Frederic, I got a question since you are "owning" this subject big time. Which teams have a fully 23 white roster man? I am aware of Greece, Spain, Russia and Ukraine.
Frederic, I got a question since you are "owning" this subject big time. Which teams have a fully 23 white roster man? I am aware of Greece, Spain, Russia and Ukraine.

i didn't look at all the teams
i think ireland maybe? but i didn't look at their team
poland maybe?

honestly i'm more concerned about the south american qualifications to the 2014 world cup right now
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I just watched the BBC feature about "neo-Nazi" football supporters in Ukraine. It showed fans making monkey noises at some black players and hooligans physically assaulting Asian students in the stands. Sol Campbell was interviewed. He said it was "disgusting" and that non-whites should just watch at home as it would be too risky to visit Ukraine.

All of this talk about the danger to non-Whites in Poland and Ukraine is the usual Jewish media beat-up. "English" journalists and commentators are always more than keen to target eastern European nations for criticism and ridicule, as they can channel the jingoistic "international sports" fervour and latent "anti-foreigner" sentiment of the masses against "safe" White targets instead of Negroes, Pakis or other trash, thus avoiding any inconvenient accusations of "racism".

Sol Campbell's rants (yet again, he is in the running to win the Hog's Arse Slapped With A Snow Shovel trophy for "least intelligent face" of the year...) are typical of the black, Paki, chink, or any other "person of colour", whose persecution complexes and loathing of Whites are never far from the surface.

Non-Whites, especially blacks, are at an utter loss when confronted with an all-White society, which they view as some sort of abomination that must be "corrected" at all costs. Negroes are so accustomed to being told that they are an intrinsically organic, highly-valued component of every society, with their so-called "problems" stemming exclusively from "racism" that they have developed such a sense of megalomaniacal entitlement which makes them see an all-White nation as an automatic embodiment of anti-black evil. They believe they have a natural right to live in every corner of the planet (particularly corners sporting lavish welfare systems) and interpret any opinion to the contrary as a grievous affront.

More importantly, the sight of Whites openly and confidently expressing national pride and standing up for themselves makes Negroes literally **** their low-slung pants, for if those fellows out there in "the East" can do it, what's to say that the Whites right here in England, France, and the United States won't catch on and commence doing the same?

I'll bet that Campbell, like every Negro, blames the White man for everything that goes wrong in the great lottery loss of his black existence: everything from an eye-wateringly stiff "baby's arm" stool, to impaling his anus on the tap handle in the shower while bending over to pick up the soap (that's if he uses the White man's stuff), to suffering steam burns while attempting to cook his "idiot proof" instant porridge. And that's all before nine o'clock in the morning...
i expected more
rolando shouldn't play, the defense should be carvalho-pepe
so it's not bad
i wonder if varela will play
i guess he will, so that would be 8 whites and 3 blacks (including pepe who is not very black)

edit: they also have bruno alves who is part-brazilian

Frederic -

The last time I posted, I forgot to comment on Bruno Alves. Alves is one of those fellows whose skin displays chameleon-like properties due to its ability to tan to the point of "near-black" ultra-deep brown.

Have a look at the following photos.

Here is a young Alves during his time with Vitoria Guimaraes:


Then we have:




I wouldn't have a clue about Alves' racial background, but I've known Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, and Serbs who tan almost as darkly.

My girlfriend, who is of English and Welsh background with brown hair and eyes, tans like mad whenever her normally very white skin is exposed to the sun for even the briefest of periods...
I intended to post a full list of the non-Whites in the Euro 2012 squads, plus a few little comments on the subject but it's just gone midnight and as I have to work tomorrow morning, it shall have to wait...
bruno alves looks close to white (i thought that he was 100% portuguese until very recently) but you would be very surprised to see how black his father looks
pretty much like abreu the uruguayan
that's the kind of blacks that you assume are 100% blacks, but in reality they have a lot of amerindian genes, amongst other things, so their children can look not black at all

pictures of bruno alves' father:

I'll bet that Campbell, like every Negro, blames the White man for everything that goes wrong in the great lottery loss of his black existence: everything from an eye-wateringly stiff "baby's arm" stool, to impaling his anus on the tap handle in the shower while bending over to pick up the soap (that's if he uses the White man's stuff), to suffering steam burns while attempting to cook his "idiot proof" instant porridge. And that's all before nine o'clock in the morning...

