War on Christmas

Christmas here in Zogistan has been virtually outlawed. No such reserve for Xhanukah, one of the most minor holidays in the year for less than 2% of the USSSA population...


Mennorah at White House

Meanwhile Christmas is celebrated very nicely in non-Christian nations, including Mohamedan nations. Google, for instance, Christmas in Beijing or Christmas in Teheran.

Happy Kwanza.
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Maybe you should find a picture that doesn't have a massive Christmas tree in it.
Maybe you should find a picture that doesn't have a massive Christmas tree in it.

It's an authentic picture. The so-called Christmas tree doesn't even look like a tree nor does it look "massive". It just looks like a green triangle. It has no religious symbols on it. It's a Hanukkah Bush.
Here in Chicago at the annual Weihnachtsmarkt (German Christmas market, modeled after the one in Nürnberg, Germany) in Daley Plaza, there is a small nativity scene near the entrance -- and an absolutely massive menorah towering over it/the entire market. It's so obvious they're trying to rub Germany's face in the mud for something which allegedly happened(?) over 70 years ago.
We don't live in a liberal city anymore but there is a Scumbucks here. I never go there. I haven't bought from a Scumbucks in many years since back when I found out they were blatantly antiChrist way back when. I go out of my way nowadays to say "Merry Christmas" and I am very Un-PC in every way I can be IF I think the situation calls for it, especially when I think a liberal is present and needs their comeuppance.


Merry Christmas BeyondFedUp!

Our pastor this past Sunday said he wanted everyone to be as Un-PC as possible and never say happy holidays, but say MERRY CHRISTMAS all the time.

Jesus is the reason for the season!! Not Allah, Buddha, etc. name your God or Gods. Only Jesus Christ can save you!

"I am the way the truth and the life! No man comes to the father except through me." John, 14:6.

You're going to eternity in heaven through Jesus, or not at all!
Merry Christmas BeyondFedUp!

Our pastor this past Sunday said he wanted everyone to be as Un-PC as possible and never say happy holidays, but say MERRY CHRISTMAS all the time.

Jesus is the reason for the season!! Not Allah, Buddha, etc. name your God or Gods. Only Jesus Christ can save you!

"I am the way the truth and the life! No man comes to the father except through me." John, 14:6.

You're going to eternity in heaven through Jesus, or not at all!

Thanks Carolina Speed!
Amen to everything you said... Good word, True Word! The reason for the season:amen:!
I looked at all the TV channels and see not a single Christmas show on this evening. Out of decades of Christmas programs the TV stations will not show a single one the weekend before Christmas.

There's only one show that takes place around Christmas and that's an anti-Christmas show about a robbery gone bad where the robbers take hostages on Christmas Eve. It clearly seeks to associate Christmas with something negative.

I only get free TV so I don't know what's on cable.
I was in a restaurant Friday evening and the restaurant had a radio channel on that played only Christmas music. I listened to see if they played any songs with a religious theme in it. They didn't. It was all about Santa Claus, snow and holly, nothing about the central theme of Christmas.

Christmas carols are among the most beautiful music in the world. They are being phased out as part of the ongoing war on Christmas.
I was in a restaurant Friday evening and the restaurant had a radio channel on that played only Christmas music. I listened to see if they played any songs with a religious theme in it. They didn't. It was all about Santa Claus, snow and holly, nothing about the central theme of Christmas.

Christmas carols are among the most beautiful music in the world. They are being phased out as part of the ongoing war on Christmas.
According to Donald Trump, we're going to be saying Merry Christmas again instead of happy holidays. One of the many things I like about him!
They are being phased out as part of the ongoing war on Christmas.

I see two things pulling on the strength of Christmas, from opposite ends.
On one side, u got cultural-Marxists trying to erode Christmas, because they resent it's (perceived) cultural chauvinism. They feel Christmas shouldn't tower over other, different religious holidays in the West anymore. And opposite end, u got marketing interests trying to stretch out the season. Stores setting up Christmas merchandise at the beginning of November. Which I feel dilutes the concentrated strength of the former holiday season.
I see two things pulling on the strength of Christmas, from opposite ends.
On one side, u got cultural-Marxists trying to erode Christmas, because they resent it's (perceived) cultural chauvinism. They feel Christmas shouldn't tower over other, different religious holidays in the West anymore. And opposite end, u got marketing interests trying to stretch out the season. Stores setting up Christmas merchandise at the beginning of November. Which I feel dilutes the concentrated strength of the former holiday season.

