Tommy Zbikowski, S

Its kind of a crappy situation for him football wise though. He says he wants to fight around the age of 29, which is probably when his racial apprenticeship will end and he finally gets a chance to shine as a starter. If he thinks he can be one of the top fighters then he should go for it now. Otherwise I hope he can get a few years in starting because he would be a top 5 safety in the league if given the chance. Not many safeties can hit as hard as him with cornerback speed. I don't know how much longer Ed Reed will last, hes like 32 and getting injured easily. I wouldn't trust Don King to set up any fights for him though.
Good point DWID. Ed "overrated" Reed will be a starter as long as he's still breathing. That's not good news for Tommy. Maybe he'll get traded somewhere and have a chance to start a bit earlier than the usual racial apprenticeship for whites athletes. It's always possible. As far as his boxing career he needs to stay away from that shady character known as Don King.
It appears that Tommy Z is serious about his career as a professional boxer, and not a novelity act. He just hired Manny Steward as his lead trainer.
Unless he turns out to be a star in the cruiserweight division, Tommy will make a hell of a lot more money in football than boxing. I don't know if he'll be able to beat any of the top talent like Marco Huck and Steve Cunningham but we'll surely find out.
Now Ray Ray claims he can beat Tommy Z in the ring. I'd place my money on Tommy. Even the DWFs agree, favoring Tommy over Lewis 71% to 29% so far in the poll in the article below.

<H3 =entry-er>Lewis says he would beat Zbikowski in the ring</H3>
<DIV =entry->
<DIV =entry->

There's no question on who is the better football player between Ray Lewis and Tom Zbikowski.

And there's no debate when it comes to the boxing ring, if you ask the Pro Bowl linebacker.

"Zbikowski would lose," Lewis said in a blog on the NFL Network. "We've already talked about that. Zbikowski is a realist when it comes to the sport. The locker room talk is always that about who can beat who. He'll be the first to tell you he's not going to get in the ring with a 250-pound person. That's crazy!"

<DIV id=more =entry-more>

Zbikowski is 3-0 as a professional boxer, beating two heavyweights this year. His next scheduled fight is April 23 against cruiserweight Blake Warner.

"¢ Who would win in a boxing match, Lewis or Zbikowski? Vote in our poll.
Geez Rayray can't deal with the fact that Tommy Z is a better boxer. what an egomaniac..
I heard that clown Jim Rome saying he thinks Z would be afraid to fight Lewis in the ring. Of course, who wouldn't be afraid to face Lewis, said Rome.

Then he added, "Even the Klitcshkos would be afraid to face him."

Rome can't possibly be that stupid!

And we wonder why the DWF's worship the affletic super beast?

Rome is just doing what he does best ... LIE!
Ray Lewis is a thug and murderer. I'd love to see Tommy Z destroy him in the ring.
Many blacks can't accept the fact that there are whites who can beat the living daylights out of them. Lewis should stick to what he knows best, football and knife fights.
Don Wassall said:
Now Ray Ray claims he can beat Tommy Z in the ring.  I'd place my money on Tommy. Even the DWFs agree, favoring Tommy over Lewis 71% to 29% so far in the poll in the article below.
&lt;H3 =entry-er&gt;Lewis says he would beat Zbikowski in the ring&lt;/H3&gt;
&lt;DIV =entry-&gt;
&lt;DIV =entry-&gt;

There's no question on who is the better football player between Ray Lewis and Tom Zbikowski.

And there's no debate when it comes to the boxing ring, if you ask the Pro Bowl linebacker.

"Zbikowski would lose," Lewis said in a blog on [COLOR=#003d58">the NFL Network[/COLOR">[/b]. "We've already talked about that. Zbikowski is a realist when it comes to the sport. The locker room talk is always that about who can beat who. He'll be the first to tell you he's not going to get in the ring with a 250-pound person. That's crazy!"</div>
&lt;DIV id=more =entry-more&gt;

Zbikowski is 3-0 as a professional boxer, beating two heavyweights this year. His next scheduled fight is April 23 against cruiserweight Blake Warner.

"¢ Who would win in a boxing match, Lewis or Zbikowski? [COLOR=#003d58">Vote in our poll[/COLOR">[/b].

