I am not religious, dont believe in a god etc...but I do support people speaking out against the poisonous jab anywhere and anyway possible. The evil women and men of the NWO are in full swing and we the general population are losing this war.... The idiotic restrictions being placed upon people who freely choose their medical treatments etc and not get the jab is absolutely atrocious. The latest where I live is I csant go into a resatraunt where I sit at a table and am served food/drink by a server(M/F) without a vaccine passport, yet I can go to a Mcdonalds and buy food, sit down in the place, eat it without the vaccine passport..insanity.
I don't mean to get off topic, but brother I urge you to look at Christianity, read the Bible and ask God to save you through Jesus Christ.
Why, because contrary to what most people think that all religions are the same or all religions lead to heaven. All religions have a works salvation based on what you have to do. Christianity is what Jesus did for you. No other Religion teaches this. Jesus gave his life so that sinners would be saved. God came to earth, died and resurrected for all of us because we have sinned against the moral law. We've all broken the Ten Commandments, the perfect Law. Christ didn't come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it.
Please youtube the Contradict Movement Message; All religions can be wrong, but they can't all be right.
" I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to Father except through me. John 14:6.
There's only one answer. Either Jesus is or he isn't the way. If he isn't God then he was the greatest liar and lunatic who ever lived. Again, please go to the Contradict Movement Message and then decide. Ultimately God loved you enough to give you free will. I pray one day you make the right decision.