As usual, at both ends of that spectrum you speak of are power-mad crazed Jews. The Cultural Marxist demonic dirtbags that hate Christ and Christians on the one end that want to rid American culture of CHRISTmas since their mindset is (as Christ Himself prophesied) "we will not have this Man rule over us", and on the merchandising end are the hypocritical Jews that have Christmas music playing non-stop in their well-known million dollar department stores and greedily thumbing through all the goyims' dollars flowing through there this time of year, every year. There is nothing comparable to the Jew...
I’ve noticed pathetic layer to the “War on Christmas.” Whenever a charity (Toys for Tots, Make-A-Wish, Salvation Army, United Way, etc.) is begging people for donations to be distributed to the so-called “less fortunate,” they always make sure to prominently mention the word “Christmas” in their advertisements and fliers. For instance, I see the Christmas-themed flier below every year from the ultra-über-super-mega-hyper-Marxist “United Way”…


So when they want money from white Christians, they temporarily suspend their PC/Inclusiveness/Diversity modus operandi, and the C-word can be articulated . No Hanukkah, no Kwanzaa, no worrying about the feelings of Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists or atheists. After the funds are collected and the wealth re-distributed, January 1st arrives and these corporate charities get right back to being Cultural Communist vermin until next Christmas rolls around.

Of course, another ironic twist is that Christmas never had anything to do with Jesus Christ. It was the European Pagan holiday of “Yule” (Winter Solstice) which, through hundreds of years of violence, war, mass murder, intimidation, threats, torture, and the sheer power of the Roman sword, our Yule eventually became Jesus’ birthday. Many of the symbols, customs, and traditions that pagans utilized during Yule (mistletoe, holly, wreaths, evergreen trees, feasts, parties, singing songs, cards, candle lighting, gift exchange, cakes, Santa Clause, etc) are now used in Christian church ceremonies and in Christian homes throughout the western world.

That's precisely the reason that Jehovah Witness won’t celebrate Christmas (nor Easter, another hijacked pagan holiday laden with symbolism developed by our ancestors), because they understand the true meaning of the date, the symbolism, the traditions, and time of year. In the bible book, Jeremiah, our customs are mentioned (and admonished)…

Jeremiah 10:2-4

2 This is what the Lord says: Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them.

3 For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.

4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.
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I’ve noticed pathetic layer to the “War on Christmas.” Whenever a charity (Toys for Tots, Make-A-Wish, Salvation Army, United Way, etc.) is begging people for donations to be distributed to the so-called “less fortunate,” they always make sure to prominently mention the word “Christmas” in their advertisements and fliers. For instance, I see the Christmas-themed flier below every year from the ultra-über-super-mega-hyper-Marxist “United Way”…


So when they want money from white Christians, they temporarily suspend their PC/Inclusiveness/Diversity modus operandi, and the C-word can be articulated . No Hanukkah, no Kwanzaa, no worrying about the feelings of Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists or atheists. After the funds are collected and the wealth re-distributed, January 1st arrives and these corporate charities get right back to being Cultural Communist vermin until next Christmas rolls around.

Of course, another ironic twist is that Christmas never had anything to do with Jesus Christ. It was the European Pagan holiday of “Yule” (Winter Solstice) which, through hundreds of years of violence, war, mass murder, intimidation, threats, torture, and the sheer power of the Roman sword, our Yule eventually became Jesus’ birthday. Many of the symbols, customs, and traditions that pagans utilized during Yule (mistletoe, holly, wreaths, evergreen trees, feasts, parties, singing songs, cards, candle lighting, gift exchange, cakes, Santa Clause, etc) are now used in Christian church ceremonies and in Christian homes throughout the western world.

That's precisely the reason that Jehovah Witness won’t celebrate Christmas (nor Easter, another hijacked pagan holiday laden with symbolism developed by our ancestors), because they understand the true meaning of the date, the symbolism, the traditions, and time of year. In the bible book, Jeremiah, our customs are mentioned (and admonished)…

Jeremiah 10:2-4

2 This is what the Lord says: Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them.

3 For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.

4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.
I can agree somewhat. Christians can get caught up in all the commercialism of Christmas for all the wrong reasons, however, putting up a tree and giving to charity and gifts is not a bad thing. The tree is just a symbol and gifts are a symbol of the free gift that Jesus Christ gave us. God gave. He gave us his son born of a virgin and died on the cross/tree and resurrected from the grave, that whoever believes in him shall not die, but have everlasting life. We as Christians should celebrate the birth of Jesus and his death, burial and resurrection everyday. The exact date is not what's important! I try to thank him everyday for what he's done for me, but sometimes I fall short, way short. God gave the Jews/and Gentiles in The Old Testament symbols of his power, but the symbols themselves were not what was important; they were just a reminder. It's when we worship the symbols/creation, etc. is where we get into trouble. Jeremiah 10 is talking about making idols of the stars and things made of man, the creation not the creator.