That 30% who voted in favor of Lewis winning in a boxing match is pretty indicative of what percentage of the fans out there are total 100% DWFs. Because let's be honest there's no way in hell a guy with Tommy Z's resume would ever lose to a do nothing boxer such as Ray Ray. If you believe Lewis would win your a VERY drunken DWF!
Lewis is a moron he thinks its about being the toughest,meanest and baddest and in his head theirs no way Tommy can be badder than him.Tommy Z had roughly 90 amateur bouts before the age of 20,he was one of the top junior amateurs in the country and had he not commited to play college football he would have had a great chance of going to the Olympics.Boxing is similar to Tennis,Golf in that its one of them sports that has to be taken up as a child because it takes years to develop the skill,timing,reflexes and defense needed to succeed in the sport.Any guy like some football players have that enter the sport without these highly developed traits will have their brain destroyed and their face rearranged. Vlad,Calzaghe,Pac all took up the sport under the age of ten.

The actor Micky Rourke is a genuinley tough guy that boxed as an amateur and has a love for the sport and in the early 90's he turned professional stating in an interview that it was his 'down time',his version of doing theater like some actors do.He also wanted to test himself physically and he acquired a decent record of 6 wins and 2 draws by the time he retired but suffered alot of damage in the process that required plastic surgery that took away his looks which was not a positive for his Hollywood career.He also sufferd facial nerve damage and some mental decline as a result of his injuries.By comparrison Calzaghe and Vlad have 40,50 plus fights at the highest level yet have completly unmarked faces.Its also odd that these 2 graet athletes,HOF fighters dont have the thug wanna be tough moronic persona of Lewis yet both these guys including Calzahge despite giving up 50 pounds would utterly demolish him in a fight and potentially end the thugs life.Tommy Z would seriously damage Lewis and with the lack of humility and self effacing attidude he's shown to his team mate its a fight id love to see.
Back in the 1960s, long-time trainer Gil Clancy said that "an ordinary club fighter would knock out a Jim Brown or Wilt Chamberlain in one round unless those guys underwent a long apprenticeship in the ring."
Both Gastineau and Highsmith were ko'd by club fighters. All Tommy Z would have to do was jab him and move. After Lewis was tired he could move in for the kill and ko him with a body shot or a decent power shot to the skull. Edited by: white is right
some good comments from Ravens fans:

Posted by: Me, Myself & YOU! | April 12, 2011 12:51 PM

Pure locker room banter - no way Lewis would EVER believe he would even a semi pro like Zibi. We love Ray so we drink the Kool Aid, but he knows he does not belong in that arena. Now if you say it's a wrestling match instead of a boxing match - maybe Lewis fares better. The 250lb thing means a great deal between trained professionals - it means SQUAT to everyone else.

Posted by: Scott | April 12, 2011 12:56 PM

I'm a big Ray Lewis fan; he IS the Baltimore Ravens.

However, way to be a great teammate. Rain on another's parade. Is your ego that big ?

Posted by: dave | April 12, 2011 1:11 PM

I hope he was kidding around, . Zib will destroy Lewis in the ring.. Zibkowski has been boxing his entire life. I would like to see Lewis get pounded

Posted by: Michael | April 12, 2011 2:06 PM

Ray is a great linebacker. Maybe the best ever. He is also an idiot. He's unqualified to speak the English language, let alone solve social issues, or box with a professional, and its a commentary on the average level of intelligence in the league that NFL players look up to him for anything other than playing football. I'd like to play Scrabble with him for $1000 a point.

Posted by: brontothunder | April 12, 2011 2:18 PM

Ray is dreaming. This has nothing to do with size, strength, or toughness. Zibbie is a professional boxer. He would absolutely kill Ray in a boxing match. Ray wouldn't land a glove on him and Zibbie would just pound the hell out of him.

Now if this was a MMA match it might be a different story. Ray could man-handle him with his size, strength, and all-state wresting skills.

Posted by: bmore | April 12, 2011 4:09 PM

Lewis would be wind, piss and excitement for about a round and a half and then after missing a hundred telegraphed haymakers he would be picked apart. By the fourth round he would be signaling for the sideline to take him out but it will be Tommy Z who would take him out. Boxing is the toughest sport to master per an ESPN poll and it is unbelievably demanding both physically and psychologically. The bigger they are the harder they fall that includes big mouths.

