Ultimate Cucks

President Trump calls out globalist puppet “Macaroon” for his pantywaist BS. :)

Things in France are really falling apart under globalist, cream puff Macron. The “Yellow Vests” have been rioting against the rising gasoline tax but it really goes deeper than that. These riots have the PTB worried as they genuinely seem populist with people on the left and right uniting against neo-liberal global capitalism and cultural communism represented by the Macron government. Check out the police showing solidarity with the people.


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It seems that everything Pope Francis does revolves around promoting the leftist ideology. He can't even give it a rest during Christmas time.
Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd fame) Urges Super Bowl Performers to "Take a Knee" For "American Hero" Kaepernic

No wonder David Gilmore finally quit the band back in 1983 after "The Final Cut", their final album together. Gilmore has mentioned in the past that he and Waters had completely different political views. Imaging having to work day-in-and-day-out with that cucktard.
Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd fame) Urges Super Bowl Performers to "Take a Knee" For "American Hero" Kaepernic

No wonder David Gilmore finally quit the band back in 1983 after "The Final Cut", their final album together. Gilmore has mentioned in the past that he and Waters had completely different political views. Imaging having to work day-in-and-day-out with that cucktard.
Waters wasn't a talented member of the band. Syd Barrett and later David Gilmour were the creative ones, Waters was just lucky to have had the opportunity to be in the same band.

Sadly, Syd Barrett ruined his brain by taking too much LSD.
Waters is interesting as he opposes Israel yet he Schills for the toucan. For a member of a band with a heavy Orwellian influence he seems to be going senile as the “take a knee” group in America is something ripped right out of 1984 or Animal Farm.

These out of touch “baby boomers” or the first wave of useful idiots are too stupid to realize the damage they have done.
Waters wasn't a talented member of the band. Syd Barrett and later David Gilmour were the creative ones, Waters was just lucky to have had the opportunity to be in the same band.

Sadly, Syd Barrett ruined his brain by taking too much LSD.
Waters, whether a creative member of the band or not, had a distinctive voice that mostly defined them, especially after Syd's demise and particularly on "Animals" and "The Wall". That's the thing with lead singers of popular bands, they are hard to replace; unlike, say, someone who plays bass or rhythm guitar who doesn't sing at all. I don't think Elvis Presley (of whom I'm a fan of) wrote any of the songs he performed, so his creativity was just in how he sang them.

Ironically, Waters has become one of the characters in his own dystopian vision of society reflected in some of the songs he sang, emphaptically cheering on "Big Brother", as Leonardfan intimated at.
Waters doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. How could he? He's a big rock star, and has been for decades. VIP treatment and people fawning over him wherever he goes. A nice safe insulated life. Plus he gets his info (and buys into it) from the media like any other cuck.

He's not the authority he thinks he is.

Roger Waters is a leftist, brainwashed imbecile. His status as a big shot rock star has isolated him from reality.

This is the same "humanitarian" who treated other members of his band like dirt and decided they had nothing to do with Pink Floyd's success.

This is also a guy who spat in the face of a fan at a concert who was doing nothing but watching the concert. He probably thought it was funny.

He's a piece of garbage.
A 74-old German social worker, who helped out during Germany's migrant crisis back in 2015, has been told he must move out of his state-provided apartment to make room for migrants. #KarmaIsABitch

Roger Waters is a leftist, brainwashed imbecile. His status as a big shot rock star has isolated him from reality.

This is the same "humanitarian" who treated other members of his band like dirt and decided they had nothing to do with Pink Floyd's success.

This is also a guy who spat in the face of a fan at a concert who was doing nothing but watching the concert. He probably thought it was funny.

He's a piece of garbage.

Even when I was in my days of "usages" I never admired Pink Floyd, especially for their philosophy and promoting drug use even though they did it indirectly. In fact, since I knew inherently that what I was struggling with wasn't good for me or my fellow users, I secretly resented the hell out of them glorifying that nowhere crap of a life.

I can say I agree with the now sober 12 years Ace Frehley (and if Ace can get sober, anybody can!) who said, "Most of my old friends are either in jail, or dead, or straightened out".

Roger Waters is a complete burned out fool.
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A 74-old German social worker, who helped out during Germany's migrant crisis back in 2015, has been told he must move out of his state-provided apartment to make room for migrants. #KarmaIsABitch

This is happening in other parts of Europe. Older white men are being kicked out of their homes and the homes given to non-white invaders. The white men are often left homeless.

White people need to start waking and oppose white dispossession.
American Freedom News