Vaxx Attack

New myocarditis/pericarditis trial details from Ottawa. 32 of 32,000 vaxxed patients hospitalized, majority after second dose. Median hospital stay of 4 days, median time admitted 1.5 days after second jab, median age 33. All were discharged after becoming asymptomatic.

Myo- and pericarditis is the swelling of your heart and the tissue surrounding it. "Symptomatic" means intense chest pains requiring an average of, in the case of this sample size, four days of in-patient care.

That's one out of a thousand. Previous medical reports had this pegged at 1 in 100,000... just slightly off. 29 of the 32 were males.

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis
Myocarditis appears to be an unpredictable and relatively infrequent side effect following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, is most common in younger males and appears to be self-limiting with supportive therapy. This is relevant to the ongoing public debate regarding proposals for vaccination of children under the age of 16, in whom the balance of benefit and risk may be more finely balanced(21). Our findings may also contribute to the debate regarding booster vaccine doses in those with prior documented myocarditis episodes. Ongoing monitoring using large scale national reporting systems is essential for both the prevalence and relevance of post-vaccine myocarditis to be truly understood.
did anyone else see the latest video by Project Veritas?

turns out the “conspiracy theorists” were right again ...
Conspiracy Theorists are just people on the right who are more educated than the masses... time tends to prove yesterday’s conspiracy is tomorrow’s news (when the msm cannot hide it any longer).
Sergio Aguero collapses on the field with a "heart scare." He had the 'rona in January but still took his shots. He'd been shilling for child vaxxes lately.

Exclusive: Kun Aguero, stable but worried
Kun Aguero asked to go off against Deportivo Alaves. He had no muscle injury but instead, a breathing problem. He was on the ground with his hand on his rib cage and neck. He was taken to hospital in Barcelona.

There he had some tests and they diagnosed him with a cardiac arrhythmia, that is, a heart rhythm frequency disorder. Kun will have further tests to see what the problem is. El Pais said he suffered similar around 10 days ago.
RIP Rob Skiba. This was recorded back in 2013. He knew what was coming as he had a vision. He shared it with the world. He died recently of covid or
so they say but from what I heard he was denied the proper ivermectin in the hospital like countless other patients. This video will show he knew what
was coming for the world. Again my friends, we all need to make sure we get right with God & Jesus while we still have time. We could die today or
anytime. Car crash, cancer, heart attack, etc. Our salvation is the most important thing a man can have to know where he is going after he dies.
Nothing to see here, move along:

Hockey player Boris Sadecky dies at age 24 days after collapsing on ice

That news about Sadecky is incredibly sad and is just a sliver of similar cases of young, otherwise healthy young people and healthy not so young people dying and we know why, even when the article doesn't tell us.

Folks, the first and primary thing we have to do is speak up. I am a Christian as you guys know and I have decided to speak up publicly yet charitably at my church. It may sit well with a lot and it may not with others. I am resolved to do this even though I believe the leadership has taken the high road for the last 19 months on this and has been relatively quiet. I cannot be. The truth on anything divides, just as Christ the Lord said, but we at least have to have the courage to speak. We are losing freedom of speech online and some countries you can get arrested for saying things counter to the elite's narrative. Screw it. We have to speak out at the very least with and for those we love and care about.
I am not religious, dont believe in a god etc...but I do support people speaking out against the poisonous jab anywhere and anyway possible. The evil women and men of the NWO are in full swing and we the general population are losing this war.... The idiotic restrictions being placed upon people who freely choose their medical treatments etc and not get the jab is absolutely atrocious. The latest where I live is I csant go into a resatraunt where I sit at a table and am served food/drink by a server(M/F) without a vaccine passport, yet I can go to a Mcdonalds and buy food, sit down in the place, eat it without the vaccine passport..insanity.
I am not religious, dont believe in a god etc...but I do support people speaking out against the poisonous jab anywhere and anyway possible. The evil women and men of the NWO are in full swing and we the general population are losing this war.... The idiotic restrictions being placed upon people who freely choose their medical treatments etc and not get the jab is absolutely atrocious. The latest where I live is I csant go into a resatraunt where I sit at a table and am served food/drink by a server(M/F) without a vaccine passport, yet I can go to a Mcdonalds and buy food, sit down in the place, eat it without the vaccine passport..insanity.
I don't mean to get off topic, but brother I urge you to look at Christianity, read the Bible and ask God to save you through Jesus Christ.
Why, because contrary to what most people think that all religions are the same or all religions lead to heaven. All religions have a works salvation based on what you have to do. Christianity is what Jesus did for you. No other Religion teaches this. Jesus gave his life so that sinners would be saved. God came to earth, died and resurrected for all of us because we have sinned against the moral law. We've all broken the Ten Commandments, the perfect Law. Christ didn't come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it.
Please youtube the Contradict Movement Message; All religions can be wrong, but they can't all be right.
" I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to Father except through me. John 14:6.
There's only one answer. Either Jesus is or he isn't the way. If he isn't God then he was the greatest liar and lunatic who ever lived. Again, please go to the Contradict Movement Message and then decide. Ultimately God loved you enough to give you free will. I pray one day you make the right decision.
Big strikes coming Monday 8Nov2021
Watch back end of Show.Great Show!
The HighWire with Del Bigtree.
Can you give us a thumbnail sketch of what the video is about or details it contains? I work way too many hours a week and an erratic schedule won't allow me to watch over two and a half hours of that link. Sorry, but thanks sir if you can comment!
My friends have the right idea - get right with Christ. They (the big dogs) will do the alien hoax soon. It's all so tiresome.
American Freedom News