Posted by: T-Sir98, svelte | April 13, 2011 9:32 AM

Everyone thinks that they can fight, until they fight a trained fighter. Especially one who has boxed all of his life. It's no contest, Lewis wouldn't land a punch on Tommy Z, then he'd get ko'd for his trouble.

Posted by: brontothunder | April 13, 2011 2:08 PM

Zibby would crush Lewis in a boxing match. Boxing isn't just about size and strength but skill. Sorry, Ray.

out of 15 comments, about 3 were in Lewis's favor, one was especially racist saying that about the only things that Tommy vould beat Lewis in are golf and bowling... WTF!
there is the obvious racial double-standard going on here, of course. that being: the black man is inherently a better fighter than paleskinned ol' Whitey. blah, blah, blah. anyone with even the most basic knowledge of boxing knows what would actually happen if these two athletes were to fight: Tommy Z would have Ray Lewis catching zzzzzz's. that part should be so obvious as to not be in question.
however, there is an aspect of the story that i'm surprised hasn't been picked up on: the sports "reporters" seemed to openly boast about a grown man fearing another man (self-projection, maybe?). even if Tommy Z would lose in a fight to Lewis, what the
has the modern White male come to, if he is afraid of taking a beating for standing up for what he believes in? seriously. an ass-whipping is certainly no fun, but how can any self-respecting White man be scared to stand up and be counted? now THAT is pathetic, and in my mind is possibly the most sickening aspect of being a DWF. and in the larger scheme of things,this fear ofthe consequencesfor making a standis what has pushedWhite folks to the back of the bus in the West.
Jimmy C your last post nails the core problem with the mJority of DWFs. Too scared of being hurt physically. No, just coware and give in. This drum beat started in 1968 and has gotten louder and more cunning to a lot of White men, some can't help buy into it that blacks will naturally give them a beating. Why bother . This site thankfully is changing that mantra in America.
Westside said:
Jimmy C your last post nails the core problem with the mJority of DWFs. Too scared of being hurt physically. No, just coware and give in. This drum beat started in 1968 and has gotten louder and more cunning to a lot of White men, some can't help buy into it that blacks will naturally give them a beating. Why bother . This site thankfully is changing that mantra in America.

Not just hurt but possibly killed or maimed. When a black person attacks you it will not just be him, it will generally be a group. And the black person usually doesn't have anything to lose, not only are they protected by society, the fear of jail means nothing to many of them.

And what can a white guy expect if he fights a black person? Criminal charges and no support from other white people. I doubt that one person in ten on this site, a site that is dedicated to supporting white people, would intervene in a racial conflict as a bystander. You can say all you want at the keyboard but in real life it is just to easy to dismiss getting involved. YOU have too much at stake to risk making some anonymous racial statement in support of another white person.

I've had it happen to me, when you fight as a white person you fight alone. Remember that if you are ever in any racial conflict. And when I say alone I mean A-L-O-N-E, no help from other white people, media, police, courts, friends, and in most cases family. NONE. Don't kid yourselves, walk or run away if you can.
Jaxvid, I should have clarified my post. I should have stated one on one fight. Of course when your confronted by more than negro its time to high tail it, unless you gifted and skilled in a martial art.

Jaxvid, I have intervened in protecting a another White person. You can count me as the one in ten person on this site, especially if death or GBI is involved. I think your being a bit to pessimestic in the last paragraph of your last post IMO. Becuase if that is the case all White should be build small fortress and pretend to be the lord giver of their respective small hamlets. The time for running is over.
Also, if it is just one in ten on this site, that is pretty pathetic and embarrassing.
i was involved in plenty of conflicts, few were racially motivated but i have learned the hard way that doesn't pay to help people sometimes, even if i can't just stand by. you get in all kinds of trouble and they take off, happened more than once.

all in all, i'd like to believe that it's not as dire as that, jaxvid! i am sure that your real friends and family would help you out in a situation like that!
The Hock said:
Worst post ever from one of the best posters ever. I'm giving you a mulligan on this one Jaxvid.