I rarely “laugh out loudâ€￾ at the sarcastic remarks I read online, but this comment was exceptionally humorous. I can’t wait for your Euro Cup 2012 squad write-ups!
Wow, I have lived 31 years of my life, mostly in Greece, about 2 years in France and about 2 years in Italy as well and I swear I have never seen a single Greek or Italian man looking like this, I mean...........WTF? LOL

What's wrong with some guys in here man? Some people will not accept Zidane or Benzema as white - Caucasian men, but they thought that Alves was a white man? Damn, I don't know what to think at this point............. and I am supposed to be the troll in this forum?

Greeks get as dark as Alves? Damn really? Another guy said Greeks are nothing but Turks and not real whites.......i mean what's next?
Are we sure that this site is a pro white site after all guys? I mean damn LMAO

Some "dark Turkish" Greeks:


http://www.athensbars.gr/sites/default/files/images/totsikas nitro.jpg



http://medousa.pblogs.gr/files/f/208342-Ãßêç ÎÜíèïõ..jpg

It's obvious we look like Turkoglu and Alves hahahaha.

you're so predictable



welcome arnold van winkelried by the way
it seems that you're from the alps too :smiley:
All 8 black players played for England against Belgium. Now Cahill might be out because he was shoved in the back by a Belgian player and may have broken his jaw, so that could mean Lescott starts. This guy only got a yellow card ,while Terry got a red for a little knee. Why was this guy even doing something like that in a friendly?

Terry also is having a scan on his thigh. I have never seen so many injuries.

England won 1-0 with Wellbeck scoring.

England could start 6 blacks if Cahill is out and Carroll doesn't play.
All 8 black players played for England against Belgium. Now Cahill might be out because he was shoved in the back by a Belgian player and may have broken his jaw, so that could mean Lescott starts. This guy only got a yellow card ,while Terry got a red for a little knee. Why was this guy even doing something like that in a friendly?

Terry also is having a scan on his thigh. I have never seen so many injuries.

England won 1-0 with Wellbeck scoring.

England could start 6 blacks if Cahill is out and Carroll doesn't play.

It's unbelievable, I've never seen anything like it. Literally every major tournament England gets brutally hit by the injury bug.

I think Carroll should still start though.
All 8 black players played for England against Belgium. Now Cahill might be out because he was shoved in the back by a Belgian player and may have broken his jaw, so that could mean Lescott starts. This guy only got a yellow card ,while Terry got a red for a little knee. Why was this guy even doing something like that in a friendly?

Terry also is having a scan on his thigh. I have never seen so many injuries.

England won 1-0 with Wellbeck scoring.

England could start 6 blacks if Cahill is out and Carroll doesn't play.

did they start 8 blacks??
Wow, I have lived 31 years of my life, mostly in Greece, about 2 years in France and about 2 years in Italy as well and I swear I have never seen a single Greek or Italian man looking like this, I mean...........WTF? LOL

What's wrong with some guys in here man? Some people will not accept Zidane or Benzema as white - Caucasian men, but they thought that Alves was a white man? Damn, I don't know what to think at this point............. and I am supposed to be the troll in this forum?

Greeks get as dark as Alves? Damn really? Another guy said Greeks are nothing but Turks and not real whites.......i mean what's next?
Are we sure that this site is a pro white site after all guys? I mean damn LMAO

Some "dark Turkish" Greeks:


http://www.athensbars.gr/sites/default/files/images/totsikas nitro.jpg



http://medousa.pblogs.gr/files/f/208342-Ã￾ßêç ÎÜíèïõ..jpg

It's obvious we look like Turkoglu and Alves hahahaha.

