Vaxx Attack

Most of our world's peoples are completely unconscious; the people are unaware of what is being executed right in front of them. It is not only the bankers executing a plan but most of the world's corporateers are doing it. The plan is to transform the peoples of our world into possessed things -to link all men and women by electronic mechanisms to the electronic mechanisms of data control. Once fully fused to the electronic system, men and women will not be able to be outside of the corporate control system and therefore cannot create and live in alternative or parallel systems alongside the capital corporate collective. The corporate system goes back to Roman antiquity, and exists most forcibly in Europe today. It is essentially a word and spell system that holds men and women to "the state" where men and women believe they are "citizens" and part of a giant collective. The good thing about the present system is any man or woman can step out of it and not be a citizen whenever a man or woman wills to disconnect from the state. In America today we can do just that and it is widely understood in our bodies of law as the tenet of capacity. America is still the freest place in the world and that is why we are under attack to break down the people and break down our systems which operate in opposition to the robotic corporate state. The new system does not have such a loophole in it -except for the corporateers- to escape out of it and that is why it is being forced upon states worldwide. The new electronic system is the beast as it is all a contrivance where each unit is a marked point. The creators and executors of the new system are the deputies whose allegiance is to evil, the master hard driver of wicked. Evil wants control of all of God's creations here on Earth. The beast wants more than to control man and woman's actions, the beast wants to control our will and to erase our reverence to The Great Father. Some find this incredulous, but it is all factual and verifiable.

Extremely well-said Ambrose.

This is also my concern, as you first pointed out, that most are unaware and thinking we'll all "go back to normal soon". The elites will have none of that. They have been licking their chops for this and love the power-grab they have implemented. I try to tell who I can in my very limited circles. Staying positive and informed amongst our like-minded friends, even if they are long distance ones is important.
Most of our world's peoples are completely unconscious; the people are unaware of what is being executed right in front of them. It is not only the bankers executing a plan but most of the world's corporateers are doing it. The plan is to transform the peoples of our world into possessed things -to link all men and women by electronic mechanisms to the electronic mechanisms of data control. Once fully fused to the electronic system, men and women will not be able to be outside of the corporate control system and therefore cannot create and live in alternative or parallel systems alongside the capital corporate collective. The corporate system goes back to Roman antiquity, and exists most forcibly in Europe today. It is essentially a word and spell system that holds men and women to "the state" where men and women believe they are "citizens" and part of a giant collective. The good thing about the present system is any man or woman can step out of it and not be a citizen whenever a man or woman wills to disconnect from the state. In America today we can do just that and it is widely understood in our bodies of law as the tenet of capacity. America is still the freest place in the world and that is why we are under attack to break down the people and break down our systems which operate in opposition to the robotic corporate state. The new system does not have such a loophole in it -except for the corporateers- to escape out of it and that is why it is being forced upon states worldwide. The new electronic system is the beast as it is all a contrivance where each unit is a marked point. The creators and executors of the new system are the deputies whose allegiance is to evil, the master hard driver of wicked. Evil wants control of all of God's creations here on Earth. The beast wants more than to control man and woman's actions, the beast wants to control our will and to erase our reverence to The Great Father. Some find this incredulous, but it is all factual and verifiable.

Finally someone here gets it. Thank you Ambrose for explaining in words what I've been trying to show in these videos for over a year now. I love sports but most posters here do
not understand it's a battle for our souls first and foremost. Secondly it's a move to a Draconian/Totalitarian Society equal or worse than anything ever seen for the whole planet.
Not a huge Alex Jones Fan. He says alot of truth mixed with some lies and he protects the chosen ones too much. Will never blame them for anything. There are about four groups responsible and for this and they are one of them. I do like the name of his show as that is what we are facing. We are moving to a "Prison Planet".
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Extremely well-said Ambrose.

This is also my concern, as you first pointed out, that most are unaware and thinking we'll all "go back to normal soon". The elites will have none of that. They have been licking their chops for this and love the power-grab they have implemented. I try to tell who I can in my very limited circles. Staying positive and informed amongst our like-minded friends, even if they are long distance ones is important.

Thank you for the compliment. Fortunately for us here in we can make our own future. We probably won't have to shoot-'er-out at the o.k. corral to keep our freedoms. The ones that are determined, resourceful, and willing will keep their freedoms; the ones that relent and thrown down their guns and faith may get chained up.
Finally someone here gets it. Thank you Ambrose for explaining in words what I've been trying to show in these videos for over a year now. I love sports but most posters here do
not understand it's a battle for our souls first and foremost. Secondly it's a move to a Draconian/Totalitarian Society equal or worse than anything ever seen for the whole planet.
Not a huge Alex Jones Fan. He says alot of truth mixed with some lies and he protects the chosen ones too much. Will never blame them for anything. There are about four groups responsible and for this and they are one of them. I do like the name of his show as that is what we are facing. We are moving to a "Prison Planet".

