum of their choice. Typical whiny Jew throwing her toxic chutzpah around.
Has anyone noticed the fact that in CVS drugstores, there are no christmas cards with religious themes (you know, like the birth of Christ, the three wise men, etc)?

this cannot be explained as a financial move, since America is still what 75% percent Christian?
Solomon Kane said:
Has anyone noticed the fact that in CVS drugstores, there are no christmas cards with religious themes (you know, like the birth of Christ, the three wise men, etc)?

this cannot be explained as a financial move, since America is still what 75% percent Christian?

I read once that CVS also has or is giving money to Planned Parenthood.
Google's homepage has what appears to be an old man - maybe Jewish- carving ornaments. One ornament appears to be the Star of David.
All proof of the NWO's influence/control on Madison Avenue.
Kind of ironic that Jews putting up Christmas trees can be seen as a symbol of assimilation when the Christmas tree itself is of pagan origin. Anyone ever stop and wonder what an evergreen tree decorated with gold and silver and lights has to do with the birth of Jesus?
"Half the people here, in this the largest city in Montana, don't even know what a Jewish person is or what is the meaning behind Hanukkah."

When these "intolerant and ignorant" people do figure out out what jewish people are, I'm sure they'll appreciate living in Montana a little bit more.
Freedom said:
     You can't say Merry Christmas anymore in public
schools.  That's racist, anti-semetic, and evidently
Who is Christmas offending?  The remaining
religious Jews, Hindus, and Muslims that dislike Christianity go to
their own schools.  A strange category of people is the
root!!!  Not atheists in a certain sense of the word, but people
that believe only in materialism.  People without a belief in a
higher moral code.
Fatalists cause problems!!!
Merry Christmas to all!!!
I remember when the PC crowd started running amok in my school board. The annual Christmas play/songs became the Holiday play. Jewish groups and Muslims had characters and songs introduced. We still didn't celebrate Kwanza though. Thank god for small miracles....
Speaking of the PC crowd here is story about what we have been discussing....Florida woman claims 'Merry Christmas' greeting got her fired

Module body

Tue Dec 23, 9:58 PM

By Melissa Nelson, The Associated Press

PENSACOLA, Fla. - A Florida woman claims a vacation rental company fired her because she used "'Merry Christmas" to greet callers.

Thirty-five-year-old Tonia Thomas says she lost her job after failing to use the company-mandated greeting of "Happy Holidays."

The Panama City woman and self-described strong Christian has filed a federal complaint that accuses the company of religious discrimination.

She has since found another job since her Dec. 10th firing, but for less money and is seeking compensation for lost wages.

Her former employer, Counts-Oakes Resorts Properties Inc., says it's no Scrooge.

It describes the woman as just a disgruntled employee, but refuses to elaborate.

Liberty Counsel, an Orlando-based legal group that advocates for people discriminated against because of their religion, is representing Thomas before the federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.

Their complaint also accuses the company of harassing and taunting Thomas after she was fired by calling the police to watch her pack her belongs and leave.

Thomas could have hard time winning the case, said Thomas Harper, a Jacksonville-based labour lawyer who writes a newsletter on Florida employment law.

"I wouldn't think an employee has the right to insist (on saying Merry Christmas) unless that really is a tenet of their faith.

She would have to make a strong case that was part of her beliefs, if not, it becomes insubordination," he said.

Harper said when it comes to holiday greetings, the smartest choice might be ignoring the season.

"The best option is just not to say anything," he said........Do you think if she said Happy Kwanza(Bank Robbers day) she would have been fired?
An article entitled " Dr. David Duke Special Christmas Radio Podcast !"

A friend sent me an article about the Freedom From Religion Foundation, one of the many groups dedicated to abolishing Christmas. They want to destroy any sort of Christmas tradition in America that includes any Christian symbols such as crosses or Nativity scenes on public ground, any singing of traditional Christmas carols in schools or civic buildings or public places, and they even want to stop the public usage of the name Christmas because it has the word Christ in it, and that offends a certain minority. You are probably aware of the fact that your child in public school is not allowed to celebrate Christmas, or have Christmas vacation any more, it’s now Winter Break or Winter Holidays.