Zeus / Spartan / Crixus / Euroking / Multiple Account Creating, Pathologically Insecure Sap Who Is Unable To Learn From Past Mistakes -

When You returned to the forum following Your several previous incarnations and comically ignominious bans, I guessed Your identity straight away. Figuring that Don must obviously have permitted You to start afresh, I limited myself to a single line response when You brought up the subject of Arabs / Muslims being accepted as Whites. I even refrained from commenting on Your pitiful anti-English jibes in this thread. But since You've really opened the can with that last inferiority-complex drenched post, I'll take the time to say a couple of things.

You are sporting more insecurities than a Black Panther Negro walking through the Louvre (or, more pertinently, looking into the primate enclosure in a zoo). Let's get things straight: nobody here is claiming that Greeks aren't White, least of all me. Is that unambiguous enough for You?

Did I claim that all Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, and Serbs are as dark as Alves? You've read all manner of malicious subtexts into a single innocuous sentence. Hell, You even posted a slew of photos (including one of a shirtless geezer - in case You hadn't noticed, this isn't some kind of poofters' site...) in order to "prove" something which everyone already knows: id est, Greeks are White.

If at some point in Your life someone has made stupid disparaging remarks pertaining to Your appearance which have spawned a caustic paranoia of not being viewed as "White" enough and a compulsion to keep assuring everyone that You, and Greeks in general, are the "Whitest of the White" and that You are the most fanatically pro-White, two-fisted hero on the face of God's earth and the entire universe, well, that's unfortunate. Just don't unload this "Whitest of them All" and "You're not hard-core enough" **** here, as it makes You look a prize fool with bells on.

As I've said before, if You reside in Europe, are as widely travelled as You claim to be, yet still believe that Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Albanians, Iranians or any other Muslims are White men "like us", then You're either:

(a) a particularly inept "troll" (which I do not believe); or

(b) in the running for the "Idiot Of The Year (Non-Negro Category) Award"

Here's a tip: don't stick Your nose in here and tell people who they should or shouldn't support. While You're at it, give the anti-Anglo-Saxon bull**** a rest, mate. Despite Your statements to the contrary, the fact that You dropped in the bit about England never winning any "big competition" apart from the 1966 World Cup (with, for good measure, "some" claiming that Germany was robbed) says it all.

You've been to England a big four times? Well, that obviously means You are some kind of expert on the dating preferences of British women. Ever lived in England? No? I thought so. Ever had anything to do with English women outside of ogling a few pissed-up slags in some seedy urban setting? No? I thought so. If You judge all English women by the standards of some Manchester slappers who knocked You back at one of Nigel "The Dark Destroyer" Benn's two fights against Steve Collins, then good luck to You. I guess that You're an expert on the dating preferences of Welsh and Scottish women as well...

Something else which apparently hasn't crossed those vast windswept plains of Your "intellect" is that You are not the only person on this site who has been active in right wing politics or who has served in the military (I'm taking Your word on the veracity of such claims), so there's no need to harp on about those issues because they don't make You particularly "special". The adjective "tedious", however, mysteriously bubbles to the top of the lexical cauldron...

Sorry to burst that glistening soap bubble, o mighty King of Olympus. Take care not to rupture Yourself while hurling those big, heavy thunderbolts...
Frederic - Thanks for posting those photos of Alves' father - that clears things up. In his playing days, Alves' old man looked like something straight out of a blaxploitation film.

I've just googled up Alves' younger brother Julio:


No grey areas here...

Von Winkelried - Welcome to the forum, mate. By the way, am I mistaken, or is the geezer in Your avatar pulling his pants down...????
I rarely “laugh out loudâ€￾ at the sarcastic remarks I read online, but this comment was exceptionally humorous. I can’t wait for your Euro Cup 2012 squad write-ups!

Thrashen -

Thanks, mate. I'm glad that You enjoyed my comments. I'll admit to having a bit of a chuckle as I wrote them.

Negroes aren't much use for anything (particularly in this era of mechanised agricultural equipment) but, as an admittedly feather-light counterweight to their record-breaking contributions in the fields of "blue collar" crime and rape, they do, however, unconsciously provide inexhaustible sources of mirth :icon_wink:. For example:




Anyway, back to the football...
Von Winkelried - Welcome to the forum, mate. By the way, am I mistaken, or is the geezer in Your avatar pulling his pants down...????

