Vick smuggling dope?

May 5, 2005
Hmm. Cowherd is throwing his hero Vick under the bus right now for possibly trying to smuggle some gangja through an airport.

He wants Schaub now!
I have noticed that the Vick bandwagon is getting rather light. The whispers of the emperor having no clothes are getting louder....
Vick is just working on his post NFL career- profession drug smuggler.
Vick had a water bottle with a hidden compartment.How stupid can he be? At the risk of losing his career and being imprisoned, he pulls this stunt. Deferred gratification is a concept totally foreign to so many bruthas.You gotta have what ya gotta have, at any time or place. What a fool! What will his excuse be?Did a devious person give him the bottle to set him up?
I'm not sure about this but don't TSA regs still prohibit taking liquids on flights? I can't recall if they're now allowing water on board or not. Anybody know? If not, that makes Vick even more stupid.

What I like about this story is that the officers at the airport recognized Vick and STILL gave him the standard treatment. Kudos to those guys!

I haven't considered the impact Vince Young may have on the media and other's perceptions of Mike Vick. Good points; now that there is another black affletic quarterback in the league with Vick-like skills, they have no need for a guy who isn't winning games, is becoming a public relations problem, and will likely now end up suspended for violations of the NFL drug policy.
After you pass through security you can purchase water or soda or whatever and take it on board. But anything going through security will be checked, and there are some new regulations about only being allowed three or four ouncesof gels and liquids and they have to be put together in a baggy for security to inspect or some crazycrap like that.
Saw this on a blog:

This story would be amazing if you didn't expect it from the individual in question, which is why I'm wasting a few paragraphs on it.

"Coach Killer" Michael Vick was caught in an airport with a fake bottle of water in which he apparently carries drugs.

The amazing thing is that when he was passing through airport security at Miami International Airport, he was reluctant to give up his water bottle.

This moron has a $137 million contract, and he won't give up a $1 bottle of water -- or what a "normal" person would assume is a $1 bottle of water. No, that won't raise suspicions.

But even before he gets to that point, is this guy so dumb he can't find someone else to carry his drugs for him? Couldn't he wait the 40-minute hop from Miami to Atlanta and get his stuff there?

First of all, he's so dumb, he feels the need to take drugs. Then he doesn't do it "intelligently" by not carrying the stuff. Then he tries to bring it through airport security.

The tragedy is that Jim Mora Jr. lost his job because of this complete idiot. The good news is: Mora is better off; Atlanta is not.

The real tragedy is that there are kids out there looking up to this piece of garbage.
And there was the middle-finger-to-the-fans incident. Can you imagine if a quarterback like (eternally underrated WVU graduate) Marc Bulger had done something similar? Do White fans have that little self esteem in this day and age? Vick should have been pilloried (and pelted) by the Falcons faithful, and run out of town.
Vick has been overhyped & overrated from the onset. He's never had the smarts or saavy to read defenses or manage a complex offensive system. Assuming Pettrino's schemes can work at the NFL level, Vick couldn't grasp them. He wouldn't be able to succeed in anything beyond a basic option offense. Like his thug little brother, he's proven that he's part & partial to the "Gangsta", hip-hop (ie - rap=crap=rap). Blank needs to trade the vermin asap &get some All-Pro talent on offensive line, at WR or LB. The Falcons could get 2-3 high quality players for "SupaVick" (yo).

***FYI - For more some insight on rap=crap=rap, I strongly suggest the following (outstanding book)....
If this is indeed true, this has to be one of the stupidest moves by a high profile athlete in recent memory. Vick is no longer a kid. He has been in the league for what, 6 or 7 years? In addition to his NFL career, he has risked millions of dollars in endorsements since he has been promoted as "the face of the Atlanta Falcons"

Just the fact that he has a bottle with a secret compartment is all you really need to know to find him guilty in the court of public opinion.

Really moronic thing to do.
Latest on this:

Apparently Vick didn't 'reluctantly' give up his water bottle. He refused to give it up after repeatedly being told to do so by TSA screeners. After much ado, he threw it in the trash instead.

One of the screeners retrieves the bottle from the trash; you know the rest of the story.

Many of you have already pointed out Vick's stupidity in trying to a) smuggle drugs into the airport in the first place; b) refusing to give up the water bottle when asked; and c) not waiting to buy his dope after he lands in the next city.

The truth is Mike Vick probably expected to be recognized and thought the TSA screeners would be all over him for his autograph. He probably thought they'd let him carry whatever he wanted on the plan, and probably didn't expect them to even search his bags, let alone take his water away from him. In all reality, that's probably what's happened in the past. I doubt that this is the first time Vick has ever taken pot on a plane (isn't that a movie with Samuel Jackson... anyway, I digress..) It just happened that this time he ran into a screener who didn't give a sh*t that he was Mike Vick. Maybe the guy was a Falcons fan and got tired of seeing Vick (literally) run his team into the ground. Whatever the case, Vick was caught and finally people are jumping off his bandwagon.