Mulligan! I wish I could have one of those for a lot of other things in life!
The Hock said:
Worst post ever from one of the best posters ever. I'm giving you a mulligan on this one Jaxvid.

What do you disagree with? I think jaxvid's post is right on the money.

When I was a kid it was entirely different. Just about everybody knew the score concerning blacks. Let's just say they were not looked up to and were seen as being undesirable in every possible aspect.

When Fr. Groppi marched across the 16th St. viaduct with blacks in Milwaukee there were hordes of Whites protesting. I was there as were many of my buddies.

We were not afraid to mix it up BECAUSE our neighbors, friends, relatives and police had our backs.

We knew we were right! Society in general was not yet under the curse of Cultural Marxism.

Now, everything is reversed. We are the bad guys.
jaxvid said:
Not just hurt but possibly killed or maimed. When a black person attacks you it will not just be him, it will generally be a group. And the black person usually doesn't have anything to lose, not only are they protected by society, the fear of jail means nothing to many of them.

And what can a white guy expect if he fights a black person? Criminal charges and no support from other white people. I doubt that one person in ten on this site, a site that is dedicated to supporting white people, would intervene in a racial conflict as a bystander. You can say all you want at the keyboard but in real life it is just to easy to dismiss getting involved. YOU have too much at stake to risk making some anonymous racial statement in support of another white person.

I've had it happen to me, when you fight as a white person you fight alone. Remember that if you are ever in any racial conflict. And when I say alone I mean A-L-O-N-E, no help from other white people, media, police, courts, friends, and in most cases family. NONE. Don't kid yourselves, walk or run away if you can.

During my sophomore year in college (2005), myself and a like-minded friend attended a pro-white rally and metal concert put on by "Final Stand Records."Â￾ In the weeks leading up the event, various local newspapers featured articles condemning the affair as racist, violent, unconstitutional, etc. Essentially, they were begging their readers to "crash" the event...and they did.

Since it was an outdoor event in the summer, the 100+ enraged protestors (mostly white college students) stood in plain sight. The "MC"Â￾ of the rally was mercilessly taunting the protestors in between sets as new metal bands took the stage. His comments became increasingly more extreme as he quoted black-on-white rape statistics, interracial murder percentages, called them incredibly crude names, insulted their mothers and fathers, and begged them to "fight."Â￾

During the final band performance, a melee finally erupted near where we were standing. One protestor (a chubby white 30-year old) kicked my friend in the back"¦so my friend and I proceeded to ruthlessly pummel him and some Asian-looking protestor. Knowing that police were nearby, we left these two "men"Â￾ unconscious on the concrete and fled the scene in my 1991 Ford Festiva (top speed, 65 MPH, haha). The 1.5 hour drive home was one of the most exhilarating times of my life.

Jax, however, is correct. White men toil so hard, playing along with the little games and jumping through the flaming hoops within their own individual "rat races"Â￾ until they are, at last, financially secure and free of debt. You know"¦after every Jew, corporation, government agency, non-white, politician, social program, citizen of a foreign country (all of whom are also non-white), and single mother has been awarded their proper "cut"Â￾ of his salary.

Unless absolutely necessary, it's difficult for a white man to rationalize "fighting"Â￾ in modern America. As Jax stated, the average non-white American male hasn't even graduated from high school, is already collecting a salary he hasn't earned (or works in a very low-paying, unskilled occupation), has already been incarcerated, and has likely already "walked out"Â￾ on the women he impregnated with Loser Jr. This man certainly has "nothing to lose."Â￾

Whereas white men (high school and college graduates with actual careers and families to support) face actual consequences for fighting non-whites. Termination at work, appalling treatment while incarcerated, hate crime charges in court, racism labels from the community, etc.Edited by: Thrashen
Strange, but enough damage has been done to possibly stain Tommy's reputation for a long time. Note the use of the word "pothead" in the headline when Zbikowski was found (falsely as it turns out) to have only a trace amount of THC in his system, similar to the way Matt Jones was commonly called a "coke fiend" based on being caught with a small amount of that drug.
Baltimore Ravens safety Tom Zbikowski is exonerated of being a pothead by: Don Wassall