Thanks. In fact I didn't notice that Brad Pitt was pulling his pants down on my avatar. It's a picture taken from Fight Club, I think it's when they're selling soap made of human fat. I'll change it to avoid any misunderstanding.

Talking of whiteness, I mostly agree with you (see my other post in the Gemili tread) except on the Albanian subject. As you might know there are a lot of them in my country and they are obviously a criminogenic population, but I wouldn't ever consider them as non-Whites. During my army time I used to be with them and they are close to other people from the Balkans. They are Muslim, but not very "mosque-goer" and are descendants of the Illyric populations converted to Islam by the Turks. I consider them fully White.
Right, at long last, here is a breakdown of non-Whites in the Euro 2012 squads (listed in descending order):

FRANCE: 12 (blacks Patrice Evra, Gael Clichy, Florent Malouda, Yann M'Vila, Blaise Matuidi, Alou Diarra, and Steve Mandanda; Arabs Samir Nasri, Karim Benzema, Adil Rami, and Hatem Ben Afra; quarter-Vietnamese Yohan Cabaye). I'm not sure about Marvin Martin, whose countenance is similar to that of Ryan Giggs and therefore suggests that he may have some black admixture.

Personally, I never count the Muslim convert Franck Ribery as a White since he has forfeited his "membership" via his cultural-religious apostasy, but I've left him off my "official" non-White tally as most of our members would probably disagree... :icon_wink:

NETHERLANDS: 9 (blacks Gregory van der Wiel, Wilfred Bouma, Nigel de Jong, Jetro Willems, Luciano Narsingh and Michel Vorm; Arabs Ibrahim Affelay and Khalid Boulahrouz; small-part Indonesian John Heitinga)

ENGLAND: 8 (blacks Glen Johnson, Ashley Cole, Theo Walcott, Ashley Young, Joleon Lescott, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Jermain Defoe, and Danny Welbeck)

PORTUGAL: 5 (blacks Pepe, Nani, Rolando, Silvestre Varela and...Bruno Alves :icon_wink:)

GERMANY: 4 (black Jerome Boateng; Turks Mesut Ozil and Ilkay Gundogan; half-Tunisian Sami Khedira)

SWEDEN: 3 (black Martin Olsson; Iranian Behrang Safari; Albanian Emir Bajrami)

DENMARK: 2 (blacks Simon Poulsen and Jores Okore)

ITALY: 2 (blacks Mario Balotelli and Angelo Ogbonna)

SPAIN: 2 (half-Asian David Silva; gypsy Jesus Navas)

CROATIA: 1 (black Eduardo)

CZECH REPUBLIC: 1 (black Theodor Gebre Selassie)

RUSSIA: 1 (Tatar Marat Izmailov) Yes, yes, I know I'm "strict"...

Poland, Greece, Ukraine, and the Republic of Ireland are the only nations who have submitted all-White squads. How's that for a disconcerting statistic?
SWEDEN: 3 (black Martin Olsson; Iranian Behrang Safari; Albanian Emir Bajrami)

SPAIN: 2 (half-Asian David Silva; gypsy Jesus Navas)

As said before, I wouldn't consider Emir Bajrami as a non-White. Same for Jesus Navas who doesn't look like a gypsy to me except for the dark skin (he has blue eyes), maybe he is a merchero.
As said before, I wouldn't consider Emir Bajrami as a non-White. Same for Jesus Navas who doesn't look like a gypsy to me except for the dark skin (he has blue eyes), maybe he is a merchero.

navas is a gipsy, so were daniel guiza who was part of the 2008 team or quaresma the portuguese
this is a "hardcore" list, to the public russia will look 100% white and spain also
the thing that must be highlighted is that spain is a lot better from a racial point of view than italy, althought theorically having the same number of non-whites
because italy have 2 blacks (including balotelli) who may play as titular while silva and navas are close to white

when i do racial breakdowns, i count gipsies and albanians as white and tell that the number of whites include 1 gipsy and 1 albanian

i am sick of seeing albanians in sweden honestly

and one of the teams i hate the most is holland, because they have 9 non-whites but it could be much worse: van der vaart whose mother is spanish (gipsy?) van persie who absolutely doesn't look like a dutchman, is muslim and married to an arab named bouchra, and a few others like strootman:


he looks like roy makaay, who was part indonesian
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Gary Cahill out with a fractured jaw.