I think we are in for a long, protracted war but good will prevail. Some of our battles will be won by our enemies' self-destruction. Evil destroys itself. As evil is good in the inverted evil mind, then bad comes to evil naturally. That is how stupid evil is. Evil cannot win this is God's Earth. We cannot lose.
Ambrose, I respect your opinion but would you answer a couple of questions for me. Have you ever worn a mask, washed your hands after going shopping, or have a friend or family member tested positive for this fake illness? If you have worn a mask, or wash your hands, why?
I'm sure he will answer that question soon Booth but this is my take on it. Covid 19 or the Corona Virus is the oommon cold or flu. It's been around forever. Now some
people get really sick from it but it's nothing the world hasn't seen before. What's making most people sick is constant fear(fear weakens your immune system per medical
books), govt & media propaganda, wearing masks which causes deoxidization of the body(only getting around 71% of normal oxygen into lungs), too much carbon dioxide,
not being in the sun enough, bad diet & little excercise. The masks cause you to swallow and rebreath in the bad stuff your body is trying to get rid of when you exhale. Also the
masks have shown to cause everything from pnemonia to cancer over the long term. All of the above makes people sick.
Ambrose, I respect your opinion but would you answer a couple of questions for me. Have you ever worn a mask, washed your hands after going shopping, or have a friend or family member tested positive for this fake illness? If you have worn a mask, or wash your hands, why?

Thank you for the questions! I knew from almost the beginning the entire pandemic was hoax. How do I prove that? Look at the dates on this thread and my comments:

I have never worn a mask or washed my hands, and I never use any hand sanitizer. I only wash my hands when before setting down to eat. Part of my record over the past year and a half is recorded here:

From the beginning I used a "medical exemption" everywhere and never wore anything. I did this in front of security and police officers. I joked with police officers anywhere our paths crossed. I had no trouble. Security were always very accomodating and respectful to me. I did this in every bank, store, or any business in the three states I travel in: Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 99% of the time I was well received and actually treated specially. Occaisonally I had insults directed my way by zombies but that was the exception. Once and only once did I put on a visor and I only did this because the Indian shopkeeper was terrified he was going to be fined and closed down so I accomodated him as a kind gesture.

This is all true; I have no will or need to falsify.

I have some incredibly good news to share. Please see thread: Victory! Victory! Victory! The End is Nigh!
Thank you for the questions! I knew from almost the beginning the entire pandemic was hoax. How do I prove that? Look at the dates on this thread and my comments:

I have never worn a mask or washed my hands, and I never use any hand sanitizer. I only wash my hands when before setting down to eat. Part of my record over the past year and a half is recorded here:

From the beginning I used a "medical exemption" everywhere and never wore anything. I did this in front of security and police officers. I joked with police officers anywhere our paths crossed. I had no trouble. Security were always very accomodating and respectful to me. I did this in every bank, store, or any business in the three states I travel in: Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 99% of the time I was well received and actually treated specially. Occaisonally I had insults directed my way by zombies but that was the exception. Once and only once did I put on a visor and I only did this because the Indian shopkeeper was terrified he was going to be fined and closed down so I accomodated him as a kind gesture.

This is all true; I have no will or need to falsify.

I have some incredibly good news to share. Please see thread: Victory! Victory! Victory! The End is Nigh!
Ambrose, thank you and WL for your answers. I enjoy your posts a great deal. I have not taken the vaccine but am under some pressure to do so. Thanks again for your answers.
Please do not take it. Even if you have to find another job it's worth it. You can use religious objections at your job. Also get a doctors note saying you have severe
allergies from your doctor and cannot take it. Get it in writing. Either the religious and or medical. Get both if possible and get it notorized.

The craziest thing is that this so called covid 19 virus has never been isolated in any lab. It doesn't exist and neither does the Delta Variant or any other type
of imaginary variant they try to push. Human beings do not catch viruses through the air like they say. It's all based on lies. Look at older medical books and
it's right there. They are so good at lieing. When you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth. It's not true but people believe it to be true.
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Please do not take it. Even if you have to find another job it's worth it. You can use religious objections at your job. Also get a doctors note saying you have severe
allergies from your doctor and cannot take it. Get it in writing. Either the religious and or medical. Get both if possible and get it notorized.

The craziest thing is that this so called covid 19 virus has never been isolated in any lab. It doesn't exist and neither does the Delta Variant or any other type
of imaginary variant they try top push. Human beings do not catch viruses through the air like they say. It's all based on lies. Look at older medical books and
it's right there. They are so good at lieing. When you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth. It's not true but people believe it to be true.