The war on Christmas has intensified.

One of the things they're doing now is refusing to even say the word Christmas.
I heard a “Dunkin Donuts” commercial on the radio the other day that really took the cake in terms of circumventing the term “Christmas” at all costs. In the ad, some effete gentleman was reciting a mind-numbingly-boring tale about an office “holiday” party where they all ate “holiday cookies” and sang “holiday carols.” In all my years of studying the flesh-eating virus that is modern media/entertainment, I’ve never once heard the term “holiday carol” being used. Perhaps they didn’t want to exclude Adam Sandler’s stupendously-unfunny, wildly-overplayed “Hanukkah Song?”

As usual, there are many levels of irony/hypocrisy at work here. Here we have a globalist, Marxist, socialist, progressive, multiculturalist, Cultural Communist mega-corporation that seeks to rake in millions of capitalist dollars this...holiday season...through the exploitation of the middle class through the sale of overpriced sustenance and paying their employees minimum wage and offering no benefits. As they walk this tightrope of hypocrisy, they’re also too spineless to even mention the NAME of the “holiday” celebrated by the type of customer (white Christians) who created all of their wealth and success in the restaurant business over many decades. Only in the totalitarian USSA could such phoniness go unnoticed and unchallenged…


CAPTION: What Flavor are These Non-Denominational Donuts...Snowflake?
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And to think that The-Carlyle-Group-owned-Dunkin'-Donuts is now considered the "Conservative" alternative to Starbuck's after Starbuck's even got rid of their "Holiday" cup, deeming it too offensive, and now are going with just a plain red cup (very fitting for the Satanists they are). I shouldn't be too surprised though, considering the Bushies (and probably some wealthy Saudi's) are major shareholders in TCG.

Anyway, here's another example I just came across today:

Ole Miss Renames Christmas Event Because It 'Connoted Too Much Christianity'

In an effort to create a more inclusive environment, the University of Mississippi renamed its annual campus event "A Grand Ole Christmas" to "Hotty Toddy Holiday."

For more than six years, the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) has celebrated the start of the Christmas season with a festive event called "A Grand Ole Christmas." This year, however, the event was renamed "Hotty Toddy Holiday" in an effort to be more inclusive.

"We really wanted to change the atmosphere from last year and that would explain the name change," Kayp Maye, co-director of special events for the Student Activities Association (SAA), told News Watch 99. "‘Grand Ole Christmas’ connoted too much Christianity on campus and so we wanted to have a more inclusive environment for the holidays this year."

In addition to the namechange, Maye noted that the official colors of this year’s festivities were red, blue, and silver, which he described as part of an effort to "attract a more mature audience" with a Winter Wonderland, rather than Christmas, theme.

Yet in an apparent contrast to the school’s professed pursuit of a more mature audience, activities included ice-skating, pictures with Santa, and arts & crafts. The event even had a mascot—a life-sized gingerbread man named "Gingy" reminiscent of the characters that regularly patrol theme parks such as Disney World.

Utterly pathetic. That this is happening at Ole Miss, or as Colonel Reb more aptly calls them "Ole Conformists", you know we are in deep trouble.
That would be the New Miss Conformists, Heretic, aka the Newniversity of Sississippi Negro Bears. :)
That would be the New Miss Conformists, Heretic, aka the Newniversity of Sississippi Negro Bears. :)
Thanks. I realized my error shortly after my post, but when I tried to edit it, I got just a blank space in the edit box.

Anyway, here's Starbuck's 2015 red cup, sans anything to do with even "holiday" images.


Ha! At this point, what's the point? They may just as well use their normal cup.


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We don't live in a liberal city anymore but there is a Scumbucks here. I never go there. I haven't bought from a Scumbucks in many years since back when I found out they were blatantly antiChrist way back when. I go out of my way nowadays to say "Merry Christmas" and I am very Un-PC in every way I can be IF I think the situation calls for it, especially when I think a liberal is present and needs their comeuppance.

American Freedom News