To Eurasian Fan

Here are the 3 empires that the Caucasian region was under for the longest. All of them had mentioned the Caucasian inhabitants living in that regions. All of them had mentioned they look like western barbarians and had blue eyes, red hair, blonde hair, brown hair.

Han dynasty from 220 BC - 220 AD

Xinjiang was under 150 years rule of Han dynasty


Tang dynasty 617 - 907

It was under 180 years under Tang dynasty


Manchu was a foreign dynasty of non-Chinese origin created by the Manchu invaders

Qing dynasty

It was under Manchu for 120 years.


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Ignore those IQ charts - even Richard Lynn, the world's foremost expert on IQ contradicts himself constantly in his own work. The more important stat is SD (standard deviation) along with the "smart fraction" - and the structure of intelligence - Whites have higher percentages of people at both ends of the bell curve than Asians, who are highly clustered around their "mean". This is part of the reason that despite supposedly higher average IQ scores, most of the individuals you see with scores over 140 are Whites.

Your logic is flawed. Those individual you use are way too rare. Yes it's true there are more White people ove 140 I.Q than a A person with over I.Q of 140 is like 1 out of a 1,000,000. Which can never represent the average population

Currently the 3 highest I.Q individuals are Asians.

1. Terence Tao (IQ Level- 225-230)


2. Christopher Hirata (IQ Level- 225)


3.Kim Ung-Yong (IQ Level- 210)


True. Also, when looking at IQ charts by region rather than purely racial you have to account for the fact that many Asian countries are completely monolithic while white countries are full of diversity. Even Iceland is 7% non-white. God knows the Inuit population isn't raising their overall IQ. Looking at Isolated Asian areas which are basically Western influenced cities like Hong Kong and Singapore would be similar to sampling all white highly affluent white areas where surely the IQ is much higher. I think North Dakota, which is not as white as Hong Kong is Asian, has an average IQ of about 104. Then you have to consider that white populations are often much more miscegenation than Asian populations. Heck even our FBI often classifies Mexicans as white.

You are too delusional.

What about the fact that Asians have higher household income and bachelor degree compared with the average white?

Household income for different races


i don't understand, why is there a discussion about the "whiteness" of the japanese?

I think it started with a tiff over whether Himmler could be part oriental, which he clearly was, and with the help of an apparently known agitator it blew up into a shouting match over whether people who don't match the cliché notion of what their ethnicity looks like are exhibiting some degree of race mixery -- which of course they are the overwhelming majority of the time.

Yeah, Gengis Khan had (they say) red hair and blue eyes, and there is only ONE way under heaven he could have gotten them -- aryan genes from one or both parents. These could have entered the family tree one or ten generations previous, but enter it they most surely did.

None of this including Himmler need be controversial. Our topmost racialist heroes never look like George Peppard -- quite the contrary. Don't hate me, you who think I'm full of it on this. just check out Hitler's childhood pics -- if you dare!
"I think it started with a tiff over whether Himmler could be part oriental, which he clearly was"

No he wasn't. And I explained why this thread started in the OP. EurasianTroll, who I never even heard of before, found an old message of mine and started sending me hostile and obnoxious PM's.
"I think it started with a tiff over whether Himmler could be part oriental, which he clearly was"

No he wasn't. And I explained why this thread started in the OP. EurasianTroll, who I never even heard of before, found an old message of mine and started sending me hostile and obnoxious PM's.

Prove it, I never send you hostile messages. You're one sensitive wolf and you still keep avoiding my question.

" Would you have no problem if 100,000 Arab men marries white women but 0 on White men and Arab women, because for you Arab are just as white as any other European, so you see no problem right? " answer me damn it.
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