Does anyone know if there's ever been another team that lost 3 starters or borderline starters (Barry, Lampard, Cahill) all in the week leading up to the tournament? And all that in addition to the already injured Kyle Walker, Michael Dawson and Jack Wilshere.

On the bright side, the 3 replacements brought in are all white (Jagielka, Jordan Henderson, Martin Kelly) but I don't think they'll play much. Kelly and Henderson were brought in to gain experience, snubbing players like Carrick or Rio Ferinand, who'd be much more useful.

Btw I'd love to see Phil Jones or even Jagielka get Cahill's spot, but it'll go to Lescott.
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Except for Rooney, who's out for the first two group games, the English are completely hopeless with their predominantly Black front-line: Welbeck, Defoe, Sturridge, and Bent are bums who have no skill, technique, or brains - they're not good enough to even ride the bench of a big club. Can you imagine these punks playing against the Barcelonas and Milans of the world?

With the likes of Young, Walcott, and Lennon, you have typically talentless Blacks who mindlessly race down the flanks in a straight line, but who have a horrendous end product. So this is why great foreign talent like Juan Mata, David Silva, Nani, and Antonio Valencia have been prominent in the big clubs in recent seasons.

Andy Carroll too has been a big disappointment: he's an old-fashioned, one-dimensional striker who's game entirely relies on service. In every game I've seen in him, he's been ineffective.

Norwich's Grant Holt would have been a good selection because he's England's highest scorer after Rooney with 15 goals. He scored against big clubs in the past season in Man United, Chelsea, and Arsenal, and Newcastle. The notable thing about him is that he was playing in the 4th division only a few seasons ago. He's 31 now, so doesn't have much of a future. Which begs the question of how he hadn't played a single minute of top-flight football until Norwich's promotion? Because when given the chance he has succeeded.

Similarly, Swansea's Danny Graham was playing in the 3rd division a few seasons ago. He was England's third highest scorer this season with 12 goals last season, but he's also been left off the team.

So I think that Holt and Graham are examples of talented White strikers who have been unfairly ignored, while mediocre players like Sturridge and Welbeck have been given prominence in recent seasons.


Does anyone know if there's ever been another team that lost 3 starters or borderline starters
I've noticed that injuries to White starters have benefited Blacks. Rossi's tragic injury resulted in Balotelli moving up. Holland's Erik Pieters has been replaced by the teenaged negro Jetro Willems. Wilshere's injury has allowed Oxlade-Chamberlain to get into the squad.
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navas is a gipsy

, so were daniel guiza who was part of the 2008 team or quaresma the portuguese
I don't have such a problem with Spanish Gypsies, who are more of a historically established part of Spanish society and more assimilated compared to the presence of Blacks. The players reported to have Gypsy ancestry like Jose Antonio Reyes and Daniel Guiza look totally White. It's likely that some people in Spain have Gypsy ancestors and not even know it, but they still look White.

Socially speaking, the mixing of Whites and Indians/Gypsies to a large extent results in more Whites rather than more Blacks like with mulattoes.

Every Spanish footballer with reported Gypsy descent that I've heard of basically looks no different than the indigenous Spanish. Compare the Spanish Gypsies to the eastern European ones such as Romania's footballer Banel Nicolita: this guy looks nothing like a native European!


  • Banel-Nicolita-Romania_920505.jpg
    65.9 KB · Views: 4
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Right, at long last, here is a breakdown of non-Whites in the Euro 2012 squads (listed in descending order):
I think it's important to consider that not all players are equal in football. For example, all of England's Black players put together are less important to the team than Rooney.

Although Italy have only Balotelli and Ogbongo, this is a bigger problem for me than with the French team because Balotelli is expected to lead the front-line, while France's Black players are almost all fringe bench-warmers.

Holland are not as problematic because their front-line entirely consists of world-class White attackers.
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