Good points. Never ever ever let anyone inject you with "it". There are many remedies. Including the two above is a conditional acceptance counter offer. If you need an example of how, see here:

This is a very helpful and informative website and everyone here should benefit from it and share it with others. Peggy Hall and her husband David are Christians and do great work and they are "just laymen" but very knowledgeable and are warriors. They are helping myriads of people work through this and be on the right side of things and be TOTALLY within their rights. As Ambrose said in his posts the whole lockdown and denial of service is against the law if you know how to work it. WE have the rights and the powergrabbers need to be the ones on the defense in all this:
Heads of state denying the international drug mafia access to kill people in their countries all dead by assassination:
Coincidences ALL, oy vey! Of course!
These satanic scumbuckets aren't messing around, are they?

"You defy then you will die" must be the unsaid slogan.

Anybody wanting to enter politics now either better be ready to be an Adol* of sorts or a typical political prostitute sellout blackmailed puppet. Guess which ones are seemingly the only ones stepping up to the plate? Why on Earth would anyone be a politician now that isn't one or the other?
Even the president of Mexico was speaking live on tv saying that the covid 19 vaccines are dangerous and nothing but a perpetual money maker for the big pharma
companies. They are laughing at all the dumb, naive and gullible gringos.

As for America, whites have taken the vaccine in the highest numbers. Blacks the lowest and mexicans the second lowest. Give credit to the minorities for being smart
enough to know this is very dangerous and will harm or kill millions of people around the world.
Even the president of Mexico was speaking live on tv saying that the covid 19 vaccines are dangerous and nothing but a perpetual money maker for the big pharma
companies. They are laughing at all the dumb, naive and gullible gringos.

As for America, whites have taken the vaccine in the highest numbers. Blacks the lowest and mexicans the second lowest. Give credit to the minorities for being smart
enough to know this is very dangerous and will harm or kill millions of people around the world.

Not something we admire, but yes, Whites are the suckers in this game because they are the most gullible they being so trusting in Public government. Blacks aren't getting injected like Whites are, not because they are more knowledgeable, but because they distrust Public government.
Coincidences ALL, oy vey! Of course!
These satanic scumbuckets aren't messing around, are they?

"You defy then you will die" must be the unsaid slogan.

Anybody wanting to enter politics now either better be ready to be an Adol* of sorts or a typical political prostitute sellout blackmailed puppet. Guess which ones are seemingly the only ones stepping up to the plate? Why on Earth would anyone be a politician now that isn't one or the other?

Contrary to likeness, black leaders it seems are less likely to be blackmailed.
BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push

Major Takeaway

From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

But, what is still not explained here, is that to be counted as vaccinated, at least 2 weeks has to elapse. So, those that go to the hospital because of an immediate reaction are still counted as unvaccinated. Taking that fact into the event, the numbers are almost all and only the vaccinated fools are getting sick.
BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push

Major Takeaway

From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

But, what is still not explained here, is that to be counted as vaccinated, at least 2 weeks has to elapse. So, those that go to the hospital because of an immediate reaction are still counted as unvaccinated. Taking that fact into the event, the numbers are almost all and only the vaccinated fools are getting sick.

In addition to all of that there is no test for the Delta Variant. There is no such thing as the Delta Varaent. To add to that covid is not a thing either. It's the flu. As has been said by countless doctors, nurses, scientists, & microbiologists, Covid 19 has never been isolated in any lab around the world in hundreds of thousands of tests there for it cannot be classified as a virus.
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I’ve been sicker than a dog for about 11 days. Tried toughing it out but it started to move into my lungs so I went and saw the Doc yesterday just in case I had pneumonia. They did a COVID test on me ( I know I should have told them no but didn’t have the energy to put up a fight) of course it came back as COVID. Turned out to be a good thing though because surprisingly my Doc put Me on hydroxychloroquine and azithromyicin. I feel 60% better today after my 2nd dose! It is very disturbing that the government and all the vax **** have no interest at all in therapeutics. They don’t even talk about washing hands anymore just masks and vaxx!
You are blessed or protected or spared or whatever you want to call it. For them not to inject you with the vax is divine. Get well soon and take care.
Now perhaps I quite possibly would maybe not call someone "too fuucking stupid to not have done some research" to find out these drugs that are being called "vaccines" are really just poison, there is no Covid test, and there is no Covid, but this nurse does and explains why someone could be that fuucking stupid but I'm not expressing it in such language or at least I probably would not describe them as fuucking stupid because I would never write such a thing.
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