As for the Jehovah Witnesses, if they don't want to celebrate the birth of of Jesus Christ, that's their choice, however, I wouldn't take a lot stock in what they do or say about Christianity. They don't believe Jesus was God although the Bible is clear that Jesus was God. I have had this discussion with them among other things and I enjoy talking with them when they come to my home, but if Jesus wasn't God, then there's not one!
Jesus said," I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my father as well. John 14:6-7.
I am still in China and I must say that the local Chinese excitement over Christmas is encouraging, decorations everywhere, people saying Melly Chlistmas to me everyday, true it is the commecialized version but still enlightening. There is no hidden agendas by radical groups just fun and happiness. I will however mention the music being played everywhere is the non religious Christmas music as far as I can tell. On a side note I was on subway only whitey on train car and I see two Nigerians on the same train..sad to see this. Chinese will regret letting these scum into China.
I am still in China and I must say that the local Chinese excitement over Christmas is encouraging, decorations everywhere, people saying Melly Chlistmas to me everyday, true it is the commecialized version but still enlightening. There is no hidden agendas by radical groups just fun and happiness. I will however mention the music being played everywhere is the non religious Christmas music as far as I can tell. On a side note I was on subway only whitey on train car and I see two Nigerians on the same train..sad to see this. Chinese will regret letting these scum into China.
There's a TV station called ME TV. They show old shows.

They have commercials which say "Have a Very Merry MeTV," which doesn't make any sense. What they won't say is Merry Christmas.

This is disrespect for Christmas. Another example of the war on Christmas.
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There is a widespread policy of abbreviating Christmas with xmas. This is part of the war on Christmas.

Why abbreviate Christmas at all? What other words have their first half abbreviated like that? And why use an x, a letter that isn't part of the word Christmas? The x can be seen as an effort to "x out" or cross out the word Christ out of Christmas.

I don't know when replacing Christmas with xmas started but it was an organized effort to do so as part of the war on Christmas.

Always use the whole word Christmas. Never use xmas.
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There is a widespread policy of abbreviating Christmas with xmas. This is part of the war on Christmas.

Why abbreviate Christmas at all? What other words have their first half abbreviated like that? And why use an x, a letter that isn't part of the word Christmas? The x can be seen as an effort to "x out" or cross out the word Christ out of Christmas.

I don't know when replacing Christmas with xmas started but it was an organized effort to do so as part of the war on Christmas.

Always use the whole word Christmas. Never use xmas.
Odd how certain images in your life are easily recallable while others remain locked down deep never to resurface. I remember being in the car as a kid in the mid-70's near Christmas time and my mom had to drop off some packages at a post office in the city and there was an "Xmas Trees" for sale sign on the way and she made mention to me when she saw this about it being an intentional way for "them" to remove "Christ" from "Christmas". My guess is that it started happening a few years before that as a consequence of the Communist Cultural Revolution of the late 60's and early 70's in the States.
I went to a restaurant yesterday and they played Christmas music but not a single classic Christmas carol such as Silent Night. Then we went for a drive to look at lights and we turned on the radio to look for classic Christmas carols. We couldn't find any. I have not heard any classic Christmas carol in public anywhere, at any time this season. Most of these classic carols deal with the birth of Jesus, the reason for the season. The anti-Christians have done a good job of eliminating any Christian references during Christmas. It's part of their war to destroy Christianity.
I read the messages in here and I truly feel blessed living in a Christian Orthodox country. Sure, we have a grossly leftist, anti-Greek and anti-Christian goverment at the moment (on May's 2019 elections will go to hell and never come back), but I would say that the core of the country and its citizens are still very Greek, very European, very traditional. It turns out that the Southern-Eastern Europeans have a way more alarmed instinct of survival than other whites. Funnily, some of us were conquered by Mongols or Arabs (Greeks, Serbians, Croatians, Romanians, Hungarians, Spaniards), while others suffered from communism (pretty much every Eastern European nation). Yet, it's the European brothers who colonized and conquered the ones who suffer the most when they had all the time and luxury to keep their opponents under control. What money, junk food, and super-comfy life can do to a tribe of warriors huh? The Vikings, the Gauls, the Cowboys and the ancient Britons would commit suicide if they saw what their descendants have become.
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