Cowturd has definitely jumped off the bandwagon. He said on today's show that he has always been a Vick supporter; he put up with the callers who were against Vick, supported him when people were calling for his replacement, but he wasn't going to do it anymore. He said, "You were right, I was wrong. Vick isn't mature enough to be a quarterback in the NFL. The Falcons will never win a Super Bowl with Vick as their quarterback. It's time to move on." Cowturd mentioned the finger throwing incident and his other 'off the field problems.'

Dan Patrick was heavy in his criticism of Vick today. Mike Wilbon said Vick should be benched and traded, that he has been in the league too long and is too old to be doing things like this, etc.

The host of the Sports Bash, I forget his name, said that he expects people to say that Vick was targeted because he is an athlete, a black athlete, but in his opinion the TSA was right on and merely doing their job. Vick took the bottle to the airport; he refused to hand it over, and then throws it away. That's not suspicious? Anyone would think that's suspicious behavior, not just a security screener working at an airport after 9/11. Come on!

At any rate, it brings me great pleasure to see the Vick express slowly grinding to a halt. I hope Santa brings me an early Christmas present and Schaub is given the nod as the starting quarterback by Patrino before the season starts.
son of Radovan said:
And there was the middle-finger-to-the-fans incident. Can you imagine if a quarterback like (eternally underrated WVU graduate) Marc Bulger had done something similar? Do White fans have that little self esteem in this day and age? Vick should have been pilloried (and pelted) by the Falcons faithful, and run out of town.

Yeah, that was a pretty deplorable act altogether. I mean seriously, who flips their fans the bird? Over the past six years that Vick has been in the league, he has gone from behaving thug-like. When he first came into the league, he was pretty quiet, but now its like he's just heading further and further downhill with each passing day. He's apparently letting the other rappers...I mean...players, dictate to him how to behave.
Bart said:
  What a fool!  What will his excuse be? Did a devious person give him the bottle to set him up?  

I think he got the water bottle out of Mark Sweeney's locker.
Next time maybe he'll learn the best way to hide his bowl is to shove it up his rear. He won't be running so fast after doing that.
Much ado about nothing
Sources: Vick had no pot, illegal substance at airport
Posted: Sunday January 21, 2007 9:26PM; Updated: Sunday January 21, 2007 9:26PM

(AP) -- Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick wasn't carrying marijuana when stopped by security last week at Miami International Airport, ESPN reported Sunday.

Citing anonymous NFL sources, ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported Vick wasn't carrying marijuana or any other illegal substance. playoffs/2006/01/21/vick.falcons.ap/index.html Edited by: FSU Seminoles
FSU Seminoles said:
Much ado about nothing
Sources: Vick had no pot, illegal substance at airport
Posted: Sunday January 21, 2007 9:26PM; Updated: Sunday January 21, 2007 9:26PM

(AP) -- Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick wasn't carrying marijuana when stopped by security last week at Miami International Airport, ESPN reported Sunday.

Citing anonymous NFL sources, ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported Vick wasn't carrying marijuana or any other illegal substance.

Wonder how much that cover up cost??
It was alleged to be residue, not a dime bag. I don't see anything disputing that he had a bottle with a hidden compartment in it (yet.)

I'm glad the NFL has guys like Chris Mortensen around to root out those anonymous sources and tell us what really happened.

Hey, did you hear what happened to Barry Bonds? He never took steroids, there was something in the fat cream he rubbed on his thighs.

You've got to be pretty damned naive to think a guy like Vick isn't toking at every opportunity. He's even had his photo pasted on MySpace with a giant doobie in his hands.

Come on, man.
Just checked for the Vick article: 404 Not Found.

But here is the ESPN report on the same rumor. Sometimes it pays to read the entire article instead of just a few snippets. news services

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was not carrying marijuana or another illegal substance at the Miami airport and will be exonerated, league sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen on Sunday.

On Wednesday, Vick surrendered a water bottle to security at Miami International Airport that authorities believed smelled like marijuana and contained a substance in a hidden compartment. Vick was not arrested and was allowed to board his flight to Atlanta.

When reached by The Associated Press on Sunday, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello wouldn't comment on the report.

Miami police had said it could take weeks to decide whether charges would be filed against Vick, a three-time Pro-Bowler.

A Falcons team source confirmed that the team expects to hear something formal by Monday.
emphasis added

I guess Vick thought that it would be tough to find another water bottle with a hidden compartment. Why else attempt to bring an empty contraband container to the airport? Did it have sentimental value? Was it a gift from a deceased homie who was killed in a drive-by?

It's funny that they are trying to 'exonerate' Vick from having marijuana when the initial allegation never said it was marijuana. It was residue in a bottle with a concealed compartment.

The local sports caster is making fun of the TSA screeners for trying to 'sack the quarterback,' when in reality there was no illegal substance in the hidden compartment. Sure.. I have several such bottles and containers in my kitchen. Don't you?
I was surprised when tuning in Dan Patrick today, that he is suspicious about Vick's charges being dropped. He spent quite some time discussing the incident. Among other things, he said the security tape has already been erased or destroyed. Edited by: Bart
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