Thanks Freethinker! We really have to appreciate how far Hillis has come, from being benched by Josh McDaniels to being one of only 4 NFL players in contention for the cover of the most popular video game on the market, and WINNING!
Hillis has a very rare star appeal. He seems to handle the spotlight well, and has all the qualities that many of us at CF like. Obviously he has all the skills we appreciate, but he's also a very humble, religious family man who doesn't rub his star status in people's face. When he scores or has a big play though, he celebrates appropriately. He doesn't lose his cool on the field, screaming at coaches, refs, or teammates. He has nothing but respect for the fans who have payed dearly to see him live. Yeah maybe he doesn't bring up race. But why should he when he's getting the opportunities we wanted for him all along? There's bumps in the road in everyone's life. Of course it sucks that guys like Justin Beaver, Brock Forsey, Nate Kmic, Jake Sharp, Luke Staley, and dozens of others did not get the same opportunity. That shouldn't take anything away from what Hillis has done. But just think, five years ago could you imagine a white RB rushing over 1000 yards AND getting on the cover of the most popular video game? Well folks, one part has and the other is about to happen!