"And if it is valid, then why shouldn't blacks also be 70 percent of the owners? But the hypocrites will never apply the Rooney Rule to themselves."
It's always been interesting to observe how something as trivial as football seems to mirror american politics so closely.
You know, using a totalitarian media (think the NFL Network or ESPN) to control the masses into thinking one collective truth. Only allowing their viewers to see what the "news" that is appropriate for promoting their goals (think about ESPN not showing when white WR's or TE's score TDs during their game highlights).
The powers-that-be never change (think white/jewish NFL ownership), but they believe that by being PC and employing AA house pets (minority players, coaches) they will be able to convice John Doe that every human being (regardless of sex, race, religion) is completely the same. Equality that is everything accept for equal, how sweet.
It actually DEFINES hyprocricy.